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Soul Catcher (The Outsider #1)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Soul Catcher by Leigh Bridger
Genre: Sci-fi, Romance
ISBN: 9780982175682
Rating: 4

Livia hasn't had a perfect life—in fact she hasn't even had a good life. It all started when her father died when she was young, then got worse when her mother and baby brother died in a fire that she may or may not have started. She also starts painting pictures of evil horrible demons in her sleep, and is forced to burn the pictures and ban them… but one demon escapes, and comes for her.

She finds out that he had been pursuing her in every life—she's been reincarnated? what?—and has killed her every time for the past 200+ years. She also finds out that she has a soul mate, (who jumped into the body that the demon had used to hurt her, and now she can't look at him without getting sick) but has hidden herself from him in almost every life, subconsciously, because of something that happened in the past. She and Ian set off to find answers and to kill the pig-faced demon… for good this time. But this time ends up being the most dangerous life she's ever lived.

Soul Catcher was an addicting read. I would have read it in one sitting if I'd been allowed. It actually stuck with me all night and I'm pretty sure I dreamed about it.

I liked the philosophy of the world that Livia lived in. There were soul jumpers, like Ian and Dante, who could jump into any body he needed to be in at the time. There were soul catchers like her, who could banish dark spirits and talk to the light ones. The plot itself was very complex, and every chapter added something new to the story. One thing that made Soul Catcher stand out was how Livia and Ian's love grew. It wasn't immediate you're-my-soul-mate-you're-perfect-for-me kind of love. It was a lot more real than that. Livia starts by trying to avoid him at all costs, but ends up having to go on a trip with him to find out about their pasts. You could say they "bonded," or you could say that Ian finally got to her—even while he was in the body she hated passionately—either way, their love was real enough to be believable.

I really liked Livia, even though she had her downfalls and her insecurities. She was definitely the bad-ass heroine we know and love: slightly sarcastic, very obnoxious, stubborn as an ox, and head over heels in love but unwilling to admit it because she sees it as a weakness. Ian was a great character: he'd have to be to put up with Livia. He'd do anything for her, is dying for her to love him, thinks she is the most beautiful girl in the world—and even bends so low as to trick her into kissing him (she didn't appreciate that.). But he's all light-hearted, fun to be around, with a sexy Irish accent.

I really liked the ending. The whole story had good humor and good comic relief, but the ending was sweet, cute, and funny. It pulled everything together nicely, and left you with a smirk on your face. I say take it to the beach with an umbrella and lemonade. Or whatever other drink you like best.

Content/recommendation: some sex and sexual references, heavy language, ages 18+
~ Haleyknitz
Rediscovering the Earth
Rediscovering the Earth
Michal Hall | 2019 | Mind, Body & Spiritual, Natural World, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Using a work of fiction to bring a serious problem to light is a wonderful idea and may help alert more people to the problem (0 more)
The book is a bit on the repetitive side, which is always disappointing but even more so with shorter books such as this one. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Rediscovering the Earth by Michal Hall was a very quick read with a powerful message. This is a book full of both despair and hope that deserves to be read multiple times. It reminds me slightly of Voice of the Elders by Greg Ripley (the first book review I wrote).

 The Earth is dying, humans and animals are going extinct quickly, and it is our fault. Humans have let our pride destroy our planet. Our belief that we can control everything and that we are better than even each other has destroyed our connection with other humans. Our pride, wars, and so-called technological advances have polluted the air and water, making it poisonous to humans, plants, and animals alike. In seeing plants and animals as inferior humans have selfishly destroyed entier ecosystems an wiped out species. Within one-hundred years or so humans will be completely gone as well.

 This is where The Federation steps in. As a highly evolved alien race, they offer to help pull the human race back from the brink of extinction and at first, humans foolishly deny this help. Thankfully one man by the name of Carl, who is nothing special himself, takes it upon himself to advocate for the entire race. After many years of deliberation on the subject, The Federation decides to help. Even with their help, it takes around twenty years before any major difference is noticed and much longer before most of the damage is reversed. As humans learn a culture of love, humility, and connection to the Earth The Federation hopes humans will one day be able to join them.

