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I Miss You Most
I Miss You Most
Cassie Hoyt | 2020 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Were you looking for a book for your child last year to explain the different way life is for some time and still going on a bit for now with Covid? Well “I Miss You Most” by Cassie Hoyt has come to mind. I would have read this one earlier in the year if I received it earlier. That's okay I read it now. This book reminds me of the Covid 19 lockdowns and might be able to help children with the stress of distancing.

This book deals with the emotion of missing your loved ones that are far away. It is a good one all around. It might help the social distancing we have to deal with. It works for distance in a general manner rather than just a specific time.

The illustrations are beautiful. This book also deals with child imagination. It also shows that distance is not a faraway thing. You can call your distant relative as well to stay in contact. The rhyming in this book is just good. I do not all rhyme though. Think of all the things you can do when you see that loved one next time.

I love the way this book is done and can be used at any time. The plot can be used for any type of distance like a friend that lives far away or down the block. Good for bedtime reading as well. Parents will want this on their child's or children's bookshelves.

Jon Dieringer recommended Canoa (1975) in Movies (curated)

Canoa (1975)
Canoa (1975)
1975 | International, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"A shocking parable for authoritarian populism. There’s nothing else like Canoa. Although Cazals and cinematographer Álex Phillips Jr. use only static shots, the movie is structurally fleet, shuffling chronology and cycling between faux-documentary, historical re-creation, and purely dramatic modes. I can’t think of anything else that so successfully fuses dyed-in-the-wool radical filmmaking and horror. There’s a wry on-screen narrator who creates this Brechtian distancing effect and manages to sound sinister while providing facts and statistics about life in rural communities, and by the end we’re in something like the Jonestown machete massacre. Ostensibly less outré yet harder to swallow than Salò, this is an unsettling, essential gem."


LucyB (47 KP) rated The Essex Serpent in Books

Jul 23, 2017  
The Essex Serpent
The Essex Serpent
Sarah Perry | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.1 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beautiful, prosaic writing (0 more)
There were moments where my attention wandered (0 more)
Expertly written, but I struggled to get into it.
Sarah Perry definitely has a way with words. There was much about this book that I found very evocative, on occasion lyrical. Also, what a great backdrop for a story - the wilder parts of Essex, not to mention ancient folklore! As an Essex-born gal myself (and a sucker for anything mythical / legendary), this was music to my ears.

To be honest, I felt ever so slightly disappointed by the book as a whole, though... though I suspect this might be a case of 'it's me, not you'. I found it tricky to get into, and didn't really engage much with any of the characters. There were moments of absolute brilliance (the 'beast' washed up on the shore was so wonderfully depicted, as was the laughing scene in the school), but these were mired in content that I found a little distancing.

I don't want to be harsh at all, because I think it's clear that Perry is a master writer, and judging by all the other glowing reviews, this clearly is just me not 'getting' the book. Perhaps I'll pull it off the shelf at a later date and give it another go, it may well be that I just wasn't in the right frame of mind at present.
Your Name (2016)
Your Name (2016)
2016 | Animation, Fantasy, Romance

What would your life be like if you were born somewhere else, *someone* else? How much of our lives is predetermined exclusively on such random variables beyond our control, things that we've all imagined changing at one point or another? Just to be upfront, one of my absolute least favorite plots in movies is switching bodies - the plot tends to just halt entirely to provide such rote "lol person does thing they don't usually do lol" or "uh oh... I'm another gender!" jokes before it actually decides to do anything. But between this and 2020's Freaky I'm glad to see they've finally started putting some nuance into these things. Honestly one of the greatest movies I've ever seen - probably the most bracingly beautiful animated movie ever conceived and it's just as impactful narratively. Tackles layers of regressive gender roles, the cruel indiscriminate randomness within human existence, the tumultuousness of adolescence, and along with Shyamalan's 𝘜𝘯𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 handles the concept of fate/destiny better than any other film I've seen. That and it's also just so damn hilarious. I initially thought the conclusion was maybe about 10 minutes too long, but afterwards I thought perhaps that was the point - in further distancing it from its preceding events, giving legitimacy to its setting. After a string of disappointments made me remember why I even love movies in the first place.
Agatha Raisin and the Witches' Tree
Agatha Raisin and the Witches' Tree
M.C. Beaton | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a free ARC of this book from NetGalley for an unbiased opinion.

Agatha Raisin is at it again. Following a hanging from tree locally infamous as "The Witches' Tree" in a neighboring Cotswold village, Agatha is hired to solve the case.

