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George Lucas
George Lucas by Brian Jay Jones is the first comprehensive telling of the story of the iconic...

Jonas Carpignano recommended Paisan (Paisà) (1948) in Movies (curated)

Timothy Spall recommended Mary Poppins (1964) in Movies (curated)

Jesters_folly (230 KP) rated Black Widow (2021) in Movies
Jul 16, 2021
Contains spoilers, click to show
Black widow is part Russian spy movie, part 'Fast and Furious' with a bit of marvel thrown in.
The Russian spy movie part is obvious, Black widow is a Russian spy, she doesn't even have any powers. After finding out that the man who ran the spy program was not dead (that's what happened in Budapest) and had improved on the training Natasha joins forces with her old 'Family' to try and bring him down.
We have car chases, bike chases, flying fortresses, planes, helicopters and family. No one goes to space but I'm sure that, if they had spoken about Family for even a few seconds more then 'Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel)' would have crossed franchises to give them a thumbs up and maybe even lend them a car or two.
(Most) of the film takes place between Captain America: Civil war and Avengers: Infinity war whilst the Avengers are still separated and (almost) no other characters from the franchise appear in the film, the avengers are mentioned (one appears in a photo) and there are nods to things that have happened (what happened in Budapest plays a part in the film) but it is mostly original (to the Disney MCU) characters.
One major difference to the comics and the one thing that has ruffled some fans feathers is the character of Task Master, but the character works for the film so I didn't have a problem with it.
Over all a good addition to the marvel franchise and a glimpse of how they are going to link the films and the new series' together.
The Russian spy movie part is obvious, Black widow is a Russian spy, she doesn't even have any powers. After finding out that the man who ran the spy program was not dead (that's what happened in Budapest) and had improved on the training Natasha joins forces with her old 'Family' to try and bring him down.
We have car chases, bike chases, flying fortresses, planes, helicopters and family. No one goes to space but I'm sure that, if they had spoken about Family for even a few seconds more then 'Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel)' would have crossed franchises to give them a thumbs up and maybe even lend them a car or two.
(Most) of the film takes place between Captain America: Civil war and Avengers: Infinity war whilst the Avengers are still separated and (almost) no other characters from the franchise appear in the film, the avengers are mentioned (one appears in a photo) and there are nods to things that have happened (what happened in Budapest plays a part in the film) but it is mostly original (to the Disney MCU) characters.
One major difference to the comics and the one thing that has ruffled some fans feathers is the character of Task Master, but the character works for the film so I didn't have a problem with it.
Over all a good addition to the marvel franchise and a glimpse of how they are going to link the films and the new series' together.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Coco (2017) in Movies
Sep 25, 2019
Aspiring musician Miguel, confronted with his family's ancestral ban on music, enters the Land of the Dead to find his great-great-grandfather, a legendary singer.
This film really does deserve all the excitement around it, and oh my god how I cried.
As a way of not ruining films for me this year I'm trying not to read anything about them before I actually go and see them. The most I'm doing is seeing trailers while I'm at the cinema and then possibly catching the odd synopsis. When it comes to Disney Pixar though it's difficult not to be engulfed in a wave of information months before they're due out. I was however successful on this occasion, and I'm grateful that I got to enjoy it without any more information than had been in the trailer.
For something with a slightly morbid edge to it I thought it was done really well, and while the topic of death is obviously a potential pitfall you're reassured with the warmth and humour throughout the film.
If the songs in a film are good then I'll always be won over, and these ones gave me goosebumps. They bring a smile, and a tear, and that warm feeling inside that makes you sigh.
My last passing comment would be the tears... because I wasn't exaggerating. I cried A LOT. Even though I came out of the film loving the whole thing I was still crying as I drove home. *calming breath* I can feel myself losing my mind right now just thinking about it. It's a beautiful film, everyone should go and see it.
This film really does deserve all the excitement around it, and oh my god how I cried.