 Using a work of fiction to bring a serious problem to light is a wonderful idea and may help alert more people to the problem. Telling how help is almost denied because of how selfish and prideful humans are is a slap in the face that we would face destruction before the change. The book is a bit on the repetitive side, which is always disappointing but even more so with shorter books such as this one. I understand the repetitiveness is to drive home the point but it still could have been better. Also, I wish it was more detailed on how Earth went from being in so much trouble to be safe. It seems to make a large time jump in that area and I would have liked to see more of the transformative process.

 There is nothing in this book that would be inappropriate for anyone. However, anyone younger than a middle schooler probably would not understand the powerful message in this book, and some middle school students might even miss it. Adults and those that truly love the Earth will enjoy this book and see it as hope. Others who are not as aware of our situation might see it as a wake-up call. I rate this book 3 out of 4. The book brilliantly delivers a very important message. Without holding anything back it shows just how much trouble the world is in but offers hope through change. I hope millions of people across the world get to read this book.
Monopoly Deal Card Game
Monopoly Deal Card Game
2008 | Card Game, Economic
Yep. You read that correctly. This is a review of Monopoly Deal. Classic Monopoly gets a bad rap from almost all gamers, and I know we are all tired of saying, “No, not like Monopoly” when asked about our gaming hobby. But how does this card version of the game hold up? Is it any better than the original, or is it still destined for the “To Sell” pile?

Monopoly Deal is a game of hand management, set collection, and take that as players are trying to collect 3 complete property sets. Setup is simple – shuffle the deck of cards and deal 5 to each player, put the remaining cards in a draw pile, and determine the starting player. On your turn, you will complete 3 steps: draw 2 cards, play up to 3 cards, and discard your hand down to 7 cards if necessary. Play then continues clockwise to the next player. There are 3 different ways in which you can play your cards. You can play money into your bank, add properties to your collection, or play action cards to the center of the table. Action cards allow you to do things like charge opponents rent or draw additional cards. The game ends once a player has completed 3 complete property sets. Be the first to do so, and you are the winner!
I know you’re dying to get to the point – is this card game any good? I do have to admit that it has its good points. The game is easy to learn and fast to play. One of the worst parts of the board game version is that it feels like it takes an eternity to play. As a card game, the flow is faster and that makes it more engaging for all players the entire time. The rules are simple and clear, and there is no ambiguity as to how different cards work. Don’t want a property? Just don’t play it! There’s no need to send it to auction like in the board game, just discard it when you get a chance. This card game version simplifies the board game in a way that makes it enjoyable.

The biggest downside for me regarding Monopoly Deal is that this game is based mostly on the luck of the draw. It is very difficult to create a strategy because you are at the mercy of your hand of cards. No matter how hard you try, or how adept you are at strategy games, if the deck of cards is working against you, it is very difficult to bounce back. Another part of this game that I do not like is the take that aspect. I’ve said it before, I do not enjoy direct confrontation in games. I can be pretty competitive and I begin to take things personally, which makes the game fun for nobody. This game can get pretty cutthroat, and because of the large luck element, it can feel unbalanced and unfair. Parts of it feel kind of Munchkin-y to me, and it brings down my enjoyment factor.
For such a light and luck-based game, Monopoly Deal really has a little more to it than meets the eye. Is it better than the board game version? In my opinion, yes. I would much rather play the card game than the board game. That being said, I reserve this game more for a filler game or an introductory game for newer gamers – it’s not one that I am dying to pull out at every opportunity. Should you give it a try? That’s ultimately up to you, but I think you might be surprised with this game. Overall, Purple Phoenix Games gives Monopoly Deal a 6 / 12.
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
1988 | Horror
6.1 (16 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Tina Shepard isn't your normal, everyday girl. When she was younger, she overheard her parents having a heated argument that got really ugly. Tina decided to run out onto a boat in the nearby lake. Her father runs out to try and talk her into coming back to shore and that's when Tina's extraordinary abilities are revealed. Her father winds up dying in an accident caused by Tina's telekinetic powers.

