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Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
2022 | Action, Role-Playing, Shooter
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Is A Hysterical Mayhem Filled Adventure Not To Be Missed
The quirky and more than slightly unstable Tiny Tina from the Borderlands series is back and the new Borderlands Spin-Off Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is a hysterical and engaging adventure that is one of the finest outings in the series to date.

Fans may remember the Borderlands 2 DLC Assault on Dragons Keep where Tina and friends played an RPG called Bunkers and Badasses which cast players to take on mythical quests from her neurotic mind and the stand-alone version of the DLC was released prior to the game to bring players up to speed although it is not required to have played it.

Players create a character known as the “Fatemaker” and pick various classes, skills, and attributes which they can update and modify along the way as their characters gain experience and all sorts of timed abilities come into play which will greatly help the players along the way as a well-timed spell can mean the difference between failure and victory.

The gameplay will be familiar to Borderlands fans and characters will have countless weapons, shields, upgrade charms, and more available to them deciding which ones come along, get used, get sold, or left behind is always one of the harder parts of the game. Some may find a weapon that does lower damage but has a high rate of fire better than a weapon that does more damage but has a slow reload time and a smaller ammunition clip. The best bet is to find a mix of weapons through trial and error as players can always sell items that do not make the cut.

The game offers a clever overhead perspective at times when players navigate the map versus using the Quick Travel options and this allows players to take on side quests, explore areas and more to gain experience and items should the desired quest area prove too difficult for their current ability level.

The missions are filled with plenty of humor and challenges and the vast number of enemies is amazing. From a dried-up ocean complete with crabs, walking sharks, and Serpent creatures to Pirates, Skeletons, dragons, and more, this game has something for everyone and RPG fans will love the various dice encounters and challenges that arise.

As with Borderlands games, players who fall in battle have a chance to revive by defeating an enemy before a timer runs out or by paying a fee and being revived at various checkpoints.

The game was released a few days before we went on vacation and to cover a convention so I did find myself at times avoiding side quests to complete the main story missions and I look forward to trying them in the future with my enhanced arsenal and abilities.

The voice-cast in-game is very strong as are the graphics and audio which really makes the game a true joy from start to finish. My only real issue with the game was at times when I needed help, matchmaking often set me in an area I had already completed as it looked to match me with a player of a similar skill level vs my spot in the game.

I had to resolve this by going on forums and threads and asking for help but thankfully members of the community were happy to add me and join me in the game when needed. I also had the option to set my preference to wanting help but I did not have much success in this area.

The game will have future DLC and with the limitless potential of the premise, it is safe to say that fans will have plenty of adventures ahead as Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is a hysterical and mayhem-filled romp not to be missed.

4.5 stars out of 5
I found this book to be quite engrossing and entertaining as a retelling of a mixture of common fairy tales, namely Sleeping Beauty and Snow White. Other tales are also given some attention, such as the Frog Prince, as a source of humor and explanation of random occurences. The lengths to which Rosa and her Fairy Godmother must go to escapes the clutches of The Tradition are both ingenious and exhausting, and it makes me appreciate that my own life is not dictated by some non-conscious "force."

I especially enjoyed the many different challenges that the two women conceived to test the many Princes vying for Rosa's hand in marriage, and I even tried to answer a few myself before I read ahead. The novel takes the modernized approach that the Damsel in Distress does not always need a man to save her from Doom - but having a few handy just in case certainly don't hurt!

I enjoyed how unique each of the characters are, even minor characters, such as some of the Princes who were eliminated early or the different Brownies in the service of the Fairy Godmother. Seigfried and Leopold are opposites in many ways, and yet they work very well together. Seigfried's bird is also great entertainment and quite convenient as a source of knowledge and backstory. The way that Leopold resolves the force of the The Tradition that has been plaguing Seigfried is rather perfect, too. The mirror spirit, Jimson, who serves the Fairy Godmother, Lily, is also quite endearing, and I found his resolution somewhat predictable, but still enjoyable.

