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Merissa (11731 KP) created a post

Mar 16, 2023  
"You never know what's going on behind closed doors!"

Never Let Go by Lori Duffy Foster - #Thriller, 5 out of 5 (exceptional)
The Fever
Diane Hoh | 2023
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
77 of 235
The Fever
By Diane Hoh

Duffy has a mysterious fever that has robbed her of her strength and left her helpless in her hospital bed. Now she's beginning to suffer from delirious dreams . . . or did she really witness a murder? Only the murderer knows for sure . . . and that makes Duffy the next victim.

Such a trip back to my teens!! I absolutely love these books and this one had a crazy little story. I need to get more of the point horrors!
My Kind Of People
My Kind Of People
Lisa Duffy | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel cemented Duffy as one of my absolute favorite writers. This is a lovely and touching read, bringing to life the group of islanders who come together to care for Sky. Duffy builds her worlds so perfectly: I was lost on Ichabod Island with these characters--all of whom are so uniquely them. This book will go straight to your heart.

I fell immediately for sweet Sky. We learn that Brian and Ann are Sky's adoptive parents, so she's basically been orphaned twice. She is troubled as her parents were fighting a lot right before they died--going against the town view of them as the "perfect couple." While this novel is mostly a deep dive into its characters, there is a touch of mystery here. Why were Sky's parents fighting, and did it have anything to do with the car crash that caused their death? Also, a mysterious woman arrives in town--what is her role to play in the story? Duffy weaves together all of these plot points so well; I was captivated by the book and even though I wanted to slow down and savor it, I also wanted to know what had happened, to find out what would happen to Sky and Leo.

"A fearless girl who doesn't just think she's safe alone in the dark on an island in the Atlantic. She knows it."

I love that Duffy included a gay couple in her novel--and treats them like regular people. Leo is a wonderful character: complex and struggling with new parenthood. In the end, you feel like you know the entire neighborhood block, from sweet Joe; to Maggie, who is coming into her own in her '50s; to longtime resident Agnes, who is set in her ways; to Sky's tough best friend Frankie; and Sky's newly found grandmother, Lillian. All of these characters play a real role in this story: not an easy feat when the focus is on Leo and Sky.

Overall, this is a wonderfully written novel that covers family, marriage, tragedy, love, and so much more. Duffy's characters are beautiful, and she has an amazing way of bringing you right into the world she has created. I will always read anything she writes. 4.5 stars.

Midge (525 KP) rated Casualty - Season 32 in TV

Dec 30, 2018 (Updated Jan 1, 2019)  
Casualty - Season 32
Casualty - Season 32
2017 | Drama
8.1 (7 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Includes some great actors (2 more)
Superb storylines
Well written
Fantastic Drama!
I ? Casualty and I have watched it since the show began, in 1986! Some amazing actors have starred in the show over the years. Cathy Shipton who plays Lisa"Duffy" Duffin and Charlie Fairhead, who is played by actor, Derek Thompson, are old favourites. Currently, my most enjoyable scenes are those including William Beck (plays Dylan Keogh), who I think is an absolutely brilliant actor.

Some say that Casualty has had its day, but I hope that the show is not about to disappear from our screens any time soon.
Ignite The Seven Cannons by Felt
Ignite The Seven Cannons by Felt
1985 | Alternative, Indie, Pop, Punk, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

" The ten-year, ten-album career of Felt divides neatly in halves: with rococo lead guitarist Maurice Deebank and without. This is his last album with the band, and the first with equally hyperactive organist Martin Duffy (probably not a coincidence). The effect is like Yes if Steve Howe and Rick Wakeman just kept soloing, under and over the vocals and each other. And, the album is produced by Cocteau Twin Robin Guthrie, who flanges almost everything, hard, almost all the time. The centerpiece is the inscrutable and euphoric 'Primitive Painters'; on it there are two lead vocals (generally undecipherable), an ever-soloing guitarist, a usually soloing organist, all swimming in flangers, and then the bassist starts soloing too, and it's probably the best pop single of the 80s."

