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Andy K (10821 KP) created a video about The Green Inferno (2015) in Movies

Jun 16, 2019 (Updated Jun 17, 2019)  

Don't Shoot

Exactly what it says, nothing more nothing less. Wanting some spicy holiday theme spanking? This is the perfect collection for you. Expect steamy short reads that are perfect if you don’t have a lot of time. Even if you don’t like one story, move onto the next. There is a story for everyone (barring those who aren’t into this type of thing, in which case, why are you looking?)

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Heat in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I tried to like this novel but it just fell short. I give 3 stars for the steamy sex scenes but that’s all I enjoyed about it. The heroine Rikki felt too whiny and obnoxious. I seriously felt like she needed to go see a therapist because she clearly has no coping mechanisms to speak of. The rest just felt cliché. A sexy fireman calendar, that pushy friend who speaks in sexual innuendos and thinks that everything can be solved by getting laid, and even a wet t-shirt shower seen. All in all, it felt like a porno come to life. If that’s your thing, then you will love this novel but don’t expect any depth. Though come to think of it, the author warns the reader of that.
Ivan (Her Russian Protector, #1)
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I should start by saying that I don’t usually read this…these tropes. I am not into the whole “mobster” idea or the female lead running to some "dangerous" man for protection because he’s the only one who can help her.

I made an exception in this case and I was not disappointed. The only negative comment I can make about this novel was that it felt like the couple had instalove. This is a trope I have always disliked. I am not saying I don’t believe people can have an immediate connection. I just don’t like when from the moment they meet, the couple knows that the other person is the one for them.

That being said, I felt that the author did a pretty good job for such a short story. I wish there had been more character development and build up to their relationship but it didn't detract from the story. Ivan was so sweet to Erin. He seemed to genuinely care about her and was honest with her the entire time. Don't get me wrong, in some places, it was super cheesy and some of the dialogue during the sex scenes should have been left out. Everything he seemed to do centered around making her happy and protecting her. And she appreciated it! She wasn't some spoiled feale either. She can take care of herself if need be.

What I really appreciated, however, smart Erin acted. She realized that she was delving into a world where she was at a disadvantage so when Ivan asked her to do something, she did it. She knew that when he was instructing her to do something, it was because it was the best route. She didn’t just do whatever she wanted and make the situation worse. I am not saying a woman has to blindly follow what their man tells them to do. I just loath when the female lead does whatever she wants because, in reality, had shethought about her actions a little longer, she would realize it probably wasn’t the best to take.

What I am trying to say, is that Ivan and Erin were a team that listened and talked to each other. They genuinely cared about each other and worked together towards a common goal. They spent the entire novel loving each other instead of fighting. I just don’t understand those novels..

Lindsay (1717 KP) rated The Sky Throne in Books

Feb 8, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
The Sky Throne
The Sky Throne
Chris Ledbetter | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Chris Ledbetter is a new author to me. His storytelling is nice and well written. I enjoyed his book “The Sky Throne” a fantasy and mythology book. It tells a story about a young Zeus and somewhat of how he comes to be a Geek God.

Will Zeus and his classmates find out what they are to do? The adventures they take are thrilling. Don is short for “Poseidon”. Is this book to tell the story of ancient Greek or is it more geared towards Modern? You will have to read the book to find out for yourself and decide. Though the story of young Zeus is about ancient Greek and becoming Greek God.

Hyperion coming to Create after young Zeus pulls enough pranks to get himself and his best friend expelled from Crete Lower Prep. Will he learn his lesson or will he continue with the pranks? Once his best friend is killed and his mother injured he is sent to Mount Olympus Preparatory Academia. He sent to Mount Olympus Preparatory Academia he as one question “Who is his real Mother”?
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Just for reference - I will not be giving anything away in my review. Don;t wanna spoil it for all you potential readers. What I will say is: Wow.

As you can guess, The characters are a reaper, as in grim reaper... and a cop.

Well. I have a thing for cops ;) And Troy is soooo hot and domineering, yet with a caring side. As heroes go, he is perfect in my opinion.

Laney is a great heroine. She has a fantastic attitude and is incredibly sarcastic to boot. She is who she is, and if the other person doesn't like it? Tough. I love that about her. She's strong and independent, and to me feels very confident. What every woman aspires to be. Awesome sense of humour too.

Short read so I like that I can get through it in an evening. These sort of books are a god send to a mother of two - or a person busy via other reasons I guess.