What I like most about the Five Hundred Kingdom series is that even though each of the books in the series could qualify as a stand-alone novel, each book still sneaks in elements to connect it to the backstory of previous books, such as when Lily contacts Elena regarding dragons. The fairy tales are reimagined in the light of modern values while still favoring core elements, and even an adult such as myself can appreciate them!
Dead Sexy Dragon (Dragon Heat, #1)
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I recently went back to NetGalley after a long duration and saw this was still sitting on my shelf. About two and a half years later. Oops. I sent it to my Kindle again and was surprised to see it show up. I figured it was high time I read and reviewed the story. Luckily it's about novella length, maybe shorter, so I thought it'd be fast and easy.

<b>Dead Sexy Dragon</b> is the first book in a paranormal series featuring shape-shifting (you guessed it!) dragons. Cora's the heroine fleeing from some trouble to her late brother's best friend and old Marine buddy, Stig Wyvern (I see what you did thar). Unfortunately for the both of them, it's his time of the month. Just kidding, but he goes through a nine-day period every three years where he's in heat. Sadly it's not called <a href=""; target="_blank">pon farr</a>.
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Anywho, they've been hot for each other for years but neither of them knows it. Naturally. Pretty soon, like the next day, they have loads of sex after she finds out he's a dragon. The sexual interactions take up around 40% of the book and treads the line between romance and erotica. Some stuff happens that I don't want to give away, but Cora ends up in peril, and then Stig. It's a romance so obviously you know how it ends.

The story is pretty rushed, and the first couple of pages were a bit rough, but there are some interesting ideas here, so I just might pick up the next book and see where it's going. In the end, it didn't rock my socks, but it was an entertaining way to spend an hour or so.

Received from Netgalley for review.
Heroscape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie
Heroscape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie
2004 | Adventure, Fantasy, Fighting, Miniatures, Science Fiction
The whole unique concepy of this game is awesome (0 more)
Its discontinued (0 more)
Build and Play all out war
This game has a very special place in my heart and I wish it started getting produced again. This review is not just for the base game by the Heroscape system as a whole. To me it is a lost treasure that I still pay premium prices to collect. Heroscape is primarily a combat game with a point based army building system. But even before that, the players build a battlefield using the interlocking and stacking hex terrain features, there are tiles of lava, water and ice, there are castle sets, bridges and even a marvel set to add marvel characters. I cannot paint a picture, but just google "epic heroscape map" to see amazing battlefields people have made. Alright, so gameplay mechanics. The combat system is dice based using shields and hits and line of sight and height of target it important, where you can take cover behind objects and creatures and also gain height advantage. There are interactions between characters that buff and debuff allies and enemies and interaction with terrain types. There were 3 master sets, a castle set, a bridge set, lava set, ice set, marvel character set and multiple character expansion packs. The miniatures are prepainted. Heroscape was bought by Wizards of the Coast where they released one master set with a Dungeons and Dragons Theme and one wave of D&D character expansions. It was then discontinued. In 2016 Wizards released Magic: Arena of the planeswalkers which recycled the Heroscape rule set, terrain molds and almost all mechanics, but under the completely different Magic the Gathering Branding and with a fraction of the terrain. Arena of the planeswalkers was also discontinued. The cheapest way to try out the mechanics of this game is Arena of the planeswalkers which should be able to be sourced used locally for about the $15 range.
I will be the first to admit that I have not read all of the Song of Ice and Fire books. I just haven't done it. I have, however, watched all the episodes multiple times. So this book was still relevant to me.

I really really enjoyed this book. I love getting to see into the minds of the author's for the worlds they create. This is no different. Martin and his co authors did a fantastic job creating this world and giving real depth to it. I loved all the history of the seven kingdoms and all of Essos. It was phenomenal to see how far back they were willing to write. I think by having read this, I can understand the characters and their reasons for doing what they do by knowing their house backgrounds. We even get to know some of the history of Robert's Rebellion we don't get to see in the show.