In the present day, Tina and her mother are off to a cabin in the woods with Tina's psychologist, Dr. Crews, in hopes of making progress so Tina won't have to return to an institution. A group of young twenty somethings are gathered next door for a surprise birthday party. Both houses just happen to be in the Camp Crystal Lake area. Tina gets upset at Dr. Crews during one of their sessions and runs out to the lake. Her emotions get the best of her and she winds up resurrecting Jason, who's still chained to the bottom of the lake, with telekinesis. Not too long afterward, Tina starts having premonitions of people being gruesomely murdered by a man in a hockey mask. Is she going crazy or are these terrifying visions a reality?

As it stands, this is my guilty pleasure of the franchise. I love the concept and think it would be a really solid Friday the 13th sequel if it wasn't for the MPAA butchering this film. Most of the gore has been cut and it really hurts the film as a whole. This also begins Kane Hodder's reign as the masked serial killer for the franchise, who seems to be a cult favorite as the best Jason.

Speaking of Jason, he looks the best in this film. It may just be my opinion, but in addition to loving undead Jason, the make-up effects and his costume are just phenomenal in this one. As ugly as he looks when his mask gets ripped off, this is the film that makes him look the most flattering. That's not saying much for a guy who's been chained down at the bottom of a lake for ten years and killed multiple times, but at least he doesn't look like he has down syndrome this time around. If an uncut or director's cut of some kind ever makes the light of day, it'll probably wind up being in my top three F13 films. Easily. Here's an idea of what was cut from the film:
She Dies Tomorrow (2020)
She Dies Tomorrow (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Pretentious waste of time
On paper, the concept behind She Dies Tomorrow is an intriguing one – “Amy thinks she’s dying tomorrow…and it’s contagious..”. And the trailer provided just enough mystery to make me want to seek it out too. Is it a portrayal of paranoia and anxiety, or is there something more sinister or supernatural at work, that they carefully and cleverly avoided showing us in the trailer?

We join Amy, already convinced that she is going to die tomorrow. She wanders aimlessly around her flat at night, drinking wine. Lying on the wooden floor, she traces her finger along the wood veins in the floorboards and presses herself against the wall, as if she is at one with the world and her surroundings. She also repeatedly drops the needle on a score by Mozart – a piece of music that I do not initially dislike, but come to loathe by the end of the movie.

Her close friend Jane pays a visit, but is dismissive of Amy and her insistence that tomorrow she will die. However, after Jane returns home to continue working, a sudden realisation crosses her face, and she also then has the feeling that she will die tomorrow. When Jane later joins a small party at her brother’s house, a similar pattern occurs, with everyone thinking she’s gone crazy. But eventually, they all start to think the same, with each realisation accompanied by a strange neon purple light flashing across their faces. It certainly does seem to be contagious…

The remainder of the movie deals with each character coming to terms with their impending death and passing the feeling onto a few other people. We see Amy trying to make the most of her remaining time, and we also flip back a few days to learn a bit more about her in the run up to today.

As I mentioned earlier – on paper, there’s definitely a great idea at the heart of She Dies Tomorrow, and reading back through my review certainly confirms that. Unfortunately though, nothing about this movie worked for me at all. I found the acting terrible, and was unable to connect with any of the characters. It’s less than 90 minutes long, but is such a dull, pretentious and badly written slow-burn that all mystery and intrigue generated by that trailer quickly vanishes. For a movie that wants you to ponder on your remaining time on this earth, it certainly does a pretty good job of wasting it. Oh and if you’re expecting some kind of explanation and ending that might help redeem the painful build-up, you’re going to be seriously disappointed.
Two For The Road
Two For The Road
Alexa Milne | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this bookj!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Dylan saw Riley when he was just 15, Riley was suited and booted and Dylan fell in love. At 22, Dylan manages to wrangle to lift to work with Riley, in an effort to get his man. Because Riley is HIS: Riley just needs to see it too. But Riley is 20 years older than Dylan, and Dylan's dad's best fried, even if a bit estranged. Coming back to the village he was born to spend time with his dying father was a shock to Riley's system, but a much needed one. Leaving his partner of 20 years not so much of a shock as a revelation of just what had been going on behind his back for the bigger part of that relationship. Dylan is a breath of fresh air to Riley, who is lonely after his dad passed away. Chatting on the 45 minute drive to work every day brings the two men closer, and when Dylan finally declares his intention to make Riley his, all Riley thinks about is what would Dylan's dad think. Can Riley get past the age gap?

