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Wishmaster 4: The Prophecy Fulfilled (2002)
Wishmaster 4: The Prophecy Fulfilled (2002)
2002 | Horror
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Honestly, watching the alarmingly sharp decline of the Wishmaster films in terms of quality, I was expecting this last entry to be nothing short of hot burning turd, but I actually found it to be pretty watchable!

Starting with the positives - Tara Spencer-Nairn is easily the most likable protagonist in the whole franchise. The dude who plays the Djinn in human form isn't Sean Connery's son. It low-key has one of the most hilariously unnecessary kills in cheap-horror history (of course it's the nice older lady being flat out beheaded by a massive sword), and not importantly, it tries to do something different plot wise! I mean, it's soooo fucking stupid (essentially revolving around the Djinn falling in love and getting laid) but it's way more entertaing than 2 and 3.

It's not all good though (surprising, I know). As mentioned, it's still cheap as hell. The movies subtitle suggests that finally were going to get to see some form of Djinn fronted apocalypse, but the closest we get is the Djinn and the aformentioned old lady decapitation dude having a Power Rangers style sword fight near some shrubbery.
Also, the gore effects are silly - there's one point where a guys nose gets cut off, but when the shot flicks back to his face, it's clear that his nose is still there, just covered in red make up. The same thing happens to someone's hand later on.

This whole series has been a chore to be quite honest, but I can safely say, that this is the best film I've ever seen that involves a bar tender becoming a zit on a strippers butt cheek (that we don't even get to see boooooo).
With one final push, Wishmaster finally ascends from bottom of the barrel tripe, to so-bad-it's-kinda-good.
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

I have not read anything with Genies, nothing NADA! So when I saw this I jumped on the chance to read it. I love reading short story collections, you get to read from authors that you have never read from before and to see if you like their writing style. This collection of short stories is from authors all over the world and it is their take on the djinn and some of the myths,tales that they have heard whilst growing up or heard. The only author that I had heard and read beforehand was Neil Gaiman, I read ‘The Ocean at the end of the Lane’ years ago and enjoyed it so I knew there would be one possible story that I would like.

So going into this I knew nothing about Genie’s/Djinn other than Aladdin! The book has an introduction written by the editors Mahvesh Murad and Jared Shurin explaining how this book came together and the different authors involved. We also had the The Djinn Falls In Love by Hermes which is poem about a djinn which I really enjoyed.

There are 20 stories in this collection in total and are all very different, however I found the majority of them to be a little dull and wasn’t holding my attention or the story line/plot got confusing. There were however some really great ones that I loved such as ‘Spite House’ and ‘Reap’. I must admit that there will be something for everyone as there several different genres within.

‘Reap’ by Sami Shah – This was a 5 star from me. This is a story about a small team who use a drone for surveillance on a small village in Pakistan. They have to watch the residents of this village and one family has 11 children, but one day Miriam, the youngest, doesn’t return with the clan. This has supernatural elements and is pretty scary but truly wonderful and had me gripped all the way through.

This is not one of my favourite short story collection as there were just too many that didn’t hold my interest or was a little confusing. The cover though is beautiful and recommend if you want to read some different interpretations about Djinn.

I rated this 2.5 out of 5 stars
The City of Brass: Daevabad Trilogy
The City of Brass: Daevabad Trilogy
S.A. Chakraborty | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Djinn-tastic!! (OK, I know that's bad)
Wow! Magic, Djinns, Ifrits, Daevas - what's not to like?! This was such an engrossing read. Set from two points of view: Nahri, a poor orphaned healer and con-artist and Ali, the youngest son of the King of Daevabad. Their lives meet and are entwined in such a way as to be completely believable. The politics of the realm are much like apartheid, in that Shafit cannot mix with full-blooded Daevas or Djinn. They live in substandard conditions, and Ali tries to change that. He unwittingly causes huge problems.
This is the first in a trilogy, so my only complaint would be that I've now read the first one so close to the release date, that I'm now going to have to wait for AGES for the next part!! Bad planning on my part! I think I'd be more than happy to reread this before the second in the trilogy releases though.
The City of Brass: Daevabad Trilogy
The City of Brass: Daevabad Trilogy
S.A. Chakraborty | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic world-building (1 more)
Character Development
Slightly confusing terms (0 more)
So much to say about this outstanding debut novel! First I'd like to address the issues around the author, then I'll delve into the book itself. (It's fantastic, though!)