I love the history of the Targaryens. They are my house, because dragons. I think my favorite member of the house is Danae (not only because she has the same name as me, I promise). She is a badass warrior princess who rode her dragon into battle and defied her brother husband because she wanted to be free. She is a force to be reckoned with and I would love to be her. Well, minus the brother husband thing because that is gross.

The art work in this book is gorgeous. I cannot get enough of it. I am definitely going to look to see if I can possibly buy some prints of the art because my walls are severely lacking Game of Thrones right now.

Overall, I thought this was a cool, in depth experience of the World of Ice and Fire. If you are a fan of the series (either book or television) you should check this out.
Joy (The Dreughan #3)
Joy (The Dreughan #3)
Lena North | 2015 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Joy (The Dreughan #3) by Lena North
Joy is the third and final book in the Dreughan series, and this time it is Troy's turn. I have been waiting for his story, because he has shown hints of not being the 'clown' all the time, and I couldn't wait to see deeper into his character. Let me just say, I was NOT disappointed.

Not only do we see more of Troy, and how he feels about Vilda and Sannah, but we also see more about who he is, how he works, and just what he will do for those he calls family. I am happy to say Valerian is his brother, so we get more of him. We see Troy really coming into his own, with the full and complete support of Rinna backing him up.

This amazing story would get more than 5 out of 5 if I could, but I don't think you can do 6 or more stars out of 5. I was sobbing throughout parts of this story, the emotions were there and would not be denied. The epilogue just about killed me, it was sheer perfection.

I have said throughout this series, that there have been errors. Just simple ones like words being misspelt, or the wrong group being blamed for a murder, but I have to emphasise to you - THIS DID NOT MATTER. Yes, I noticed them, and then I dismissed them as I was too wrapped up in the characters and the story.

This is a spectacular ending to this series, and lucky me, I have the Birds of a Feather series to read next. I bought this series on the back of ONE book by this author, and I am so glad I did. It is money well-spent in my opinion. I have loved the world she has built, the characters who have grown so much, and of course - Dragons!

* Verified Purchase ~ July 2018. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Jesters_folly (230 KP) rated the PC version of Beat Saber in Video Games

Sep 14, 2019  
Beat Saber
Beat Saber
Music & Party
Beat Saber is a rhythm/dance game for PC VR. The premise is quite simple, you are armed with two Sabers, one red & one blue (Although some levels have different colours) and you have to hit blocks of the corresponding colour in time to music. Sounds easy right but, the blocks have arrows on them to tell you which direction you have to hit them in, you also have to avoid hitting bombs and avoiding walls. Being a VR game the blocks come towards you and you are free to swing the Sabers in any direction (Just make sure you’re not going to hit anything/one in reality.) and, to avoid the walls you do actually need to move and duck to get out of the way.
There is a good selection of songs available with (at the time of writing) three albums and one ‘extras’ track list for free and two albums to buy as expansion packs. One of the expansions is a pack by Imagine Dragons so I hold hopes that more bands will release official content. If you don’t like the tracks provided then you have two options; the game has an inbuilt level editor so you can make your own game maps or, if you don’t feel creative then beat Saber does support modding, although not through Steam and there are a large number of songs available this way, not to mention different Sabers, effects and other little treats.
Each song has anything from one to five levels of difficulty and some of the mods do seem harder than the level advertised.
The one thing a lot of people say is missing it multi player. There is a mode where one player has a turn then passes the headset to the nest player and you compare scores but you can’t currently play directly against someone else although I believe this function is being worked on.
Tempted By Fire (Dragons of Bloodfire #1)
Tempted By Fire (Dragons of Bloodfire #1)
Erin Kellison | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first in a new series by Erin Kellison. Her stories are always sharp and to the point, and this one is no different. You will follow Emerson as she tries to understand, work with, and live with the Bloodkin, otherwise known as Dragon shifters. She was one of those 'lost in the system' and indeed, only flagged up as Bloodkin when she applied for financial aid whilst at college. Completely fed up with the misogynistic view that most Bloodkin appear to have, she decides that she will quit and move after the job she is currently working on is finished.

