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127 Hours (2010)
127 Hours (2010)
2010 | Drama
8.3 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Probably the best that it could have been...
Contains spoilers, click to show
Danny Boyle is a director with an eye for the modern. visceral styles, sharp editing and the belief that the combination of both will draw the audience into the action, emotion and mood of the situation at hand. There's no doubt that the stunning true story of adventurer Aron Ralston's accident resulting in his right arm becoming trapped under a rock in the middle of nowhere, required a special director and a style as described above.

Did he pull it off? It's a though sell, 90 minutes of a man and rock but I think it was done about as well as it could have been. The story is interesting and told with a sense of humour and a philosophical attitude appropriate for the subject matter, but it all boils down to the moment when he performs his DIY surgery, a plot point that may well sell the film to most people, as it sold news papers back in 2003.

Overall, well told, very well acted by James Franco as Ralston and along with Boyle's signature direction and jukebox soundtrack, whilst not blowing my skirt up, it made my wife cry, myself cringe and was as well conveyed as this story of a man trapped quite literally between as rock and hard place, ever could have been.
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
Caroline Criado Perez | 2019 | Science & Mathematics
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’ve read a book similar to this before so was interested when I saw it on the library shelf. This is about the gender data gap. I know what some of you are thinking “oh look a book that’s going to slam men”. But this isn’t about that. This is about missing data, not because it’s been done on purpose but because some of the tests have never thought about. Some of these absolutely shocked me though. For example, did you know the female crash test dummy hasn’t been put in the driver’s seat? How mad is that?!?!
At some points I did find this book a little one sided. I mean it’s hard when you’re trying to delve into a data gap bit one example that stood out to me was “unpaid work”. There was a big continuing theme about the unpaid work women do that isn’t thought of to include in data (child care, housework, elderly care) and yes men do these too (that was pointed out), but what about the unpaid work men do that I bet isn’t thought of to be included in data? Like DIY? I did enjoy listening to this (borrowed on #borrowbox ) but I found it did become tedious in places. Would recommend for some who enjoys data… myself.
Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire & Demise by Emperor
Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire & Demise by Emperor
2017 | Metal, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I think it's a bit different compared to Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk and the others. It's Ihsahn's [guitarist and vocalist] expertise at this kind of music that I love. This album is quite progressive compared to some of the earlier stuff. I've not made it a secret that I love that sound and that type of music. Ihsahn is just a great guitar player, and as singer he was always doing things a little bit different to other bands in that genre. It's a real showcase of his ability to write and perform this type of sound. I'm a fan of everything he's done, especially that first solo album [The Adversary from 2006], but I'm a much bigger fan of Emperor. I found out about Emperor by doing what I think a lot more people should do, which is take the time to look around and search for new and exciting bands. That's how I've always found music from day one, just by asking around. Discovering a band by yourself is great and a very DIY way to do things. Making an extreme metal record with him is still on the bucket list. I just wish I had more time. We're still in contact and I talk to him once or twice a year and hopefully I'll see him when we go over to do these shows in Sweden."

Toy Story 4 (2019)
Toy Story 4 (2019)
2019 | Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi
For a movie aimed at children, Toy Story 4 deals with many themes. First, there is the multi-generational lines of playthings. You have 1940s era ragdolls, 1950s era porcelain dolls, 1960s era plastic resin movable action figures, 1970s era pullback and action toys, plus Plushies, Mr Potato Head, and new-age DIY toys of this millennium. Like Pixar and its films, it serves to connect the generations of humans and demonstrate the similarities we share no matter how old we are. Also, the older generations are always looking out for the younger generation as demonstrated by the grandmother in this film and Woody.
A second theme is the whole concept of what makes a toy. Does a child's love bring it to life? Can a lonely creative child make her own friends? What happens to the toys we no longer play with or forget about? Another thing I noticed is that in the previous installments the toys remain inanimate among the humans, but this time they meddle in the human world.
Along the way, Woody learns about the outside world. Early in the film, Woody is given a chance to escape with the toy he obviously loves and get "lost." He however cannot give up the job he was given as a favorite toy. Now, years later, he has a new owner and becoming obsolete. He still has a responsibility to protect the new toy Bonnie makes. He reconnects with a lost love. Everywhere he goes, he meets various toys who yearn for the love of a child, something they either have never had or lost long ago. Like Toy Story 3, Toy Story 4 becomes a movie about growing up and moving on when you are no longer dependent on the love of your "parent."
FRiENDS - Single by Derek Simpson
FRiENDS - Single by Derek Simpson
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Derek Simpson is an artist, producer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist based in Long Beach, CA. Not too long ago, he released a DIY music video for his camaraderie tune, entitled, “FRiENDS”.

