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Woody Harrelson recommended The Graduate (1967) in Movies (curated)

The Graduate (1967)
The Graduate (1967)
1967 | Classics, Comedy, Drama

"Then The Graduate. It’s just one of the greatest comedies of all time. The way Dustin Hoffman is… You know, I guess that was his first big break and he just blew me away when I first saw that. Extraordinary performance, and you know, Mike Nichols. Just amazing, the way it’s shot; it’s just absolutely beautiful. And also, an incredible, quirky kind of love story."

Tootsie (1982)
Tootsie (1982)
1982 | Comedy, Drama
Well. This was my first time watching Tootsie. And boy is it a ride. It's a really good film! What a fun story, and what great acting from Dustin Hoffman. This must have been a hard movie for him to do, having to play two different characters, but it was superbly well done! I really loved the story and it was so awkward and very funny! Will watch again!

Henry Rollins recommended The Graduate (1967) in Movies (curated)

The Graduate (1967)
The Graduate (1967)
1967 | Classics, Comedy, Drama

"The Graduate directed by Mike Nichols. It’s just a perfect film. And it was, I think, the first non-student real film for Dustin Hoffman. It’s just a beautiful, perfectly written… perfectly shot, perfectly acted film, where you have Dustin Hoffman who has bedded both Anne Bancroft and Katharine Ross and he breaks up the marriage. I saw it as a little kid because I lived with my mom and she liked to go to the movies. She couldn’t always get a babysitter and so now and then I would get taken to films that were quite adult. There’s not necessarily nudity, because there doesn’t need to be. The thing is so well written; the adult themes and just how screwed up adults are is on full display in The Graduate. You can tell all these people are just so damn talented, and you look at a young Dustin Hoffman and you go, “Damn, man. Look at the career you’re about to have, dude. You’ve got it.” His talent was just so huge yet so innate in that he’s not gonna fail. He’s one of those people like, “Man, you were born to act.” I’ve tried to get to Buck Henry to get him to tell me stories about The Graduate and I’ve hung out with him a couple of times. And I’m like, “You wrote The Graduate!” And he’s always very funny and kinda belligerent to me, “Ah, shut up… Rwagh, Rwagh.” I’m like, “OK [laughing].”"

Tootsie (1982)
Tootsie (1982)
1982 | Comedy, Drama
I have heard raves about this film for what feels like most of my life. I'm not sure why I waited so long to watch it, but I'm damn glad I did. I LOVED this film. Dustin Hoffman is a powerhouse and I love seeing Bill Murray and his quick quips - they never fail to make me laugh. I think this film says a lot about society in the deeper layers. Dustin's character Michael creates a character, Dorothy, to audition for parts because he's been somewhat blackballed by the industry. In his mind, being a woman is the way to work again. The irony is that it seems women are far more competitive in industries like entertainment because of the way we are ridiculed and broken down, piece by piece. I find it interesting the being Dorothy was the way Michael was able to work. It doesn't seem that plausible these days.

Overall, I think this is a must-see, just for the laughs and the rollercoaster ride Dustin Hoffman takes you on. He's brilliant and it shows.