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The Anomaly
The Anomaly
Michael Rutger | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
7.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
For fans of Coast to Coast AM
This was really enjoyable. There are a group of people out there who think science has become a religion and anyone who believes anything science hasn't yet discovered gets bashed. They read Fortean Times and listen to Coast to Coast and Astonishing Legends and think there could be something in all this 'woo woo' stuff of conspiracy, UFOs , skinwalker's etc. I am one of those people and so I felt this book was made for me and my people.
A group of filmmakers who look for answers into the paranormal and conspiracy go to the grand canyon to hunt for the legendary Kincaid's Cave first printed about in 1909 (Google it). There have been numerous expeditions in just over a century to try and discover said cave to see if it's real and what it holds, all unsuccessful, but in the novel there has just been a minor earthquake and the team find the cave. What happens next is a proper out there thrilling adventure of life and death, incredible conspiracies, and potentially the apocalypse. This was so much fun and gripping enough to keep you turning the page to see what happens next. It will be too out there for some but for me it was on the side of crazy I enjoy. Can't wait for The Possession, the next in the series

Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated Underwater (2020) in Movies

Nov 1, 2021 (Updated Nov 3, 2021)  
Underwater (2020)
Underwater (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
When I first saw the trailer for Underwater I thought of two of my favourite undersea movies, The Abyss, Deep Star Six and Leviathon, so I was a little apprehensive to see this movie, but last night I thought I might as well check it out for myself at Cineworld and see how it plays out.

Almost 7 miles below the ocean surface a drilling rig is hit by what the crew at first believe to be an earthquake, but as tragedy unfolds upon the remaining survivors, it turns out that they have discovered something deadly in the form of some rather mean-looking underwater lifeforms that seem to be very unhappy with the drilling that is going on.

Now the survivors have to fight their way across the seabed to escape to the surface while being hunted by the creatures!

I have to say about the Underwater that at first, this looks like a movie that is certainly going to have you on the edge of your seat and for most of it it does, but with most of Kristen Stewart‘s roles she seems to be emotionless and the I did find myself losing interest in her character, that had a blonde Eminem style haircut, I found the other characters more interesting, but not that much!
Back in the late-to-mid 80s, the band R.E.M. sang

'That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes ... It's the end of the world as we know it'

They might as well have been talking about this, the final book in Rachel Caine's <I>Weather Warden</I> series.

Again, picking up directly from the end of the last book, this has Joanne and David still on board the liner sailing home from their showdown with 'bad Bob', and with the 2 lead characters stripped of their powers. Not long before making landfall, however, the Earth starts to wake up and is not best pleased, instigating what basically amounts to Armageddon. The majority of the book deals with the Wardens attempts to placate the Earth and cancel this from happening, with Joanne and David regaining their powers in the process.

I was, I must admit, quite surprised at one point when one of the key characters of the series was called off (just over the 1/2 way mark): I hadn't really seen that coming. However, when they do (finally) make contact with Mother Earth, I found that portion of the plot to be resolved almost too easily, after what had went before.

The series, as a whole, had both it's peaks and troughs: while this entry may not (IMO) live up to some of the previous entries, nor was it the worst of them all.
The Miracle Sin
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
13 of 220
The Miracle Sin
By Marcus Hawke

Have you ever wondered if there’s more to life? If we are destined for something great, part of a divine plan rather than just subjects of random chaos? Mason Cole has wondered these things. And he has the answer… No. How could that be when his parents were killed in an earthquake that destroyed the city of Jerusalem, yet he alone survived? How could he be destined for great things when he’s stuck in a town-shaped reststop where nothing he does makes a difference? And why would God do this to him in the first place?

Then one day a stranger passes through town, bringing with him a unique explanation of his past, one he never could have imagined, and wishes he could forget. It sounds like something from one of his books, only this time it’s happening to him, and it becomes clear that not every miracle is a blessing. Now, with a red-haired devil hell bent on possessing him for his own sinister gains, Mason must discover the answers to these questions if he ever hopes to survive in a world where the dark no longer hides that which dwells within.

