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    Qello Concerts

    Qello Concerts

    Music and Entertainment

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    Qello Concerts lets you to turn any screen into a live concert video experience. Music lovers can...

    Wildlife Simulator: Bear

    Wildlife Simulator: Bear

    Games and Entertainment

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    Live the life of a Grizzly Bear! Survive as a young bear in a forest filled with dangerous...

    Toca Birthday Party

    Toca Birthday Party

    Education and Entertainment

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    "Another fun app from Toca Boca. If your kids like playing birthday parties (and whose don’t) then...

Todd (Tangled Tentacles #3) by JP Sayle & Lisa Oliver
Todd (Tangled Tentacles #3) by JP Sayle & Lisa Oliver
JP Sayle, Lisa Oliver | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
doesn't quite hit the spot the other two do!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Tangled Tentacles series, and you really SHOULD read books one, Alexi and two, Victor, before this one. There is stuff that happens in those books that is referenced here, but not fully explained. And, cos, you know, I said so!

I loved, I mean LOVED Alexi and Victor, and was looking forward to Todd, especially once I knew he gets 2 mates, dragons no less. But while I rally really REALLY liked this one, it doesn't quite hit the spot the other two do.

AND I can say, with fair certainty, why too. Which for me and a Sayle book?? Unheard of! The woman messes with my book head, and leaves me with so many freaking questions!

This book revolves around Todd, who is the youngest of 5, and an Omega. For the most part, being Omega means you are smaller, and weaker. Todd hates being Omega. So I was expecting a huge battle with Todd, finding his place with 2 mates, any mates really. But Todd, apart from the meeting and it's aftermath, just kinda goes with it, you know? Once Todd got the full story of Lucas and Ki, it was like "oh, ok then!)


The search for the missing shifters is hardly mentioned here. The story focuses on the missing dragon EGGS and where they went, and who has been taking for so very long. The missing eggs mystery was all wrapped up with a big fat bow FAR too easily for my liking, I'm afraid!

THAT said, however, the way things develop between Todd, Lucas and Ki is sweet and smexy and hella hot! And the baby thing surprised me! Dragon eggs AND baby kracken?? So cute.

And we get the insight into the final two brothers and their stories. Markov, who is currently missing, and that darn commander. And then there is Kelvin and the F-B-freaking-I-guy who has got him all a-fluster.

I will read them, because I feel (book feelings, people, are very important!) there are some things we don't know about these boys yet, and what happened to their parents and whether they really ARE the final kracken alive on the planet (NOT counting babies, of course!)

I gave this 4.5 stars, but can't log that in some places so I'm rounding it . . . .

up to 5 full stars, cos I did love Todd, Lucas and Ki together.

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Animal Attraction (San Francisco Dragons #2)
Animal Attraction (San Francisco Dragons #2)
Kate Willoughby | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance, Sport & Leisure
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a Nice easy read!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

6 months ago, Maggie’s dog, Kirby, goes missing. Her friend Jade finds him, and Maggie goes to the door of hockey player Spencer to get him back. But Kirby is looking after Spencer’s elderly dog, Lulu, who has perked up since Spencer found Kirby by the side of the road and he doesn’t want Lulu to go yet. Sharing the dog for the short term seemed the best idea. But as they get closer, secrets threaten to drive them apart.

If you follow my reviews, you’ll know I have a particular dislike of the N word for a book, but sometimes, that bloody word gets stuck in my throat and I cannot shift it, no matter what.

So, this was a NICE book. A good nice, easy read, that wiled away a few hours this morning before work.

Maggie finds herself in deep quick with Spencer, and vice versa but Maggie can’t give Spencer what he wants and when his ex turns up with news, she walks away. Spencer doesn’t want the ex though, and he must find a way to get Maggie back.

It’s well written, with both Maggie and Spencer having a say in the third person. Both voices are clear, concise and consistent through the book, although Spencer I found a little jumpy in his narrative. He seemed to flit about a bit, not really paying much attention to Maggie, until she wasn’t there!

It's not especially high on the heat level, or maybe I just read books with a MUCH higher level, but I didn’t mind it here. I do prefer my books high up that scale, in general, but I felt the level that this book gets to was hot enough for Maggie and Spencer. It IS sexy, though, don’t get me wrong! Just not super hot.

There isn’t any real drama, but there is a good deal of emotions involved, especially on Maggie’s part. Dealing what she did all those years ago must have been devastating and to not have told her best friend all of it? Too painful to think about.

