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Rainy Day Friends (Wildstone, #2)
Rainy Day Friends (Wildstone, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rainy Day Friends by Jill Shalvis is a Wildstone series book and of course another great one from this author. I loved the format of this book, and I really don’t think I’ve seen it before, of each page having an interaction between Lanie and her anxiety.

Lanie (Delaney) Jacobs is 30, starting a new job 2 ½ hours away from her old life and leaving everything behind (including her anxiety) for 2 months. Unfortunately her anxiety decides to come along for the ride. Lanie just lost her husband and what she finds out about her husband after his death would send anyone packing for a quick getaway. She agrees to take on a temporary job helping a family business re-brand their business and quickly finds herself in the middle of a real “Walton family” family.

Mark Capriotti is as rough and rugged as they come. He is an ex military man, an assistant sheriff, but at the end of the day, this tough guys heart has long been captured by his twin daughters. Having to move back home with his family to be a single dad to his girls was the last thing he ever thought would happen. He is grateful to have his mom, 2 sisters, uncles and more to pick up the slack of helping to care for Samantha and Sierra. He never wants to fall in love again, and isn’t that just what happens.

With a back story for Lanie that comes out piece by piece and secondary characters to help push it along, this story was really well told. My only gripe about this entire book was the abrupt ending. I don’t know if it was due to reading on an ereader that it felt more abrupt but it stopped and I was feeling like I missed some pages. As I said above I loved the anxiety quotes on each page, how many of us have those same thoughts on a daily or weekly basis. I loved how this family came together and stayed together through thick and thin. Being sarcastic myself, I enjoyed Mia’s sarcastic humor most of all. Even Uncle Jack, though sometimes behaving like a overgrown frat boy, had insightful wisdom to share with anyone who asked (or even those who didn’t).

Overall this story was well written for each character both main or secondary. I enjoyed following along on their journey of escape, attraction, hiding, and eventually not fighting the feelings. I received an advance copy of this novel without any expectations for review. Any and all opinions expressed are my own (whether you like them or not ha).
The Godfather (1972)
The Godfather (1972)
1972 | Crime, Drama
Contains spoilers, click to show
"I believe in America…."

