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Just Another Liar [Audiobook]
Just Another Liar [Audiobook]
Mandy Byatt | 2022 | Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really quite enjoyed listening to this audiobook and although there were points when the story ebbed a little, it kept my interest.

Three women from very different backgrounds join a dating website and all think they have met the man of their dreams - Dr David Kingfisher. They are all convinced he is 'the one' despite never having met him in person. None of the three know of the others existence until a Facebook post by one of them asking for help to find him after he disappears. Cue an investigation by the three but in their attempts to find him, they put one of their lives in danger.

The main characters are well developed with Denise being my favourite but Petra and Anna, not so much. The other characters weren't particularly likeable at all but they all had a part to play in the overall story. The pace is mixed - it ebbs and flows with a lot of the 'action' taking place in the last third of the book. The plot is relevant and topical and the vastly different lives of the three main characters is interesting.

The narrator is good and whilst there were some distinctions between the voices of the characters, I think it would have worked better if different narrators were used for the three main characters. That being said, Melissa did a good job particularly with the voice of some of the male characters where she captured their 'smarminess' perfectly.

Overall, a good book that works well in audio format.

Many thanks to HarperCollins UK Audio and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Black Hearted (Black Knights Inc: Reloaded #2)
Black Hearted (Black Knights Inc: Reloaded #2)
Julie Ann Walker | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BLACK HEARTED is the second book in the Black Knights Inc: Reloaded series. I haven't read the first book in this series but I don't feel as though it impacted me greatly, although I do believe it would have been better if I had read it.

Sam thinks of Hannah as the thirteen-year-old little sister to his ex-girlfriend, not realising that she is now twenty-nine, with thoughts and dreams of her own. It doesn't help that most of those dreams revolve around Sam, the childhood crush she never grew out of. Hannah walks away at one time (presumably after the first book finishes) but some time down the line, she needs Sam's help. Hannah has been framed and is classed as a traitor. She goes to the one person she knows will help her.

I found this story to be both fast-paced and also slow-burn, as the multitude of events and miscommunications built up. Told from the third person, you hear from Sam and Hannah, but I loved the snippets from Eliza and Fisher. And the poetry quotes were exceedingly well chosen.

A story filled with terrorism, hacking, love, and miscommunication. If these things float your boat, then I can definitely recommend it.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 23, 2023
Gateway to Dreamworld
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gateway to Dreamworld
by Brenda Estacio
Rating: 3.5/5

My Summary: Jean and Brad have a wonderful life with wonderful kids. But through several awful things that happen to them, like the car accident that put Pete in a wheelchair for his life and the depression that Brad experienced from it, the family has slipped apart. Jason, the oldest son, goes up into his hideout in the Lighthouse to try to escape the stress of his family falling apart. While up there, a stroke of lightning hits the lighthouse and creates a magical Gateway from the real world to Dreamworld, a place that only the pure of heart can access in their dreams. Jason has to decide whether or not he wants to stay in Dreamworld for the rest of his life, where everything is perfect and nobody gets sick or dies, or whether he wants to stay in the real world with his family. When Jason finds out that his mom is pregnant and ill, he is sure she is going to die. Then Jason finds out that he can save his mom and heal his brother by taking his family to Dreamworld—but he has to do it before the Gateway closes up forever…

My thoughts: Gateway to Dreamworld is an interesting yet odd read. It’s fast paced, covering a whole beginning of a relationship, two births, a death and a few other major events in the first few chapters and moving through important story lines very quickly—almost too quickly. I wished the author had slowed down and taken more time developing the story line in the first 100 pages, rather than just telling it all so fast—the first ten chapters or so felt rushed, as if she was in a hurry to get it over with and explain it so she could move on to what she wanted to write about. The pdf that I read from was 358 pages, and it got really interesting on chapter 13, page 118. That being said, it wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy the first 100 pages, they were very interesting and showed the life of a realistic family.

The only thing about this book that I didn’t like was that it had what I call “happy-land” syndrome—everything is working out perfectly, or is resolved too quickly. The father slipped into depression, and it was totally expected and realistic, however he was jerked out of it too fast (Maybe only people who have experienced depression can testify, but it doesn’t go away that quickly—it takes months of talking, treatment, and sometimes medication, not one talk with a pastor and a few tears.). When the grandma died, the character’s reactions were realistic—but family members “got over it” so fast that it left me frowning. This was all in the earliest part of the book, again I felt that the author just wanted to be done with the explaining part so she could move onto the interesting part.

Plot: this was a science fiction book, and it’s been a long time since I’ve read a sci fi. I loved getting lost in the idea of Dreamworld and The Gateway and the fear of the Unknown was horrific. During one of the crucial moments at the end of the book I could feel my blood speed up as I read it. The end of this book was a bit of a shock, not at all what I expected. I’m not sure if I was disappointed or satisfied, but it was certainly intriguing.

Characters: I personally didn’t connect with the characters very well because they were two adults and two young children, however my favorite character would have to be Pete, the little brother who gets paralyzed. He’s such a brave kid, trusting of his brother, and loving to his parents.

