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David McK (3361 KP) rated The Golem in Books

May 8, 2021  
The Golem
The Golem
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book number 10 in Orlando Sanchez's 'Montage and Strong' series, and - much like Simon Strong - I'm beginning to feel lost with just what is going on.

According to Wikipedia:

"A golem is an animated anthropomorphic being in Jewish folklore that is created entirely from inanimate matter (usually clay or mud) ... The most famous golem narrative involves Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the late-16th-century rabbi of Prague"

Modern readers might be more familiar with them from their inclusion in the later entries in Terry Pratchett's superlative Discworld series.

In this one, a Golem has been created and is terrorizing select parts of New York, with Montague and Strong called in to deal - reluctantly - with the threat it represents.

Charley (64 KP) rated Good Omens in Books

Jan 26, 2019  
Good Omens
Good Omens
Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (42 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great for a dark sense of humour. (0 more)
A good mix of both Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaimam
This story is about a demon and an angel trying to find the anti-christ and stop the apocalypse. It has a very similar style to all of Terry Pratchett's books. It is nice to read something written by him that isn't set in the discworld (no matter how much I love them).
It is full of the two authors dark humour and being set in England means that there are loads of little bits that are recognisable.
Some of my favourite parts are when they discribe certain aspects of the country that have been designed by demons to torture humans (like the M25!)
Thoroughly enjoyed this read.
Pretty much the very definition of pulp fiction, this is the kind of story that you tend to forget as soon as you've read it! While also never confirmed within this (or, to the best of my knowledge, in any of the Hawk and Fisher books prior to 'Beyond the Blue Moon'), there are also some very broad hints dropped that these two characters are the same protaganists as in Simon Green's 'Blue Moon Rising' novel.

Essentially, these novels are crime novels with a magical twist - personally, I find done so much better by Terry Pratchett's Discworld series of books featuring the City Watch. That's not to say these should be avoided: just don't go in with too high an expectation and you won't be disappointed!

David McK (3361 KP) rated Men at Arms (Discworld, #15; City Watch #2) in Books

Jan 28, 2019 (Updated May 22, 2020)  
Men at Arms (Discworld, #15; City Watch #2)
Men at Arms (Discworld, #15; City Watch #2)
Terry Pratchett | 1993 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Captain Vimes (0 more)
Only the second book in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series to feature the City guard (in a total of eight such books, and at least one short story), this takes place a year or so after he events of "Guards! Guards!", and is probably best described as a police procedural/whodunnit crossover.

This, to the best of my knowledge, is also the first book to feature Leonard of Quirm (albeit in a small role), and expands upon the characters first introduced in "Guards! Guards!" as well as upon the themes of racial (or speciesist) intolerence and bigotry. Like "Guards! Guards!", and unlike some of the later City Watch novels, Corporal Carrot once again takes a central role in the narrative: a position later filled by Vimes, with Carrot himself becoming more of a background figure.
Wyrd Sisters (Discworld, #6; Witches #2)
Wyrd Sisters (Discworld, #6; Witches #2)
Terry Pratchett | 2001 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
witty (0 more)
starts slow (0 more)
If you're new to Discworld I probably wouldn't start with this book. It is good but there are better books to enter the insanity of the Disc on. If you have read some of the series but not the Witches story arcs, I would recommending you start with this one before Equal Rites.
This story is a bit quirky and has elements of Shakespeare within. We meet the three witches and see a different side to the Disc than just Ankh-Morpork. Within the book you will find: royal intrigue, Theater, ghosts, and a whole lot of misunderstandings and twists of fate, (or is it?).
The story does start out slow but once it starts to move it moves quickly. Highly recommend for those who have read more than a few of the books and most ages will like it.

David McK (3361 KP) rated Hogfather in Books

Dec 27, 2022  
Terry Pratchett | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry
9.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
The 20th (of 41) Discworld book, this is Terry Pratchett's seasonal tale, with his character of Death (HO. HO. HO) temporarily having to take over from the Hogfather: Discworld's version of Santa Claus while his grandaughter Susan attempts to find out what has happened to the real thing.

This also a subplot concerning the wizards of Unseen University, and is the novel to come up with such delights as the Sock Monster (remember all those missing socks you have? Exactly.) and the Oh God of hangovers, alongside the Verruca Gnome and the Jolly Fairy - all of which have been created by the 'spare belief' sloshing around when people stop believing in the Hogfather. It's also good to see an, essentially, extended cameo by Nobby Nobbs, while some of the footnotes scattered throughout did have me laughing out loud.
The Magic of Terry Pratchett
The Magic of Terry Pratchett
Marc Burrows | 2020 | Biography
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a child who was brought up in a house of Discworld stories, with a stepfather who (still) proudly displays the Clarecraft Rincewind figurine which bears an uncanny likeness to him, and a mother who has a matching Nanny Ogg (it bears no likeness but let’s just say encompasses a couple of her characteristics), this was an ARC that I was frankly desperate to read. I have to thank Netgalley and Marc Burrows for granting me this opportunity. My opinions are enthusiastic, and entirely my own.