“Smoke a doobie, have a groovy night. I’m gettin’ loopy have a movie night. Some Bud heavy and a Miller High Life! ‘Cause that’s the only sh*t I need in my life! I ain’t goin’ out, I’m feelin’ chill. Some Harry Potter and a sleepin’ pill. They said that I was just too much to deal. But Seb and Kristie said they love me still. Too many joyrides to help a buddy out. Too many talks, I don’t recall what they’re about.” – lyrics by Jack O’Brien

‘FRiENDS’ is a fun-loving ode to friendship and unbridled adult indulgence.

The likable tune features Derek Simpson alongside his closest friends and roommates—Zac Hartwell, Jack O’Brien, Sebastian Hibbert, and Linden Crumrine.

‘FRiENDS’ contains a relatable storyline and introspective rap vocals. Also, the song possesses mellow instrumentation flavored with hazy lo-fi hip-hop, bits psychedelia, and experimental pop elements.

“‘FRiENDS’ is a love letter to the first support system I was introduced to outside of my hometown. I like to believe that at that age many of us are finding people we actually connect with for the first time. So we excitedly get together regularly and begin to build our tribes on the foundation of celebration. During the close of our time together in Allston, MA, a few of my buddies luckily jumped at the opportunity to take part in this musical mirror of our lifestyle. The reflection shows us something honest, sweaty, hilarious and sweet as we look back years later from three separate corners of the United States, together.” – Derek Simpson
Gaslands Refuelled
Gaslands Refuelled
2019 | Game System, Miniatures
Super cheap miniatures game (3 more)
Easy to get into
Fun rules
Unlimited modelling options
No official pre-made pre-painted miniatures (1 more)
Print off your own templates or buy from 3rd parties
A brilliantly written and illustrated book for a tabletop game of post-apocalyptic racing – fast cars with big guns – Mad Max in miniature.
It’s tons of fun and easy to play the basics straight away. After that, there is more depth to the rules to explore and building teams to keep things interesting and have long term playability. To get started, you can use templates copied and printed from the book and normal dice, or like I have done, you can get plenty of third-party companies selling templates, scenery and ‘skid’ dice.

One of the main reasons I picked this game up, apart from the raving reviews I’d seen online, was the DIY modelling aspect of the game. As a long time mini-gamer of things like Warhammer and Star Wars FFG, I’m used to my miniatures burning a big hole in my pocket. Re-modelling and repainting HotWheels cars (Super cheap – a couple of quid vs about £30 for a Star Wars ship) is the best part of this game for me, you can use standard cars if you want to, but there are no official pre-made pre-painted ‘cars’ which may be a negative, if you’re not into modelling.

Fun is the main priority and my favourite rule is that if a rule is unclear, you choose whichever option results in the most carnage for all concerned … This is ‘The Rule of Carnage’.

Highly recommended – if you want a different mini game that’s fun and won’t break the bank, check this out!
Complete Discography by Minor Threat
Complete Discography by Minor Threat
1988 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Filler by Minor Threat

(0 Ratings)


"When I was in Junior High, I met this guy and he had a cassette with Minor Threat on one side and The Exploited on the other. He left it at my house, and I had a Walkman, so I popped it in as I was walking to school. I heard the first chord of “Filler” and then I stopped and turned around. I didn’t go to school that day. I listened to that cassette and I was ‘What is this? This is awesome, this is what I need right now. These people are speaking my language, and they’re young like me as well.’ That’s when I thought I could maybe write a song, record it and put it on a record. That’s all I thought. I didn’t want to be a famous rock star but maybe I could do that DIY stuff. Not like the rock stars who were bigger than life - it was hard to aspire to that - but this other stuff? Yeah, I could do this. Plus, I thought that girls would think it was pretty cool if I played the guitar and I was in a band. So I started a band and this song and the first Minor Threat record was a game changer for me. It also started my record collecting phase. After I got into Minor Threat, I got into Dischord Records - I wanted everything on that label, so I spent years collecting that stuff. I still have all the singles; I might still have it all of it. That band had a huge effect on me that led me to want to write and play music, but also it was a club I could belong to. I was part of something with it – I could put on a leather jacket and help my teenage angst."


