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The Mountain Between Us (2017)
The Mountain Between Us (2017)
2017 | Drama, Romance
I liked it more than most it seems
The survival in the wilderness aspect of this film is what it does best, but it seems like I liked the developing love more than most people based on their ratings and comments.

Yeah fine no one wants the dog to die, but the movie was more than that. The Idris Elba character slowly reveals aspects of his personal like to Kate Winslet in a unique way. You expect them being found to be the end of the film, but it isn't and I was all right with that.

As far as the ending goes, there weren't too many ways it could go and the director picked one. Didn't bother me and I actually enjoyed it.

I also love Kate. Have since her "Introducing Kate Winslet" card in Heavenly Creatures. Make sure everone watched that too.

The Gift (2015)
The Gift (2015)
2015 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Contains spoilers, click to show
An engaging enough film, essentially making the point that things you do in the past can catch up with you. However, it frustrated me so much, if a bloke who I actually didn't know but was an old friend of my husband's kept turning up at my door uninvited and when my hubby was in work I would not be letting him in and spending time with him, if I suspected someone was entering my house without my knowledge I would be keeping all the doors locked, why would you leave your dog to roam around outside when it's unfamiliar with the area?.... Would you really want to divorce your husband whom I presume you have grown to know and love over the years because you find out he bullied a kid at school and sent an email about a work rival? I don't think so...
Down London Road (On Dublin Street, #2)
Down London Road (On Dublin Street, #2)
Samantha Young | 2013 | Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh how I loved this novel. "Down London Road" was a dark read. It dealt with emotional abuse, physical abuse, self doubts and other dark topics that many authors can't seem to write about (at least not in a realistic manner). I found myself in love with the characters. Cam was an Alpha-dog Asshole, who was a teddy bear when needed. Jo was a strong woman who once she realized she had worth I loved.

I loved seeing the struggle between the characters. I loved that this novel was realistic on the emotional front. We all have the insecurities that Jo felt or that Cam felt. I think that Samantha Young did an amazing job at making us care about the characters in her book.

I didn't think that she could write another novel as spectacular as "On Dublin Street" but I was wrong.