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Where Are You Hiding, God?
Where Are You Hiding, God?
Elisabeth Zartl | 2017 | Children, Religion
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Where Are You Hiding, God?</i> is a children’s picture book by the Austrian illustrator Elisabeth Zartl. Originally published in 2013 under the German title <i>Wo versteckst du dich, lieber Gott?</i> it has been translated into English in order to reach a wider audience. Primarily targeted at children of Christian families, the book attempts to explain the concept of God.

The short story begins with an anonymous little girl searching for God in a manner that resembles a game of Hide and Seek. She looks in her bedroom, the bathroom and the garden before giving up in defeat. As she sits desolately alone, a gust of wind and a falling leaf prompt her to realise that God does not have a corporeal body, but is, in fact, everywhere. Exhilarated by her newfound understanding, she exclaims that God was in all the places she looked and that he is inside her, too. God is everywhere.

Aimed at children ages three and over, <i>Where Are You Hiding, God?</i> explores the confusion a child may have in comprehending the idea of God. For a child, knowing something or someone is there but not being able to see them is a difficult idea to grasp. This book, through the demonstration of someone their own age, helps to explain their questions and uncertainties.

Elizabeth Zartl’s illustrations capture the attention of those reading or looking at the pages. Filling each page with a full-colour palette, the drawings are child-friendly but realistic, making it easy to process, and accurately creates a visual narrative of the written words. The language is also suitable for the intended demographic and, although three-year-olds may not be able to read it themselves, they will certainly understand the story.

From a design point of view, the text and illustrations do not quite match up. The full-page artworks make it difficult to place the short sentences in a way that both elements can work together. This, however, is not the fault of the author/illustrator who would have originally been working with a German text.

Overall,<i> Where Are You Hiding, God?</i> is a sweet, short story that can be read to children or grandchildren over and over again. As well as being a source of entertainment, it introduces them to the beliefs they will encounter during their Christian upbringing and prepares them to develop a greater understanding of God.
Escape from Witchwood Hollow
Escape from Witchwood Hollow
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2014 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was sent to me by the author in exchange for an honest review </i>

Jordan Elizabeth combines contemporary and historical fiction in this mystical young adult novel.<i> Escape From Witchwood Hollow</i> begins in October 2001 with teenage Honoria who has recently moved to the countryside in New York. Not only is it a huge contrast from the life she knew in the city, there is also a local legend that she becomes fascinated with: if you go into the woods a witch will capture you and never let you leave.

This story, however, is not only about Honoria. Back in 1850, Albertine moves from England to New York to be with her father. Ignoring the rumours about Witchwood Hollow, she ventures into the woods hoping that it will be a shortcut to her father’s farm. When she becomes hopelessly lost she begins to question the actuality of the tale of the witch.

As the two stories go on they begin to merge together as Honoria investigates deeper into the legend and Albertine begins to learn the truth. It also appears that the two girls are in some way connected.

Although <i>Escape From Witchwood Hollow</i> is primarily focused on the paranormal aspect of the story, it also deals with the way in which a teenage girl deals with drastic change. Albertine is motherless and living as a maid, however that is nothing compared to the grief Honoria is dealing with. Her parents were two of the victims in the collapse of the World Trade Centers. Not only has she got to come to terms with the loss, she has to cope with moving house, changing schools and making new friends.

The concept of <i>Escape From Witchwood Hollow</i> sounds exciting yet, at least for me, it was not as interesting to read. I far more enjoyed the chapters focused on Albertine rather than Honoria. Perhaps that is because it is easier to admire Albertine’s sense independence and determination, whereas Honoria appears to have a more depressed view of the world (although that is not surprising judging what she has been through).

Overall,<i> Escape From Witchwood Hollow</i> is a decent book to read when you are looking for something quick that will pass the time. It is fast paced and becomes gripping towards the end - particularly when you realize there are not many pages left and nothing has yet been resolved – before coming to a shocking conclusion.
The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky
David Litwack | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

<i>The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky</i> by David Litwack is set in a world similar to our own, however there have been many wars as a result of religion and the people have separated themselves into believers and non-believers. Helena Brewster and Jason Adams live on the republic where the people rely heavy on reason and reject the supposedly irrational ramblings of the zealots who live on the “Blessed Lands”. One day a nine-year-old girl, Kailani, escapes from the Blessed Land and sails over to the republic where Helena and Jason find her. Kailani is immediately captured and questioned by the authorities that want to send her to a correctional facility to undo the brainwashing of the zealots.

In the meantime, as it is several months until her tribunal, Helena and Jason become Kailani’s legal guardians and take her to live at Glen Eagle Farm away from the main population of the busy towns. Kailani is loved and admired by the inhabitants on the farm, however there are people on the Blessed Land that want her back.