        What is it about someone you care about that sets them apart? Are they family, a friend, or someone you feel just needs help? What causes you to go the extra mile to put someone else ahead of yourself? You may find the answers in your religion, your upbringing, or in movies. For example, say your daughter goes out on a date with a guy and she is violently beaten by him and one of his friends. You go see her in the hospital and she cannot even weep because of the pain. So trying to keep your cool you press charges and try by the legal means to bring the young men to justice. It doesn't happen, their sentences are suspended. That may make you lose faith in the system that is supposed to protect you. So now you go to someone else who could help. This person is a bigshot, a pezzonovante in his own way but outside the system. You explain what happened and what you did, and all he says is 'why didn't you come to me first?' How many times in your life have some of us gone to others that don't care and asked for help instead of going to the ones that actually care. And the problem is solved. Imagine for another example that your father is in the hospital and men are coming to kill him. And you are the only one there that can help him. Imagine that you had your own dreams and your own goals that were different to what your father wanted. But in this moment you put all that aside to help your father survive. You assure him that everything will be ok and you are with him now. You bluff out the men trying to kill him and your father is saved. Most of us may never have to defend our dads from someone trying to kill him. But seeing someone laying helpless in a hospital bed in need of help we can all relate to. Every son, every daughter, every parent, every sibling, every friend. You see everybody wants to talk about the gangster mafia element of The Godfather, and say that is what it is all about. But family plays an even bigger role in the story by being the driving force behind the main characters. Family, love, loyalty, sacrifice all these elements are used in the movie to bring a standard boring mafia shootout movie to the level of greatest movie of all time. Francis Ford Coppola used as much he could to bring this point home. The wedding scene was not made up by any means but instead taken from other weddings witnessed by every Italian who has ever been to a wedding. Bringing envelopes filled with money to the bride, nieces dancing on the feet of uncle's, people waiting in line to see the father of the bride, sandwiches in white paper being tossed around. 'two gabagool, one proshootoh!' Then go to the kitchen to make spaghetti. Need a recipe? Try 'a little of oil then fry some garlic, throw in some tomatoes and tomato paste, fry it, make sure it does not stick, get it to boil, put in all your sausage and meatballs, add some wine and a little bit of sugar and that's the trick.' That recipe has been in Italian kitchens long before the cameras rolled. Need an idea for some quality time with the kids, well go to work do what you have to do and pick up some cannolis before you get home. Just remember to leave the gun and take the cannolis. Coppola always said he had to be good or no cannolis when his dad got home to share with the family. Coppola also put in his own family to work, his dad scored the movie, his sister Talia was Connie, and his daughter played the baby in the baptism scene. The family was on both sides of the family. But for me the movie revolves around Don Vito Corleone and Marlon Brando. Mario Puzo based the character of Don Corleone on his mother, everytime the Don opened his mouth all that came out was the passion of his mother, her wisdom, her ruthlessness, and her unconquerable love for her family and for life itself. Therefore only the greatest actor of the day will do to play the part. Coppola agreed and suggested either Brando or Laurence Olivier. Olivier was considered and it would have been interesting but he eventually passed on the role. Only two men wanted Brando, Coppola and Puzo. Brando had a history of being difficult and the studio executives nearly vetoed his casting. Coppola was able to make a deal with in order to cast Brando. Brando had to agree to do the movie for nothing, he had to put up a bond in order to cover cost overruns, and he had to do a screen test. They only got to the screen test because Brando transformed himself from a forty year old man into a sixty year old mafia don before their eyes in a matter of minutes. When the executives saw the footage they said ‘no no no, WOW THAT'S INCREDIBLE!’ Brando would be The Godfather. But Brando still needed a little extra help. If you watch the movie, everytime Don Corleone is speaking and stops and looks off in the distance he is reading from a card with his lines on it. He still won an oscar though. Two scenes are my favorite in the movie. One is the scene in the restaurant, I feel like I don’t need to explain it, because it is the most famous scene. Just know that without that scene the movie would not have existed. When you shoot a movie, the scenes are viewed day by day by the studio decision makers. They were hating what they were seeing, everything shot before the restaurant scene was met with cruel criticism by everyone on the outside not working on the movie. All Coppola could do was show them this scene and the movie was not only saved but validated. There are moments in the movie that other scenes build to, the restaurant was one of those scenes. You know of it’s importance because of everything that preceded it. The other scene is the meeting. Don Corleone stands before the other mafia dons and surrenders to them and their wishes. He reasons with them in order to come to a peaceful solution. But there is a catch: if you mess with my other son or if ‘he’s struck by a bolt of lightning. Then I’m going to blame some of the people in this room and that I do not forgive. So with that aside let me say that I swear, on the souls of my grandchildren, that I will not be the one that breaks the peace that we’ve made here today.’ There is a time for peace and a time for reckoning. This scene is my favorite because you believe him, you go along with his plea for peace. But the other dons do not realize it is not a surrender but a tactical retreat.
So the movie went on to make a lot of money, win a bunch of awards, and won it’s way on a bunch of lists that say it’s great. I was lucky enough to not know that when I first saw the movie. I saw it for what it was: a father and three sons. One son was intense and savage, another was sweet and innocent, another was conviving and calculating, the father was all those combined. But the father was the steadying force in all their lives. That is why when they all find out he was shot they react in ways we all would react. When you see the father lying in the street his second son is there to help but can’t, all he can do is cry and yell ‘papa.’ The first son nearly strong arms one of his father’s closest associates because he wants someone to beat up. The third son panics and tries to do whatever he can to help. That is for the audience, and that that’s how everyone relates. Finally, I’ll quote Martin Sheen: ‘The Godfather is the best filmmaking ever in the history of American cinema. There is nothing that speaks more to who we are, where we came from, what we stand for, and where we’re gonna go. That’s the work of a true genius.’ I agree. It is my favorite, of what I’ve seen of course.
".... Don Corleone."
I find I don't even really want to critique this book, so much as praise everything about it. The trauma that Alex endured in his accident was unbelievable, yet God decided he should live as a testament to God's miraculous power - and that is exactly what this book serves as. Furthermore, I also drew wisdom from the attitude of Alex's grandpa - that someone else is always in worse circumstances than I am, as well as the many excerpts from Kevin's pastor Robin Ricks, who provided a unique perspective filled with Biblical references.
The pictures in the middle of the book helped to give me a visual reference for what the Malarkey family endured, and the many quotes from others that were present as each event described in the book also helped to give a well-rounded view of all that was occurring.
What I loved most of all was how concerned Alex was that everyone realized that this was not about him, but about God. I find that I completely agree with one of the women in the book when she explained that she just could not feel sorry for this blessed boy. I also found it interesting that at one point Alex explained that he saw Don Piper in heaven, too, who wrote the book 90 Minutes in Heaven. Kevin showed the man's photo to Alex, to which Alex responded that he only saw him there for hour and half - so I will be reading that book next!
This book really was amazing to read. From everything I have learned about heaven from the Bible, I can't help but believe that the story this boy and his father tells is true. Reading about how each detail of their lives is watched over and taken care of with miraculous results can only give me hope in my own life and circumstances.
The House
The House
Eden Darry | 2019
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sadie, Fin, and their two children were a perfectly ordinary family. Even if Fin felt taken for granted sometimes. Even if their introverted son, Liam, had terrible nightmares and knew things he shouldn't.
But everything changes the night Sadie is viciously assaulted by former client Lance Sherry. Sherry knows where they live, and when the police fail to catch him, Sadie and Fin are forced to run. They think they've found the perfect place to start over. The house is everything Fin dreamed of, but as they settle in, Sadie discovers their home may not be what it seems, and daughter Lucy's imaginary friend might not be imaginary at all. Or even a friend. With Lance Sherry hunting them, the house could be the least of their problems. He's coming to finish what he started. And he won't stop until he finds Sadie.

