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Requiem for a Dream (2000)
Requiem for a Dream (2000)
2000 | Drama
Damn good but damn hard to watch a second time around
Requiem for a Dream is one of those movies you will always see on lists of must-watch movies and honestly it's one of the few that really lived up to the hype for me.
This movie is the perfect visual representation of being on hard drugs, on the surface, RfaD is an absolutely gorgeous movie the visuals are just so stunning that it draws you in and you can not help but keep watching watch even though under all the gorgeous cinematography you are watching peoples lives being torn apart by the things they are willing to do to get their next fix.

Even though I definitely recommend this movie to everyone I just can't seem to get my self to ever watch it again.
I love the Bluegrass series and was very happy to read that there was more to come in the shape of the Bluegrass Brothers. This is a set of books set in a small town where everybody knows everybody and some know things that no one else knows how they know! Still with me? This book carries on with the LOL moments and the suspense in this book is in the form of the drugs ring that the DEA is trying to break.

The ending was fairly obvious but I wasn't reading it for the suspense side of things so this wasn't a problem for me. If you are looking for a light read, filled with humour, feel-good moments and spice thrown in there too, then give the Bluegrass/Bluegrass Brothers series a go. Recommended.
Atrocity Exhibition by Danny Brown
Atrocity Exhibition by Danny Brown
2016 | Hip-hop, Rhythm And Blues
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Rating
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It's bad mad? (0 more)
Skipping that thin line.
Danny Brown looks and sounds like he's done a lot of drugs, but then so do the Rolling Stones. Atrocity Exahbition skips that very thin line between madness and genius and stays on the creative side more.

The beats are on the abstract side a la Kool Keith, but again, just enough to stay on the side of commercial sounding without being too 'alternative'. Then there is his voice and flow. Danny Brown sound cartoonish and ever so slightly deranged and as a rapper his flow is not exactly on point but it works. It all comes together and sounds very good.

Like Eminem, it's difficult to listen to too many tracks next to each other, but take them Indavidualy and you will enjoy this album extremely.
    Anesthesiology pocketcards

    Anesthesiology pocketcards

    Medical and Health & Fitness

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    The Anesthesiology pocketcards is a concise clinical reference guide with a compilation of scores,...



    Harvey Barrier

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    Peter is a bright young boy - a typical teenager in most respects. He likes fast cars, gets into...