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    Social Networking and Business

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    SwipeRx is a FREE pharmacy practice app and the biggest community for pharmacy professionals and...

    Farmacología Clínica

    Farmacología Clínica

    Medical and Education

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    Farmacología Clínica is an easy application for anyone interested in learning of drug...

A Clockwork Orange (1971)
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
1971 | Crime, Sci-Fi

"A Clockwork Orange I’ve seen about 35 times. I remember first seeing that and I certainly didn’t get half the movie, but when I was young, I just thought it was just kind of weird and strange and I really appreciated it as I got a little older and saw it more often and more often. Then it became this sort of like a party background movie, something that just became part of my life. I certainly appreciated the language. Not profanity or anything but its own language, and the visual of it, I really appreciated the visual, because the visual is such a storytelling part of it and the language was so bizarre in its own kind of language. I really appreciate the work that goes into that. This is more like a highbrow sort of snobby film pick, but a sick demented sense of humor is kind in that movie as well. Ultimately it’s the visual storytelling and the language that I thought was so tremendous. It’s an absolute acid-trip fantasy weird thing. I never did drugs growing up because I watched Clockwork Orange enough so I didn’t have to do drugs. There’s a lot of shock value to it, but I really appreciated it for that. It was really kind of interesting for me and it all was put together in a very smart way, I believe. It’s not just sensationalism or anything like that because that kind of s— bothers me. But anyway, there’s a lot of things in that movie that I really like and appreciated. it really well in that film."

The Aristocats (1970)
The Aristocats (1970)
1970 | Animation, Comedy, Family
Everybody Wants to be A Cat
Such a classic, a classic filn that everyone should see. If you havent seen it than watch it. The music, the plot and of course the cats. So many cats. Cats everywhere.

The Plot: When a retired opera singer leaves her inheritance to her cat, Duchess (Eva Gabor), and three kittens, the woman's butler drugs the cats and abandons them in the countryside in order to inherit the fortune himself. Lost in unfamiliar territory, Duchess and the kittens meet Thomas O'Malley (Phil Harris), an alley cat willing to help them return to their home in Paris. They meet several kooky characters along the way, including two English geese and an alley cat jazz band.

Everyone wants to be a cat, right. Meow!!!!
White Boy Rick (2018)
White Boy Rick (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama
I pushed some major weight tonight, when I got up out of my recliner to go see White Boy Rick. I ain't no snitch, but let me tell you, this movie is dope. One thing that is great about this movie is it's not so much about the drugs and that life, I mean it's a big part of the storyline, but rather it focuses on something even more influential and valuable on the streets; family. Now, this can't be found at your local mom and pop video store, you're gonna have to get your fix at your local cinema house. Like a teenager at a skating rink I gotta roll, and if someone asks who said this was a good movie, you can tell 'em White Boy Russ told ya so.
The Last Confession of Autumn Casterly
The Last Confession of Autumn Casterly
Meredith Tate | 2020 | Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A powerful story of two sisters
The Last Confession of Autumn Casterly hooked me from the first chapter. The sisters Ivy and Autumn lost their mother to cancer three years ago, and their father has remarried. Ivy is a nerd girl band geek and Autumn is the “bad girl”, dealing drugs and getting into trouble. They barely communicate, but when Autumn is kidnapped, Ivy knows something is very wrong and does not give up on Autumn despite others assuming that Autumn’s disappearance is just due to her own bad behavior. This book is a well written thriller with excellent characters, and skillfully explores the bond between the sisters, friendships, and families. The author also examines how girls’ lives are valued less than those of boys. It was hard to put down and thought provoking.