I got what the ex was doing, very quickly! But again, Spencer couldn’t see that!

This is book 2 in the San Francisco Dragons series, and I have not read book one. I didn’t feel I was missing anything by not reading it, but from reading the blurb, the main character does pop up here, as a member of Spencer’s team. Some interesting characters on this team, too, and I would like to catch up with them all as they fall and fall hard.

First I’ve read by Ms Willoughby, I’d like to read more.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
A Wild and Unremarkable Thing
A Wild and Unremarkable Thing
Jen Castleberry | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Wild and Unremarkable Thing had a very interesting premise that blended fantasy aspects like dragons, with Greek mythology and medieval lore. I love history and mythology, so this book immediately called to me. Unfortunately, it didn't entirely live up to my expectations for it although I did still enjoy my read. I believe that the biggest reason why it stumbled for me is how short the book is. At 238 pages, the author did not have enough time to adequately flesh out the plotline and characters leaving the story feeling rushed and the supporting characters unexplored.

The book is written through alternating points of view, which was a nice way to delve deeper into the character's psyche despite the short text. The main character is Cody, a girl who was born Cayda but has been forced by her father to train and lie her entire life with the hopes that she will slay a Fire Scale. She accepts the pain and commitment because the most important thing is to be able to provide for her family, especially her sisters. I wish that we had been able to get to know the sisters more so that we could form that bond with them and the book would have had more emotional weight.

The other two main characters were Penn and Wolfe. Penn was certainly the most interesting aspect of the story and I enjoyed seeing things from his perspective. Wolfe, on the other hand, was not a character that I related to or enjoyed reading. It was nice however to see things from his perspective as it offered a completely different life experience to view the hunt through.

The book also fell prey to the trope of insta-love, which I believe was also the fault of the story being so short. There was not adequate time to explore the relationship or infatuation between two characters before it seemed as if they were suddenly in love. It almost felt as if chapters of the story were missing because the development of bonds between characters or the plot would jump forward without sufficient explanation. The ending of the book felt incredibly rushed and I wish that it had been given the longer, more detailed conclusion that it deserved.

As a casual reader, I found that I enjoyed the overall story and the weaving of Greek mythology into the plot. Unfortunately, critically there were a number of different aspects that detracted from my enjoyment of the book or drew me out of the story. Despite that, I felt that the author's writing was well done and hope that she can bring more detail to her books in the future.
Shadow (Pendulum #2)
Shadow (Pendulum #2)
Will Elliott | 2011 | Dystopia, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Shadow is the second book in the Pendulum series of novels by Will Elliott. Following on immediately from the first book, The Pilgrims (reviewed previously) it ​follows the adventures of Eric, a regular guy who ends up in the mysterious and dangerious world of Levaal.

Taking up the story where the predecessor left off, this is a book of regrouping and answers. Following the destruction of the wall between the two halves of Levaal seemingly unstoppable forces are unleashed. The pendulum has started to swing - and signals the end of life on Levaal if it is not stopped.

This book is one of regrouping and answers. The various players were scattered at the end of the first book and now some of them arrive at the same destination. We also have answers to a number of questions from the first book, which given how many questions there were really is a considerable relief. Mysterious protagonists with opaque drives are all very well (and probably required these days to raise any story above the rest) but it is really good to see that Elliott really does know what is going on (even if as a reader it still not entirely clear). The description of how magic works was particularly good, and as with the first book this is a really strong point in the creation of the mythology here.

Most of the characters are the same faces, but there are a few new ones. Most notably Shadow who is referred to a couple of times in the first book (mostly in terms of Eric potentially being Shadow). The title character appears here as a main character and drives most of the plot. Clearly a being of power, the back story of where Shadow came from and why is also touched on. The great dragons who apparently rule the world also take a more direct hand and are as devious and manipulative as expected.

Meanwhile the Arch Mage is losing control of Vous as he nears godhood and the unpredictable destruction wrought by Vous is creating a dangerous instability as the forces representing the Castle fragment into their own factions, each with their own agenda,

The writing continues to be strong, the story moves again at some pace although inevitably there is a lot more talking and exposition as the nature of the threats are explained. Elliott's inventiveness is not diminished with more odd characters and situations and locations at every turn.

Although light on actual plot, this book is clearly required as a bridge between the first book and the third, giving the reader enough information to understand exactly what is going on before what is shaping up to be a strong and no doubt surprising finale.
    You Must Build A Boat

    You Must Build A Boat


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