As a way of not ruining films for me this year I'm trying not to read anything about them before I actually go and see them. The most I'm doing is seeing trailers while I'm at the cinema and then possibly catching the odd synopsis. When it comes to Disney Pixar though it's difficult not to be engulfed in a wave of information months before they're due out. I was however successful on this occasion, and I'm grateful that I got to enjoy it without any more information than had been in the trailer.
For something with a slightly morbid edge to it I thought it was done really well, and while the topic of death is obviously a potential pitfall you're reassured with the warmth and humour throughout the film.
If the songs in a film are good then I'll always be won over, and these ones gave me goosebumps. They bring a smile, and a tear, and that warm feeling inside that makes you sigh.
My last passing comment would be the tears... because I wasn't exaggerating. I cried A LOT. Even though I came out of the film loving the whole thing I was still crying as I drove home. *calming breath* I can feel myself losing my mind right now just thinking about it. It's a beautiful film, everyone should go and see it.

Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Movie Watch
Avengers: Endgame is an upcoming American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero team...

David McK (3496 KP) rated Obi-Wan Kenobi in TV
Jun 24, 2022
"Hello there"
For many viewers at the time, Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan Kenobi was the highlight of the prequel trilogy.
Back before the dark days. Back before the Mouse House.
(sorry, couldn't resist).
The last of those movies - Revenge of the Sith - was released way back in 2005, with McGregor distancing himself from the role for a good decade and a half or so afterwards due to the flack he received. Time, however, has been kind to the prequel trilogy (well, that and the dumpster-fire that was the sequel trilogy, with The Last Jedi in particular being hugely divisive (I don't particularly rate it myself)), with McGregor agreeing to reprise the role in this limited-series on Disney+.
A series which, I've heard, has had the highest viewing figures of any yet-released on that platform (although I've no idea if that claim is accurate or not).
But the big question is, of course, was it worth the wait?
Absolutely yes - this blows The Book of Boba-Fett out of the water completely; even managing to over-shadow The Mandalorian. Which is impressive when you consider that most of the main characters - Obi-Wan, Vader, Luke, Owen and Beru - all benefit from having plot armour; all appearing in the original trilogy ...
Yes, it's not perfect - Moses Ingram Reva, in particular annoys at first - and may be a bit slow in the first episode or two, but the finale plays off beautifully, tying in perfectly with A New Hope and even adding another layer to Obi-Wan's claim that "From a certain point of view ..."
Back before the dark days. Back before the Mouse House.
(sorry, couldn't resist).
The last of those movies - Revenge of the Sith - was released way back in 2005, with McGregor distancing himself from the role for a good decade and a half or so afterwards due to the flack he received. Time, however, has been kind to the prequel trilogy (well, that and the dumpster-fire that was the sequel trilogy, with The Last Jedi in particular being hugely divisive (I don't particularly rate it myself)), with McGregor agreeing to reprise the role in this limited-series on Disney+.
A series which, I've heard, has had the highest viewing figures of any yet-released on that platform (although I've no idea if that claim is accurate or not).
But the big question is, of course, was it worth the wait?
Absolutely yes - this blows The Book of Boba-Fett out of the water completely; even managing to over-shadow The Mandalorian. Which is impressive when you consider that most of the main characters - Obi-Wan, Vader, Luke, Owen and Beru - all benefit from having plot armour; all appearing in the original trilogy ...
Yes, it's not perfect - Moses Ingram Reva, in particular annoys at first - and may be a bit slow in the first episode or two, but the finale plays off beautifully, tying in perfectly with A New Hope and even adding another layer to Obi-Wan's claim that "From a certain point of view ..."

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Dumbo (2019) in Movies
Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)
It may have been a mistake to see the original animated version before seeing this live-action offering. It's incorrect to say it's a remake, they've taken a 64-minute movie and stripped out the principle idea and made a completely new film that's near two hours long.
I'm going to start with the moaning, but bear with me because it'll get better, I promise.
