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Hazel (2934 KP) rated What July Knew in Books

Feb 5, 2023  
What July Knew
What July Knew
Emily Koch | 2023 | Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have read and enjoyed a couple of Emily's books before and this was no exception and something a little different to my usual reads.

July has had a difficult start in life having lost her mum very early in her life but as she nears her tenth birthday and wants to find out more about her mum, her life becomes even more difficult especially when she is not allowed to ask any questions otherwise there are "lessons" that she needs to learn.

I absolutely loved July and was immediately drawn to her and her story. Her innocence was endearing and I matched her desire and need to find out more about her mum and what happened to her.

This was a tough read in parts as it deals with domestic and child abuse and although it isn't gratuitous, if these are triggers for you, I would think strongly whether you want to read it.

Although it's a little slow to start, there is a pervading sense of unease amongst the drip drip of information that makes you want to keep reading and I would recommend to those of you who enjoy a great mystery but, more than that, a strong story of friendship, family and finding out where you belong within that complicated structure.

Thanks to Random House UK, Vintage and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of What July Knew.
The Secrets of Paper and Ink
The Secrets of Paper and Ink
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
My first Lindsay Harrel novel and most definitely will not be my last! She has a beautiful talent for creating characters that will make you feel like family, and a plot line that is full of faith and hope.

I wasn’t sure what I would gain from this book, at first. It’s got emotional triggers, as someone who has gone through the emotional domestic abuse in the past. But, the way Harrel weaved the pain and heartache, the hope and faith, together, she created a novel that completely engulfed me. I loved that. I gained more than just a new author to read. I gained friends in the characters, I gained knowledge of letting go of the past and moving forward.

Sophia and William were two characters that will forever be with me. As they work together to save Ginny’s bookstore, as Sophia reads the words of Emily Fairfax through her journal entries, I was pulled into the sweeping novel and wasn’t set free until the last page was reached. The plot line was unique and absolutely breathtaking!

If you are looking for a tenderly written, powerfully moving novel, then grab this one up. It’s emotional, it’s hopeful, it’s definitely one to recommend to all. Five stars, two thumbs and hats off to an author whom will be on my auto buy list from now on! Well done, Lindsay Harrel. Well done!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Harper Collins (Thomas Nelson) and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Tall Bones in Books

Apr 6, 2021  
Tall Bones
Tall Bones
Anna Bailey | 2021 | Contemporary, Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tall Bones by Anna Bailey is a beautiful, terrible, haunting book. This is not the USA of Soccer Moms and happy church gatherings. Whistling Ridge is a town with deep problems: domestic and child abuse, racism, corruption, drugs, homophobia and a Pastor who condones most of these things.
Abi and Emma are best friends, and when Emma leaves Abi, at Abi’s request, at a party at the Tall Bones, she expects to see her the next day. Except she doesn’t. Abi goes missing, seemingly without a trace. Everyone and no one is suspected of her disappearance. After all, her father, Samuel, is a thug and a bully, her mother is clearly beaten regularly, as are her children - why wouldn’t she run away?
To be honest, after reading this I couldn’t understand why any of the young people stayed in Whistling Ridge - unless their world view is like that of their, largely speaking, bigoted parents.
This book is shocking - a real kick in the guts type of story. And it’s not a one off kick. I hated 99% of the characters by the end: and this is the bit where I say how much I enjoyed reading it. Yes, here we are again with my love of the horrible characters. It’s easy to like nice characters, not so easy to get enjoyment out of the dark and evil types (or is it?!😈).
Either way it’s an atmospheric, dark, fascinating novel. And I loved it.
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this fabulous novel.
I don’t like Christmas books. Usually. I like A Christmas Carol, but I tend not to read many modern Christmas books - unless they’re children’s ones at work, or when I used to read them for my own children when they were little. Which is probably why I liked this so much. Usually in anthologies, there will be a few standout stories that make reading the collection as a whole worthwhile, but I’ve really struggled to single out one or two - I enjoyed them all far too much for that.