As a 32 year old female, mother and accountant you may be forgiven for expecting my book reviews to be based around chick-lit or classical novels and, although it is the case that I own several very well-read copies of Pride & Prejudice, I am wholly a child of the sci-fi/fantasy genre. Terry Pratchett novels sit alongside George RR Martin, Terry Brooks, David Eddings and Ursula Le Guin in my house; I owned and loved Discworld computer games and probably know every word to the film Labyrinth.

It could therefore be said that I would find Marc Burrow’s biography fascinating regardless: however, I am ashamed to say that, before reading this book, I knew very little about the life of the author whose books I admire so much.

Burrows structures his writing predictably enough, running through the life of Terry Pratchett chronologically, from his working-class upbringing; his career in journalism; the progression in popularity of his novels; his knighthood all the way up to his untimely death from Alzheimer’s. However, this is where an affiliation to any standard biography ends.

It is immediately apparent that Marc Burrows is an avid Terry Pratchett fan, even without reading his foreword, due to the inclusion of footnotes: a writing style which is synonymous with Pratchett. This allows Burrows, as it did with Pratchett, to provide little notes and details which cannot be in the main text without limiting the reading experience. It also allows both authors to inject a large amount of humour into their writing.
It should also be mentioned that no book has gripped me from the introduction in a long time, although I am fairly sure no other book would use the word “crotch” before we even reach Chapter One!

‘The Magic of Terry Pratchett’ is a clever, well-informed biography which perfectly encompasses the humour of the Discworld creator whilst educating the reader of his journey to becoming the icon that he is today. I have no doubt that this has been a labour of love for Marc Burrows: when the kindle says you have 20 minutes reading time left and you have reached the bibliography, you know that a whole lot of research has been done!

Sir Terry also had the tendency to embellish his stories and this is a factor Burrows does not try to hide; highlighting when facts don't quite add up and almost analysing the situation to try and discern the truth. This was such a refreshing approach to a biography: the wool is not pulled over the eyes of the reader, nor the subject blindly believed for convenience.

It is important to note that this book transgresses the existence of Discworld and “the business with the elephant” and encompasses all of Sir Terry’s work: from short stories in the local paper to his TV documentary on assisted death.
The reader will also learn of the involvement of Rhianna Pratchett in her father’s work and discover that the “man in the hat” was not always the easiest man to work with.

I am going to need at least 3 copies upon release- can we preorder?

Paul Kellett (118 KP) created a post in Solo Gamers

May 9, 2019  
What solo games do I have in my collection? Have a look...

1066: Tears to Many Mothers
7th Continent
A4 Quest
Apex Theropod Deckbuilding Game
BIOS: Genesis
BIOS: Megafauna
Blackstone Fortress
The Cave
Cavern Tavern
The City of Kings
Clacks: A Discworld Game
The Colonists
D100 Dungeon
Dark Darker Darkest
Darkest Night Second Edition
Deep Space D6
Dice Brewing
Dice Settlers
Dungeon Crawler
Dungeon Roll
Emergence Event
Escape Tales: The Awakening
Fallen Land: A Post-apocalyptic Board Game
Far Space Foundry
Four Against Darkness
Gloom of Kilforth
Guilds of London
Haze Islands
High Frontier 3rd Edition
Imperial Settlers
Legends Untold: The Weeping Caves
Legends Untold: The Great Sewers
Lagoon: City of Druids
La Granja
Leaving Earth
Le Havre
Martians: A Story of Civilization
Mythos Tales
Oh My Goods
One Deck Dungeon
Page Quest
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game - Rise of the Runelords
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game - Skulls & Shackles
Perdition’s Mouth: Abyssal Rift
Race For The Galaxy
Ravage: Dungeons of Plunder
Rise to Nobility
Secrets of the Lost Tomb
Shadows of Malice
Side Quest
Small Star Empires
Space Cadets Away Missions
Space Empires 4x
Star Wars Escape From the Death Star
Sub Terra
Terraforming Mars
This War of Mine
Tiny Epic Defenders
Tiny Epic Kingdoms
Tiny Epic Galaxies
Tiny Epic Quest
Tiny Epic Western
Tiny Epic Zombies
Witches: A Discworld Game
Xia: Legends of a Drift System
Zombie Dawn of the Dead

Games I'm waiting to arrive / games on my wishlist -
Shadows of Kilforth
Tainted Grail
Hero Realms Journeys
Rallyman GT
BIOS: Origins
Cthulhu : The Horror in Dunwich
The Artemis Project
Machina Arcana
Infinities: Defiance of Fate
Dawn of the Zeds 3rd Edition reprint
Snowdonia Deluxe Master Set
Trickerion Collectors Edition
Isle of Terror
Secrets of the Lost Station
The Gallerist
On Mars

I also have a few games that don't have official solo rules but I enjoy playing "two-handed" or with fan-made solo rules (usually available on BGG) -

Alien Frontiers
Castles of Burgundy
Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition
Last Night On Earth 10 Year Anniversary Edition