We Are Marshall (2006)
Movie Watch
Football is a game that knocks you down, then expects you to get back up. Life hit the West Virginia...

Welcome Mr. Marshall (1953)
After finding out that North American people are visiting the Spanish villages, the citizens of...

Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)
Movie Watch
Peter (Jason Segel) is a struggling musician who finds his world turned upside down when his TV...

U.S. Marshals (1997)
Movie Watch
Ladies and gentlemen, be alert. We are going to initiate a hard-target search for a fugitive in an...

The 41-Year-Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It (2010)
Movie Watch
Sex-crazed buddies (Stephen Kramer Glickman, Austin Michael Scott) try to help a middle-aged man...