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Red Clocks
Red Clocks
Leni Zumas | 2018 | Gender Studies, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Red Clocks first caught my attention because it's set in a small fishing town in Oregon, my home state. After that, learning that it's a dystopia where abortion and in vitro fertilization have both been banned outright meant I HAD to read it. Of course, I got it from the library some weeks ago and had so many other books to read that I didn't get to it until the day it was due back to the library! Luckily, I read fast!

I think the cover description oversells the book a little. I wouldn't call Gin's trial "frenzied" nor the drama exactly "riveting" but it did keep my attention throughout the book. I really enjoyed the relationships between the characters, and the point that none of them really know what is going on in each other's personal lives. One moment I particularly liked is slightly spoilery, but I loved how Ro was able to put her personal feelings aside to help Mattie, her student. That was really, really hard for her, but she recognized how much damage it would do to Mattie to not help her.

I think I found Gin the most interesting - given all the reading I've been doing lately about autism, her entire personality screams autism to me, but she was never labeled as autistic. So I'm marking her as a possibly autistic character. (I'd love if any of my autistic readers could weigh in on that, if you've read the book!) Between preferring to live in the woods with animals and NOT around people, specifically, and the way she reacts to the textures and smells in the jail when she's arrested (shoving the bleach-scented blankets as far away in the cell as possible, and refusing to eat the food), and how she stumbles over her answers in the courtroom when she's interrogated - it seems likely.

My only actual complaint about this book had nothing to do with the writing or plot! But it refers to the ghost pepper as "the hottest pepper known to man" which the Carolina Reaper growing in my backyard would have an issue with!

Other than that very minor quibble, I thought this dystopia was pretty good. I'm always interested in Reproductive Rights-related dystopias. This isn't as good as The Handmaid's Tale, but it's MILES better than Future Home of the Living God. It's good at showing the lengths women will go to, to ensure their own reproductive freedom. Outlawing abortion doesn't eliminate abortion. It just makes it less safe.

You can find all my reviews at

ClareR (5652 KP) rated The Book of M in Books

Dec 21, 2018  
The Book of M
The Book of M
Peng Shepherd | 2018 | Dystopia
8.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
An enjoyable, original book.
Oh how I love a bit of dystopia. This time, people 'lose' their shadows, and with the loss of their shadows comes the loss of their memories. The added twist, is that when they are losing their memories, people begin to be able to do remarkable, scary things. Magical things.
We follow Ory and his quest to find his wife, Max, after her shadow disappears. She leaves to protect him. There are also two other main characters whose stories we follow - an olympic trained archer and the Amnesiac.
I loved this. The narrators were excellent, and for such an implausible concept, it just seemed so likely! For a book with magic, it didn't seem wildly fantastical. Why SHOULDN'T this happen? It makes a change from a killer virus (for the record, I like those kinds of stories too, by the way). I really liked the descriptions of those who lost their memories - the way in which it happened sounded a bit like I would imagine those with Alzheimers or dementia lose their memories. This book is about how important our memories actually are, how they shape the way we live our lives.
A very good book/ listen (I listened to this on Audible)!
The Running Man
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
First and foremost, if you think this is anything like the Arnie movie, think again! That movie only shares the title, a few names, and the idea of a game show with the book.

Written by Richard Bachman (aka Stephen King), this is set in a future dystopia where the gulf between the rich and the poor has widened even further, to the extent that, while the rich have access to new gadgets, medicine and groceries, life is a daily struggle to survive for the poor (who are now treated as vermin by the rich).

The top TV shows are all game shows (OK: like the movie); in all the poor are more-or-less tortured (the shows have names like 'Swimming with Crocidiles' or 'Treadmill to Fortune') to earn money. Of these, the most popular by far is 'The Running Man', which is - basically - a televised manhunt.

This is a pretty quick read - only took me about one day - with the Ben Richards of the novel far more sickly and wasted than the muscular Arnie of the film (Steve Buscemi, perhaps?), with the novel also covering a wider area of land than the Running Man set of that movie (which, remember, is only set in four zones - here, it's more-or-less right across America). The ending is also far more downbeat!
2001 | Action, Fighting, Shooter
Story, plot, combat tactics, characters, style. (0 more)
Rough control, occasional awkward camera placement, gun control! (0 more)
An overlooked bungie Gem that was too ahead of its time.
Contains spoilers, click to show
Oni is a third person action videogame developed by Bungie (west).
Released in 2001 it was Bungie wests ONLY game!?
The game focuses on shooting and hand to hand combat as you take on a reasonable amount of enemies, the gun controls are rather terrible and the combat controls are great providing you actually manage to land a strike.

