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You Want It Darker by Leonard Cohen
You Want It Darker by Leonard Cohen
2016 | Folk, Rock
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I found out about Leonard Cohen from Nirvana, from Pennyroyal Tea. I was vastly too young and I didn't understand [his music] at the time, but you still want to be into what's 'in' and it's tough to make such bold strides, whether you understand it subconsciously or not. When you've got someone that has a voice, that voice only gets better with age and… fuck, there's so much character on this record. It was a tough album to listen to after he died, the same with Bowie's Blackstar. When you go back into a record and listen to someone talk about mortality on a level where they're really trying to understand it because it's imminent… that's an intense listen. There's been a lot of media attention because of his passing, and I got to catch some documentaries on his life with some really beautiful moments I'd never seen before. There's a show he was playing in a university for this crowd. He walks off and is out the back smoking, and they're chanting his name but he's got nothing left to play. He walks back out and he's crying, playing one more thing, and everything's silent as he's still drying his tears, overwhelmed by this love from strangers."

The Thin Blue Line (1988)
The Thin Blue Line (1988)
1988 | Classics, Documentary, Documentary
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"As someone who’s really passionate about what he does, I have a lot of opinions about documentary films. A lot of documentary filmmakers don’t really think about their films cinematically, and some documentaries almost seem like they were just copy-and-pasted like Microsoft Word documents. I’ve always loved how Errol Morris takes a wrecking ball to those conventions. His films are constantly exploring the idea of what a documentary is. His films tweak and twist reality, and they don’t just try to serve the audience digested ideas on a platter. If I had to pick a favorite, it’s his transcendent 1988 classic The Thin Blue Line, which recounts a murder case and then riffs and re-riffs on it like a Bach fugue. It was the first film to really use re-creation and reeneactment scenes in a new and highly cinematic way, both to explore a case and to challenge a viewer’s own bias and subjectivity. Nowadays, its approach and editing style loom over every one of these multipart true crime series and podcasts. The Thin Blue Line is almost like the influential band that’s been ripped off so often that new converts may not realize just how significant it is."


Ben Wheatley recommended Blade Runner (1982) in Movies (curated)

Blade Runner (1982)
Blade Runner (1982)
1982 | Sci-Fi
8.5 (75 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I guess I’d start with Blade Runner, which is a film I’ve watched many, many times, and bought many times on different formats, and seen in the cinema many times, and bought books about it and read about the making of it, and watched, you know, all the documentaries that I could get my hands on. I think why I like it is that it’s a film that so transports you to somewhere else. It’s not even just about the story, which is reasonably straightforward, it’s the texture of it — every frame of it, every grain of film, or every pixel on Blu-ray or what not, holds information. It’s so densely packed. You can watch it again and again and see different things in it all the time. That’s the genius of it. I think that period of Ridley Scott, with Alien and all his adverts around that point… I mean, it’s just never dated. If you watch something like Black Hole, which is kind of around the same period, and you look at it, Disney’s Black Hole looks like a films from the ’40s in comparison to Blade Runner. Blade Runner could be made today and it wouldn’t look any different." """

    SBS On Demand

    SBS On Demand


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    SBS On Demand has found the world’s best TV shows and movies – and put them in one place for you...

    Cannabis News Pro

    Cannabis News Pro

    News and Medical

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    Stay informed with the latest in Cannabis News with #1 Cannabis app. Don't waste time scouring the...

Reeva: A Mother's Story
Reeva: A Mother's Story
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't think it's fair to criticise the way in which this book is written given what it's about BUT on a few occassions this book, however, does go round in circles; repetitive statements and opinions.
Prior reading this I knew little of Reeva. I knew more about Pistorious because of the books I have read and the documentaries I've seen. A beautiful woman was murdered on the 14th Feburary 2013. FACT. Whether Pistorious knew it was Reeva or not he knew the damage in which the bullets would do. So, for this reason alone, he is guilty. Only, from watching him (without a lot of facts on Reeva's side-text messages and his possessive behaviour) part of me believed him and wants to believe him. Not because of his status-to be fair, just like June Steenkamp, I wasn't aware of his time in the olympics, but because I can't help but think/hope/want the photos of the couple smiling together to be genuine. Ahhhh facts are facts and after reading this book it's hard to believe anything Pistrious did or said.. as much as I really want to. I am half-way through another book which is based on all of the statements from witnesses and beyond... regardless of opinions... Reeva was taken far too early... may she rest in peace!