Butch Vig recommended track Virginia Plain by Roxy Music in Early Years by Roxy Music in Music (curated)

Early Years by Roxy Music
Early Years by Roxy Music
1989 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Virginia Plain by Roxy Music

(0 Ratings)


"The first heard time I heard Roxy Music I was smitten. I was in a record store and I asked the guy ‘What are you playing?’ They used to put the record jackets on the front desk, I picked it up and they looked like a band from outer space. I couldn’t figure out what was going on, but I loved everything about it, ‘Virginia Plain’ was just an incredible sounding song. It’s the way the synthesiser bends at the start, then the songs kicks in and Bryan Ferry’s singing is so over the top and melodramatic, I’m not even sure what he’s singing about. There’s those breaks where they jam in the middle, the keyboard and synth solos. It was the sonic template, it sounded completely otherworldly to me. I felt a kinship with Roxy Music. I grew up listening to The Who and The Beatles and they were rock stars, but I felt Roxy Music were sort of my peers. With a lot of the new wave and punk bands I thought ‘I can do this, I can be in bands and do what they’re doing.’ It didn’t sound anything like the classic rock records I’d been listening to, it was arty, very flamboyant and kind of crude in a way. It was a bit pretentious but I liked that, I found it really fresh at the time that they had an art-school approach to the music and yet the music was very DIY, it wasn’t slick. They were great musicians but didn’t sound like virtuoso bands like Yes or Emerson, Lake and Palmer, though I did have some ELP records too! I fell in love with Roxy Music, I bought all their records, their solo records and live bootlegs. I was the self-appointed president of the Roxy Music fan club in Madison, there were only seven members. For a couple of years, once every two months we’d have a ‘Roxython’ on a Saturday night until the sun came up, we’d play their albums and dress up in very flamboyant clothes. It was great."

Tessa Ever After (Reluctant Hearts, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This one starts with Tessa late to pick up her daughter from day care as she struggles to adjust to life since her older brother, Cade, moved away and left her alone with everything. Cade used to be babysitter, chef, chauffeur, DIY-er and many other things that made Tessa's life much easier and she's struggling to get herself in gear. She's also online dating, trying to find the older guy who'll be there and treat her right...when maybe the guy she really wants is a little closer to home.
In walks her brothers best friend, Jason, who Cade has tasked with keeping an eye on her. Jason's view of Tessa has slowly been changing from "best friends little sister" to gorgeous woman and mum and after some warnings from Cade and encouragement from their joint friend Adam, he decides to pursue Tessa.

First things first, I feel like I need to let you know that I have a big weakness for super cute children in my romances and Haley is certainly that. There were some really cute scenes with her and Tessa and Jason. She was super cuteness personified.

I did like their relationship. It was cute how it progressed and I'm glad they stuck with each other despite the obstacles that popped up here and there. And of course there was a misunderstanding that caused a slight rift but luckily they got around it and became a very cute little family unit.

Some of the secondary characters like Adam and Paige grew on me in this. We got to know Paige more than Adam but she seems to need to find that special someone and I think sparks may be flying between her and Adam in the next one. I'm not sure if I'll read it though.

I think I missed some of the angst that can happen in the romances I like with this. It was a little too nice. I like the bad boy type to be full of tattoos and dirty mouthed so they can rile their love interest up enough for her to answer back and sparks to fly.

Suggs recommended Clash by The Clash in Music (curated)

Clash by The Clash
Clash by The Clash
1977 | Rock
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I wasn’t really a punk. I was about 16 when that album came out. But I was living above Maples, a carpet shop near Tottenham Court Road, and it was right by Capital Radio, and I remember suddenly these 14-foot letters appeared in spraypaint on Capital‘s windows, ‘THE CLASH’! And there was a thing in Melody Maker, where I heard about this club called The Roxy at Covent Garden, so I went down there. Me and my friends already looked a bit skinhead-y, suedehead-y, and I had this mohair suit, but the connection was that the punks had straight trousers in this world of flares and Kevin Keegan hairdos. Nobody was wearing Vivienne Westwood clothing: there was a guy in a dinner jacket painted pink, and someone else in a boiler suit they’d made themselves, and it was really DIY. The tribalism between mods and skinheads and punks hadn’t really started at that time, and it hadn‘t fractured into a million pieces yet. In 1977, if you had short hair, and you were prepared to have someone call you a fucking cunt in your ear for it, you were in. I saw a band called Eater at the Roxy, whose average age I later found out was 14. And I first heard The Clash’s ‘1977’ and ‘White Riot’ on record there. I felt like I was at the advent of something new. I liked punk, and I liked the attitude, but by 1978 we had our own thing going. But I always had a soft spot for The Clash, because they had the reggae thing, like us, and there was a bit of soul in their music, for want of a better word. Joe Strummer definitely had a bit of soul in his voice. Every fucking track on that album’s brilliant, but my favourite’s ‘London’s Burning’. And they were fucking brilliant live. And we [2 Tone bands] wouldn’t have had anywhere to play if it wasn’t for punk. You had pub rock informing punk, and punk informing us, and The Specials were a direct amalgam of punk and ska, and we realised that the faster we played, the more likely we could get the crowd jumping up and down, which was a legacy of punk. All these different movements, fracturing then coming back together. You’d need 60,000 sociologists to untangle those couple of years."