Let's address the elephant in the room, no not Dumbo, but the fact that they made something live action when it's almost entirely talking animals. (And yes, I'm already concerned for Lion King.) To actually get some human characters in there they've turned it on its head and made the story about the circus and its family. I don't have a problem with them doing this but everything I saw in the run-up to the film made me believe that it was a remake and not an adaptation. Possibly I just got caught up in all the hype of the other remakes Disney are producing. but it did colour my impression.
It's evident that Disney have tried to account for the fact that people won't be getting what they loved so much from the original, everywhere there are nods to the original. All of this is sadly far from that nostalgic fun, instead it felt like a bit of a slap in the face. "Hey look!! Remember this bit?!!" There's a quick nod to the storks, Dumbo getting drunk, and possibly the creepiest of them all, that happy-go-lucky train... you really should have left that one alone.
We're also severely lacking in those wonderful songs. I had heard the Arcade Fire version of Baby Mine in a trailer and it gave me goosebumps, but while it's a lovely scene in the film the song itself doesn't hold nearly enough weight. Disney to me is as much about the music as it is about the story and in this instance they've dropped the ball.
With Tim Burton at the helm it was going to be bleak... but geez! Mum's dead, Dad's missing an arm from war... and that mad elephant scene? "I want to go bigger than spanking an animated child." "I don't think we can have a scene where we spank a child in this day and age." "No, you're right, first thing we're going to need is a coroner." There were a lot of things in this that cut a very fine line, and I think that it's crossed over into a film that isn't really for kids anymore.
Despite these quibbles they've managed to do something magical with Dumbo. All of that magic from the animated version is still there in this little fella. I don't know how you get that much emotion out of something that isn't there, it was wonderful. Dumbo's reactions to feathers throughout, that eyes wide excitement, and when he sees Colette "flying" up to him... honestly, I don't know how to describe it. Hands down my favourite bit has to be the pink elephants bit, Dumbo watching intently and his head bobbing along was so pure.
I still don't know how I feel about the acting in Dumbo, beyond our little pachyderm I was underwhelmed by the whole thing. I wasn't particularly fond of the child characters. They seemed to decide that Milly should be a role model to other little girls, "you can be a scientist", but I don't know that making a role model out of someone who isn't exactly likeable is the way to go with this. They've also given Milly and her brother, Joe, the appointment of elephant trainers, and that frustrated me no end too, but for completely over thought reasons.
Danny Devito was a treat, his character is obviously intended to be dislikeable but is allowed to get some redemption in the end, which was nice to see. His scenes with the monkey were particularly fun.
This review has taken me so long to write, I think that's mainly because I just don't know about these human characters. Holt Farrier (Colin Farrell), V.A. Vandervere (Michae Keaton) and Colette Marchant (Eva Green) all just don't do anything for me... they seem very much like padding for a film that probably shouldn't have been made.
I don't want to run into any major spoilers, but that ending... it needs mentioning... it's ridiculous and clichéd. There was a perfectly good ending point they could have taken but sadly someone made the choice that the "happy ever after" ending needed to be spelt out for everyone.
I am torn about this film. You couldn't have remade the original exactly as it was, mild racism and a drunk minor just aren't going to cut it in a kids film. Potentially there is a new version in there somewhere, but I'm not sure that this dark human heavy one was the way to go.
What you should do
It's the Easter holidays, those kids need to be entertained somehow, Dumbo would not be the worst choice you could make.
Movie thing you wish you could take home
I don't think I have room for a baby elephant, so if someone could just cut all the footage of him together and give me a DVD containing all those good feelings that would be great.
I'm going to start with the moaning, but bear with me because it'll get better, I promise.
Let's address the elephant in the room, no not Dumbo, but the fact that they made something live action when it's almost entirely talking animals. (And yes, I'm already concerned for Lion King.) To actually get some human characters in there they've turned it on its head and made the story about the circus and its family. I don't have a problem with them doing this but everything I saw in the run-up to the film made me believe that it was a remake and not an adaptation. Possibly I just got caught up in all the hype of the other remakes Disney are producing. but it did colour my impression.
