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Warlords of Atlantis (1978)
Warlords of Atlantis (1978)
1978 | Action, Sci-Fi
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Douglas mcclure (0 more)
Another one of those Saturday night movies that we used to get on the TV a lot when I was young not great movie neither the sfX but the only thing that saves it Doug mcclure
Wicked River: a novel
Wicked River: a novel
Jenny Milchman | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A true fight for survival...
My, oh my! What a breathtaking, multifaceted joyride of a novel! Containing elements of the horror, action, mystery, psychological suspense, adventure, coming-of-age, and even romance genres, Jenny Milchman’s latest novel Wicked River is a true genre-blending powerhouse.

The story is told from the point of view of three different individuals: the newlywed Natalie, her ambitious niece Mia, and a primitive outdoorsman named Kurt. Natalie and her husband, Doug, experience a honeymoon from hell when their exciting backcountry trek through the beautiful, vast Adirondack Park in New York morphs into a sinister fight for survival. When her aunt Natalie and new uncle Doug are gone longer than expected, Mia notices right away and suspects something is amiss. She’s young, but she’s got good instincts because her aunt and uncle are indeed in grave danger – they face the triple threat of being lost in the treacherous wilderness, running out of food and water, and being hunted by the madman named Kurt who lives amongst the woods. Blood is shed, allegiances are tested, and the body count is on the rise as multiple missing persons investigations and an epic search and rescue operation are launched.

There is a little something for everyone in Wicked River. I loved everything about it. Jenny Milchman has a knack for using the right metaphor at the right time to create such vivid imagery it feels as if the reader is alongside the characters in the picturesque yet hazardous Adirondack region. This is the first novel I’ve read by her, but she is now on my radar and I will have to catch up on her other works as well as keep a lookout for upcoming projects.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992) in Movies

May 27, 2020 (Updated Aug 2, 2020)  
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992)
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992)
1992 | Horror
Second Hellraiser sequel and the first no-two-ways-about-it lousy one. Chief bondage demon Pinhead has been stripped of the limitations constraining his unpleasant recreational activities, which he likes, but also turned into a piece of interior decoration, which he doesn't. He endeavours to get himself released while a plucky young journalist tries to figure out why people keep turning up skinned or lacerated by flying chains.

A Hellraiser movie made with an American sensibility and for a mainstream American audience - one almost gets the sense the writers think they're making a Nightmare on Elm Street movie. The first half, with Pinhead stuck in a pillar, is not too bad, but they have to let him out eventually at which point the film's IQ and sense of restraint both vanish. Too much lazy gore and silly action (rubbish Cenobites wandering around New York City fighting the police). Doug Bradley just about saves the movie from being completely worthless, as he manages to chew the scenery even while being part of it; Terry Farrell was better in Star Trek. The occasional interesting idea or image but the film's main achievement is making the first two look better than they actually are.
Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
2006 | Fantasy
I honestly can't think of a single thing I don't like about Pan's Labyrinth. From start to finish, it's arguably one of the most captivating pieces of cinema ever put to screen.

Guillermo del Toro once again proves his visionary status, with some superbly well realised creature designs. The dark fantasy element of Pan's Labyrinth is vividly otherworldly, and visually unique. Doug Jones portrays both Fauno and The Pale Man, two creatures that immediately earned a place in iconic movie monsters standing. The Pale Man in particular is utterly terrifying.
Ofelia is the young girl who embarks on this fantasy adventure, and actor Ivana Baquero is a delightful presence throughout the movie.

Of course, a bigger chunk of the runtime is taken up by what's happening in the real world. Set in Spain, in the early years of the Francoist period, it's a gritty narrative that touches upon war and dictatorship.
The dictator in this case is Captain Vidal, Ofelia's new stepfather and soon to be biological father of her unborn brother. His contempt towards Ofelia is unpleasant, and he has little regard for anyone's life but his own and his unborn son (nothing like a case of family lineage and mantle carrying to get the misogynistic juices flowing eh?).
He's played with despicabe glee by Sergi López, an actor who I believe was more known in Spain for his comedic work prior to this, so hats off to him. Vidal is one of the most easy-to-hate characters I've ever seen!
The collision of these two opposing world's and cinema styles is fantastic, and is paced perfectly, the fantasy sequences being a brilliant burst of magic, within a compelling and tense war story, all complimented by a beautiful music score.

Pan's Labyrinth is full of wonder and emotion, both fantastical and harrowing. It's a straight up masterpiece that easily makes my top 20 films of all time, maybe even top 10!
Hellraiser (1987)
Hellraiser (1987)
1987 | Horror
All these years later, and Hellraiser is still a treat. I've always had respect for Clive Barker's directorial debut. It came out in a decade where the genre had become more schlocky and less serious with each passing year, and dared to go for the jugular with its straight shooting, no nonsense brand of horror.
It has an engaging plot, focusing primarily on a forbidden love between Julia, and her husband's brother Frank. When Frank is quite literally torn apart after messing with an ancient puzzle box, it quickly becomes apparent that he can return to the land of the living through blood sacrifice, resulting in Julia luring unsuspecting victims to their doom in order to be with Frank once again. It's a twisted love story, effectively making Hellraiser a romance-horror, centering around a toxic relationship. The cast performances are varied for sure, but of course Clare Higgins is a stand out. Her portrayal of Julia is sympathetic as she is quite clearly besotted with and somewhat scared of Frank, whilst also managing to be a confident and calculating villain.
Then there is the iconic Pinhead, one of several cenobites that are summoned when the puzzle box is completed, and a horror antagonist that stands shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Michael Myers and Freddy Krueger. His presence here is effective in the way that it's seldom. When he does appear, Doug Bradley delivers every line with terrifying conviction, with some hugely memorable dialogue.
The practical effects on display are fantastic as well. Frank's ressurection scene in particular is striking, and one of the finest examples of practical horror effects out there. The cenobites themselves boast some memorable designs, and looks suitably unsettling. It also has a haunting and beautiful music score, courtesy of Christopher Young, that really ties everything together nicely.

