Jade Visions: The Life and Music of Scott Lafaro
Helene Lafaro-Fernandez and Don Thompson
Jade Visions is the first biography of one of the twentieth century's most influential jazz...

No Justice Without a Struggle: The National Unemployed Workers Movement in the North East of England 1920-1940
This is a remarkable account of the unemployed movement in North East England in the two decades...

Wild Animals I Have Known
This great wolf is just one of the animals whose true stories come to life in this engrossing...
Philosophy, Technology, and the Environment
Environmental philosophy and philosophy of technology have taken divergent paths despite their...

Zones of Control: Perspectives on Wargaming
Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, Pat Harrigan and James F. Dunnigan
Games with military themes date back to antiquity, and yet they are curiously neglected in much of...