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Escape From L.A. (1996)
Escape From L.A. (1996)
1996 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
6.5 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The CGI (0 more)
Snake Why
Escape From L.A.- is just not good. The CGI is awful, like really bad. Their should of never been a sequel to "Escape From New York", and why wait for 15 years to make a sequel. The only good thing is Kurt Russell as Snake.

The plot: In 2013, the United States president (Cliff Robertson) is exiling all citizens who don't conform to his hyper-conservative views to Los Angeles, which became an island after a huge earthquake. But, when the president's daughter nabs the detonator to her dad's apocalyptic weapon and sneaks into L.A. to be with the rebel leader she loves, the government taps commando-turned-crook Snake Plissken (Kurt Russell) to retrieve the young woman. And, if he doesn't succeed quickly, he'll be executed.

Its not worth watching.
Sign of Foul Play
Sign of Foul Play
Penny Warner | 1998 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
All Signs Point to a Winner
Two earthquakes in the middle of the night made it hard for Connor Westphal to sleep. However, she is going about her Monday morning when she gets a message from her friend Dan telling her there is a news story at the construction site he is working at. When Connor arrives to get the scoop for her weekly paper, she finds that someone has discovered the dead body of Cullen Delancy. The working theory is that he fell to his death when the earthquake struck, but what was he doing on the site in the middle of the night?

I’ve got to admit, I roll my eyes a bit when I see an earthquake pop up in a story set in California, but I quickly got over that here since it made for an interesting set up to the mystery. There are plenty of twists and surprises to keep us guessing. I did figure a couple of them out early, but I was still plenty surprised when Connor pieced it together at the end. Connor is deaf, which sets her apart from other series leads, and I love seeing how that plays out in the story. She’s a strong main character, and the rest of the cast is wonderful as well. The story edges just a bit toward the outskirts of cozies, but as long as you know that going in, you’ll be fine. The book came out in 1998, and it is really amazing how much technology has changed our lives in the past couple of decades. This is a great second in the series, and I’m looking forward to visiting Connor again soon.

Gruff Rhys recommended California 99 by Jimmie Haskell in Music (curated)

California 99 by Jimmie Haskell
California 99 by Jimmie Haskell
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This 1971 album by Hollywood arranger Jimmie Haskell is a rare case of the Topographical Album. It reimagines a future sovereign state of California in the wake of a catastrophic earthquake along the San Andreas fault - creating a gigantic inland lagoon where most of So-Cal sits today. If you're a Mapster that's into Maps - then this is the record for you - and from that perspective this has the greatest sleeve ever made. (Folds out into a giant map of said post apocalypse America). For heritage rock completists: this record features a cover of the Band's 'The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down' and Joe Walsh ( who would soon be joining the Eagles) features heavily on a couple of tunes. Generally though, Approach with caution - even though it's a fun record and a bold attempt at a new musical micro-genre, it also has the faint unwelcome smell of the rock opera."

The Miseducation of Cameron Post
The Miseducation of Cameron Post
Emily M. Danforth | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Camron has her first kiss and her parents get killed in an accident that night. She feels it is her fault and it creates some self loathing. She does know she can not change who she is. Unfortunately her conservative Aunt who takes custody of her thinks she can.This is a very different coming of age novel. It really gets to the idea of being sure and unsure at the same time when you realize you like people of the same sex as you. The character of Camron is very complex. Even though she is rough around the edges you are cheering for her. Her aunt and others you want to punch. Love her grandma though just wish she was stronger.The setting in this story is as important as the characters. It is almost a character of it's own. Especially Quake Lake, which runs throughout the story. Interesting thing is that Quake Lake is a real place and the earthquake describes really did happen. I read another book about that. I just wish the story of Cameron had continued.
Geostorm (2017)
Geostorm (2017)
2017 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
I'm not going to go all out description on this, because honestly you should just see it.

The world now has a net of satellites that control the weather on Earth. Something goes wrong and there's a battle against the clock to find the person behind it and to stop the oncoming Geostorm.

I saw this one in 3D as it coincided with getting out of work. Yet another film that makes me think I don't need to see 3D films, and I certainly wouldn't if I was paying full price for them.

I love natural disaster films... what's not to love? Catastrophic volcano/tornado/earthquake/snow storm/tsunami... any combination of those... add some sharks... bingo! Are any of them going to win best movie? No. Do I care? Also, no. They're good fun, they're action filled, they like to take the piss out of themselves a little bit. I will be buying this when the DVD comes out, and I will love it all over again.
Aftershock (2013)
Aftershock (2013)
2013 | Horror, Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Aftershock starts as Gringo (Roth), Ariel (Levy) and Pollo (Martinez) travelling around Chile, they party over all night where they meet three girls Monica (Osvart), Irina (Yarovenko) and Kylie (Izzo). Going for one last party the six new friends find themselves in the middle of an earthquake, one seriously injured and an impending tsunami heading towards them.