This started of so so well but it lost me in the middle and then the end just couldn’t get me back. It drifted off and was a bit slow going. Such a shame as the concept is really good.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Forgotten in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emma Tupper leads a busy life as a corporate lawyer. But after her mother passes away, she takes a month-long leave of absence (basically unheard of in her firm) to visit Africa -- the dream trip her mom never had the chance to take. But things go awry and Emma gets sick in Africa. Shortly after, an earthquake hits the region where she's recuperating, and her one-month trip becomes a six-month odyssey. Unable to communicate from her remote village, Emma finally returns home, only to find out that everyone thinks she died in Africa and that life has gone on without her.

This was an interesting novel. It's a fun and diversionary story, to say the least, even if not much of it seems too rooted in truth. Emma is so easily declared dead in a mere six months? When she returns back to find her apartment rented, the new tenant has no issue with her staying with him, and even wearing his clothes? Hmm. Okay. A romance triangle is thrown in, of course, with Emma's pre-Africa boyfriend having moved on (or has he?). So much of the book seemed downright silly to me, but I found it oddly addictive. Emma's a little irksome from time-to-time, but I'm not sure what I would do if I came back from vacation and everyone thought I was dead and had sold my life out from under me! It's a good exploration on how we often lead our lives out of habit and ease, versus truly going after what we truly want. Nothing earth-shattering here, but an enjoyable read.

Thanks to Goodreads for giving me a copy of this book through their First Reads/Giveaway program.

Rob P (30 KP) rated Norse Mythology in Books

Apr 22, 2019 (Updated Apr 23, 2019)  
Norse Mythology
Norse Mythology
Neil Gaiman | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (38 Ratings)
Book Rating
very accessible (3 more)
reads like an anthology
simplified for story format
great starting point
no information related to the Norse religion as it was practiced. (1 more)
presumes the knowledge of certain intricacies on behalf of the reader
Norse My"Thor"logy
Contains spoilers, click to show
Ah what an enjoyable read.

I love mythology, and this book is a great starting point if you wish to know about the more "Hollywood" stars of Norse myth (Odin, Thor, Loki, the dwarves and frost giants, Hel (or Hela, as marvel would have it) Frey and Freya and Mimir and Heimdall and a host of others whose names you may have heard).

One of the acclaims on the front of the book sums this up quite well. "Gaiman takes on the role of the fireside Bard" - it's an easy metaphor to use, as this really is a collection of stories simplified to tales of adventure and deceit.

The vikings (or Scandinavians in general) were clearly looking to explain certain phenomena using these characters (much like Greek and Roman mythology) and I love reading about that. Trying to put myself in the position of an awed villager hearing thunder and the seeing the flash of lighting, reasoning that it must be the indomitable Thor, wielding the mighty Mjollnir, ending the life of a wicked Frost Giant with a gigantic blow. Or feeling an earthquake, and believing it must be Loki, trapped in his mountain prison, the burn of the snake's venom corroding his face as his screams of agony set the very mountains to trembling. Waiting for Ragnarok to break his bonds and have his revenge on the gods. Wonderful stuff.

If you have any interest in mythology and (like me) you don't want to dive into more reference or poetry-based offerings right away, this is a great place to start.

I guarantee that once you do, you may very well want to carry on into the more heavy hitting titles out there pertaining to Norse myth.

Definitely recommended.

Ghost Moon (The Wolfborne Saga #4)
Ghost Moon (The Wolfborne Saga #4)
Cheree Alsop | 2019 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ghost Moon is the fourth book in The Wolfborne Saga and we continue with Zev's story. Isley doesn't feature in this one so I'm guessing she isn't 'the one' for Zev (for now, at least). Instead, we have Zev and the usual crew trying to clear up after the earthquake and also find reason to keep going. Virgo is especially hard hit after the events at the end of the prior book.

