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Erika (17788 KP) rated McMillions in TV

Apr 25, 2020  
2020 | Crime, Documentary
I am so glad HBO unlocked some of it's contents. It's no secret I love crime documentaries, it's the majority of television that I watch.
This doc was a first hand account by FBI agents, and the 'winners' of the McDonald's Monopoly game. Agent Mathews was my favorite, he was straight up hilarious. I may have found some of it funnier than most, mainly because in the first ep he complains about healthcare fraud, which is actually the field I work in. FBI agents do not like it in general because it takes forever to prove, speaking from personal interactions with agents.
It was interesting that the 'winners' and other people involved actually participated. It made for a rounded documentary.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Voyeur (2017) in Movies

Dec 22, 2019  
Voyeur (2017)
Voyeur (2017)
2017 | Documentary
It seems as though the only thing that Netflix does well is true crime documentaries and series.
This was an interesting one, it was about this dude who bought a hotel in the 1960s to spy on guests and satisfy his voyeuristic tendencies. Interpret that as you see fit. The dude's a creepy dirt bag and it made me feel slightly sick to my stomach hearing about his adventures.
This documentary follows the journalist who is writing the story, Gay, and features interviews with the creep. It's very interesting to see the process that this old-school journalist takes, and his wariness about the whole thing.
Is the voyeur telling the truth? Or just making this stuff up?
If you can stomach the disgusting dude's exploits, it's an interesting watch.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Amazing Johnathan Documentary (2019) in Movies

Nov 19, 2019 (Updated Nov 19, 2019)  
The Amazing Johnathan Documentary (2019)
The Amazing Johnathan Documentary (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Documentary
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Impossible to categorise documentary turns out to be impossible to predict, too. Starts off looking like a fairly conventional documentary, complete with celebrity interviewees (Penn Jilette, Weird Al Yankovich, etc) and archive footage, but very soon the narrative of the documentary takes a hard left turn and becomes something totally unexpected.

Sort of a commentary on and deconstruction of the current golden age of documentary feature film making, but also a genuinely intriguing puzzle box of a film. It stops being about the putative subject and becomes a documentary about what it means to make documentaries. The director starts to question everything that's going on and I did, too. Maybe it doesn't have the big reveal at the end I was expecting, but it's still fascinating, thought-provoking, and often very funny.

Rutger Hauer recommended GasLand (2010) in Movies (curated)

GasLand (2010)
GasLand (2010)
2010 | Documentary
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Let me start with the last one I saw that I was really taken by, which was Gasland by Josh Fox. It’s an investigation into the pollution of the drinking water all over the States. It’s a guy with a camera, somewhere in the middle of America: he got a letter from an oil company saying “We want to buy your land for a hundred grand, are you game?” and he started to investigate what they wanted; and just from one thing to the next he started finding out all these things about the pollution of the water. I just admire this guy and this documentary, and I’ve always been a major fan of good documentaries. It couldn’t have been done with a sh***ier camera, and I love that about the sh***y cameras."


RosarioDawson recommended Man On Wire (2008) in Movies (curated)

Man On Wire (2008)
Man On Wire (2008)
2008 | Documentary

"It’s about Philippe Petit who walked across the World Trade Center in 1974, and it’s just…you watch that movie and it’s like you really get that whole [idea of] someone who did something super unique, that did something. It’s just an unbelievable thing; it’s so moving to watch. That’s my new favorite film right now, and having just seen it, it’s so mindboggling. We don’t see enough documentaries; I love watching documentaries, and obviously there are really amazing ones and all that kinda stuff. But this one, I think, is profound to watch, because the footage is unbelievable, to really just see it from all different perspectives. I remember the interview with the security guard who went upstairs, and that awe on his face, and he was like, “I came out, and there’s this guy on a wire hanging between these two buildings.” They’re trying to get him to come off, but it’s just like, he can’t help himself. He’s like, “It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.” And you feel that. Just to imagine having been there. I wasn’t born for another five years, so I missed that, but damn, that’s such an incredible thing. I just met [Petit] recently; he’s such an odd bird, he’s not so comfortable in a social setting, but it’s like there’s an energy that comes out of him that’s just like, to know you’re truly unique, to feel that personally, you know? There are the geniuses that you meet in the world, and the Quentin Tarantinos and stuff like that. You could talk to him, and he’s like, “I know I’m a genius!” It’s amazing. But there’s a whole other level, where you’ve done it physically…everything else must seem so small. [laughs] Or maybe big, actually, you know?"

Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer
Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer
2019 | Crime, Documentary
Incredible True Crime story
This documentary was amazing. What starts as an investigation by keyboard warriors into the identity of a messed up individual who posts a video of extreme animal cruelty turns into a twisty true crime ride.

At only 3 episodes; unlike many recent documentaries shown on Netflix, this one didn't feel drawn out. We are saved from having to actually witness any of the horrors they saw in the online videos covered (although if you are sensitive to animal cruelty and violence they do describe what occurs in the videos which is devastatingly brutal.) The documentary is narrated to a large part by some real-life heroes on a quest and the emotion they felt really comes across.

I had no idea when I started watching this where it was going but it was a jaw-dropping experience.