The Writing: The writing seemed very formal—I don’t think there was a single contraction in the whole book, and the character’s lines were detailed, specific, honest, and humble— they almost felt like robots the way they were never greedy, never mean. The word that came to mind as I read it was “quaint,” because it was told from third person omniscient perspective, and there wasn’t a lot of dialogue.

Recommendation: I think ages 9-14 would enjoy this book a lot more than I did (not to say I didn’t) because of the young characters and the science fiction aspect. However, there were a few scenes of husband and wife relationship that were not detailed, but were not suitable for an eleven or twelve-year-old either. It’s hard to place a specific age on this book, but I will say that anyone who read and enjoyed Madeleine L'Engle’s Many Waters (A Wrinkle In Time series) will enjoy this book as well.

All in all, I immensely enjoyed this book and found myself needing to finish it, I couldn’t stop in the middle. It was highly addicting and exciting, and I look forward to more from this author.

Thank You to Brenda Estacio for the e-book to review!

Horse Girl (2020)
Horse Girl (2020)
2020 | Drama
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Pacing Was One Problem of Many
In Horse Girl, Sarah (Alison Brie) finds herself confusing her dreams with reality as her visions start to become more and more real.

Acting: 10
I didn’t love this movie, but I did love Brie’s performance as Sarah. It’s an earnest performance and she did extremely well within the confines of the script she was given. With a solid supporting cast in tow, I enjoyed the acting all the way around.

Beginning: 5

Characters: 2
I wasn’t in love with Sarah’s character or at least how she was portrayed. Without giving away any of the story, I’ll just say I think her arc could have been delved into a bit more. In Horse Girl, it felt like the main issue was being skirted more than anything. I also felt like the other characters were just around for the sake of being fillers.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
The movie is shot well from a visual standpoint. I love how the dreams blend seamlessly into reality and you have a hard time discerning what’s what at times. It’s those kind of things that keep you guessing and almost manage to salvage the movie.

Conflict: 5

Entertainment Value: 3
If I’m being honest, I was mostly bored throughout the movie. Sure there were a couple of moments that piqued my interest, but I think the movie showed it’s hand too fast by presenting the issue, then not really doing much to resolve the issue. I understand the theme of what the movie is supposed to represent, but where is the light in all of it? It felt like a movie descending more and more into darkness with no hope of getting out.

Memorability: 3

Pace: 4
Slow-moving to the point of being painful at times. I remember repeatedly checking the time hoping that things would eventually pick up. I found myself chasing storylines in my head that didn’t even matter. It felt slower overall because I continued to question the direction.

Plot: 3
The attempt to tackle this type of story could have been handled a lot better. If I compare it to another movie that comes to mind, you will automatically know what Horse Girl is about, but I will say said movie handles the topic like night and day compared to this movie. It lacked any kind of cohesiveness to keep me interested.

Resolution: 3
Ends worse than it started. It drained me of hope which is the complete opposite of a movie’s aim. It’s a shame as there were so many different directions they could have chosen.

Overall: 48
About fifteen minutes in, this movie starts to go downhill for me and never really rebounds. Instead, what happens next is a descent into madness that is neither fun nor hopeful.
Making Waves (Lake Manawa Summers, #1)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Set in 1895 on the shores of Lake Manawa, Marguerite Westing has a summer she will never forget.

Her beau, Roger Gordon, is not just the boring, uninteresting man she thought he was. And her loving and caring father has a secret as well that could destroy his family. In a time when women were practically forbidden to sail...Marguerite falls in love with sailing...and the sailing instructor Trip Andrews. Her fiery spirit gets her into trouble on more than one occasion. And she has a tendency for making waves wherever she goes.

A difficult choice lays before her, will she give up all of her hopes and dreams to save her family? Or will she follow her heart and put her trust in the Lord to work things out.

This book is a very easy quick read. Has some surprises and twists. I enjoy the use of scripture, as well as the lessons of trusting the Lord. I enjoy the time period and the fact that Marguerite tends to go against the flow of what is normal and expected for women in this era.

I found Making Waves at my library. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
A Cross to Bear
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Cross to Bear is the college life story of a young man who knows what he wants, but is unprepared for what he gets. Logan is happy to be at college; he has a full scholarship on the swim team, he has other classes to keep his brain active, he meets the girl of his dreams, and finds friends that he never knew he was missing. Of course, not everything is peachy, and both Logan and Bree have things to deal with, both in their pasts and present.

This book starts at the end, and then you go to the beginning, slowly working your way back to the end. Trust me, it works. So many emotions when I was reading this! So sad, so hard, and also so horrible in some ways. Ethan is the first class bad guy, he really was completely loathsome. I wish I could say that he gets his comeuppance in this book, but he doesn't. I will have to pray to Jet's Gods of Karma in the hope that he did!

Extremely well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, this was a book that I enjoyed, even though parts of it were hard to read, so well done to Julieanne Lynch! Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!