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Mark Halpern (153 KP) rated Toy Story (1995) in Movies

Jan 22, 2018 (Updated Jan 22, 2018)  
Toy Story (1995)
Toy Story (1995)
1995 | Animation, Comedy, Family
you got a fiend in me
What really happens when we aren't playing with our toys when we are out. In this Pixar movie they come to life and live among each other and are like a family. Woody is the head toy and Andy's favorite but, when a brand new toy gets given to Andy for his birthday is there a new king of the castle. Toys are always evolving and just like the new hot girl transferring to a new school and taking over the roost from the current popular one there is competition for top dog. Will Andy's toys get along or does one get discarded for newer additions.
The Land of Reverse  by David Manousos has a gentle tone with a soothing cadence to the words that suit perfectly for bedtime readings. The illustrations are a great accompaniment. 

The story is about Sam who could not sleep one night. He let his mind wander to the Land of reverse. Everything Sam thought of in reality was backwards. Your hands are your feet, cars drive on the sidewalk, the animals in the zoo have the humans caged and feed them. Sam returns back to his bed happy and cannot wait to return to the Land of Reverse.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Dog Ear Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

B (62 KP) rated The Lovely Bones in Books

Oct 14, 2018  
The Lovely Bones
The Lovely Bones
Alice Sebold | 2002 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (66 Ratings)
Book Rating
I agree with many that this book is slow. There were parts that I really liked and it even made me tear up when the dog died (not really a spoiler since the novel spans some 15 years). For the most part though I just wanted it to be over. I'd be interested to know however why Sebold chose to have the intial events take place in the 70s rather than in the 21st century as it did not appear to add anything specific to the plot or narrative. I'll also be curious to see how the film compares and if it's able to breathe some life into a relatively uneventful book, no pun intended.
Mansions of Madness
Mansions of Madness
2011 | Adventure, Exploration, Fantasy, Fighting, Horror
Storyline (2 more)
The app "dm"
Puzzles and discoveries
Limited replay (0 more)
Fantastic Lovecraftian D&D lite style rpg
I absolutely love this game. It is a very complex story drive dog with Lovecraftian themes and monsters. Its a perfect way for his stories to come to life and each scenario does feel like solving a mysterious puzzle. There are only 4 scenarios in the core box but a load of expansions and additional online content. Everyome who I play this with loves it. The app saves a lot of time which would be the dm to figuring out what to do next. Its not a cheap game but in my opinion very well worth it.