The friends must race against time in a country none of them call home to make it out alive but the natural disaster isn’t the only threat when the prison is damaged leading to the prisoners being released upon the streets.

Aftershock gives us something very different because we get a disaster movie which comes off realistic and sudden which is a big plus but it doesn’t stop there by giving us a survival horror when the group have to survive from prisoners. It would be fair to say there is a negative with the building up to the disaster but this does help give us small character development. When we deal with the aftershock of the earthquake we have to deal with non-stop action throughout. This was a real surprise because I thought there would have been more hype about the film.


Actor Review


Eli Roth: Gringo is the single father on the trip, he is friends with Ariel which shows that he isn’t the closet with Pollo. He is using this holiday as a chance to get over the recently divorce but when the quake hits he finds himself having to pull Pollo out of his daze. Eli does well but it becomes clear he really should be behind the camera.

Andrea Osvart: Monica is the stricter older sister to Kylie who tries her best to keep her sister safe on their adventure but she has a secret from the rest which is very important for the aftershock side of the story. Andrea is good in this leading role being the sensible one during the situation.monica

Nicolas Martinez: Pollo is the Spanish talking member of the group, he has gotten by because the money his family has. He finds himself having to step up after the quake to do the things normal men wouldn’t. his final moments are slightly stupid but otherwise a good character. Nicolas is good in this role as the man who needs to step up.

Natasha Yarovenko: Irina is one of the girls who is very similar to Gringo being a single parent and also a success. She starts off thinking she is more but soon becomes the strongest one during the situation. Natasha is good in this role and the sympathy between her and Gringo’s character comes through strong.

Lorenza Izzo: Kylie is the younger party animal of the two sisters, she just wants to have fun on her trip but with her old sister trying to protect her she finds herself being held back until the quake hits and she wants her sister to help her. Lorenza is good in this bratty like character which put her on the map for a future horror scream queen.

Support Cast: Aftershock has the basic supporting cast that all help with the survival side of the story.

Director Review: Nicolas Lopez – Nicolas gives us a film that keeps pulling us in once the earthquake hits.


Action: Aftershock use the action for the destruction side of the story which helps us with mother nature side of the story.

Horror: Aftershock comes from the human side of the story as we see just how twisted they can become in a situation our characters find themselves in.

Thriller: Aftershock keeps us on edge from start to finish.

Settings: Aftershock uses Chile for the settings which works for a different location and shows our characters lost during a disaster.
Special Effects: Aftershock has good effects to create what happens to the characters in the disaster.

Suggestion: Aftershock is one to watch especially is you like disaster movies. (Watch)


Best Part: Earthquake.

Worst Part: Slightly too much before the quake.


Believability: No

Chances of Tears: No

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: No


Oscar Chances: No

Budget: $2 Million

Runtime: 1 Hour 29 Minutes

Tagline: The only thing more terrifying than Mother Nature is human nature.


Overall: Surprisingly intense film that blends two great genres.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Sisterland in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
Curtis Sittenfeld | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this book much more than I expected to - I had been slightly wary of reading Curtis Sittenfeld’s <i>Sisterland</i> after seeing that it has been listed as Chick Lit on <i>Goodreads</i>. It is a story about two sisters (the title sort of gives that away) – twins in fact: Violet and Daisy. Although for the majority of the novel the narrator, Daisy, is known as Kate.

The chapters alternate between past and present, which helps the reader to understand the characters and their developments whilst the main story line is being played out. I say present but you later discover that Kate is actually narrating these events a couple of years after although this was not clear and the beginning.

Vi and Kate both have ESP or “senses” meaning that they occasionally experience visions, thoughts, or feelings about certain people or events that are yet to occur. When Vi receives a message about an earthquake due to occur in their hometown, the media ends up getting involved, speculating how much truth there is behind this prediction.

As the supposed “doomsday” date approaches, Vi and Kate’s relationship has its ups and down – something which seems to have been the case throughout most of their lives. But the main question is will there be an earthquake or is it, perhaps, a metaphor for events taking place in Kate’s own home and family?

