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Eona: The Last Dragoneye (Eon, #2)
Eona: The Last Dragoneye (Eon, #2)
Alison Goodman | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Apparently when Eona and Co. are on the run, things get mighty interesting and there's almost never a dull moment. There's the ten dead Dragoneyes, an entire army of Sethon's supposed minions (who knows if they're actually loyal to the dude, anyways?), and a supposed-to-be emperor by the name of Kygo who's also on the run from being brutally murdered as well.

Goodman starts out the whopping 600-paged book with a "primary" source from Teacher Prahn, quickly summarizing the events at the imperial palace in the ending of Eon, and it's helpful for those who haven't the first book in a long while (unless you have a fantastic memory, which I sometimes have. Epiphany!). The second and last book to the duology starts out shortly after those events, with Eona and her friends on the run from Sethon and the hunt for Kygo. Goodman brings us outside of the imperial palace and into other parts of the Empire of Celestial Dragons, places that were briefly mentioned in book one and now play a bigger role in book two.

I personally disliked Eona back when she was Eon, and I don't like her any better as a girl either. Back as Eon, Eona just seemed to desperate to fit in and trying to prove herself worthy – those sun drug scenes? The worst of Eon. I even vowed to DNF this book if Eona decided to run around with the sun drug again; it was that bad.

In a way, I do like Eona: she's not desperate, she's <s>Taylor Swift</s> fearless (all those odds stacked against her!) – she's a lot better when compared to Eon, when she trying to fully disguise herself as a guy and being a slinky. Eona just argues a lot with Kygo when she finally finds him, and I mean a huge emphasis on "argues a lot." I'm pretty sure if I get a dollar for every time they argued, I could actually pay my rent. Though compared to the <s>lovely</s> love triangle with Ido (thank you, so-called prophecy), I fully ship Kygo and Eona, even though Eona seems very mopey when it comes to whether or not Kygo truly loves her.
<blockquote>"What if I said you could have either me or my power? Which one would you choose?"</blockquote>
Eona certainly makes up for the many dull moments in pacing from its predecessor, where the beginning is a little interesting, the middle is extremely draggy and the decent ending is very fast and rapid. The pacing in the final book of Goodman's Eon duology is much better and engrossing, bringing us a fantastic end to two very long books.
Original Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Review originally posted at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
<a href=""><img src=""; /></a>

Kyera (8 KP) rated Wayfarer in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
Alexandra Bracken | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
The sequel and finale to the series is as well written as the first. I don't want to spoil anything but my emotions were in turmoil throughout this book. The author revealed truths to Etta and tore our hearts open with sympathy, hurt, compassion, love, and happiness. The rollercoaster of emotions never faded and we hoped that maybe Etta would find her place. That maybe not all travelers were scoundrels. That maybe there was a future out there for her.

Wayfarer is a wonderful fictional trip through history spanning thousands of years and crossing the globe. It is not all shiny, rose-tinted history but the truthful depiction of disease and death that so many faced. It brings a level of realness to the book that makes the reader more invested in what's happening to their beloved characters.

I found myself enjoying the sequel even more than the first, so overall this series is wonderful. Be prepared to be hit in the gut with feelings. I cannot prmise that you won't shed a tear. But believe me, this series is worth it. It was a very satisfying conclusion to a well written, riveting and emotionally taxing (in the best way) duology.

Highly recommended to young adult/teen readers who are fans of historical fiction. This is so well written and fascinating that I believe most people who pick it up will be a fan, even if they don't normally gravitate towards historical books.
Double Alchemy (Double Alchemy #1)
Double Alchemy (Double Alchemy #1)
Susan Mac Nicol | 2014 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Double Alchemy (Double Alchemy #1) by Susan Mac Nicol
Double Alchemy is the first book in the Double Alchemy duology. We meet Quinn, the Grand Master of the Warlocks, who has grown up knowing his role in life, and takes it very seriously. However, when he meets Cade, the attraction they feel for each other is off the charts! Cade is 'just' a human, or so he thinks. Then they find out that Cade has some elemental in his genealogy, which goes some way to explain the attraction. What happens with Cade and Quinn takes a back seat though when an old enemy, who Quinn thought was dead, turns up to cause mayhem and chaos.