Hellraiser is an all timer. A film that deserves its place in the horror hall of fame without question.
Up (2009)
Up (2009)
2009 | Action, Animation, Comedy
Pixar Does it Again
Up is one of those films that sticks with you long after the credits are done rolling. It hits you on a number of different levels, bordering close to perfection. I don't think I've seen a film that manages to switch from hurt to hilarious in such an effortless fashion.

In the beginning you meet Ellie, a cute little girl full of adventure. Her energy and excitement bleed off the screen and you can't help but smile at her. She's perfect for Carl, an innocent kid who barely says more than a few words. Their imaginative adventures get you into the story immediately. It's a relationship that makes the first ten minutes that much harder to watch. There are moments in the film that never lose impact which is testament to the film's power to stand the test of time.

For a child's film, there are a lot of layers that really make the film special. It isn't long before we get to meet Russell, an innocent boyscout turned star of the movie. He's just trying to earn another badge by helping the elderly. Underneath this unassuming kid is hurt from all the painful things happening in his life. Each character has their own respective backstory that makes them relatable and lovable.

There's good ole Doug the runt of a talking dog pack who can't seem to do right even when he tries his best. He's an outcast amongst the other dogs while still harboring those wonderful dogs traits that humans can't help but love. And how can you not love the colorful snipe Kevin whose only goal is to take care of her kids (yes, HER name is Kevin)? All of these characters are worthy of their own standalone film which is why bringing them all together for one story makes the film spectacular.

At the core of the story is the odd couple relationship between Kevin and Russell. Young and old meet and it couldn't be funnier to see the two try and operate together. As they try and understand each other, they form an unlikely bond, a closeness that was lost from both of their lives. At the risk of sounding like a teenager, it will give you all the feels.

There could be some missteps in this wonderful adventure about a man who decides to fly away in his house using thousands of balloons, but those missteps are minute. Not only are the visuals amazing, but the message is also a strong one: Don't get stuck in the past. Live life for the now.

Up is a classic. I give it a 99.
Up (2009)
Up (2009)
2009 | Action, Animation, Comedy
A Movie That Never Stumbles Towards its End Goal.
After the death of his wife (tear), Carl Fredericksen (Edward Asner) decides to tie a bunch of balloons to his house and fly off on a great adventure. He gets more than what he bargained for when he realizes he won’t be alone on this adventure.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10
Up has more power in its first twelve minutes than most films do in their entire runtime. I can watch this a dozen times and it still hits me the same exact way. It tells the story of the relationship between Carl and Ellie in all of its highs and lows. You will be hard-pressed to find a better beginning than this throughout the history of movies. There’s something so real and heartfelt about it that sucks you in and sets up Carl’s character perfectly.

Characters: 10
Life has turned Carl into a cranky old man whose everything hurts all the time. He takes no guff and, at the end of the day, just wants to be left alone. He is one of numerous rich characters than shine throughout the movie, both animal and human alike. Young boyscout Russell (Jordan Nagai) puts a smile on my face with every single scene that he’s in. He’s always willing to go above and beyond to help. So inquisitive, yet so clueless. Throw in Doug the talking dog and the awesome Snipe and you have the perfect mix of original characters you want to root for.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
I was blown away by the amazing visuals Up has to offer. So many colors shoot out at you as you see the balloons hovering over Carl’s house for the first time. The house floats into Paradise Falls after surviving a wicked storm and you’re treated to just that—Paradise. Canyons and a tropical rainforest full of lush greenery. The detail that went into this animation is outstanding.

Conflict: 10
There is plenty of action to be had on this great adventure. What starts as an innocent trip is quickly disrupted by a storm that turns everything upside down. The adventure soars to new heights after that, never really slowing down much for you to check on the time. Beginnings are important, but middles even moreso, and the events that unfold during the meat of the film are fun and harrowing at the same time.

Genre: 10

Memorability: 10

Pace: 10
Up is like riding a smooth wave. Some moments are more intense than others, but you’re always headed towards an end goal of sorts. Bad pacing is filled with road blocks and unnecessary scenes, but Up manages to maximize its full runtime by making every single moment count.

Plot: 10
A beautiful story that couldn’t have been told in a more beautiful way. It’s fun and unique, definitely something you haven’t seen before. I honestly can’t think of a better way it could have been done.

Resolution: 10
I’m one of the few weirdos who was touched just as much by the ending as I was the beginning. It makes you happy to see what befalls the characters, yet a bit sad as you realize the movie is reaching its conclusion. At the end, Up doesn’t linger. It does what it needs to do and concludes perfectly.

Overall: 100
There is a reason Up is one of three animated movies nominated for Best Picture. It is one of the greatest movies ever made and tops my all-time list as of 5/30/2019. Noticed I didn’t say “one of the greatest animated movies”, but one of the greatest MOVIES. It’s an all-timer driven by great character relationships and powerful, emotion-filled scenes.