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Things You Won't Say
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I definitely enjoyed this novel by Pekkanen. It's the first of her books I've read and after I completed it, I looked back on Goodreads and saw I've had several of her earlier novels on my "to read" list for a while. I certainly liked what I read here enough to go back and explore some of her earlier works. Probably the only thing that prevented me from giving this a 4-star rating (I'd say this is about 3.5 star - still wish Goodreads let us give half star ratings) is that the novel wrapped up suddenly and a little too easily.

The novel follows the story of Jamie, a stay-at-home mom with three young kids. Her husband, Mike, is a cop. The story is very current -- not long after his partner is seriously wounded in a shooting, Mike finds himself in another dangerous situation. There's another shooting--at Mike's hands.

The story unfolds from the viewpoint of the women in Mike's life: Jamie; her sister, Lou - a slightly eccentric zookeeper and part-time barista; and Christie, Mike's ex-girlfriend, who is night to Jamie's day, but also mother to Mike's eldest son, Henry.

The characters are well-developed and complex. Jamie is a bit irritating at times, but I really liked Lou. The book is a rapid read and a very easy one, as well, even if it's rather stressful. It's certainly a worthwhile and enjoyable read. I'll be curious to see what some of Pekkanen's earlier books are like.

(Note: I received an advance ebook version of this book from Edelweiss in return for an unbiased review.)
Into Coraira (Legend of Rhyme, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Into Coraira</i> is Jaime Lee Mann’s second book in the <i>Legend of Rhyme</i> series for older children. Previously twins, Ariana and Asher, have been reunited after being separated for most of their childhood. They have also helped to defeat an evil witch, but their troubles are only just beginning.

When the witch, Elora, was sent to the dark realm, the most powerful and evilest sorcerer escaped. If he gets access to the magical realm of Coraira, all hell will break loose. Ariana and Asher are only just learning about their own magical powers; ones they never knew they had. Eager to show off this newfound magic, they inadvertently aid the villain in his quest to regain his wicked rule over the world.

In a world where it is not clear who to trust, <i>Into Coraira</i> is full of twists and turns as the characters begin to learn the truth about their friends and family. With an exciting central plot, children will be fully engaged with the magical story enfolding on the pages in front of them. Alongside the fantastic creatures featured in the first book are unicorns, mermaids and dragons. Such beasts will amaze and inspire young minds and imaginations.

Although only a hundred pages, there is so much adventure crammed into this book. Two books into the series and enough surprises have happened fill a lifetime. Once again readers are faced with a cliffhanger, urging them to purchase the next installment. Whatever will happen to Ariana and Asher next?
Rogue Wave (Waterfire Saga, #2)
Jennifer Donnelly | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

Jennifer Donnelly continues the story of the brave mermaid, Principessa Serafina, as she searches for talismans that will help to save the watery world she lives in. The reader was already introduced to Sera in the first book in the Waterfire Saga, Deep Blue. Rogue Waves follows Sera as well as her friend Neela as the story alternates between their perspectives.

In the previous book Sera's realm had been destroyed and her mother killed. She visited the Iele, otherwise known as the river witches where she met other mermaids: Becca, Ling and Ava. Here she learnt about the missing talismans and is now determined to find them. However, now there are death riders everywhere and no where is safe. With a little help from those they can trust, both Sera and Neela go their separate ways and begin their search for the magic objects. Just when the ending of the story was beginning to look positive, there was a twist in the plot and a final cliff hanger, leaving readers eager to read the next instalment.

Compared with the first book, Rogue Waves was not as exciting and was a little confusing in some parts. As with Deep Blue, the characters felt very human and it was easy to forget that they were actually mermaids.

In a way it was a disappointing sequel as the story line was not as strong as the first book. On the other hand there is the potential for improvement and more excitement in the following books yet to be written.
The Christmas Blanket
The Christmas Blanket
Ed Damiano | 2018 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you looking for a book that might help a child or children find the meaning of Christmas? The Christmas Blanket is a good one for children to read. The story starts with a boy named EJ who wants to see the Rockefeller tree.

The way this story signifies told is lovely. It is the view of the EJ. Does your child or children know the meaning of Christmas? The real meaning of Christmas? This book can help a child or children with this question.

The pictures are down wonderful. There is only one error I found in the ebook format, and that was that the sentence on pages 8 and 9 was on the wrong pages. Other than that, it was a pretty good read; This is why I put the rating at 4.5 Moons (stars). If you see a four-star rating, I could not put the rating at four and a half stars.