This is a wonderful paranormal book that delves into the world of witches, Warlocks, and Withinners (still not sure why witches is the only one not capitalised though). With an in-depth world and social structure, this book was a delight to read. The pacing was smooth, and the transition from one scene/time to the next flowed very nicely indeed. I am looking forward to finding out more about Quinn and Cade, being as they are both mysterious characters indeed.

A great paranormal book, and definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Halloween II (2009)
Halloween II (2009)
2009 | Horror
The sequel to Rob Zombie's divisive Halloween remake suffers in the same way that it's predecessor did, in that when all is said and done, I'm just not a fan of his style within the Halloween template. This one actually doubles down on the nastiness, and is effectively one big misery simulation. None of the characters are likable, and yet, none of them deserve the horrible ways they are killed off (probably).

A huge BUT though...I actually think that Halloween II is slightly better... I will still stand by my opinion that this version of Michael Myers is the scariest. Even more so in this one. Rob Zombie's Myers is remorseless and brutal, and of course, absolutely fucking massive. There's some really nice shots of him as well, especially in the opening hospital scene.
I also quite liked the random music video-esque sequences. It's something different, which is usually cause for alarm bells in this franchise, but it kind of works here.

Halloween II is not even close to being in the top tier of the series, but it does feel like it carries more weight than its predecessor. The practical make up work is pretty outstanding (and grim) and it rounds off Zombie's duology well enough that a third was thankfully out of the question. Ultimately, it serves as yet another reminder of how messy and unsatisfactory this series can be when it strays too far from the original.
Atancia (The Durand Duology #1)
Atancia (The Durand Duology #1)
Wren Figueiro | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first book of two that details the changing life of Atty (Atancia). She is dealing with panic attacks, possibly brought on by the trauma of seeing a young boy die in front of her. Apart from that, her life is safe and normal. However, that all changes when she goes to a New Year's Eve party and meets Ben. Before you (or she) knows it, her life has changed drastically and not in all ways good. Her beloved nana has died and Atty feels personally responsible. Ben is her knight in shining armour and helps to ease things. Before long, Atty has left the States for Australia, needing some space to get closure whilst she figures out just who she is and what she wants to do with her life.

I won't go into any more details as I dislike giving spoilers but I will say that this book has a fresh take on the whole 'vampire' story which makes it a refreshing and intriguing read. There are lots of amazing characters in here that you will like or dislike, depending on the part they play. Perhaps, it's my twisted mind, but I will admit to looking for 'snakes in the grass' throughout this story. Did I find them? That's for me to know and for you to find out when you read the book!

A brilliant book to start the duology with. Totally recommended.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sep 11, 2015
Crooked Kingdom
Crooked Kingdom
Leigh Bardugo | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.1 (22 Ratings)
Book Rating
Brekker is back and with more fiendish frivolity from the barrel. Still trying to recover from the disastrous end to the Ice Court job, little does Kaz know how deep the deception went and how much he is going to have to unravel to even begin to salvage what he started. Kaz maybe clever but he is far from the only clever man in Ketterdam. He is going to have to work even harder than ever before to try and recapture what he is owed, but with Inej captured, Nina battling an addiction with parem, Wylan tailored to the wrong face and Jesper now forced to confront his past, how easy will that be?

Crooked Kingdom is a longer book than Six of Crows yet the action takes place mainly over a matter of days, the multiple POV's stretching the tortuously epic and heart thumping twists across the pages. It still has that immense page turning captivation that was within Six of Crows, but it just lacked that extra sense of excitement along with it. They are both books of equal joy but I think book 1 just pips it, but only just. In typical Kaz Brekker style there are twists and swindles and multiple cons that would given Danny Ocean on his best day a run for his money. I love a story that keeps me questioning myself and hanging on a thread as to the outcome, and Crooked Kingdom gave this to me in spades.

I don't know what is wrong with me of late in the emotions stake, but this book again reduced me to tears, the short but intense bursts of connectivity with the characters overwhelmed me. Multiple POV's in books is a risk and I have been drowned by them in books in the past but Leigh Bardugo manages to completely avoid this. Despite every player being forced to battle for chapter time, I felt utterly part of them and their story, sharing their joys and sadness as they peaked and troughed through the words.