ONI was originally planned to be released just for Mac, OS and Windows but was later ported to ps2 through Rockstar Canada.

The game was heavily inspired by Anime classics 'Ghost in a Shell' and 'Akira' which is very noticeable from the cover and beginning of the game (and also being set in a cyberpunk world).


Taking place in the year 2032, the world has become a dystopia due to pollution leaving very little of the planet habitable.

In order to solve the Global economic crisis, all nations formed under one banner....the world coalition government.

 You play as agent Konoko (voiced by Amanda winn-Lee) a member of the TCTF (Technological Crimes Task Force), working against a crime organisation known as The Syndicate. Whilst blasting through enemies konoko begins to unravel secrets promoting more questions than answers.
1984 Nineteen Eighty-Four
1984 Nineteen Eighty-Four
George Orwell, Duncan Macmillan | 1949 | Film & TV
8.1 (104 Ratings)
Book Rating
Effective in the delivery of it’s central message (0 more)
Overwhelmingly bleak (1 more)
Stars slow and a little bit didactic
A true nightmare world, a dystopian classic
Winston is our everyman, a middle aged average male living under the heel of a totalitarian regime. His work is bland, his food is bland, his every day routine is bland. Winston is losing it, he wonders about the world that was before the party and resists in small ways. He ponders about the subtle ways that the party exerts it’s control, by perpetual war, by rewriting history, by lying so blatantly that the members of the party have to accept the lies as truth. Winston dreams of revolution and finds himself seeking out others likes him.

Nineteen Eighty-Four was not an easy ready by any means, it’s startlingly brutal. The beginning starts off rather slow as the readers gets to know Winston, the way he thinks and learns about his every day routine and are introduced to key characters. The middle of the book picks up, but it breaks up the pacing of the novel due to the fact that it essentially turns into an essay that outlines the structure of the party and the moral implications of it’s actions. While info dumps can be a bit disjointing to read, I could bear with it for this novel. The third half of the novel caught me off guard and it spun wildly out of control. I loved it, even when I found it difficult to digest. This is what made the book so brilliant, it doesn’t just tell you about right and wrong and then wrap things up nicely, the horrible reality of the book comes crashing down on both Winston and the reader’s head in full force.

The power structure of the party is just downright diabolical. I could think of any other way to describe it; the method of control, the reasons for maintaining such a strict social order, the sheer scale of the party’s reach – all of it was terrifying when taken as a whole. There were points in the second half of the novel where I had to put the book down because it was stressing me out too much, and this was a first for me. I now understand fully what folks mean when they label something as “Orwellian,” and why this novel is hailed as one of the very best of the dystopia genre. Hell, there are others that I read that I thought were bleak, but none quite to this degree. Nineteen Eighty-Four makes other books in the dystopia genre seem like lighthearted adventures novels.

The novel is extremely effective in the delivery of it’s core message about government control and humanity by creating a potential future that is harrowing, particularly because of it’s plausibility, as a warning to all. This is the type of book that will stick with me for a long time and I’m glad I finally sat down to read it.
High-Rise (2016)
High-Rise (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, International
5.0 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This movie wants to be a dystopian drama, but fails to really add any dystopia. It wants to be a satire, but it is largely unclear what it is satirizing, other than a generic "all people are really just animals" theme and some under-explored "the rich live at the top and the poor at the bottom" stuff that doesn't really seem to pan out. It has very little in the way of narrative structure, what the characters are doing and why is never explained. I had a difficult time getting behind the idea of this "state of the art" high rise being some gleaming and beautiful example when it was such a ugly, Brutalist concrete mess to begin with. I'm sure there's some sort of "but the High-Rise looks like a prison because it metaphorically is one!" explanation, but it's just not a good one.

This movie was a slog to get through. It's far too long and feels even longer. Very few of the thematic elements amount to much. It's like it wants to say something about *society*, but isn't very clear on what that is.

The acting is pretty great. The visuals are gripping enough in some sections to keep you hooked and hopeful that the movie will amount to something greater than the sum of its parts, but it simply doesn't.

Also Tom Hiddleston is naked for a couple minutes.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) Sep 15, 2017

I totally agree as I actually prefer the book! The film was a little muddled and it got lost in the cinematography.


ClareR (5652 KP) rated The Pharmacist in Books

Jul 24, 2022  
The Pharmacist
The Pharmacist
Rachelle Atalla | 2022 | Contemporary, Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Pharmacist is the kind of book that I find I have to ration. I love it, but frankly the concept is terrifying. I read a lot of books about End Of Times, apocalypse, dystopia - I’m addicted, but I find I can’t stop thinking about them, and I even dreamt about The Pharmacist!