I loved the pictures. The hand-drawn images are beautiful; I enjoy looking and looking at the pictures. If I had a hard copy or print copy, I would love to reread it and hold it. I probably would read again yearly. It's a good one to do just that. Parents could make that a tradition of reading this book every year or near the holiday season.

I don't want to give away how the plot of the story and how the story ends. Parents and children will enjoy this book. It would be a great gift or even good to have on the bookshelves around the holiday season. You could even use this book in the advent calendar if you wanted to.

Morgan Sheppard (926 KP) created a post

Sep 21, 2022 (Updated Sep 21, 2022)  
And it's LIVE! Happy Release Day to me.

The ebook is available now in the #KU program. Apologies if you are waiting for the paperback and hardcover versions. Amazon are taking their time with those.

A kingdom in mourning… Six Princes turned dark in their grief… One maiden holds hope to save them.

Selene, the Swan Herder for the kingdom of Melthkior, once filled her days in the company of the Royal Family. She grew up as a companion for the Princes of the kingdom, and they enjoyed close friendships. But when the Queen died during the birth of her sixth son, everything changed. The King fell into mourning, and the Princes turned dark and cruel in their grief.

Now, as a maiden, Selene must endure the brutal mockery and abuse from those she once called friends. Her only allies are her beautiful swans and those on the kitchen staff who love her. Until the mysterious Conway appears and seems determined to be a part of her life.

Conway is fascinated by the girl with the silver hair and dismayed by how she is treated. He welcomes her into his heart, and Selene slowly begins to trust what she feels is real.

Can Conway show her a different way of life, or will she stay stuck in a cycle of suffering? And when the Gods become involved, a curse strikes the six Princes of Melthkior. Will Selene choose to help them, or leave them to their fate?

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The One (The Selection, #3)
The One (The Selection, #3)
Kiera Cass | 2014 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

The One</i> is the third book in <i>The Selection</i> series by Kiera Cass. With only four girls remaining, the competition to become Prince Maxon’s bride is nearing its conclusion. Being from a lower caste, America is the least unlikely girl in the whole of the selection to have made it this far. But although sometimes his intentions are confusing, it appears Maxon is in love with her. As the title suggests this will be the book where Maxon makes his important decision, but will America be the one?

Of the three books, <i>The One</i> is the most interesting by far. Although the key storyline is about the selection itself, there is more interaction with other aspects of the story. The southern rebels are getting even more violent as they determine to overthrow the king, however America learns a lot more about the northern rebels, including something extremely surprising, which makes them seem a lot less threatening than they previously were.

With America as the narrator, readers can suspect which girl will be chosen as princess, however there are still some things that could completely change the competition. For example the relationship between America and her former boyfriend, Aspen; also the hatred King Clarkson has for America.

The will they, won’t they questions plague the readers from beginning until its dramatic conclusion. The shocking ending could move readers to tears, proving just how gripping the story actually is.

With its happy, sad ending <i>The One</i> is a brilliant continuation of the young adult dystopian romance. Although the selection has come to an end, there is still so much the reader wants to know, making the next book, <i>The Heir</i>, a top priority to read.
Buying Samir (India's Street Kids #2)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Buying Samir</i> is the second book in the <i>India Street Kids</i> series by Kimberly Rae. Previously Jasmina and her brother, Samir, had been sold to traffickers who treated the children as slaves. Jasmina, however, managed to escape and found safety amongst a group of American missionaries. Now aged 14, Jasmina is determined to locate and save her brother.

Initially with the help of one of the missionaries, Jasmina begins searching for Samir at various locations hoping she can free him from whatever slavery he has been forced into. However desperation encourages Jasmina to secretly go alone on this dangerous mission. Although she finds her brother there is no happy reunion. Samir has become one of the traffickers and Jasmina finds herself in a lot of trouble.

Jasmina learns a lot more about the world she lives in, who to trust and who to avoid. She also learns of Christian forgiveness – a concept that was alien to her as she was used to being punished.

Rae shocks the reader with her descriptions of horrors children in India face on the streets. Many are tricked into dreadful situations by false promises of luxury. What is the most disturbing is that this story is not about the past, these things are happening now! Thankfully there are people such as the missionaries who, with Gods help, give up their time to rescue these children and give them a better life or restore them to their families.