Well written. Well thought out story line and left me wanting more. Loved it and would definitely suggest to others. <3

Lindsay (1717 KP) rated The Sky Throne in Books

Aug 30, 2018  
The Sky Throne
The Sky Throne
Chris Ledbetter | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Tour: The Sky Throne
Chris Ledbetter is a new author to me. His storytelling is nice and well written. I enjoyed his book &ldquo;The Sky Throne&rdquo; a fantasy and mythology book. It tells a story about a young Zeus and somewhat of how he comes to be a Geek God.
Will Zeus and his classmates find out what they are to do? The adventures they take are thrilling. Don is short for &ldquo;Poseidon&rdquo;. Is this book to tell the story of ancient Greek or is it more geared towards Modern? You will have to read the book to find out for yourself and decide. Though the story of young Zeus is about ancient Greek and becoming Greek God.
Hypson coming to Create after young Zeus pulls enough pranks to get himself and his best friend expelled from Crete Lower Prep. Will he learn his lesson or will he continue with the pranks? Once his best friend is killed and his mother injured he is sent to Mount Olympus Preparatory Academia. He sent to Mount Olympus Preparatory Academia he as one question &ldquo;Who is his real Mother&rdquo;?
Unfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets, Just Me
Unfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets, Just Me
Lily Collins | 2017 | Biography
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unfiltered is Lily Collins’ honest, heartfelt letter to her fans, inspired by all of the times that they shared their stories with her and her desire to show that no one is alone.

A lot of her stories stem from her past relationships and how she learned from them. She discusses self-worth, battling addictions, and being strong enough to do what is best for you. It is genuine and likely resonates with a lot of people.

 Her relationships with her parents are detailed, from her best friend bond with her mother to her more distant one with her father. Personally, I relate to her stories about her mother because mine is also my best friend - despite the fact that we don’t always get along. I know, just as Lily knows, that our mothers will always be there for us no matter what.

She even includes some letters that you can use to express how you feel to someone else, tell yourself that you are worth it, or tailor to suit what you want to say.

I have always loved Lily Collins (it doesn’t hurt that she played Clary and we share a birthday) so I was highly anticipating reading this book. It’s a pretty short book, so it won’t take very long to read but it has a few really poignant moments.
In Search of Darkness (2019)
In Search of Darkness (2019)
2019 | Documentary, Horror
In short, In Search of Darkness is a must watch for any horror fan.

It's 4+ hour runtime is a gushing love letter to 80s horror, covering the decade year by year, with interviews from an impressive cast of genre icons - John Carpenter, Larry Cohen, Joe Dante, Barbara Crampton, Doug Bradley, Tom Atkins, Lori Cardille, Nick Castle, Jeffrey Combs, Kane Hodder, Tom Holland, Heather Langenkamp, Don Mancini, Cassandra Peterson, Caroline Williams, Brian Yuzner, and many more!

The documentary doesn't break any new ground, truth be told, but it's hard to not to appreciate all of these films being covered in one place. The sheer amount of titles discussed is pretty vast.
It's put together nicely as well. Old grainy film trailers tend to set the tone of each entry, but all of the footage shown is crystal clear and HD. The graphics are eye catching, with classic one sheets on display throughout, and it's all set too a great synth soundtrack courtesy of Weary Pines.

Really worth checking out - I split my viewing over a few nights and was honestly gutted when I had none left to watch. Director David A. Weiner did a great job with this documentary, and has a second one coming next year entitled In Search of Tomorrow, focusing on the Sci-Fi films of the 80s, and I can't wait to see it!

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) Aug 12, 2020

One of the best, ifn't the greatest horror doctumentaries of all time.


Zuky the BookBum (15 KP) rated Mammoth in Books

Mar 15, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Also find my review here:


Thank you to Netgalley and Amberjack Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read this in an exchange for a review.

Not quite what I was expecting, which I think is the general feel judging by others reviews. Be warned, this isn’t a creepy paranormal, alien type of thing. I don’t think that’s a spoiler either, I wouldn’t want you to pick this up and be greatly disappointed. If you love character focused novels then this will be your kind of book! This gives you some really in depth information about each of the characters, but it can get confusing because there are <i>so</i> many characters! There are <b>eleven</b> main characters, plus more characters that relate to these characters in little sub plots.

<u>Characters: </u>
Billy & Becky
Jackson & Sam
Hicks & Lloyd
Oscar - “King”
Melvin & Gordon
Winnie Lloyd

If you find it difficult to keep up with lots of different people in books then this won’t be for you. It can get a little confusing at times and I often forgot what was happening to one character by the time we got back to reading about them after having read about 4 characters in between.

I though this novel was superbly written. Possibly one of the best written books I’ve read in quite a while! There is some really grotesque imagery in this book, not in a violent way though, so I wouldn’t give it any trigger warnings, though rape is implied. My only problem with the writing was that sometimes it was really difficult to understand where the characters were in Mammoth View or Bakersfield or what. That was my one annoyance, I wasn’t able to keep a grip on where each character was.

In terms of the plot that there was, which wasn’t much, it was an interesting storyline. Lots of things going on a once which could definitely add to the confusion. I feel as though Perry had created seven(ish) separate short stories and then tried to mash them into one… which in my opinion worked. I felt let down by the ending in a way but at the same time I thought it was really unique. You do find out why panic ensues in the small town of Mammoth View and I can bet you won’t see it coming… Though now I’ve told you it’s not paranormal or aliens then maybe you might…

If you like to really get to know a character and don’t really care about a well developed plot then this book is a definite read for you, but if you’re expecting something scary or creepy form this then don’t bother as it isn’t that kind of thing. I will definitely look out for more of Perry’s work!