This is the kind of book that is not easy to review because you don’t want to give anything away.
There is a paranormal element to this, but it’s almost more evil than what you think about a “normal” haunting with ghosts. And there is also a real life evil person the characters have to deal with so it’s a lot on their plates.
The combination of the real and the paranormal was a nice touch.
For the most part, the story is told from both heroines point of view, but at times the reader is also privy to what’s going on in little Liam’s head as well as the villains.
This was a great read to me and I really enjoyed it.
Recommend reading.

Copy provided by the publisher, Bold Strokes Books, via NetGalley.
Picture of Innocence
Picture of Innocence
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My name is Lydia. I’m 12 years old. I’m not an evil person, but I did something bad.
My name is Maddie. I’d never hurt my son. But can I be sure if I don’t remember?
With three children under ten, Maddie is struggling. On the outside, she’s a happy young mother, running a charity as well as a household. But inside, she’s exhausted. She knows she’s lucky to have to have a support network around her. Not just her loving husband, but her family and friends too.
But is Maddie putting her trust in the right people? Because when tragedy strikes, she is certain someone has hurt her child – and everyone is a suspect, including Maddie herself…
The women in this book are about to discover that looks can be deceiving… because anyone is capable of terrible things. Even the most innocent, even you.
This is the story of every mother’s worst fear. But it’s not a story you know… and nothing is what it seems.

Picture Of Innocence is a dark psychological thriller.
This novel had me utterly hooked!
The story follows the lives of two women: Maddie and Lydia, and the theme is nature versus nurture.
I really enjoyed the two stories of two women in two different periods of time and watching how those stories intertwined.
This is one devious thriller!
There are so many twists, turns and red herrings in this book; you will be guessing and open mouthed even down to the last page!
I won’t give any spoilers, suffice to say that it’s shocking and dreadful and heartbreaking all at the same time.
 I have to commend T. J. Stimson for a brilliant read!

Many Thanks to AVON Books, UK and NetGalley for a wonderful read
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As far as young adult novels go, this one lacked all the teenage drama and angst that most do. Very little action happened while Sunny, our narrator, was pumping us information about her, her family and life, and what she learned over the course of the novel. I liked that the plot was so simple. There was no world that needed to be saved except for Sunny’s (own little high school world). Although I found it awkward at BEST that a hundreds (maybe thousands) of years old vampire fell in love with a teenage girl in a matter of day.

Other than that, it was an overall enjoyable story. It was nothing spectacular and groundbreaking, and I am no hurry to read the rest of the series. But I am interested enough to read it eventually. I actually really enjoyed Sunny as a narrator. She was funny and sounded like a teenager, with a multitude of asides that actually didn’t take away from the story itself, regardless of how long winded they were.

At the same time, I wanted to punch her sister Rayne. Rayne was so stereotypical and cliche, but I could imagine her perfectly and have people exactly like it, making my dislike of her all that more real. I don’t think it helped that everyone but Magnus seemed to be bemoaning their situation (whiny ungrateful children).

The best part about the novel? The detail that Mancusi put into her vampire race and culture. I thought it was well thought out and unique. I wish there could have been vampire interaction that just Magnus and Lucifent, but I suppose that will have to wait for the other novels in the series.