This isn’t a light read, and the dread isn’t even underlying: it’s constantly there, glowering in every paragraph, every sentence. The reader doesn’t know why these specially chosen people are all holed up in a bunker together, but something terrible, world changing, has happened.

And the claustrophobia! I could imagine the close living quarters, the smell of the not-quite-clean inhabitants, the fear of doing something to incur the wrath of the bunkers leader. Now, he’s quite some character: power mad and more than happy to use anyone to get what he wants. And although the pharmacist, Wolfe, is supplying him with ever greater supplies of drugs, she is the one who is at his mercy.

Whatever is outside the bunker is worse than what’s inside (I debate this, and would be much happier taking my chances on the outside!). And the tasks that the leader demands that Wolfe undertakes, get worse and worse.

This is an unrelentingly grim read, and I’m sure it says a whole lot about me when I say that I loved it. I looked forward - with trepidation - to reading every one of the ten instalments on The Pigeonhole.
Throne of Glass
Throne of Glass
Sarah J. Maas | 2012 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (91 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great Start to the series
It can be somewhat on parallel with Hunger Games except on a fantasy setting and sans the dystopia. Celaena is quite the character to like. She’s witty, smart, she’s got the talk and has the walk to prove it, she’s everything you like in a strong female character and more. I love her sass and overall personality.

The plot itself was good and engaging to read. There’s a mix of everything. Mystery, intrigue, action, and romance. I’d have to say it’s a little bit too much of a mix. I was really more into reading about the competition and Celaena’s skills. The mystery aspect did not really capture my attention and didn’t think it was very exciting. Sure, it did keep you guessing but it wasn’t filled with any twists and turns one might expect in a mystery. The romance was all right although I also didn’t think a love triangle was necessary in this one. (It was pretty hard to choose which one of the two were better. They both had their qualities that made them likable so I’m going to sit on the fence and be neutral on this)

I also enjoyed reading into Celaena’s and Nehemia’s friendship. I rather liked the bond they shared and Nehemia can hold her own as well so I liked how the two of them shared some common ground.

The ending was excellent and I’m going to be reading the rest of this. I hear it gets better! So I’m looking forward to getting the second.

Rachel King (13 KP) rated Enclave in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
Ann Aguirre | 2011 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is less dystopia and more post-apocalypse, with zombies thrown in - though they are never given that name. Though the plot focused solely on Deuce's life inside and outside the enclave, I was much more curious about the details of the world that Deuce lived in. The answers to these questions were sadly few and far between. It quickly became apparent that it was not in Deuce's nature to be inquisitive, and I was often distracted from Deuce's single-mindedness to be a Huntress. Deuce's two closest friends come from the other two groups, but little is told about these groups or the members that populated them. I was especially curious about Deuce's Breeder friend, who fathered a baby boy, but he is unfortunately removed from the plot before much development could occur.
Many loose threads are pushed aside to make way for the character of Fade, and Deuce's relationship with him. I saw much potential in Fade's character because of the potential of his backstory, but the possibilities of what he could accomplish in the enclave are wasted. In the end, despite the title of the book, the plot seems to be more about what happens Topside than saving or reforming the enclave. Plus, I know little more about the Freaks (zombies) than I did when I started the book. While the book brimmed with potential, much of the characters' potential was unrealized, and the book ended with too many loose ends and unanswered questions. While I typically love YA literature, I think this book was too juvenile for me.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Vox in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
Christina Dalcher | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.8 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
An interesting new take on a dystopian future
What worried me the most about this book is that the dystopian future is one you can quite realistically see happening, even in our lifetime. And that’s one of the things I liked about this book, it really makes you think about the current political climate and how easily things could descend into this sort of dystopia. And it really brings out some powerful emotions - it’s amazing how angry and frustrated you can get about a fictional future.

The book itself is well written, and Jean McClellan is a fairly engaging and well developed protagonist. It’s interesting to read about the history from Jean’s point of view and share her frustration with the system and how it affects her family. There are a lot of similarities to other books about dystopian futures, like 1984 and The Handmaid’s Tale, and even references some of these at times. However there are a few issues, firstly that the book plods along at a fairly decent pace but yet the ending is wrapped up so quickly in just a few paces, it’s feels very rushed and not as satisfying as I’d like. The other issue is that I’m concerned about how events unfold for Jean and how it compares to the rest of the women still suffering in silence. I feel like the book could’ve concentrated more on women who hadn’t had their counters removed, to really impact and show more about the regime.