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The Nutcracker and the Four Realms (2018)
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy
This is one of the most visually striking films of 2018 in its luscious CGI, stunning costumes/makeup, and seamlessly staged practicals but holy shit is it ever insufferable to get through. 99 minutes has seldom ever felt so long, harkens back to that era of intolerable slimehouse kids films with the most bland scripts imaginable as if that genre was somehow worthy of an early nostalgic lookback (though according to millennial social media, it is...) Knightley is aces and single-handedly saves it from dogshit status with that squeaky-dog-toy voice and cotton candy wig paired with an unreserved commitment to chewing the scenery. Freeman is as boring as he has been for seemingly the past 9 years and it also suffers from a severe lack of Eugenio Derbez.

Kazu Kibuishi recommended Down by Law (1986) in Movies (curated)

Down by Law (1986)
Down by Law (1986)
1986 | International, Comedy, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I love pretty much everything Jarmusch does, and Down by Law is as good an introduction to his work as any of his many wonderful films. Now that I think about it, be sure to also check out Mystery Train and Night on Earth, probably before watching Down by Law because they’re a bit more accessible. Then come back to Down by Law and watch it again, and see how it gets better each time, and how you want to relive it like a nice dream. The world of Jim Jarmusch is a truly wonderful place, like a little corner café for cinema lovers to spend their days in. Bonus: Roberto Benigni is just incredibly delightful in Jarmusch films. Hey, Criterion, can we get a nice Ghost Dog set?"

 The Department of Sensitive Crimes (Detective Varg #1)
The Department of Sensitive Crimes (Detective Varg #1)
Alexander McCall Smith | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
*possibly mild spoilers*
This wasn't a bad read, but I got to the end and I felt a bit like well that was a whole lot of nothing.
What I mean is there were a few cases that were solved during the course of the book, but for each one I was like 'was that it?'. There wasn't some big twist, and the way they came to the conclusions were occasionally odd, and abrupt, without a satisfying narrative.

*Nearly* all of the characters are completely unchanged by the end of the book, and the most entertaining journey was potentially the main characters dog 😅

I was looking for a quick easy read in between some heavier books, and this certainly achieved that, but I won't be picking up the rest of the series.

Joe Goodhart (27 KP) rated I Am Groot in Books

Nov 30, 2020  
I Am Groot
I Am Groot
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was FUN! Not 5-star fun, but still fun nonetheless! Christopher Hastings clearly had a good time writing this cute li;l gem! And while I could go on and on how Hastings' handling of all the G0tG member 9which was A+ for sure!), I feel the need to shower Flaviano Armentaro with a more than hearty helping of paise for his adorable art (rendered in an "old skool" Disney-esque style)! Everything about this series says perfect for a lazy afternoon with some Stash Asian pear green tea and a dog in your lap!

Oh, and I challenge you to NOT hear the late David Bowie's voice when you read the Adminstrator's dialogue!

Now, scoot, go and read it, summer is nearly here, and AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR is already at the movies!
You Slay Me (Aisling Grey #1)
You Slay Me (Aisling Grey #1)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jim!!! (0 more)
So funny
<strong>So funny</strong>

I thoroughly enjoyed it. I laughed several times Him is now my new favourite dog!!! Sailing is refreshing I'm looking forward to following her. I did feel it was rushed in some parts but in a while a really good start to a series. Love a good Dragon too.

Aisling Grey is a courier enjoying a free, work-related trip to Paris when she learns she's a Guardian. That's a keeper of the Gates of Hell, for those who don't know. She finds this out from Drake Vireo, who's scrumptiously sexy-at least in his human form. Now Drake has stolen the package Aisling was sent to deliver, and she must track him down, get the package, and try to resist the passion boiling inside her.