Knock Me Down and Watch Me Come Back Stronger
Knock me down and watch me come back stronger...there never were truer words spoken in Rona...

Dilemmas of Leadership
Leadership, the practice of focusing and motivating a group or organization to achieve its aims, is...
Disrupt!: 100 Lessons in Business Innovation
James Bidwell and Chris Kreinczes
Compiled by Springwise, the global innovation discovery engine, Disrupt! explains and highlights the...

Geothermal Power Generation: Developments and Innovation
Geothermal Power Generation: Developments and Innovation provides an update to the advanced energy...

Beginning Power Bi: A Practical Guide to Self-Service Data Analytics with Excel 2016 and Power Bi Desktop
Analyze your company's data quickly and easily using Microsoft's latest tools. You will learn to...

In Search of Alfred the Great: The King, The Grave, The Legend
Edoardo Albert and Katie Tucker
Alfred, son of Aethelwulf, king of the West Saxons, ran. Behind him, the takers of his land and...

Intelligence in Energy
Gulgun Kayakutlu and Eunika Mercier-Laurent
In a world of increasing population, this book explores the ways in which technological progress can...

Prayer: Does it Make Any Difference?
Multi-award winning spirituality writer Philip Yancey is loved throughout the world for his honest,...

The Quran: Epic and Apocalypse
Suppose our knowledge of the Quran began only recently with the discovery of mysterious scrolls in a...

A Directory of Rare Book and Special Collections in the UK and Republic of Ireland
This directory is a handy on-volume discovery tool that will allow readers to locate rare book and...