Most of the stories are set around Christmas with only a couple of exceptions. That didn’t cause me to like them any less though. The real standouts for me (if I absolutely HAVE to choose!) were: Phoebe Morgan’s Unexpected Present - the gift wrapped so nicely in expensive M&S paper being the main protagonists husband; The Switch by James Delargy had a Stephen King vibe to it (and I should add that it wasn’t because of The Green Mile!); Fresh Meat by Elle Croft gives new meaning to a raw meat diet for your cat; and The Vigilante by Clare Empson was a sad story of a Charles Dickens look-a-like who tries to save victims of crime in the dead of night.

If you need an excuse to buy this, then the proceeds go to ESDAS and Rights of Women, both domestic abuse charities.

Many thanks to The PIgeonhole for serialising this book, and to the authors who joined in. As always, it was a great experience!!
The Life She Wants
The Life She Wants
Mel Sherratt | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am a fan of Mel Sherratt's work and always look forward to reading her books but, I have to say, never have I been so confused as I was with this one.

Now, whilst at first this might seem to be a negative, let me reassure you that if you stick with it, everything falls into place very nicely and the confusion was well worth it in the end.

Told from different perspectives over different timelines, this is a complex storyline which deals with various unsavoury but important and contemporary themes; coercive control, domestic abuse and loss. These are hard-hitting subjects but Mel deals with them with respect.

There are a number of characters and all have a part to play but I found I didn't really focus on them that much as I was more interested in the story and how it was going to play out. That's not to say they weren't great characters, far from it, it's just that the story was so engrossing that they felt secondary to me somehow.

Full of secrets, lies and manipulation, this is a book that makes you angry and sympathetic all at the same time. It's definitely one that kept me totally engrossed and I couldn't read fast enough.

With atmosphere, suspense and tension aplenty, this is a book that I would definitely recommend to lovers of psychological thrillers and I have to thank Bookouture and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
The Quiet You Carry
The Quiet You Carry
Nikki Barthelmess | 2019 | Contemporary, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Great Read!
I'm a fan of young adult contemporary fiction when it deals with serious issues. When I read the synopsis for The Quiet You Carry by Nikki Barthelmess, I knew it was a book that I needed to read. Luckily, it didn't disappoint!

I found the plot of The Quiet You Carry to be very interesting indeed. I've always found books that deal with the foster system to be intriguing. I won't rehash the synopsis since the actual book synopsis does a good job explaining what the book is about. I found the plot to be very believable and extremely realistic. I didn't find any plot holes, and I was not left hanging. I didn't think there were any plot twists, but with this kind of book, it didn't need any plot twists to be good. I like the way The Quiet You Carry showed what I imagine life would be like for a teen in foster care trying to balance a new school, a budding romantic relationship, friendships, school, and the turmoil of what had happened. It's a lot for a young person to have to shoulder.

The characters in The Quiet You Carry were all realistic sounding and fleshed out perfectly. My heart went out to Victoria. What her father put her through was horrible, and then how he acted as if it were her fault. I hated that her stepmom chose to believe Victoria's father about the abuse. I know this actually goes on, and that's what makes it worse. I loved how she was willing to put everything on the line to protect her younger stepsister. I didn't agree with all of Victoria's choices, and I wish she would have done some things differently, but I realized she's supposed to be a 17 year old girl. I felt bad for Connie, the foster mom, as well. She was only following state rules, but the foster kids thought she was too strict. I think she got a lot of hate, and I always thought she was a good person from the beginning. I actually really liked Connie. Victoria's friends, Kale and Christina, were also really well written. I loved how they wanted to protect Victoria and how much they really cared for her.

The pacing was a bit shaky in some parts during the beginning of the book. However, the shakiness didn't last long, and before I knew it, I was totally immersed in Victoria's journey. I devoured this book, and I couldn't wait to see where Victoria's story would take her.

Trigger warnings for The Quiet You Carry include incest, sexual abuse, violence, domestic abuse, attempted suicide, and drug and alcohol references.