To those who've been with the series from the beginning, I found this book to be the best in awhile. Over the past few books, I've felt strongly that the changing backstory of a few primary characters (Simon and Charles specifically) was starting to detract from my enjoyment over the series. This time, while both were very present, Beaton left out the details that bothered me.
Additionally, this case truly was solved by Agatha and her agency (she's often accused of bumbling along until she stumbles upon the answer, only to need police rescue for herself as well... definitely not the case in this book).

And one more reason this book got a 5 out of 5 rating from me: Agatha doesn't fall in infatuation in this book. She does date, she does acknowledge that she's happiest when she's in love, but there was no "strong woman becomes blithering idiot" subplot this time.

Characters I wish I'd seen more of: Bill and Alice. Through the last few books, Bill's clearly been distancing himself from Agatha. Hope soon his romance with Alice will grow more and he can resume a more steady role in the books as Agatha's friend.
Red Joan (2018)
Red Joan (2018)
2018 | Drama, Thriller
This is not the type of film that I'd willingly choose to watch. It didnt sound or look particularly appealing, however due to the requirement of social distancing my boyfriend and I are taking it in turns to pick films each evening to watch "together" (in our separate houses). This was his choice, and sadly it wasnt a very good one.

The main issue with this film is that is fairly predictable romance nonsense, and there really isnt enough Judi Dench. Nothing against Sophie Cookson, but to have Judi Dench in this film and barely use her is almost a travesty. It also seems to concentrate mostly on the romantic aspect of Joan's life, which gets rather frustrating as you watch a rather intelligent young woman turn into a naive lovelorn idiot the moment she gets involved with a vaguely handsome man. The concentration on the romance side for me made it feel like the rest of the film, and indeed the more important war related concerns, were pushed to one side and I felt like there was a lot of plot lines in this that weren't satisfactorily explained. I did also wonder why, if this film was inspired by a true story, that the central character wasnt named after the real person? Aside from the "Red Joan" makes for a catchier title.

Overall this isnt bad enough to switch off without making it to the end, but ultimately it winds up rather unsatisfying and entirely forgettable.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Jun 21, 2020  
Visit my blog, and read a fantastic excerpt from the contemporary Christian romance novel THE KEY TO EVERYTHING by Valerie Fraser Luesse. Enter the #GIVEAWAY to #win a copy of the book, a necklace, and a $25 Barnes & Noble GIFT CARD or a $10 #Starbucks GIFT CARD!

Based on a true story, Valerie Fraser Luesse’s new novel takes readers on an incredible journey of self-discovery. The poignant prose, enchanting characters, and captivating settings in The Key to Everything make this a moving story that readers won’t soon forget. Peyton Cabot’s fifteenth year will be a painful and transformative one. His father, the reluctant head of a moneyed Savannah family, has come home from WWII a troubled vet, drowning his demons in bourbon, and distancing himself from his son. When a tragic accident separates Peyton from his parents, and the girl of his dreams seems out of reach, he struggles to cope with a young life upended.

Pushed to his limit, Peyton makes a daring decision: he will retrace a slice of the journey his father took at fifteen by riding his bicycle all the way from St. Augustine to Key West, Florida. Part loving tribute, part search for self, Peyton’s journey will unlock more than he ever could have imagined, including the key to his distant father, a calling that will shape the rest of his life, and the realization that he’s willing to risk absolutely everything for the girl he loves.

David McK (3219 KP) rated Obi-Wan Kenobi in TV

Jun 24, 2022  
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi
2022 | Sci-Fi
7.9 (8 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
"Hello there"
For many viewers at the time, Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan Kenobi was the highlight of the prequel trilogy.

Back before the dark days. Back before the Mouse House.

(sorry, couldn't resist).

The last of those movies - Revenge of the Sith - was released way back in 2005, with McGregor distancing himself from the role for a good decade and a half or so afterwards due to the flack he received. Time, however, has been kind to the prequel trilogy (well, that and the dumpster-fire that was the sequel trilogy, with The Last Jedi in particular being hugely divisive (I don't particularly rate it myself)), with McGregor agreeing to reprise the role in this limited-series on Disney+.

A series which, I've heard, has had the highest viewing figures of any yet-released on that platform (although I've no idea if that claim is accurate or not).

But the big question is, of course, was it worth the wait?

Absolutely yes - this blows The Book of Boba-Fett out of the water completely; even managing to over-shadow The Mandalorian. Which is impressive when you consider that most of the main characters - Obi-Wan, Vader, Luke, Owen and Beru - all benefit from having plot armour; all appearing in the original trilogy ...