So the book has been touted as an "own voices" novel, seemingly much to the author's chagrin. She is Muslim, but she's a white convert (Chakraborty is her married name). She has striven to correct the misconception about her ethnicity when she finds it, tweeting about it and talking about it in interviews. (This interview is a good example.) Because the book is pure fantasy, in a fantasy realm after the first few chapters, I'm not too worried about it not actually being written by a middle-eastern author. She does note in the interview I linked that she's not qualified to write some stories because of her ethnicity, and I appreciate that recognition of privilege. As far as I can tell, (as a white person myself) she did justice to the bits of mythology that she included. (Given the reception by people who were so excited about it being an Own Voices book, I think I'm probably right.) Her twitter (@SChakrabs) is FULL of links to minority authors and retweets about their books. I am very impressed by the level of her advocacy for minority authors.

So that aside, I LOVED THIS BOOK. I almost always enjoy fantasy inspired by non-western mythology: Children of Blood and Bone was fantastic, and though Forest of a Thousand Lanterns had a western fairytale at its heart, being reimagined through an Asian lense was really neat to read. The Bear and The Nightingale and The Girl in the Tower were Russian inspired, as were The Crown's Game/The Crown's Fate. I really do try to pick up non-western inspired fantasy when I can. City of Brass scratched that itch perfectly.

City of Brass opens in Cairo, where our heroine, Nahri, is a con-woman with small healing magics. When a ritual goes awry, she's thrust into the world of the djinn. It's when Nahri and her accidental bodyguard, Dara, arrive at the Djinns' city of Daevabad that the story really gets started.

I'm still a little confused about the difference between djinn and Daeva; Daeva seem to be one of the tribes but also the name for the entire race, and some of them get offended at being called djinn but some of them don't? I'm not really sure about that distinction. There is a clear line between djinn and Ifrit, though - Ifrit are immensely powerful, immortal beings who refused to subject themselves to punishment many centuries ago. I'm not sure I actually see a downside to being Ifrit, other than the djinn all think they're evil. The Ifrit, however, are out to get Nahri, and Dara's not having any of THAT.

I love Dara - he's a fascinating character, with a violent, mysterious backstory. I'm very eager to read more about him and figure out exactly what's up with his background. Nahri is also awesome - a little arrogant, but by the end of the book she's starting to learn she might need help from those around her. Unfortunately, also by the end of the book she doesn't know who to trust. The naive djinn prince, Ali, is the third main character of the book, and while I can see him having an interesting story, his personality is still a little flat. Hopefully the second book will see advancement in all three of these characters' personalities.

And I can't WAIT for the second book! City of Brass didn't exactly end on a cliffhanger, but it did leave many questions unanswered and our main characters' fates uncertain. Unfortunately, I can't find any information on the sequel, just that it's being edited. No release date or title yet.

Read this book. It's fantastic.

You can find all my reviews at
Dreams and Shadows
Dreams and Shadows
C. Robert Cargill | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic debut
Contains spoilers, click to show
A wonderful debut from C. Robert Cargill. The novel follows the lives of two boys, Ewan and Colby. Both boys have a fantastical journey ahead of them, Ewan is stolen by fairies from his parents at an early age by a specialist child stealing fairy (Dithers) and Colby meets a djinn (Yashar) who agrees to grant him wishes which leads him to see the world.

While sounding at first like a magical fairy story you soon realise the story does carry a certain sadness and darkness. The djinn for example is cursed to only ever grant wishes that end in turmoil. You learn this through small chapters that centre around telling stories about the characters in the book, which I found to be a wonderful way to build chacterisation.

Despite being quite dark the book does well to build on characters enough so that you do find yourself getting attached to them. So not only are the characters well thought through but they bring enough personality and emotion to evoke lots of feeling in the reader.

While I don't promise this book will bring you a happy ending, its hard to put down and will certainly have you wanting to move on to the sequel.