Poems to Live Your Life By
Poems to Live Your Life By
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Poems to Live Your Life By is a book of poetry collated and illustrated by Chris Riddell. People who read my blog regularly know that I obsess over Chris Riddell, which explains my reasons for buying this.

The collection is just beautiful. Each poem has individual illustrations surrounding it, bringing the poem to life.

Even though I dislike poetry as a whole, there are a few poems that I love, and some of them were in this collection, including Digging by Seamus Heaney and Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll. Even though I have read these poems multiple times, the illustrations made them feel new to me, because it almost gave a new interpretation to them.

I also discovered some poems that I hadn’t heard of before and now love, including Thirteen by Kate Tempest, and Safe Sounds by Carol Ann Duffy.

This is definitely a book to buy for the poetry lover in your life!
The Salt House
The Salt House
Lisa Duffy | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hope and Jack Kelly's life changes irrevocably when their young daughter, Maddie, doesn't wake up from her nap. Hope, working a few rooms away from Maddie's crib, is paralyzed by grief and unable to return her to freelance writing job or really, most portions of her life. Jack, meanwhile, throws himself into work to escape the pain: spending hours away from his family on his lobster boat. Maddie's two older sisters, Jess and Kat, are forced to deal with the loss of their sister while watching their parents fall apart. Young Kat is trying to make sense of it all, while teenage Jess struggles watching her parents argue constantly. Then Jack's childhood rival, Finn, returns to town: threatening Jack's fishing territory and sanity.

This is a raw, heartbreaking novel full of real emotion. It's honestly awful and a little gut-wrenching at times: it's so powerfully written that it made me want to hold my two young daughters extra close. The brutal reactions and grief of poor Hope and Jack are tough to read, as is watching their children struggle.

Duffy is an excellent writer: the book is quite well-done. The story unfolds a year after Maddie's death and is told in varying perspectives by each member of the Kelly family. She captures each of their voices perfectly, even young Kat, who may be the best of all.

There is certainly some drama in this novel, though it's mainly the story of two hurt people coping in their own (stubborn) way. My heart went out to Hope, and I quite liked her two daughters, but I found myself often frustrated with Jack, even though I recognized he was grieving. Even so, his stupidity and inability to communicate drove me a bit crazy at times.

This is a well-written story of family, grief, and love. It's not always an easy read, but it's a certainly a worthy one.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available everywhere as of 06/13/2017.

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Kristy H (1252 KP) rated This is Home in Books

Sep 26, 2019  
This is Home
This is Home
Lisa Duffy | 2019
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Libby lives with her father, Bentley (Bent to nearly everyone) and their oversized, lazy dog Rooster Cogburn. And then there's also her Aunts Lucy and Desiree, who live in the apartment above them. And now there's Quinn. Quinn's husband John and Bent served together in Iraq. Bent invites Quinn to live in the basement apartment after John goes missing, suffering from PTSD. Libby feels the place is crowded enough already. And Quinn's not too thrilled to be there either. But, before either of them realize it, they are thrust together and slowly become friends.

This is one of those quiet, unassuming books that sneaks up on you, pulling you in with its beautiful writing and wonderful characters. There's no wild plot, insane mystery, or major twist--just elegant prose, a troubled cast, and some real and raw moments that will stick with you long after you finish the last page. Lisa Duffy is an excellent writer, and I so enjoyed her book.

"He'd come home from from the war a different person. A stranger to her. Someone she moved around carefully, gently, as if he were a bomb, ready to explode."

There is a lot going on here--the aftermath of war; family issues; a budding teen romance; marriage problems--but it all works. Libby and Quinn each tell their own story, and as their lives begin to intertwine, it's very heartwarming to watch each come into their own a bit. They each have their own unique voice, and it's hard not to fall for both of them. Libby, especially, tugged at my heart. (But I loved Quinn, too!)

There is, of course, darkness here. This novel offers a very thoughtful exploration of the aftermath of war, not only on the soldiers, but those who love them. It's not always an easy read, but I think it's a valuable one. It gives a very unwavering look at the PTSD these men and women face and how it can not only can ruin them, but their families as well.