I started reading this and I was liking it. It was shaping up nicely for a 4 star rating. Not loving, just really enjoying it. And then SOMETHING! I've no idea what happened, or who said what, but something happened and I began to LOVE this book! I loved it from that point!

Dylan is young, yes, but he is old enough to know what he wants, more importantly, WHO he wants, and Dylan WANTS Riley. Riley is his and no one else's and Dylan will fight for Riley, even if Riley is scared and worried and all those negative feelings. When Dylan finds out why Riley is scared (not cos of the age gap, that's mentioned a lot!) Dylan steps up his advances a notch and poor Riley doesn't stand a chance. But Dylan's dad catches them, and Riley pushes Dylan away, running at the first hurdle. Dylan though, he doesn't. He'll wait til Riley comes round, cos he WILL come round, just as Dylan's dad will. And they do, wonderfully.

This is one of those books that you just fall into and inhale, you know?? Not too complicated, but you have to pick up the clues about Riley's past relationship. It's not overly explicit, but it is incredibly sexy, especially when Riley's experience is bought to light, even with being in a 20 year relationship (I did NOT like that man!) There is angst and turmoil, but it's not too heavy. Just enough for you to shed a tear when Riley breaks down and cries for what could have been with Dylan.

This really is a warm and fuzzies slash too stinking cute book! It also seems to be the first I've read of Milne, so my wish list is now a little longer.


5 full and shiny and COLOURFUL stars (because after 20 years of white, Riley needs colour)

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Book Of Love (2017)
The Book Of Love (2017)
2017 | Drama
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: The Book of Love starts when architect Henry Herschel (Sudeikis) loses his pregnant wife Penny (Biel) in a car accident, broken he needs to take time away from work, he notices homeless teenager Millie (Williams) searching for scraps.

When Henry learns what Millie is planning, he decides to jump in and help her with the project to build a raft to sail across the Atlantic, this gives him a new lease for life, to help someone follow their dream.


Thoughts on The Book of Love


Characters – Henry Herschel is an architect on the verge of a big promotion to partner in the company, and a baby, his life however is turned upside down when his wife is killed in an accident. Filled with grief he meets teenager Millie who he helps with her project, taking his mind off his loss. Millie is a homeless teenager, well she is forced to live with her estranged Uncle and she wants to build a raft like in the journal she finds. She believes she is doing the right thing as she is dealing with own problems. Penny is Henry’s wife who even after her death gives him guiding light to help Millie. Julia is the mother-in-law wanting the best for Henry as her own way of dealing with the loss of her daughter.

Performances – Jason Sudeikis continues to show that he is delightful to watch in these drama-comedy roles, he shows enough grief and hope to make you believe that he has been the one to lose his wife. Maisie Williams is good for the most part, but she does struggle to maintain the accent through the film. Jessica Biel and Mary Steenburgen both give us good performances in the supporting roles.

Story – The story follows a grief ridden man that decides to help a teenager with her own problems in an attempt to cure his own problems only to there to help cure her problems. This does have sweet moments as we see how the lives have been turned upside down by their own tragic losses and the moments where they can help support each other, we do however deal with grief in a realistic way, being left empty in need of something to keep us going. The glaring problem is the repeating of the facts about people dying, we just don’t need this on repeat to get the point, as we know the focus on the story is, enjoy life however difficult moments have been.

Settings – The film is set-in small-town America, well the suburbs, which shows us how life can change in an instant in this world no matter who or where you are.

Scene of the Movie – Closing shot.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Maisie Williams accent.

Final Thoughts – This is a charming movie that gets the message across well, we get to see just how grief can be processed by the people suffering from it.


Overall: One of the dreamers to see where people can make it.