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Kevin Smith recommended Jaws (1975) in Movies (curated)

Jaws (1975)
Jaws (1975)
1975 | Thriller

"Come on, it’s common sense. Jaws is a fantastic film. Maybe the second film I saw in my life — I saw The Gumball Rally prior to Jaws — but Jaws is the first one that made a deep, deep impression. I saw it a drive-in with my parents when I was five, which is kinda weird in retrospective. It was PG at the time. My kid’s nine and my wife still won’t let me show her Jaws. I made the mistake of showing my kid Gremlins when she was six and I have heard no end of it from my old lady. She’s all, “She’s still afraid of Gremlins.” Gremlins is a harmless f–king movie."

The Expanding Universe by Laurie Spiegel
The Expanding Universe by Laurie Spiegel
2019 | Compilation, Electronic
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is another circumstantial choice from my long drive across America. Some of the tracks on this are twenty minutes long and perfect for a seven hour drive! It's good to have that time to let a song build and, because they are metronomic and electronic, it's great travelling music. There's a song called 'Patchwork' that Kliph played over and over again. It's maybe a portal into the records I've been listening to over the past decade, bands like Emeralds. I've got kids of various ages and records like these are compromise records because I can put them on to get them to sleep and I also like listening to them, though one baby didn't react to meditative music and I had to put on head-banging music to get them to sleep. I could head bang away! I listen to a lot of instrumental music in the house, loudly. I enjoy not having a voice to interfere with my day."

6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
205 of 235
By Dean Koontz

It started out as a kid's game to while away the long drive across the country. It ends in a grotesque nightmare of death and destruction. Someone's out to get them. To destroy their dreams of the future. To plunge then into a paranoid world where every sound could be the last thing they hear.

A quick fun read. My first Dean Koontz book too this was fast paced and full of suspense.
Far from True
Far from True
Linwood Barclay | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Promise Falls is still under attack. Detective Barry Duckworth has his hands full with the number of incidents that are taking place in this small town. From the bombing of the drive-in movie screen to a burning bus rolling down the middle of town, there are too many things going on and no suspects to charge.

As they say, the sequel is never as good as the original, but it's close. A lot of the same characters return for Book Two of the Promise Falls Trilogy. In this edition, the main focus is the death of four Promise Falls residents after the drive in movie screen falls on them. Mainly the couple in the vintage Jaguar are a mysterious couple especially when the wife of the owner of that car, shows up alive. Who was in the car, then? There is also the constant recurrence of the number twenty-three. What does it have to do with anything and who is behind all of the incidents with that number included? There are a few twists that caught me by surprise and one moment when I shouted out loud, "I knew it!" This story started off a little slower than <u>Broken Promise</u> even with a exploding movie screen at the forefront. Will Detective Duckworth be able to tie these cases together and find out who is behind the mysterious and crazy 23 incidents?

The final book in the trilogy is call <u>The Twenty-Three</u>. I can't wait to read and finally find out how all of this is going to end for the residents of Promise Falls.

Rachel Maria Berney (114 KP) rated The Yellow Wall-Paper in Books

Dec 4, 2018 (Updated Dec 4, 2018)  
The Yellow Wall-Paper
The Yellow Wall-Paper
Charlotte Perkins Gilman | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Creepiness (0 more)
Too short (0 more)
If you love gothic, read this.
I had to read this for my English module at uni, and am really glad I did.
On the surface its really gothic and really creepy. Very well written and the author paints a great picture of someone going insane.
Underneath the surface, this is an attack on patriarchy in the enlightenment period. Knowing this makes it a completely different read, not so much gothic and more feminist and historic. There's a clear aim that to show the reader how enlightened men drive women insane.
On a side note, Charlotte gives us the first image of a creeping scary thing, way before we see this in horror movies in the 20th century.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019) in Movies

Aug 2, 2019 (Updated Aug 2, 2019)  
Fast &amp; Furious Presents: Hobbs &amp; Shaw (2019)
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Head-bangingly silly action movie, but knowingly so; Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham squabble, drive very quickly and crossly, and crack heads all over the world while trying to stop Idris Elba from getting his hands on an apocalyptic McGuffin. Tip-top action choreography and a knowing sense of its own ridiculousness keep proceedings very engaging.