Overall, I found this to be an excellent and poignant read, and I'm sorry I let it sit on my Kindle so long. Easily 4+ stars.
Nightmares: A New Decade of Modern Horror
Nightmares: A New Decade of Modern Horror
Ellen Datlow | 2016 | Horror
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Shallaballah by [a:Mark Samuels|679023|Mark Samuels|]
Weird and I didn't completely understand it. I'm not big on surreal-like stories.
1.5 stars

Sob in the Silence by [a:Gene Wolfe|23069|Gene Wolfe|]
I liked it okay, but wasn't wowed. I feel like there was a missed opportunity and that the ending was too abrupt.
3 stars

Our Tun Too Will One Day Come by [a:Brian Hodge|167606|Brian Hodge|]
Folklore and horror equal an interesting tale. I'd read more from Brian Hodge.
4 stars

Dead Sea Fruit by [a:Kaaron Warren|1207458|Kaaron Warren|]
So far the best in the book. Perfectly paced and pretty darned creepy.
4.5 stars

Closet Dreams by [a:Lisa Tuttle|38313|Lisa Tuttle|]
Haunting. That's the first word that popped into my head when I finished this story. Also, disturbing, sad, and devastating. Trigger warning: <spoiler>pedophilia and abduction, although not described in any kind of detail</spoiler>
5 stars

Spectral Evidence by [a:Gemma Files|765702|Gemma Files|]
I had a hard time with this, especially at the beginning since it's written as a case study with footnotes. Had this been written as a regular short story, I do believe the horror is there for a good tale, but as it stands it didn't feel at all scary or nightmarish.
2.5 stars

Hushabye by [a:Simon Bestwick|2830642|Simon Bestwick|]
This was...okay. It sorta fit the book, but it also sorta didn't. The story almost felt noir, but not quite, plus everything was rather vague. Not bad, but fine.
3 stars

Very Low-Flying Aircraft by [a:Nicholas Royle|20435|Nicholas Royle|]
The only horror in this is the fact that it's included in a horror anthology. I'm not even sure what the point was.
1.5 stars

The Goosle by [a:Margo Lanagan|277536|Margo Lanagan|]
Meh. An even more twisted sequel of sorts to Hansel and Gretel sans Gretel. While it's gory, it didn't bother me but I didn't love it.
3 stars

The Clay Party by [a:Steve Duffy|376166|Steve Duffy|]
A take on the Donner Party told through diary entries and a letter at the end.
4 stars

Strappado by [a:Laird Barron|466494|Laird Barron|]
This didn't do anything for me; it was just too vague.
2 stars

Lonegan's Luck by [a:Stephen Graham Jones|96300|Stephen Graham Jones|]
Interesting, the writing and pace was good. The MC is a conman of the old(?) West. I didn't understand why he did what he did exactly, like were there circumstances of something that happened to the country as a whole, but it's not such a big thing. I only hoped he'd get a taste of his own medicine, so to speak.
3 stars

Mr. Pigsny by [a:Reggie Oliver|518983|Reggie Oliver|]
An odd, creepy little tale.
4 stars

At Night, When the Demons Come by [a:Ray Cluley|4446653|Ray Cluley|]
Perfectly told, perfectly paced, with a horrible-ish ending. Definitely memorable.
4.5 stars

Was She Wicked? Was She Good by [a:Mary Rickert|7344680|Mary Rickert|] (as M. Rickert)
Meh. Not bad, but not great either. I don't really have much to say about it.
3 stars

The Shallows by [a:John Langan|58413|John Langan|]
I honestly don't even remember this one so it must not have been all that bad or good.
2 stars

Little Pig by [a:Anna Taborska|4343515|Anna Taborska|]
Horrific only in the way of what you might do to for the survival of those you love. A quirky start with an powerful ending.
4 stars

