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Seventh Son (2015)
Seventh Son (2015)
2015 | Drama, Sci-Fi
5.6 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
After a two-year delay, Seventh Son has finally reached the big screen, and it will leave you conflicted.

Seventh Son is brought to us by director Sergey Bodrov. Originally set for a February 2013 release, the film had complicated distribution arrangements between Legendary and Warner Brothers, which kept causing delays.

Jeff Bridges plays one of the title characters: Master John Gregory. He is the last of an order of peacekeeper knights, which once used to be a thousand strong. All of these knights are seventh sons of seventh sons, and are self-tasked with keeping the evil creatures of the world at bay.

The movie starts off with a young Gregory completing a prison cell for an unknown woman. Years later, the prisoner, a draconic beast, breaks out and attacks a nearby town, specifically targeting the aged Knight and his apprentice (Kit Harington — Jon Snow from Game of Thrones). This recently released evil is Mother Malkin (Julianne Moore), the queen of witches.

During the battle, Harington’s brief existence in this film is brought to an end, causing Gregory to seek out another apprentice. This search leads him to young Thomas Ward (Ben Barnes). After Ward goes through some sad goodbyes with his family, he and Gregory set out to take down the Witch Queen before the blood moon sets.

His training would normally take 10 years, but they only have a week.

Put simply, this movie was very fragmented. It isn’t a good movie, but it isn’t a bad one either. It has reasonable special effects and decent fight scenes.

There is plenty of star power: Jeff Bridges, Julianne Moore, Kit Harington, Djimon Hounsou (one of my favorites), and Jason Scott Lee.

Jeff Bridges missed the mark on his character. It’s one thing to be disgruntled and war-torn with a curious sense of humor, but it’s something quite different to be outright silly.

There were no explanations. How did the order come about? Why seventh sons of seventh sons? How did Gregory KNOW there was a seventh son at that house? How did the war start? Why is Gregory the last? Why wasn’t there more about Gregory’s relationship with Malkin? Why did the skeleton in the armor attack Tom? Why do the swords hum? Where did the stone come from? Why was it powerful? Why anything, really? The story has no depth, failing to explain the “why” of any of its lore. There were only statements of fact, which confuses viewers and prevents them from becoming emotionally anchored to the story.

I simply didn’t care about the characters. The film was disorganized and rushed. Perhaps it would have been better served as two films, or a longer film, or even a mini series.

Seventh Son had the potential to be so much more. A combination of poor writing and bad direction made the movie lackluster to me and all three of my companions.

The actors delivered many campy one-liners, and the chuckles they drew from the crowd were quite unintentional.

If you are a fan of high fantasy, it’s probably worth seeing, but wait for it to arrive on Netflix and use it as background entertainment
Still Alice
Still Alice
Lisa Genova | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
I just finished reading a novel called Still Alice by Lisa Genova about Alice, who is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's disease in her early fifties. It's written from the point of view of the woman with the disease instead of the usual POV of a caretaker. With every page, as she fell deeper into the grips of the disease, I was convinced that I had early onset Alzheimer's. The phrases, it's a real page-turner or I couldn't put it down, are used so often that we forget that there are books that are actually like that. This one is. I had physical reaction to the book. I gasped in awe and terror. I laughed. I was fascinated by its beauty and terrified of the disease becoming a reality in my life someday. I cried. I got angry. I sighed with relief. I went through a whirlwind of emotion. It took my breath away. It should be required reading for everyone.

The novel is written so well that I become consumed by the author's thoughts and feelings and it really drew me in. After I finished the book, it took maybe a few days for me to realize it was just a book and not me losing my memory and my mind. I highly recommend the book, even if the subject matter may be scary to you, because you get a sense of how Alzheimer's robs a person of their thoughts and abilities and it will give you insight into how to treat loved one's and other victims of dementia and Alzheimer's. It was fascinating to learn how Alzheimer's ravages the different areas of the brain and what effect it has on the person. It explained what I always wondered, how can a person die from Alzheimer's. This IS NOT a spoiler. I am not saying that Alice dies in the book. Just that the mechanics of the disease is explain very well. It isn't just a novel for entertainment and enjoyment. It tells you about Alzheimer's inside out and as both Alice and her husband are scientists and Harvard professors, it doesn't dumb it down to the audience. It is not vague details but explicit facts that you will remember, that will change the way you think of Alzheimer's and aging and, dare I say, will change your life.

The character is a professor of psychology at Harvard (the author is also is a neuropsychologist or neuropsychiatrist. I forget which, oh, the irony! So she knows her stuff) and although at a few points, I thought it was far above my head, but when I really dug in and read the sentences a few times, it started to make sense and I think I learned something from it. I have fibromyalgia and arthritis so I have memory loss and cognitive thought issues and deal with so much pain in my life that it's difficult to understand new concepts, especially in the realm of academia. Other people may not have as much difficulty as I did getting through the scientific aspects of the disease and the vast influx of new information.

Sidenote: I was very happy to discover that the book has been made into a movie being released soon with Julianne Moore as the title character. That is one I will definitely see in the theater.

I'm so glad that the movie is made and will reach more people and expose them to early onset Alzheimer's.

Bravo to the author for taking us down the path, pain and beauty, yes, beauty of Alzheimer's.