Now, I know I said I thought Dark Coven was the best so far, and it was... until this one. This one has just ticked all of my boxes, making me devour the whole book in one sitting.

There are many emotions in this book, some good, and some bad. I certainly feel for Zev, and for Ceren, but in different ways. I thought my heart would break with Virgo but then he had to act like a tool at the end. I know I will still like him for it in the next book, but I struggled to understand just HOW he could do that to Zev. Zev isn't Virgo's pet, to do as he wishes, and Zev's agreement was never sought. I found this to be very disappointing and so am hopeful Virgo will redeem himself soon.

As for the rest of it, you still have an amazing supporting cast, and now the werewolves aren't as many, you can see the different temperaments coming through. The pacing remains smooth and the story keeps you turning the pages.

This is definitely my favourite of the series so far but I also highly recommend reading them in order as it just won't make any sense if you don't.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Escape From L.A. (1996)
Escape From L.A. (1996)
1996 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
6.5 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
John Carpenter’s offering into the world of sequels couldn’t have been worse. Kurt Russell said he had a desire to play Snake Plissken once again and to be honest I wished he hadn’t bothered.

I had a hard enough time to muster the energy to watch this, and even more to award it a one star rating. I have made my way through bad films over the years but this one really takes the title. After Carpenter’s engrossing and dark Escape from New York hit screens in 1981 a sequel was always going to be on the cards, but maybe they waited too long for it.

The plot is similar to the first, Plissken is yet again asked to save the day despite being injected with a virus that will kill him in within nine hours, although giving him ample time to save the day. This time he has to enter L.A. now separated from America after an earthquake and where the worst of the worst are sent, there he must retrieve a black box containing controls to a super weapon.

I had a hard enough time to muster the energy to watch this, and even more to award it a one star rating

What really wound me up about this film were the most shoddy special effects ever! When you take into consideration that this came out at a similar time to the very excellent Independence Day whose CGI effects were second to none for the time, there was no comparison.

You have to wonder what Carpenter’s budget of $50,000,0000 went towards, Plissken’s underwater entry into L.A. is hilarious and is even worth the watch just for that alone.

The addition of a few more well known characters do manage to brighten the proceedings, such as Steve Buscemi as Map to the Stars Eddie and Bruce Campbell as Surgeon General of Beverly Hills, but they do very little to save this from being a complete disaster.

Russell allegedly wrote the ending to this, and to be honest it shows. If you were a fan of the first then I would leave this one well alone!
Paddington (2015)
Paddington (2015)
2015 | Comedy, Family
The timeless storybook written by Michael Bond about a loveable, well-mannered immigrant Bear who tries to adapt to the human world.

The movie opens up with an English Explorer, Montgomery Clyde (Tim Downie), who ventures to the darkest Peru and encounters Paddington’s Aunt Lucy(voiced by Imelda Stauton) and Uncle Pastuzo(voiced by Michael Gambon). Instead of shooting them to take back to the Geographers’ Guild to be stuffed, he teaches them to speak English and introduces them to marmalade. He ends his adventure by telling the two bears he would always give them a home in London. Fast forward 40 years, Lucy and Pastuzo are now raising their very energetic nephew (voiced by Ben Wishaw) and teach him everything they know about London and how to make marmalade. Sadly, tragedy strikes after a devastating earthquake destroys their home. This forces Aunt Lucy to allow the young bear to stowaway on a ship bound for London to find Montgomery Clyde, the explorer, while she takes residence at a facility for retired bears.

The little bear is discovered by the Brown family while wandering Paddington Station. After reading the tag that says, “Please look after this bear,” the Browns take him home and give him the name Paddington. They also agreed to help him find the explorer that once befriended his aunt and uncle. Confused by his new unfamiliar surroundings, Paddington becomes an accident prone guest who inadvertently creates chaos and devastation where ever he goes.

