Out of the Ordinary: True Tales of Everyday Craziness
Jon Ronson's subjects have included people who believe that goats can be killed by the power of a...

Red Flags
We all need emotional blinders: the etiquette that keeps society smoothly moving depends on it. But...

Madison's Nightmare: How Executive Power Threatens American Democracy
The George W. Bush administration's ambitious--even breathtaking--claims of unilateral executive...

New Power Politics of Global Climate Governance
Maximilian Terhalle and Charlotte Streck
This book is based on the assumption that great powers determine global politics and, in this...

The Energy Security Dilemma: US Policy and Practice
David Bernell and Christopher A. Simon
This book analyzes the energy security of the United States - its ability to obtain reliable,...
100 Contemporary Houses
Domestic bliss: Innovative, intimate architecture from China to ChileDesigning private residences...

Reverie: A Lesbian Romance
Small town love isn't always quaint: A lesbian romance... with some twists. Lucinda Hamilton...

Mathieu Mategot
Mathieu Mategot was a leading French designer of the 1950s. This artist of Hungarian origin was...
Portuguese Painting at the End of the Ancien Regime c. 1799-1807: History, Monarchy and the Empire
Caught in the conflict between France and Great Britain, Portuguese statesmen and diplomats...

William Eggleston: Before Color
William Eggleston, Chris Burnside and John Cheim
A few years ago in the archives of the William Eggleston Artistic Trust in Memphis, a box was found...