The subtext and character bits are perhaps a bit too perfunctory for the film to really fly, and there's a laborious comic relief turn from Kevin Hart which feels rather crow-barred in, but this ticks all the action and buddy movie boxes in lavish style. Features a cameo from Helen Mirren and Idris Elba being head-butted in slow motion, so surely there's something for everyone here.

David McK (3219 KP) rated Skyfall (2012) in Movies

Aug 27, 2023 (Updated Jun 9, 2024 - 3:42 PM)  
Skyfall (2012)
Skyfall (2012)
2012 | Action, Mystery
"What were you expecting, an exploding pen? We don't go in for that sort of stuff anymore"

That, for me, summed up everything that was wrong with the Daniel Craig Bond films, of which this was the third - give me my exploding pen, dangit!!

Anyway, this oft pops up on lists of 'best of' Bond films, with the plot to do with Bond on the trail of a stolen hard disk drive that contains a list of undercover agents, and with Judi Dench's 'M's past (and a bit of Bonds own).

Thankfully, they start bringing back the gadgets towards the end of the film - in particular, during the final act in Scotland - in the form of Bond's Aston Martin(?), complete with machine guns behind the headlights and an ejector seat!

It is a strong entry in Craig's tenure, yes, but I *think* I still prefer Casino Royale.
The Promise by Bruce Springsteen
The Promise by Bruce Springsteen
2010 | Pop, Rock, Singer-Songwriter
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Around this time I started heading out on tour and The Gaslight Anthem really started moving. It was just after The ’59 Sound came out. That was when I started learning about the music industry and how it all works, and how insincere it all is. People pick you up and spit you out. I was taking a drive one day and I heard The Promise by Bruce Springsteen come on the radio. But it wasn’t the album version; it was just him and a piano as it appears on an album called 18 Tracks.” This song opens with the lyrics: ‘Johnny works in a factory / Billy works downtown / Terry works in a rock and roll band / Looking for that million dollar sound.’ Then towards the end of the song he says: ‘The promise was broken, I was far away from home / Sleeping in the back seat of a borrowed car.’ I remember being on tour and sleeping in the back of a car that wasn’t mine, and I heard that line and I was like, ‘I don’t know about this whole thing. I don’t know if this is right. What do I do?’ As Springsteen sings: ‘The promise is broken, you go on living / It steals something from down in your soul.’ That’s when I realised that music wasn’t about the rock star dream. It’s about connecting with people, but that’s not enough for the industry. They see you as a product and they want you to make money, and I understand that, but it’s never enough for them. They’re never satiated and they’re never satisfied. It’s a beast with a belly that will never be filled. “I’d feel a sense of dissatisfaction after every tour and I’d come home and get in my van and just drive. I’d drive around habitually for one hour playing The Promise on repeat, just to clear my head. The song made me feel like I wasn’t alone, like someone understood me. It was a huge, huge song for my development, and it always put me back in a perspective that I wasn’t alone. And even though it’s a depressing song and there’s not a lot of advice in it, it makes sense to me. I still feel good when I listen to that song."


Sandra Dwinell (2 KP) rated Target in Apps

Sep 8, 2018  
Shopping, Lifestyle
8.0 (1 Ratings)
App Rating
Easy. Convenient. (0 more)
Very pleased.
I am a fan of Target. I love their selection of products at decent prices. The app makes it easy to shop & save. My favorite addition is the new Target Pickup service. I shop through the app & drive by to pick up my goods at my convenience. The items are brought out to my car& loaded in my trunk by the always friendly, helpful Target staff. It is the best service of its kind that I've used to date and I've been recommending it to everyone I know!
Fourth Debt (Indebted, #5)
Fourth Debt (Indebted, #5)
Pepper Winters | 2015 | Erotica, Romance
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Without Jethro there as back up in the story, I wanted Nila to be proper kick arse and she was for a good portion of the book but in the end she proved breakable. I totally understood it, though. The Hawk family--well three of them: Cut, Daniel and Bonnie--are just plain psycho. I cannot wait for them to get their comeuppance, which will finally (hopefully) happen in the 6th and final book of this series. The fact I have to wait another 3 months, until some point in November, may drive me a little mad. BECAUSE I REALLY NEED TO KNOW IF JETHRO AND NILA AND EVERYONE ELSE ARE GOING TO MANAGE TO PULL THIS OFF!!!!

If this series doesn't end with a HEA (and all secondary characters I've grown to love--mainly Kestrel--surviving) I'm going to cry!