The only thing that I didn't enjoy about this concluding part of the duology was entirely down to the publisher. I read the paperback of this book and found that the text was just so hard to read. The margins were so tight, the text was disappearing into the gutter and hiding under my thumbs as I was reading. I hate having to bend back spines on paperbacks which made this even more of an arduous task, I get that more text on a page means fewer pages and lower print costs but this made it such a hard read at times, sort it out Indigo!! This is the first Duology that I have read and I have to say this is now my favourite book series style, all of the action and none of the filler - I hope that more writers/publishers take this forward in the future.

Would I love more from Kaz and the Dregs? Of course! However, unlike a TV show that jumps the shark I am glad that the world of Ketterdam has been left the way it has and I look forward immensely to the next original world created by Bardugo.
S. Jae-Jones | 2017 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I knew this was inspired by Jim Henson's Labyrinth. That's partially why I picked it up, as I love that movie and David Bowie as the Goblin King. I didn't expect to get, basically, Labyrinth fanfiction. That was my first impression. As the book carries on, though, and especially as you get into the second book, it's more like a musician's fever-dream of their favorite childhood movie. There are so many elements taken from the movie, but they are deconstructed and put back together in such unexpected ways.

You'll recognize a line or two from the movie. The fairies still bite. The Goblin King is still beautiful and angular and strange. Liesl's after a stolen sibling. But Liesl and her family live in rural, probably 18th century Bavaria. She is not a spoiled, baby-sitting half-sister. Her grandmother has taught her the old stories, and unbeknownst to her, she's played music for The Goblin King her entire childhood.

The first book concerns Liesl's first foray into the Underground to save her sister when The Goblin King steals her to be his bride. This is where the acid trip starts. If you're familiar with Labyrinth, remember the ballroom scene? With people whirling about and appearing and disappearing and mirrors and the sense of disorientation as it all falls apart? Yeah, that's basically the entire time in the Underground. Though there is a ball scene, and it is especially trippy.

While Liesl manages to save her sister (that's a spoiler, but it isn't much of one), she has a harder time saving herself. Whether she actually does or not could be debated.

The second book of the duology, Shadowsong, has an interesting author's note in the front of it. The author first gives a content warning for self-harm, suicidal ideations, addiction, and reckless behaviors. She goes on to say Liesl has bipolar disorder, and further, that so does she. (The author.) She says Wintersong was her bright mirror, and Shadowsong her dark one. I can see that. Wintersong is a much happier book than Shadowsong, but the story would be incomplete without both books. Wintersong does end in a satisfactory conclusion, but Shadowsong just completes the tale in a way that I, at least, really enjoyed.

Shadowsong also contains more throwbacks to the movie - she falls and is caught by goblin hands; goblins form a giant face that talks to her about the old laws. These things don't happen in the same scene, though.

I loved the elements of music woven throughout the story; Liesl is a composer, and music - her music - is almost a character in its own right. It's definitely a huge plot element. It's in her connection to her brother, and her connection to The Goblin King. It's her way into the Underground, and her way out, and her way to reach back in.

It's an enchanting duology; I don't know if it would be as good for someone who didn't love Labyrinth the way I do. If you dislike the movie, I would probably advise against reading these. But if you like it or have simply never seen it, these would be good, atmospheric books to read in the dead of winter.

You can read all my reviews at
Shadowsong (Wintersong #2)
Shadowsong (Wintersong #2)
S. Jae-Jones | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I knew this was inspired by Jim Henson's Labyrinth. That's partially why I picked it up, as I love that movie and David Bowie as the Goblin King. I didn't expect to get, basically, Labyrinth fanfiction. That was my first impression. As the book carries on, though, and especially as you get into the second book, it's more like a musician's fever-dream of their favorite childhood movie. There are so many elements taken from the movie, but they are deconstructed and put back together in such unexpected ways.

You'll recognize a line or two from the movie. The fairies still bite. The Goblin King is still beautiful and angular and strange. Liesl's after a stolen sibling. But Liesl and her family live in rural, probably 18th century Bavaria. She is not a spoiled, baby-sitting half-sister. Her grandmother has taught her the old stories, and unbeknownst to her, she's played music for The Goblin King her entire childhood.