All in all, The Quiet You Carry is a great read. It started out a bit shaky, but it takes off before you know it. The plot and cast of characters were written so well that it was hard to put this one down! I would definitely recommend The Quiet You Carry by Nikki Barthelmess to everyone aged 14+. You will not be disappointed.
Saving Ruby King
Saving Ruby King
Catherine Adel West | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ruby King is twenty-four-years-old when her mother, Alice, is found murdered in the home she shared with Ruby and Ruby's father, Lebanon. The police show little interest in--to them--another death in the King's black neighborhood, but Alice's death unhinges Ruby and leaves her alone with her violent, abusive father. Her only confidante is her best friend, Layla, who knows how long Alice and Ruby have suffered under Lebanon's wrath. But Layla is angry that Ruby won't do more to get away from Lebanon and she's even angrier at her father, a pastor, who has been close to Lebanon all these years, and yet never did anything to free Alice or Ruby from his abuse. Layla is determined to save Ruby, but as she works to rescue her friend, she starts to uncover a world of secrets and lies flowing back generations.

"I'm stitched together by the lies I tell myself and the lies people want to believe about me." ~Alice

I found this excellent and timely book to be incredibly well-written, with a power and tenderness to it that goes far behind your typical debut novel (I had to double check that this was actually West's first novel, I was so impressed).

West tells her story from a variety of points of view--Ruby; her late mother, Alice; her father, Lebanon; her best friend, Layla; Layla's father, a pastor; and more. We even hear from a central figure in all of these characters' lives--their church, via its omnipresent voice. The plot spans generations, with West giving a nuanced look at each of her complex characters. She does an amazing job of showing the power of family, for both good and bad. How choices can affect generations: one person's bad decisions can pass poison on, with children reliving dysfunction and sins.

"How can there be a me without her?" ~Ruby

No one is simply good or bad here, though Lebanon is not an easy-to-like man. Abused and neglected by his own parent, Sara, we see how Sara's neglect has turned Lebanon hard. But West is such a good writer that Lebanon is not a one-dimensional bad guy, as much as you want to hate him. I was incredibly impressed at how she could create sympathy for so many of her players, even when they did despicable things.

"Without Sara, who do I blame for...being me? Are children supposed to forgive their parents for the horrible things they've done?" ~Lebanon

This novel does an impressive job at delving into racism, domestic abuse, and sexual assault and trauma. The city of Chicago appears as its own character, springing to life via West's lovely prose. She expertly shows the difficulties black people face on the south side (and in general). I read this book during George Floyd's murder and found myself highlighting passages about police brutality that just hit me right in the gut. It's very powerful.

West's book features a variety of characters--they can be hard to keep track of at first, and I was glad to have the family tree in the beginning of the book. A few times the plot felt repetitious and the middle dragged a bit, but it picked up in the second half. There's a surprising amount of twists and turns. Overall, this is a realistic look at racism and domestic violence, but also friendship. It's quite well-written and layered with a twinge of hope throughout. I can't wait to see what West writes next. 4+ stars.
Living With The Dominator:  A Book About The Freedom Programme
Living With The Dominator: A Book About The Freedom Programme
Pat Craven | 2008 | Crime, Education, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Reference
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's written simply to get the point across (0 more)
The stats at the start of each chapter are incredibly shocking which will make you feel sad. (0 more)
Be Free
The Freedom Programme was a course devised by the author and from what she learnt she wrote this book for those who can't attend so more (mainly women) can protect themselves from abuse. The chapters begin with a sentence of a statistic that will shock and chill you which shows domestic violence is a huge blight and consern in this country. Once the sentence shocks you the chapter describes a different type of abusor, his tactics, why he thinks like that and where he gets his thoughts from. What I really like about this book as well is each chapter then lists the opposite of how a partner should behave and how you should be treated.

Finally the book tells you the things you should look out for when starting a new relationship so you don't fall for another abusor. All in all I recommend every women reads this before they start dating and statistically if a handful of people are rearing this review then chances are at least one of you is in an abusive relationship. My message to you is this. You are here as you on this planet living your life just once. Go to the police today, don't think you don't want them to get in trouble, what they have done to you is wrong and they know what they have done is wrong, they deserve to be dealt with by the authorities and you deserve freedom.