While reading I felt as though I was - I am not really sure how to word it – perhaps growing close to the narrator as she recounted her tale. Learning about Kate as a person and understand and relating to how she felt and acted. This meant, however, that I became disappointed in Kate for making a certain bad decision – or more like giving in to an impulse. I will not reveal what that is as I do not want to spoil the book for anyone who has not yet read it.

As I have already said, I did enjoy this book. Personally I would not label it as Chick Lit, although I will not deny that it is intended for women to read. It is a contemporary, fictional novel with a hint of fantasy or the paranormal about it. I would recommend it to readers who appreciate other novels of a similar genre.
Underwater (2020)
Underwater (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Better than expected
Underwater stars Kristen Stewart as an engineer working aboard a deep-sea laboratory, who must fend for her life alongside her crew when an earthquake devastates the station.

I’ll start by admitting that I’ve never been a big fan of Kristen Stewart, with Twilight to thank for this rather negative opinion. However I’ve come to realise she’s actually a decent actress, especially in action packed films, and this really helped me to enjoy Underwater a lot more than I was expecting.

The action in this is virtually nonstop. There’s no lengthy or drawn out introductions, we’re submerged (literally) into the main plot of this film less than 5 minutes in and it continues in this vein throughout. It’s an edge of your seat thrill ride that’s tense and gripping, and there isn’t a dull moment. The horror aspect is rather well done and paired with the unknown and often claustrophobic circumstances the characters find them in and the very good score, it becomes quite a scary and nerve wracking film. The plot is decent and whilst the reveal on the cause of the earthquake isn’t entirely unpredictable, it still proves to be great entertaining.

Sadly despite my gushing, Underwater isn’t perfect. The biggest problem with it is the CGI and special effects. The props and set design themselves look good, but they’re let down when we’re shown these huge CGI underwater scenes that are meant to look impressive but instead look horrendous. I’d be interested to know how this looked on the big screen, but in a home setup it looks decidedly dodgy. And slow motion every time something explodes is cringeworthy.

Underwater also suffers from your typical survival film clichés. The plot itself is very typical of a survival film, and paired with ridiculous and predictable actions by underdeveloped characters, it lets it down. The cast too are also let down by the cliched characters, and even Vincent Cassel and John Gallagher Jnr are given little to work with. The only character that has had any development whatsoever is Stewart’s Nora, who is a decent and fairly likeable protagonist.

I really wish Underwater had a little more money thrown at it. If they had dramatically improved the CGI then I think this would’ve made for a cracking good sci-if/horror. The critical reception for this hasn’t been great, which surprises me as overall this is a very tense, nerve wracking and sometimes scary film that just falls short of being very good.
Earth Witch (Witches of Westwood Academy #4)
Earth Witch (Witches of Westwood Academy #4)
Gina Kincade, C.D. Gorri | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
EARTH WITCH is the fourth book in the Witches of Westwood Academy and we return to the Academy as Jade is recovering from a mishap in Earthquake class - yep, that's a thing!

As with all the other books, this is a quick read and focuses on both the overall story arc and Jade herself. Arlo is on hand to help her with her self-esteem issues although his constant use of 'Sweet Jade' felt over the top to me. Jade liked it though, which I guess is all that counts.

There was a part in here that didn't make much sense to me OR Jade, and that was why her ex turned up at the Academy to bully her. Maybe I missed something, or maybe it will become clear in later books. One thing that did become clear are the six types of witches and, what do you know, we've got the whole bingo card!

Really looking forward to the next instalment and definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 21, 2023

Sean Farrell (9 KP) rated Ararat in Books

Mar 15, 2018  
Christopher Golden | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Thriller
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
"Popcorn" books can be a lot of fun no matter what time of year it is, but they seem especially appropriate in the Summer time, and this latest horror offering from Christopher Golden is a pretty perfect Summer book. Engaged, moutain-climbing authors / documentary filmmakers Adam and Meryam are in a race to be first up Mt. Ararat into a cavern that has opened up as the result of an earthquake, possibly revealing Noah's Ark. Unsurprisingly they make it and discover that the cavern appears to actually be the ark itself, and it contains a rather disturbing discovery inside. Nevertheless, they assemble a team of international archaeologists, religious experts, mountain guides, and government representatives and get to work studying their findings. As a blizzard approaches, effectively trapping them inside the Ark, things begin to take a turn for the worse at the site as the body count begins piling up, and the tone of the book switches from adventure mixed with some mystery to a straight-up frightfest. This is one of the scarier books I've read in a while, using some pretty shocking violence to really up the fear factor. As a result, while not likely to win any literary rewards, Mr. Golden has created one of the year's most entertaining books, and written a story that would make a great Summer blockbuster.