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Long for Me (Luminous, #3)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
ARC in exchange for an honest review.

A boss romance involving BDSM. Sounds like the perfect recipe right? I thought so too, but I wasn’t 100% happy with this novel. On one hand, the erotic scenes were as graphic as they were hot. The chemistry between the leads was undeniable.

The being said, I wanted to punch the heroine in the face on multiple occasions. Okay, I know that is a bit extreme. Overreactions aside, she could be pretty obnoxious. I understand that she is supposed to have the “PTSD from past abuse” back story but she over the top with it. Even after the long extensive conversations with her best friend about the BDSM community, she still can’t separate from abuse. Even after going to the club and seeing consenting couples enjoying themselves. She still can’t separate it from abuse. I had to put the book down multiple times because she was so annoying.

If that doesn’t bother you, or you can get past that aspect, the story is pretty enjoyable.

Awix (3310 KP) rated 365 Days (2020) in Movies

Jul 30, 2020 (Updated Jul 30, 2020)  
365 Days (2020)
365 Days (2020)
2020 | Drama, International
1.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The same old story: boy meets girl, then he kidnaps her and keeps her prisoner for a year because he is a gangster and had a vision of her a few years previously while taking a bullet during his dad's assassination. Naturally she quickly falls in love with him; many games of hide-the-sausage ensue. Needless to say the whole thing looks like a commercial, albeit with much more cunningly-framed fellatio than the typical advert.

Basically attempts to mash up an erotic thriller (a genre noted for almost never generating excitement or arousal) with a coercive romance (the nastiest of all genres), with results that are virtually unwatchable: woodenly acted, leadenly directed, badly written in every way, it's a mixture of the clumsy and the tasteless from start to (baffling) finish. A horrible, unpleasant film: if future historians want evidence of just how badly screwed up this year was, they need only look at the fact that this film somehow became a streaming hit. Ugh, ugh; a thousand times ugh.
Crimson Sky (Dark Sky, #1)
Amy Braun | 2016
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

This is the first novel I have read from Amy Braun, but it is certainly not the last. While I appreciate other genres beyond romance and erotica, it has to really be something to grab my attention. Crimson Sky had me from page one. Not only did it blow me away, I became obsessed, having to know what happened next and not being satisfied until I finished the novel.

Crimson Sky is an action packed novel that is hard to describe. Braun is such a talented writer, she easily incorporates multiple genres into one. It can be classified as steampunk, horror, action, romance, and dystopian all in one. I appreciate that Braun could easily show so many themes without having to shove it down our throats. She does such a good job of showing, there is no need for telling.

This novel is an intense roller coaster ride that begins from the very first page. Filled with complex realistic characters in a terrifying world, Braun weaves a story filled with twists and personal growth that keeps you hooked until the very end. It’s been a long time since I have been this obsessed with a novel that didn’t qualify as erotic. Even now, I am stuck in literary limbo because nothing seems to match up to the intense emotions this novel pulled from me. I can’t wait to read more.
The Perfect Whore
The Perfect Whore
Josephine Myles | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fanfiction is usually free. You can find better stuff there
Once upon a time, I read Star Wars slash fanfiction. That was a lot better than this. I don't quite know what the author was going for here, as the story leans too far into plot and exposition to be a "romance" novel (not a bad thing, if the plot wasn't just a vehicle for the romance), and the erotica was less than erotic. I've read female authors who could write believable gay characters, but this isn't one of them. These characters interact more like men in Japanese yaoi, which is to say, you could sub one of the men with a woman and have the same story. I would be more generous (considering one character is a shapeshifting alien with no true gender) but her author's bio specifically states she writes gay erotica. So let's be clear: this is gay erotica for women. So if you're a lady who fetishizes gay men, this is in your wheelhouse. If you're a gay man, probably avoid this one, unless you really have a thing for sci-fi and lizardmen.

Circling back around, of course the title is attention grabbing. And the story is short enough to be fun. Both characters are obnoxious, but not so much that you can't sit two or three hours with them. The story employs standard tropes, including using rape as a dramatic crutch. If that's your thing, you'll probably enjoy this and also what's wrong with you?
Honestly, I can't believe I read the whole thing. Here's the premise of the first story: Girl gets turned into vamp. Has sex. Has some more sex. A tiny bit of plot. Even kinkier sex. Sex, sex, sex. And more sex than plot throughout the remainder of the story. Honestly the redundancy got really boring. Now, I knew this was erotica (or Erotic Romance as it says on the spine) going into this, but I had read that there was a good plot in there too. I would think even erotica would have at least equal plot with the sex, if not slightly more. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know, this is the only book in this genre I've read. And seeing as it does say it's also a romance, I would expect some feelings and emotions behind all the rutting sex in almost every possible sexual situation known to man (and wolf), but no, there's nothing there. The second story is slightly better in the love territory, but the plot is a complete disaster. While I didn't care for Tori in the first story, I hated her here. What a *bleep*! And if there's nothing I despise more, it's a Mary Sue; every guy wants her, she's this perfect creature, et cetera, et cetera, excuse me while I throw up. And it's carrying it too far that everyone hates Sarel and she has to suffer that much because she made a big mistake, but geez, deal with it! She knows she was stupid and wrong, and Eli forgave her. Bunch of hypocrites.

So it sounds like I totally hated the book, not so. The ideas are solid and in between sex scenes in the first story, it was well-written. So overall, not the worst thing I've read, but far, far from the best. I do have another in the series sitting here that I'll give a try, although I think it might be my last one by this author, unless she goes strictly romance.
A delicious dirty erotic romance about two people discovering themselves again and healing.

