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We are All Made of Molecules
We are All Made of Molecules
Susin Nielsen | 2016 | Children
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contrasting Characters
We Are All Made of Molecules is a heart-rending contemporary young adult novel by the Canadian author, Susin Nielsen. Stewart is a gifted thirteen-year-old who lost his mother to cancer two years ago. Now his father has found a new love and they are moving in with her and her fourteen-year old daughter, Ashley. Stewart is excited at the prospect of having a sister, however Ashley is his polar opposite and is horrified at the idea.

The narrative is shared between Stewart and Ashley, providing two points of view to the story. Stewart, who is most likely somewhere on the Autism spectrum, provides a fairly factual account of the story – moving to a new house, starting a new school etc. Ashley, on the other hand, is a stuck up, drama queen, therefore her side of the story is based upon her feelings – which also reveals how unintelligent she is.

Stewart and Ashley’s relationship is rather strained, with Stewart regularly being called a “midget-egghead-freakazoid” no matter how nice he tries to be. As the story develops, so do both of their characters. Stewart learns how to speak up for himself and Ashley eventually becomes less of a brat.

Ashley gives lots of the characters horrible names that are often hurtful and inaccurate, but although she is embarrassed about the nature of her parents’ divorce – her father is gay – she is shocked about some of the names she hears homosexuals called. We Are All Made of Molecules deals with homophobia in a truthful manner. Nielsen does not try to hide the fact that some people can be cruel and hurtful, but she also shows that although people can be different, there is no reason to treat them badly.

Stewart is a loveable character that makes the book pleasant to read, however Ashley is annoying and makes the story less enjoyable. It is, nevertheless, a humourous yet beautiful story that many teenage readers will enjoy.
Then She Was Gone
Then She Was Gone
Lisa Jewell | 2017 | Thriller
8.1 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
I Loved This Book
Ten years ago, Ellie Mack went missing. The police think she is just another teenage runaway, but her mother, Laurel, doesn't believe that for a second. Ellie's disappearance destroyed the family and now that her remains have been found, Laurel will finally have some closure. When she meets Floyd, it's like she's getting a second chance at life. But when she meets his daughter, Poppy, life comes to an alarming halt. Poppy looks so much like Ellie, but why? Of course people look like other people all the time, but there is just something about this child that keeps Ellie at the forefront. When Laurel discovers a connection between Floyd and her family, she embarks on a journey to find out exactly what happened to her daughter and who did it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the opportunity to read and review this book.

After the first few chapters of this book, I figured out a few things about this story that I think most readers will discover as well. But the thing that made this book so hard to put down was how it was all going to come together, it's an incredible journey.

Losing a child is the most painful experience. When Laurel loses Ellis, her whole world is turned upside down and she can no longer function as she once did. She stops cooking for her family, her relationships become strained and eventually she and her husband divorce. Once they find the body of her daughter, the pain becomes a little less since she now has some closure. But why does this young girl look so much like her dead daughter. Did Floyd have something to do with Ellie's disappearance and death? Her family doesn't get a good vibe from this man, but Laurel feels as if she needs to stay with him until the whole truth is revealed.
The Ever After
The Ever After
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What would you do if you found out your husband had an affair? Would you try to end the marriage, or work it out? What if sex was not a part of the affair, would that make a difference? These are the questions that Josie has after she finds out that her husband, Frank, has been having an affair for the past seven weeks. Should she stay or go? He's so great with the kids, but what about her? This book takes you on Josie's journey from her discovery of the affair, to her final decision on whether to stay with her husband or get a divorce.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I'm not sure what I would do if infidelity was a question in my marriage. I think, we can all say what we would do, but until we are faced with that situation, I don't think we fully understand how we would feel. Love is a tricky thing and when you find it with someone, it can be devastating when they break that love apart.

When Josie finds out about Frank's affair, her world is turned upside down. She has to find out the answer to all of her questions. She doesn't know if she will ever be able to trust Frank again or how she is going to live without him, as well. This is the man who is the father of her children and the man she has shared a bed with for so many years. But how could he betray her like this? They both decide to go to counseling. But Josie has conditions that Frank must agree to before she will even entertain the fact of sharing just her time with him. Will he agree or will they just end up going their separate ways.

This book is good for any married woman to read and may help you if this is a situation that you may be going through in your life.
The Perfect Husband
The Perfect Husband
Buffy Andrews | 2018 | Contemporary
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Plenty of romance (2 more)
Well written
Very dark and pyschologically suspenseful
Fantastic And Addictive!
When Shelly's marriage ends in divorce, she's left completely devastated and feeling like she's never going to find love again. Then she meets Eric after joining an online dating agency, and he's handsome, caring, and everything she has ever wanted. From romantic dates to expensive gifts, it's as if she's in a dream.

But just when Shelly thinks she's finally found her perfect match, she begins to realize that all is not as it seems. As the cracks start to develop, perhaps Eric isn't everything she thought he was. Will her dream become a nightmare?

Shelly is very much in love and is blissfully unaware of and ignores all the warning signs that Eric is unwittingly giving out.

"He was making me feel things I'd never felt before. And there, at that moment, blanketed by his warm kisses and tender love, I felt like I was in heaven and I knew I would never be the same."

Her best friend, Jackie and her work colleagues are also equally charmed by him.

"He's incredible, .....I can certainly see why you're falling in love with him. He's so generous......."

Then the warning triggers come, that all is not right with Eric.

"You should download a GPS tracker app on your cell phone so I can keep tabs on you."

"You're joking, right?"

"Not really........"

After Shelly and Eric marry, outgoing, attractive, confident Shelly is frequently accused of flirtatious behaviour with other men and is forced into sex acts and acting out her husband's fantasies. She becomes a shadow of herself, whilst keeping up the pretence of a perfect marriage.

This novel is a fantastic and addictive read and I was very impressed with the author's writing style. Although there is plenty of romance, it is also a very dark, psychologically suspenseful novel and certainly not all hearts and flowers.