This is certainly an interesting story that explores a range of themes. For Helena there is the grief she is suffering as a result of the recent death of her father, and the feelings she has towards her mother whom she felt abandoned by. Between Jason and Helena there is also a developing romance as the two connect in their determination to protect Kailani. The most important theme, however, is that of the antagonism between the believers and non-believers. Those living on the Blessed Land want to indoctrinate everybody with their ideals about the soul whereas on the republic this is forbidden as they insist on living a life ruled through fact. As the story goes on certain characters begin to understand the need for both realism and religion. One person even suggests, “In our pursuit of reason, we’ve become as unreasonable as the other side.”
Kailani is a lovable character, which makes the novel a joy to read. It is interesting to compare how a child brought up under a strict religion innocently views the world in comparison with adults who have no faith what so ever. Although written for adults it is suitable for young teens to read too who, although may not understand the significance of the two different sides, are sure to love and enjoy reading about Kailani.
Window in the Wall
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

<i>The Window in the Wall</i> by Ginny Merritt is based upon the bible story of Rahab and the spies, and the fall of Jericho. Although most Christians will know this story well it is probably not as well known amongst children. By making the main character a young girl, Talia, Merritt makes it suitable for young readers to enjoy.

Talia lives with her parents and brother within the walls of Jericho and loves helping her father in the flax fields. An approaching army strikes fear into her heart despite reassurances that nothing can destroy the strong walls and get into the city. However Talia’s aunt, Rahab, has been told different by a couple of Israelite spies who promise her and all her family safety as a reward for helping them. As many family members that Rahab can persuade sit and wait in Rahab’s room to see what happens and hopefully be saved. Unfortunately there are a few people who refuse to believe in what Rahab is saying nor that there is a God that is Lord of all.

Those familiar with the story will know the outcome of the story, but children will race through this book eagerly wanting to discover what happens to Talia and her family.

As an adult reading <i>The Window in the Wall</i> the references to Rahab’s characteristics will make more sense whereas they will most likely go over children’s heads. Having it written from a child’s perspective will help children to learn this bible story. Talia has many questions, which adults will not answer, as will the readers!

Merritt has helpfully included a pronunciation guide at the back of the book to help readers with the tricky foreign names that they encounter in the story. As an adult these names were not particularly difficult, but this would be a great benefit to younger readers.

Adults that read this book need to keep in mind the age of the target audience. The story does not go into much depth and may not be that engaging to those familiar with their bible stories.

The story of Rahab is not an easy one to rewrite for children but Merritt has done an excellent job. Books such as <i>The Window in the Wall</i> would be a great way of teaching Christian children about their faith without boring them with sermons.
A Grimm Legacy (Grimm Tales #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

Fairy tale enthusiasts will love this young adult novel by Colorado based author Janna Jennings. Full with lots of magical references <i>A Grimm Legacy</i> is about four teenagers who get dragged out of their world and into the enchanted realm of Elorium. The mysterious Mr. Jackson, who they find in a mansion with a couple of elf servants, tells them that they have been brought there for a reason; but before anyone gets the chance to explain what that reason is, the four run away only to encounter many dangerous characters.

As the title suggests <i>A Grimm Legacy</i> is loosely based upon the stories collected by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. To get the most out of this book the reader needs to have an understanding of a variety of fairy-tales, for instance <i>Cinderella</i>. As well as the more commonly known, there are less recognized stories, which are of great significance to the novel: for example <i>Jorindel and Jorinda</i> and <i>The Fisherman and his Wife</i>.

Whilst Jennings has done well in her research into the different fairytales, she includes <i>Jack and the Beanstalk</i> as one of the references, which is in fact not a Brothers’ Grimm tale. <i>Jack and the Beanstalk</i> is an English tale that was first recorded by Benjamin Tabart in 1807. Either Jennings failed to realize this or she was including all fairytales within this book, in which case the title is misleading.

The book on the whole was quick to read and was full of exciting twists. I enjoyed discovering the various references to the well-known stories. One thing that made the text confusing, however, was the lack of breaks between certain paragraphs. Within a chapter there were occasionally more than one scene or setting and without a gap to distinguish between them it was often difficult to understand the changes in time period etc.

This book was written with young adults in mind but can be enjoyed by older readers too. It is not suitable for younger children however, not only due to the sinister nature of the original fairytales, but <i>A Grimm Legacy</i> has the occasional violent scene in it.

Despite the inaccuracy regarding <i>Jack and the Beanstalk</i>, this is a fun book to read. My only advice is to read it after you have explored some of the Brothers’ Grimm collection.
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

Kimberly Rae draws attention to the ongoing trafficking of children in India in her young adult novel <i>Capturing Jasmina</i>. Jasmina was only ten when her father sold both her and her brother Samir to a man promising safety and good education. In reality the siblings end up in a sweatshop slaving over clothes to be sold in America. After three years they manage to escape only to be trafficked a second time. Eventually Jasmina and Samir are separated and Jasmina becomes a street kid.

Whilst living on the streets Jasmina encounters a Christian missionary, Asha, rescuing women from brothels by either offering them a safe place to live or at the very least spiritually, by teaching them about God and Jesus. Intrigued Jasmina follows Asha who then offers to help her too. After having her childhood robbed from her, it seems like Jasmina, with the help of those who trust in God, will get back on her feet again.

Despite being a short novel, Rae paints a contrasting image to what the western world is used to. Jasmina finds the concept of a simple toilet baffling. It is not until you hear or see what is happening to innocent people in other parts of the world that you realize there are so many things in life you take for granted.