It's evident that Disney have tried to account for the fact that people won't be getting what they loved so much from the original, everywhere there are nods to the original. All of this is sadly far from that nostalgic fun, instead it felt like a bit of a slap in the face. "Hey look!! Remember this bit?!!" There's a quick nod to the storks, Dumbo getting drunk, and possibly the creepiest of them all, that happy-go-lucky train... you really should have left that one alone.
We're also severely lacking in those wonderful songs. I had heard the Arcade Fire version of Baby Mine in a trailer and it gave me goosebumps, but while it's a lovely scene in the film the song itself doesn't hold nearly enough weight. Disney to me is as much about the music as it is about the story and in this instance they've dropped the ball.
With Tim Burton at the helm it was going to be bleak... but geez! Mum's dead, Dad's missing an arm from war... and that mad elephant scene? "I want to go bigger than spanking an animated child." "I don't think we can have a scene where we spank a child in this day and age." "No, you're right, first thing we're going to need is a coroner." There were a lot of things in this that cut a very fine line, and I think that it's crossed over into a film that isn't really for kids anymore.
Despite these quibbles they've managed to do something magical with Dumbo. All of that magic from the animated version is still there in this little fella. I don't know how you get that much emotion out of something that isn't there, it was wonderful. Dumbo's reactions to feathers throughout, that eyes wide excitement, and when he sees Colette "flying" up to him... honestly, I don't know how to describe it. Hands down my favourite bit has to be the pink elephants bit, Dumbo watching intently and his head bobbing along was so pure.
I still don't know how I feel about the acting in Dumbo, beyond our little pachyderm I was underwhelmed by the whole thing. I wasn't particularly fond of the child characters. They seemed to decide that Milly should be a role model to other little girls, "you can be a scientist", but I don't know that making a role model out of someone who isn't exactly likeable is the way to go with this. They've also given Milly and her brother, Joe, the appointment of elephant trainers, and that frustrated me no end too, but for completely over thought reasons.
Danny Devito was a treat, his character is obviously intended to be dislikeable but is allowed to get some redemption in the end, which was nice to see. His scenes with the monkey were particularly fun.
This review has taken me so long to write, I think that's mainly because I just don't know about these human characters. Holt Farrier (Colin Farrell), V.A. Vandervere (Michae Keaton) and Colette Marchant (Eva Green) all just don't do anything for me... they seem very much like padding for a film that probably shouldn't have been made.
I don't want to run into any major spoilers, but that ending... it needs mentioning... it's ridiculous and clichéd. There was a perfectly good ending point they could have taken but sadly someone made the choice that the "happy ever after" ending needed to be spelt out for everyone.
I am torn about this film. You couldn't have remade the original exactly as it was, mild racism and a drunk minor just aren't going to cut it in a kids film. Potentially there is a new version in there somewhere, but I'm not sure that this dark human heavy one was the way to go.
What you should do
It's the Easter holidays, those kids need to be entertained somehow, Dumbo would not be the worst choice you could make.
Movie thing you wish you could take home
I don't think I have room for a baby elephant, so if someone could just cut all the footage of him together and give me a DVD containing all those good feelings that would be great.

RəX Regent (349 KP) rated Wreck-It-Ralph (2012) in Movies
Feb 25, 2019
Wish it had been made by Pixar...
Contains spoilers, click to show
At first glance this would appear, as some reviews have sighted, the new Toy Story (1995). Maybe it is, but I just didn't feel it. I'm old enough to remember these 8-bit games and even though Fix It Felix, Hero's Duty and Sugar Rush are all fictitious, they're all rooted in the reality of the industry, with their real life counterparts being Donkey Kong, Call Of Duty and Super Mario Cart.
The plot is basically that of any Disney film and this is kind of where it fails a little. This isn't Pixar and I'm spending most of the time wishing that it was. Tangled (2010) had the same problem, with it being good, in fact better on the second viewing but not as good the masters of digi-mation would have made it. But Wreck-It Ralph would seem to cry out for the Pixar treatment. Its similarity in tone to Toy Story, with computer game characters coming to life when the kids leave, rather than toys, as well as the fact that this is the perfect subject for a Computer Generated movie!