The first book concerns Liesl's first foray into the Underground to save her sister when The Goblin King steals her to be his bride. This is where the acid trip starts. If you're familiar with Labyrinth, remember the ballroom scene? With people whirling about and appearing and disappearing and mirrors and the sense of disorientation as it all falls apart? Yeah, that's basically the entire time in the Underground. Though there is a ball scene, and it is especially trippy.

While Liesl manages to save her sister (that's a spoiler, but it isn't much of one), she has a harder time saving herself. Whether she actually does or not could be debated.

The second book of the duology, Shadowsong, has an interesting author's note in the front of it. The author first gives a content warning for self-harm, suicidal ideations, addiction, and reckless behaviors. She goes on to say Liesl has bipolar disorder, and further, that so does she. (The author.) She says Wintersong was her bright mirror, and Shadowsong her dark one. I can see that. Wintersong is a much happier book than Shadowsong, but the story would be incomplete without both books. Wintersong does end in a satisfactory conclusion, but Shadowsong just completes the tale in a way that I, at least, really enjoyed.

Shadowsong also contains more throwbacks to the movie - she falls and is caught by goblin hands; goblins form a giant face that talks to her about the old laws. These things don't happen in the same scene, though.

I loved the elements of music woven throughout the story; Liesl is a composer, and music - her music - is almost a character in its own right. It's definitely a huge plot element. It's in her connection to her brother, and her connection to The Goblin King. It's her way into the Underground, and her way out, and her way to reach back in.

It's an enchanting duology; I don't know if it would be as good for someone who didn't love Labyrinth the way I do. If you dislike the movie, I would probably advise against reading these. But if you like it or have simply never seen it, these would be good, atmospheric books to read in the dead of winter.

You can read all my reviews at
A Throne of Swans
A Throne of Swans
Katharine Corr, Elizabeth Corr | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Throne of Swans is set in a kingdom where the nobility have the ability to change in to giant birds. Aderyn prematurely takes over the role of Protector of Atratys, a dominion within this kingdom, after her fathers death. Her ancestral bird is a swan, but she finds that she’s no longer able to transform into one, after she and her mother are attacked by hawks - and her mother is murdered. This is a very dangerous position to be in. As one of the flightless, she could have Atratys taken from her, and she could be exiled or, worse still, executed.

Aderyn is dumped into a hotbed of distrust, lies and barely concealed violence, when she is expected to go capital city by order of the King, her uncle. She is wanted by her cousin, the princess, to be one of her bridal party at her upcoming nuptials. All is not as it seems though, and Aderyn finds that both she and her dominion of Atratys are very much at risk of harm.

I love a book with courtly intrigue, and this has loads! Aderyn has to watch every word she says and who she says it to - she can trust no one. She has gone from being a protected, shut away child, to being the one who must protect all of those in her care - she does seem to have the courage for it though. She’s a fighter, that’s evident throughout.

I’m very much looking forward to the second book in this duology - there are some serious loose ends to tie up!

Thanks to Readers First for my copy of this great book to read and review.
God of Broken Things
God of Broken Things
Cameron Johnston | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Excellent conclusion to the duology
* I received an advance copy of this book from the publishers and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review *

The second and final book in the short series (for once an author who is willing to restrict his series to two books rather than padding out to a trilogy with a low quality middle book!) continues Edrin Walker's fight for his life. Where in the first book the coward found himself accidentally returning to the city where he was banished from, and thrown into a conspiracy to destroy the city, here he is more of a willing participant.
The scarrabus (the mind-controlling parasite race) are rife in the city and Walker starts to uncover their plot. Events see him sent to hold off a fast approaching army, where he once again battles with mind-controlled mages and warriors.
The action is thick and fast in this book, and while there are some metaphysical sections, and some epic sections of exposition it keeps the reader engaged throughout.
Walker is a likeable, though thoroughly detestable selfish coward who sometimes ends up doing the right things, if not for the right reason. His magic power of mind-control is used more here than in the first book (where I felt it had been a little neglected for fear of being a Mary Sue), but not over-used and at times it wonderfully helps the story move along while his body can't allow him to be in the thick of the action.
There are twists and conflict galore in this brilliant gritty conclusion to a great story with some really strong, original characters.