This leads you to Thane, a 600-year-old Dragon who is fighting the pull of the Night Song. He knows that one more shift and he won't be able to return to his human shape. If this takes place outside of Havyn, then death and destruction will rain down on the human world, starting the persecution of dragons once more.

Emerson is strong and feisty and will not take any crap from anyone. Thane is also strong, set in his ways, a wonderful ally and a fearsome foe. Their world will draw you in and keep you intent on turning the pages, one after the other. Some of the other characters deserve a mention, in particular, Matthew. I loved him and his attitude towards Thane. Another one is Bryan, Emerson's foster brother who is also a Wolfkin. I am hoping that he will get his story too.

This is a wonderful story that takes you into the world of shifters, allies, and enemies. I personally loved every moment and am looking forward to Book 2 in this series. Highly recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 16, 2015
Light My Pyre (Everwood Falls #1)
Light My Pyre (Everwood Falls #1)
Kat Kinney | 2023 | Mystery, Paranormal, Romance
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I did not see who was doing it, or why, because THAT little titbit was kept from us and that point was very well played
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is a new series by Kinney, I read a couple of the Blood Moon books, but they didn't quite work for me.

This one, however, was a much better read, I thought!

I liked the build up, the development of the relationship between Asher and Gywn. I liked that it takes time for both their back stories to be fully told. What happened to Gywn when she was injured, and by who. What happened to Asher in that fateful fire that drove him to Evewood Falls.

I especially liked that the physical aspect of their relationship is very much OFFpage. There is steam here (dragons and Asher's power notwithstanding!) but the story focus is very much on their relationship and who might be setting these fires in town.

Which, when it all comes out, very much surprised me, how intertwined recent events were for Asher and Gywn. I did not see who was doing it, or why, because THAT little titbit was kept from us and that point was very well played, Ms Kinney. Had certain things been made common knowledge, I think I might have put the pieces together sooner, but it wasn't and I didnt! So yeah, well played on that point.

As this is a new series, in a new place, there are a host of quirks that Everwood has, along with a huge supporting cast. Very interesting people (of the paranormal world) all with interesting stories to tell. Some hints of their pasts are revealed here, just enough to hook you in!

So, yeah, a thoroughly enjoyable wander into Everwood and I really wanna return SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON

4 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Merissa (11731 KP) rated The Protector (Fire's Edge #4) in Books

Dec 14, 2020 (Updated Aug 8, 2023)  
The Protector (Fire&#039;s Edge #4)
The Protector (Fire's Edge #4)
Abigail Owen | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE PROTECTOR is the fourth book in the Fire's Edge series, but some of the characters cross over from the Inferno Rising series. I haven't read any of the previous Fire's Edge stories, but I have read Inferno Rising. This meant I was able to follow the story quite easily although, that being said, I do want to read the others, simply because I loved how Ms. Owen puts together her stories.

Levi has wanted Lyndi since the first time he saw her, much to his confusion. His dragon laid claim to her, even though dragons can only have human mates... can't they? Lyndi is fascinated by the gold dragon and wants to hate him because she knows as a female-born dragon, she can offer him nothing. For two hundred years, these two have been dancing around each other, but now Levi has been ordered to return to the Gold Clan and may never see Lyndi again. This proves just the thing to spur them both on.

This is a fast-paced and intricate book, with plenty going on and not just between Levi and Lyndi. There are orphans, wars, clans, rogues... and not all of it I understood. This is simply my lack of knowledge of the previous books, not any problem with the storytelling of this one.

There was one part where I was glad I hadn't read any of the others because it tore me to pieces anyway. Such a brave green dragon and I'm not saying more than that!

This was a fantastic read that I thoroughly enjoyed, and have no hesitation in recommending. I really, REALLY want to read the others now. So, if you'll excuse me, I have books to buy... 😁

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 14, 2020