<i>Buying Samir</i> is a very short book and suitable for both adults and teens. Readers would benefit from reading the previous book first however Jasmina’s narrative reflects on the past providing enough information to understand what is going on.
In the Shadow of David
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

In the Shadow of David</i> is Martin Baggen’s attempt at reimagining “the greatest story ever told,” i.e. the life of Jesus Christ. Beginning on the banks of the river Jordan where John the Baptist is washing away the sins of his followers, the story continues before concluding with the resurrection. Told through the eyes of supporting characters, the details of Jesus’ life, or in this instance Yeshua’s, are reinvented in fairly accurate historical settings.

Unfortunately, Braggen’s attempt at originality is going to upset 2.2 billion people. Instead of telling the story of Jesus in the manner he is portrayed in the Bible, the author pens the character Yeshua and claims that there was no “Son of God.” The names, settings and historical facts all remain the same or similar in this version of events, however the miracles: Lazarus’ death, water into wine, the resurrection of Christ/Yeshua, were all shown to be a charade. According to<i> In the Shadow of David</i>, the “Son of God” was a charlatan attempting to reunite the Jews and overthrow the ruling Romans.

By mocking Christianity, Martin Braggen has wasted his writing talent with this blasphemous novel. Granted there are many people who try to prove the inexistence of a god, however in these instances there are always counter arguments. By containing this controversial opinion in a story, it prevents any other theories or beliefs from contributing.

Many may purchase this book with the mistaken idea that it will convey an in-depth narrative of the life of Jesus. What they will find instead is a disappointing atheist version instead. It is doubtful that readers will get to the end of the book, despite it not being overly long, after slamming it shut in anger and frustration.
Audience/ Reading Level: 18+

Interests: Kidnapping, Sexual Assault, Heartbreak, Depression, and Murder.

Point of View: Third Person

Insights: When I first picked this eBook up, I was surprised by the style of read this was. It honestly wasn’t anything like I expected it to be. I was expecting a more romance/erotica feel of things, but this read more as a thriller. There were quite a few grammatical errors and the overall story was alright, but I wouldn’t reread it again and actually deleted it off my kindle once I finished it. It was fast-paced for me, almost too fast-paced. Causing parts of this series to be written in a very juvenile way and in turn, that made it just plain hard to read.

Will I reread? No. But that’s just because it wasn’t an appealing storyline worth a reread. Do I recommend? I mean, if you like cheesy written thriller’s that are just average. Then sure, read it.

Favorite Quotes: “He was supposed to shoot for the stars, not me…”

“Have you ever felt so carefree about something that you just forget that time affects your every action and you feel okay with losing all of it.”

○ interested in its physical book
○/● a continuous read / page-turner
○ diverse in any way
● something’s lacking
○ took me a long time to finish
○ an LMAO read
○ I laughed more than a few times
● it’s j u s t awkward
○ gave me goosebumps
○ one of the best books I’ve read
○ painful & sad
○ tear-jerker
○ a roller-coaster of emotions
○ thrilling
● confusing
○ sooo relatable
● it is kind of annoying
○ it has a lot of flashbacks
○ it moved me
○ would recommend!
○ great even for a reread
○ definitely a YAY
○ I’m sorry it’s a NAY
● it’s between YAY and NAY
The Twyford Code
The Twyford Code
Janice Hallett | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow, this book was a rollercoaster! I would like to read it again in physical form as I think some of it didn’t translate too well to ebook form, but nevertheless, I still enjoyed it and didn’t want to put it down some nights!
I haven’t read Janice Hallett’s other book The Appeal, but it has been on my wishlist for a little while now. I imagine that it is just as good as this one and it has firmly moved into my “need a copy asap” pile!
This book is written in transcript from audio files, and some of the fun of the book is trying to work out what it has mistaken some words for in the transcription. Also trying to follow the story is interesting, and although it jumps between timelines it is very much like speaking to someone when they go off on a tangent and then come back again. I think this is what makes it so believable.
There are quite a few twists that you come upon that completely shocked me, as I didn’t see them coming at all but it also explains quite a lot at the same time. I have to admit, the guesses that I made throughout this book were not at all what happened, and although I knew that parts of it were important or part of a code, I still couldn’t work out what was happening.
This book is a very clever book, I would definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys a mystery and wants to guess their way through the book. I think I might have to go and get myself a copy so I can read it again in all it’s glory! Thank you to Pigeonhole and Janice Hallett for allowing me to read this wonderful book.