Writer/Director Paul King has made an ingeniously witty, funny film that will appeal to moviegoers of all ages. A sweet and playful take on the beloved 1950s children’s book. For the most part, it does follow the storyline of the book. With the exception of the character Millicent, played by Nicole Kidman, who is a museum taxidermist. She wants nothing more than to make Paddington the newest member of the museum’s collection of stuffed exotic animals.

You can’t help but fall in love with Paddington, and it’s just as easy to love the Brown family. This is a delightfully charming film with the perfect amount of quirkiness. A story of a lost child trying to find friends and a place to belong. A wonderful movie that will melt your heart!
Underwater (2020)
Underwater (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Underwater was in my top picks for February, it looked like a cross between Deep Rising, Alien and a selection of Doctor Who episodes... I was definitely in.

Down on a drilling station in the Mariana Trench the researchers and crew are thrown into chaos as an earthquake rips through the facility. Desperately trying to get to their escape pods the handful of remaining crew gather to assess their options. They're short on equipment and their best hope appears to be making it to another part of the complex, the only problem? It's 2 miles across the ocean floor... in the pitch black... without a craft. Oh, and unbeknownst to them, they're not alone.

The film does a great job of its opening, diagrams, reports and images of the station and their mission give us instant background which allows us to drop right into (what feels like) the middle of a scene. It reminds me of various monster movies with some of the recent Godzilla ones having similar montages, I like it because there's always something new to pick up when you watch the film again. The other thing the opening does is use sound in a very interesting way, the music builds and when we land in the station it instantly cuts and gives you a feeling of isolation. Sandwich that with the chaos of the earthquake soon after and it gives you a very odd and almost uncomfortable feeling.

While I was impressed by the opening I was also confused. There's a moment where you see a massive horror trope that doesn't actually go anywhere, it was like some strange red herring. It felt like a deliberate misdirect, but I have no idea what the purpose would have been for it.

My mixed feelings didn't end there, in the ensuing chaos we get a slow-motion shot of Stewart flying backwards in an explosion... it didn't fit with any of the style around it and was the last effect I expected to see.

Shortly after this I was dealt another blow when they access the last transmission from another part of the station. These are peak creature feature moments, cast get to gasp and scream in distress and it gives us a sneak peek of what's to come... what we got wasn't clear and wasn't intriguing. Underwater is a film filled with classic tropes of multiple genres and yet it doesn't seem to carry through with any of them.

As the cast get out into the water the film does start to pick up. Cutting from helmet cam footage to inside the suits with the characters starts to build some of that intrigue that's been missing. It gets a little more claustrophobic and finally feels like the films I'd been hoping for.

This whole section is filled with great moments because we're finally becoming aware of a presence with them. In some ways it reminds me of Blair Witch, it does well to hide from us what they're actually up against, it's just a shadow or a movement on the edge of the light. That really got me back on board.

But these feelings were fleeting. All the tension was broken again. I do wonder if someone went "the tension should come in waves... because... water". The constant up and down didn't work for me.

From this point on I didn't feel much for the film. It's clear from the building of the story how the film is going to end, and even the big reveal moments weren't exciting.

Kristen Stewart has been appearing in a lot of things recently and I've never been a big fan but I was looking forward to her in this off the back of the last couple of films I saw her in. The most I can say is it was fine, there weren't any moments I hated, there weren't any that wowed me. The same is true for most of the cast in fact. I enjoyed T.J. Miller's comedic role but the light-heartedness it brought also became a little frustrating as the scripting seemed unnecessarily crass at time.

I can't fault the effects, it felt right and the magnitude of what they created underwater, and how they filmed it felt solid. With a little less underwater and a little more creature though, I think they would have been on to something.

The rollercoaster ride this story went on left me exhausted. The momentum was repeatedly lost and the intrigue wasn't there to hook me in. I can tell you that I will watch it again though. I know, after I just moaned about it and everything! There's definitely something in this film and I'm still struggling as to the reasons why it didn't click more with me, it feels like this is one that might benefit from a second viewing.

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