Omphalos by [a:Livia Llewellyn|2966042|Livia Llewellyn|]
Well-written but definitely not one for everybody. It's sick, a little too descriptive with the incest. I don't need an actual scene with explicitness. While I felt sorry for the MC and her brother, the story made me sad for actual victims. Possibly the point, but it's an upsetting story that some should probably skip. Also, what happened in the end? I get some of it, but it was so confusing and vague that I didn't fully comprehend the conclusion. It doesn't matter much, but I'm getting tired of vague endings or other scenes in these stories.
3.5 stars

How We Escaped Our Certain Fate by [a:Dan Chaon|16560|Dan Chaon|]
Interesting and thoughtful zombie tale. Slightly melancholy.
3.5 stars

That Tiny Flutter of The Heart I Used to Call Love by [a:Robert Shearman|128037|Robert Shearman|]
Strange. I'm not sure exactly what I thought of this tale, and I'm not sure I totally get what happened at the end, but that seems to be my lot with some of these stories.
3 stars

Interstate Love Song (Murder Ballad No. 8) by [a:Caitlín R. Kiernan|4798562|Caitlín R. Kiernan|]
I liked this story. It was....interesting to say the least. Not my favorite but solid.
3.75 stars

Shay Corsham Worsted by [a:Garth Nix|8347|Garth Nix|]
3.5 stars

The Atlas of Hell by [a:Nathan Ballingrud|2957979|Nathan Ballingrud|]
4.5 stars

Ambitious Boys Like You by [a:Richard Kadrey|37557|Richard Kadrey|]
4 - 4.5 stars

 Okay, I kinda ran out of reviewing steam near the end, but the last two stories were excellent.
On Bone Bridge
On Bone Bridge
Maria Hoey | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting plot (3 more)
Fleshed Out Characters
Well written characters
Great pacing
Starts out a bit slow (0 more)
One of my Favorite Books!
The synopsis for On Bone Bridge by Maria Hoey definitely intrigued me. Everything about it made me really want to read this book. When I won On Bone Bridge from a Goodreads giveaway, I was ecstatic! Luckily, this book didn't disappoint.

The pacing for On Bone Bridge starts off slowly for the first few chapters. However, it quickly picks up soon enough. Once the pacing picked up, I didn't want to put this book down. I couldn't wait to find out what happened next and to find out what Kay knew. I also couldn't wait to find out if Oliver would be alright.

The plot for On Bone Bridge is definitely an interesting one. I also don't believe it's been done too many times. When Violet-May's and Rosemary-June's infant brother, Alexander, falls off of a bridge and drowns, everyone thinks it was just a horrible accident. However, Kay has her suspicions that it wasn't. We read about this time in her life. Then we read a little about when she's a teen, followed by her twenties. It's when she's in her late 30's that she crosses paths with the Duff family. She is invited by Rosemary-June's and Violet-May's brother, Robbie, to come leave with them in their house to keep an eye on things. Rosemary-June now has two kids of her own. A 3 year old girl named Caroline and an 18 month old named Oliver. When strange things start happening to Oliver, Kay starts to wonder if they are by accident or if something more sinister is going on as well as wondering if this is all connected to that day on Bone Bridge when Alexander drowned. Anyway, the plot is written very well. There are a few plot twists including one which could be predictable. However, On Bone Bridge is still a fantastic read. All of my questions were answered, so it was nice to have closure.

I enjoyed the world building in On Bone Bridge. This book definitely had me feeling some emotions for sure! Anyway, most of the book takes place in Ireland at different time periods. I think the author, Maria Hoey, did an excellent job in making the reader feel as if they were right there whilst everything was happening. I loved how most of the story also takes place at the Duffy family home. Kay was in awe of the house when she was little, so it was nice to read more about the place.

Trigger warnings include the death of a child and an animal, a spoiled child, swearing, violence (although not much and not very graphic), drinking, and cheating.

Overall, On Bone Bridge is a fantastic read. It's got a very interesting and strong plot as well as likable characters. The world building is written well too. I would definitely recommend On Bone Bridge by Maria Hoey to everyone aged 15+ who loves reading.