The comedy was decent, with more of the successful jokes revolving around candy, Mentos and cola, rather than the arcade worlds themselves, but still, plenty of references for the game heads, which my wife is but I'm not, really. It was fun and the final reel was exiting, with the running time pushing two hours, it wasn't overly long but still felt wanting.
I think that it would have been better if there was more that just one line cameos from the established arcade characters, but I'll say it again, that for me, this wanted to be a Pixar classic but just couldn't match the standards.
The plot is basically that of any Disney film and this is kind of where it fails a little. This isn't Pixar and I'm spending most of the time wishing that it was. Tangled (2010) had the same problem, with it being good, in fact better on the second viewing but not as good the masters of digi-mation would have made it. But Wreck-It Ralph would seem to cry out for the Pixar treatment. Its similarity in tone to Toy Story, with computer game characters coming to life when the kids leave, rather than toys, as well as the fact that this is the perfect subject for a Computer Generated movie!
The comedy was decent, with more of the successful jokes revolving around candy, Mentos and cola, rather than the arcade worlds themselves, but still, plenty of references for the game heads, which my wife is but I'm not, really. It was fun and the final reel was exiting, with the running time pushing two hours, it wasn't overly long but still felt wanting.
I think that it would have been better if there was more that just one line cameos from the established arcade characters, but I'll say it again, that for me, this wanted to be a Pixar classic but just couldn't match the standards.

RəX Regent (349 KP) rated Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (2018) in Movies
Mar 7, 2019
Contains spoilers, click to show
At first glance this would appear, as some reviews have sighted, the new Toy Story (1995). Maybe it is, but I just didn't feel it. I'm old enough to remember these 8-bit games and even though Fix It Felix, Hero's Duty and Sugar Rush are all fictitious, they're all rooted in the reality of the industry, with their real life counterparts being Donkey Kong, Call Of Duty and Super Mario Cart.
The plot is basically that of any Disney film and this is kind of where it fails a little. This isn't Pixar and I'm spending most of the time wishing that it was. Tangled (2010) had the same problem, with it being good, in fact better on the second viewing but not as good the masters of digi-mation would have made it. But Wreck-It Ralph would seem to cry out for the Pixar treatment. Its similarity in tone to Toy Story, with computer game characters coming to life when the kids leave, rather than toys, as well as the fact that this is the perfect subject for a Computer Generated movie!
The comedy was decent, with more of the successful jokes revolving around candy, Mentos and cola, rather than the arcade worlds themselves, but still, plenty of references for the game heads, which my wife is but I'm not, really. It was fun and the final reel was exiting, with the running time pushing two hours, it wasn't overly long but still felt wanting.
I think that it would have been better if there was more that just one line cameos from the established arcade characters, but I'll say it again, that for me, this wanted to be a Pixar classic but just couldn't match the standards.
The plot is basically that of any Disney film and this is kind of where it fails a little. This isn't Pixar and I'm spending most of the time wishing that it was. Tangled (2010) had the same problem, with it being good, in fact better on the second viewing but not as good the masters of digi-mation would have made it. But Wreck-It Ralph would seem to cry out for the Pixar treatment. Its similarity in tone to Toy Story, with computer game characters coming to life when the kids leave, rather than toys, as well as the fact that this is the perfect subject for a Computer Generated movie!
The comedy was decent, with more of the successful jokes revolving around candy, Mentos and cola, rather than the arcade worlds themselves, but still, plenty of references for the game heads, which my wife is but I'm not, really. It was fun and the final reel was exiting, with the running time pushing two hours, it wasn't overly long but still felt wanting.
I think that it would have been better if there was more that just one line cameos from the established arcade characters, but I'll say it again, that for me, this wanted to be a Pixar classic but just couldn't match the standards.