I am going to be honest, by the time I made it to this book on my NetGalley list, I was about 1000% done with people who had something happen in their past that broke them and they put themselves back together as best they could. However, I have a thing for MMA fighters (maybe because my fiancé was one?) so I still requested this novel.

I am glad I did because Fighting for Control is a helluva intense novel with a heroine I could definitely get behind. I actually admired her a lot. She was such a strong and passionate woman, it was hard not to like her. And, despite his issues, I genuinely enjoyed Nikko too. I definitely could see why she fell for him.

While the whole “woman trying to heal PTSD Alpha male” is not even close to be a new or fresh trope, Price told it in a way that it was still enjoyable. If this type of story is your thing, then you will love this novel.
Heidi's Guide to Four Letter Words
Heidi's Guide to Four Letter Words
Tara Sivec | 2019
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This starts with Heidi trying to find a job and her mum and aunt going through a list of schools they think she should work at and Heidi listening miserably, knowing education isn't something she enjoyed. Instead she's applied to be in a receptionist type role at a local small business, not knowing at the time that they record erotic romances in audiobook form. Heidi is equally embarrassed and curious about what goes on at her place of work and with the help of her colleagues begins a podcast where she talks about her hot neighbour who she'd love to date and becoming more confident in saying those tricky four letter words.

I wasn't sure with this to start with. I found Heidi's almost prudishness too much at the start. I can't quite believe that she doesn't even allow herself to think swear words let alone say them. I don't know if it was her religious upbringing or her parents - who I found really annoying at times. It was nice to see her grow more confident in herself with every podcast she broadcasts and book scene she reads.

This one does have some comedy elements in it but, for me, the speech to text thing was hilarious and the funniest part. I couldn't stop laughing for quite a while with that one.

The romance in this didn't seem to take up as much of the book as I'd have liked. I think it got to around the 35% mark before the romance even started to kick in. They had talked briefly and acknowledged each other in the street but it was only after she'd done a few of her podcasts that she even had the guts to approach him for a date and then it was a slow burn into a cute romance. It was a really nice relationship they'd built up and then "the thing" that split them apart for a little while was blown out of proportion - as they do in romance books - before they sorted it out and were cuter than ever.

One thing I didn't understand was the "uff da" thing. I even had to look it up to figure out what that bit was all about. It still seemed a rather odd exclamation to me so I read it as oomph/oof noise.

If you like romantic comedies then you should give this a go.
Touch the Dark (Cassandra Palmer, #1)
Touch the Dark (Cassandra Palmer, #1)
7.7 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would like to thank Karen Chance for letting me fall in love with paranormal romance again. It’s very rare for me to find a paranormal romance series that I love in the never ending shelves filled with them. Among them are Kresley Cole, Gena Showwalter, Jeaniene Frost, Patricia Briggs, Lynn Viehl and now Karen Chance.

I brought this book on a 13 hour car ride, not expecting much, just words to fill the time. It was about halfway through when I realized what a gem I really had. The plot was fascinating, the world was so involved and though out, and the characters were just as interesting as the world they were involved in. I would like to thank Karen Chance once more for not making her heroine, Cassandra, so independent that it made me want to gag. Cassandra knew when she needed help and that she wasn’t going to survive on her own. Of course, Cassandra has an awesome power that makes her wanted by multiple races. I can forgive that stereotypical plot aspect since Cassandra is not the most power creature to ever exist in the world nor is the only one to have had or will have such power.

But, dear Chance, did you really have to throw in such an erotic scene when I am sitting in the car with my family? I was not expecting anything so…steamy from this book that I actually had to put the book down for a moment.

This was one of those novels that made me depressed when I finished it, for the sheer fact that it was over. I immediately turned to my phone to see if there were any more. When I found out it was a series, I ordered every single one.
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

I don’t know what it is about this series that just gets me. This is the third novel I have read in the series and it just keeps getting better and better.

Historical erotica is something I can fully get behind. But a queer historical erotica?! Those don’t exist! Well let me inform you that they, in fact, do, and they are amazing. Society of Gentleman by K.J. Charles is not just one of the best historical erotic series I have read, it is also one of the best series period! So far, this one has been my favorite. There is something about forbidden love that just makes it that much more delicious. A lord and his servant? Scandalous! And toe-curling…

Again Charles brings her phenomenal character creating to the table and expertly weaves a story that lures you into its web and keeps you there till the very end. I love Charles’ writing and creativity.

There is really nothing else I feel I can say about this novel without giving it away. Are you looking for a fantastic historical romance featuring two men? Look no further! Seriously…don’t pass this series up.

Plus look at how beautiful that cover is...
Fifty Shades of Grey
Fifty Shades of Grey
E.L. James | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
6.6 (103 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I debated for quite awhile about reading this book. All the reviews are so love it or you hate it. It is all over the place from internet to radio to CNN, but it was both of my former college roommates & best friends that finally talked me into it, through Facebook no less!
In an interview on CNN with some female members of a book club, I heard 50 Shades described as a Disney prince fairy tale for grown-ups. I couldn't agree more...of course I can't see old Walt even fantasizing about some of the things that take place in this tale!
I am by no means a fan of erotic literature. Hell, I don't even like trashy romance novels, but this one, DAMN! I was hooked from the get. Now don't get me wrong, it was not the steamy, unbelievable, hot sex scenes that got to me(yes, I am human!) Mr. Grey & Miss Steele are intriguing characters. They are so well developed & in some strange way easy to relate to...not that I know much about bondage or billionaires!
I found myself HATING Christian with a passion & in the next sentence wishing I knew him. He is such a conundrum. I found myself identifying with Ana, yet at the same time not getting her motivation at all. It was a heady mix of confusing & normal all at the same time.
I very much look forward to finding out what happens in the next part!!