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See You Yesterday (2019)
See You Yesterday (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Verdict: Messy Time Travel Film

Story: See You Yesterday starts as we meet the two teenagers Claudette ‘CJ’ Walker (Duncan-Smith) and Sebastian Thomas (Crichlow) who have been working on their science project to make time travel possible. After they prove they can go back just one day, CJ the brains behind the project, does something reckless, which changes the pass, while dealing with an ex-boyfriend.
The consequences of her actions create a domino effect which sees her brother Calvin (Astro) killed in a police shooting, wanting to make a different CJ works with Sebastian to try and create the ability to go further back, which only ends up creating more problems, the more she tries to fix.

Thoughts on See You Yesterday

Characters – Claudette ‘CJ’ Walker is the brains behind the time travel machine, she however has started to become difficult to be around, causing unnecessary trouble in an already combustible neighbourhood. When the pair get the machine to work, it is her mistake which causes the effects the pair must go through. She is always so desperate to fix the mistakes, she doesn’t even consider the consequences. Sebastian is the best friend that has always helped along the way, he is the one that will ask the questions about the consequences, seeing how reckless CJ has become. Calvin is the big brother of CJ’s, he will always make sure she is safe, whenever somebody in the neighbourhood causes her trouble.
Performances – While the two leading stars Eden Duncan-Smith and Dante Crichlow don’t do anything wrong through the film, they have annoying character traits to bring to life, which doesn’t help what they have to work with.
Story – The story here follows two high school friends that are trying to prove time travel is possible and soon learn the consequences of trying to change the past. This story does have an important reason for trying to create the time travel, we are placed into a Brooklyn neighbourhood that has been dealing with police shooting, overly aggressive gang mentality and will have signs of poverty. Outside of this side of the story, we are dealing with really bad time travel decisions, even though the characters seem clear of what not to do. We won’t go into the non-ending either, which leaves us with nothing after what has happened through the film, this does just feel like an unfinished script, that really wants deal with topical issues through the film.
Action/Sci-Fi – The action in the film does come from the panic involved once the first incident happens, it is more neighbourhood action, rather anything else, while the time travel might dive into basic science behind time travel, which does work well, it is the behaviour from people that believe they understand it that let everything down.
Settings – The film is set in Brooklyn which shows the environment the two friends are around, which brings the combustible elements.

Scene of the Movie – See You Yesterday.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – Most of CJ’s decisions.
Final Thoughts – Messy time travel film, which does deal with big topical issues the best it can, sadly, get caught in the middle of both worlds.

Overall: Missed the point.

Mandi S (1 KP) rated The Sky Is Yours in Books

Jan 23, 2018  
The Sky Is Yours
The Sky Is Yours
Chandler Klang Smith | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dystopian futuristic society. Coming of age teen angst. A love triangle. Human/robot hybrids. Dragons unrelentingly setting virtually everything on fire. Check, check, check, check, and check. The Sky is Yours by Chandler Klang Smith has all of this and more. I'll be honest and say that I had no clue what this book was about at first, but I was fascinated by the cover. The neon graffiti-ed look drew me in, but as soon as I read the synopsis I was hooked.

The scene is Empire Island, a once booming metropolis now nearly abandoned as dragons have burned it to the ground. These two dragons appeared randomly in the sky and have not left for years, looming above the city 24/7 and taking no prisoners as they burn and reburn what little remains of Empire Island. Enter Duncan Ripple, a rich, privileged teen set on disregarding orders and living his life, as he crashes his hovercraft on a neighboring desert island. Here is where Abracadabra, or Abby, nurses him back to health until they are both rescued. Upon returning home, they are met by Swanny, Duncan's betrothed, as their parents force a union that neither of them seems to want. Chaos ensues, the three teens escape, and they are left to their own devices on a journey of self-discovery and survival in a smoldering city.

I really enjoyed this book. It is so unique, fun, and engaging, and almost impossible to categorize. The characters were all very well developed, and the plot was exciting and different. While the three characters were intertwined, they each had their own distinctive arc that developed them individually. Although it didn't bother me much, I will say that some of the language used might annoy a more traditional reader. Men are "pros" and women are "fems", and traditional names of objects are abandoned in favor of modernized versions such as the "Toob" for television, a "HowDouse" for a firetruck, and "LookyGlass" for what seems to be a cell phone.

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

Thank you so much to Crown Publishing for sending me a finished copy of this beauty!
See You Yesterday (2019)
See You Yesterday (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Highly Entertaining and Thought-Provoking
After successfully creating a time machine, high school scientist CJ Walker (Eden Duncan-Smith) decides to go back in time and save her brother from being gunned down by police. She soon learns that it’s harder to change the past than she once thought.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10
With an eighty-seven-minute runtime, the movie doesn’t linger getting you into the action immediately. We see CJ and her partner Sebastian Thomas (Dante Chrichlow) working through trials of time machine testing which prove for hilarious results. It quickly brought me into the world of the characters and laid the foundation for the story.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 8
See You Yesterday captures the full essence of New York. The teens walk through busy streets past bodegas and fruit stands. They hit corner stores and picnics, the subway their primary means of transportation. Although the time travel aspect is slightly cheesy to watch (ok, extremely cheesy), it doesn’t diminish the impactful moments director Stefon Bristol is able to capture.

Conflict: 10

Entertainment Value: 10
The movie makes full use of its short runtime, not slowing down for a second. It does a masterful job of sprinkling in comedic moments into a movie that could otherwise lull you into a sense of helplessness. I was riveted throughout by all the potential outcomes that could await.

Memorability: 10
So much to say about how powerful this movie is. It explores time travel like never before with decisions that revolve around what’s happening right now in the public eye. You walk away not sure of what’s right or what’s wrong or if you would’ve approached the situation in the same way. This movie will definitely sit with you long after you watch it.

Pace: 10

Plot: 10
Great story through and through. The movie never cheats itself and carries things through no matter how tough it can be at times. The story works largely in part due to the two main characters having such opposing views to approaching the conflict. It creates friction and an uncomfortable tension necessary for the checks and balances of the movie.

Resolution: 7
While I wasn’t in love with the ending, I understand that it was necessary and I also understand the point that was being driven home. If nothing else, it was definitely an ending that left you wanting more.

Overall: 95
See You Yesterday represents everything I love about movies. As of late October 2019, this definitely falls into my Top Ten list for the year. See it, asap. Not only will you love it, but it won’t take up a lot of time in your day.