Yes, it's not perfect - Moses Ingram Reva, in particular annoys at first - and may be a bit slow in the first episode or two, but the finale plays off beautifully, tying in perfectly with A New Hope and even adding another layer to Obi-Wan's claim that "From a certain point of view ..."
Talking To A Dead Queen by Leif Elggren
Talking To A Dead Queen by Leif Elggren
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"He's a Swedish multi-disciplinary artist. I chose that to represent all of my friends, composers and people that I know who make extraordinary experimental work. On one hand it is a drone, and it's a really fantastic drone. It's a copper pipe on a pillar driven by it's own amplification - it's a fantastic sound. The other part is a reading of an autopsy of a Dutch queen when she dies. It's an old autopsy so it's got this great formality: it talks about the 'colouration' of the skin. The poetry is in the age of the language. It's something that's absolutely fascinating but it also has no relevance, all it is is about it. It's a composition, it's a piece of imagination. One could mention 'The Gift' by The Velvet Underground. I remember the first time hearing that and it was split in stereo and thinking: 'God that's extraordinary'. Why do I not always sing my own lyrics? It seems to fit better to me. It's the proof that sometimes it's a good idea not to think about things too carefully. The way things roll is sometimes good. It's a funny thing to Wire, it's not what we thought about, it was a practical solution to a time when we were in need of writing material. I never learned to play the guitar, and it turned out to be an incredible device, this distancing, which threw it into interesting spaces. It gives it a theatrical quality that's not drama theatrical, but theatrical in the same way as you'd have with someone like Pinter, where you'd have very normal speech but because of the context that you put things into, suddenly you have something that's quite peculiar."

Sausage Party (2016)
Sausage Party (2016)
2016 | Animation, Comedy
5.8 (37 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Utterly Ridiculous
Just when Sharknado: the 4th Awakens made you think film-making couldn’t get any more ridiculous, a movie like Sausage Party comes along to remind you that Hollywood can always go that one step further to mind-boggling peculiarity.

Of course, that’s not always a bad thing, there have been countless weird and wacky films over the years that have gone on to become cult classics – look at Kick-Ass or even Pulp Fiction for examples of that. But for every Pulp Fiction there’s a Sharknado. So is Sausage Party good weird or as stale as a month-old bagel?

From the mind of Seth Rogen, Sausage Party is a strictly adults only animation that combines hugely offensive language and racial stereotypes with surprisingly meaningful religious undertones. And do you know what? It’s a breath of fresh air.

Life is good for all the food items that occupy the shelves at the local supermarket. Frank (Seth Rogen) the sausage, Brenda (Kristen Wiig) the hot dog bun, Teresa Taco and Sammy Bagel Jr. (Edward Norton) can’t wait to go home with a happy customer. Soon, their world comes crashing down as poor Frank learns the horrifying truth that he will eventually become a meal. After warning his pals about their similar fate, the panicked perishables devise a plan to escape from their human enemies.

Directors Conrad Vernon and Greg Tiernan take Rogen’s intriguing premise and inject a warmly familiar animation style, distancing itself just enough to make any comparisons simply inconceivable. Sausage Party is like nothing you will have ever seen.

The voice-acting is great too. Rogen plays his usual film staple – in sausage form – with the spicy Salma Hayek outdoing everyone else as a lustful taco. Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader, Michael Cera and Jonah Hill also lend their familiar voices to a hot-dog bun, a bottle of spirit and two other frankfurters respectively.

Elsewhere, the comedy, for the most part, hits the spot. As dreadful as it sounds, the racial stereotyping works incredibly well in food form. British tea, Mexican taco shells and German sauerkraut will have you rolling about the aisles with their outrageous vulgarity, but everyone needs to release their inner teenager once in a while.

Unfortunately, the films standout sequence has already been shown in the trailer – a side-splitting food-eye view of a normal kitchen, before every edible item is butchered; that poor Irish potato didn’t stand a chance. This is a real shame as the rest of the film doesn’t quite match up to the standard of that scene.

Nevertheless, there’ll be chuckles throughout as numerous celebrities are parodied in food form. One in particular, immortalised in chewing gum, is incredibly well thought out.

And that’s where Sausage Party succeeds the most. Underneath the polished animation and crude humour, this film is actually kind of clever. It tackles religion, war, race, sexuality and food waste very well indeed and that’s something the genre doesn’t ask for. It’s just unfortunate that it’s not quite as funny as the trailer would have you believe.