<i>Capturing Jasmina</i> emphasizes how difficult it is to escape once trafficked. In these situations people belong to everyone but themselves. They have no freedom and running away can cause more problems than it solves. The novel also shows what Christians can do to help. Although no one can completely solve the problems, the tiniest piece of aid they can provide is a step in the right direction.

It was slightly disappointing that we do not find out what happened to Samir once he was separated from his sister. Jasmina’s first person narrative makes it clear that what she wants most is to be reunited with her family. In a way, although there is a positive ending, not yet finding her brother makes it clear that there cannot always be happy endings. It is not possible to save everyone.

Written from a young teenagers point of view makes this book suitable for ages twelve and older. Christians will appreciate the biblical references however there is not too much religion for non-believers or those of other religions to get offended by.
My rating: 4.5

<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

For fans of Veronica Roth’s <i>Divergent</i> series here is a book that delves deeper into the trilogy. Commonly referred to as “the next <i>Hunger Games</i>” Leah Wilson has compiled together several essays that treat <i>Divergent</i> in its own right. <i>Divergent Thinking: YA Authors on Veronica Roth’s Divergent Trilogy</i> is full of a variety of ideas each expressed by a different well-known author.

Although <i>Divergent</i> is a dystopian novel leaning heavily towards the science fiction genre, the essays in this book compare the storyline and its components with reality. Through the complex heroine, Tris, the reader learns about family values, friendships, secrets and lies – all of these things being something that is experienced within everyone’s lives.

What are really interesting are the various authors’ perceptions on Roth’s use of factions - from this stem essays on personality types, life choices, psychology, bravery and science. <i>Divergent Thinking</i> is full of thought-provoking ideas that many readers would not have considered when first reading the trilogy. These authors make the reader think more about their own lives in relation to Tris and Tobias’. Most importantly Wilson’s compilation draws attention to the amount of research Roth must have done in order to create a dystopian future.

What is particularly good about this book is that the authors treat the characters as people in their own right with their own personalities and opinions. Instead of criticizing the way Roth has portrayed someone they comment instead on how they disagree with a particular characters thought or action. This proves, in a way, the brilliance behind Roth’s writing. Through reading <i>Divergent</i> we are not only staring at a page of writing, we are drawn directly into the storyline.

To be able to appreciate the essays included in this book readers need to already have a good understanding of the original novels, in other words read the trilogy first. There are also many spoilers for those who have not yet reached the final installment, <i>Allegiant</i>. It would also help to be a fan of <i>Divergent</i> as all these authors clearly are. Overall this is such a fascinating read. Some chapters are more interesting than others but that will also depend on the reader. If you prefer science and facts there are essays in here for you, likewise if you prefer a more personal touch there is something for you too.
The Sunlight Pilgrims
The Sunlight Pilgrims
Jenni Fagan | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Concept (0 more)
Writing (0 more)
So boring
This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Note: I did not finish reading this book.

It is winter 2020 and the world is facing the most extreme winter for over 200 years. Jenni Fagan’s The Sunlight Pilgrims explores the potential disastrous effects of climate change beginning with a new ice age set in the very near future, only four years away. With the North Atlantic drift slowing and temperatures around the world dropping to -40 degrees, the Earth’s inhabitants fear a pending apocalypse.

The story is largely set in Clachan Fells, a Scottish caravan park situated at the base of a group of mountains. Tin houses are not the most practical form of abodes for cold weather, let alone the worst snowstorms the world has ever seen. This is the situation the main characters of The Sunlight Pilgrims find themselves. Dylan MacRae has moved into a mobile home he did not know he owned until the recent death of his mother and soon makes friends with his neighbour Constance and her daughter Stella. Although only twelve years old Stella is more concerned about her identity than she is the fatal weather condition outside. Born a boy, Stella is uncomfortable in her body and struggles to get other people to accept that she is really a girl.

Surprisingly, the dystopian snow scene seems to be more of a backdrop to a different storyline featuring identity, family and romance. Dylan is a lonely man falling in love with the woman next door, however she is tied up with relationship problems of her own. Stella, whilst seemingly carefree, is desperate to be accepted for who she is and live a happy and secure life.

Jenni Fagan does an exceptional job of portraying the confusion, thoughts and emotions of a transgender child experiencing stigma amongst her peers. Yet Fagan also emphasises the potential acceptance of people in this situation through the reception received from Dylan who did not bat an eyelid on discovering the truth about Stella’s identity.

The Sunlight Pilgrims combines popular current affairs that are likely to attract a wide audience. Sadly as a story it falls short of mediocrity. Without a clear storyline it is a struggle to remain interested. The readers’ lack of enthusiasm for the characters and their individual worries makes it a challenge to reach the end. As I never made it to the final chapter I cannot say whether the conclusion is worth sticking around for. Mixed reviews on Goodreads suggest that enjoyment depends on the individual reader rather than the novel itself. I, however, cannot recommend this book.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Hyacinth Girls in Books

Dec 7, 2018  
Hyacinth Girls
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Hyacinth Girls</i> is the beautifully written debut novel by Lauren Frankel. Rebecca is the guardian of thirteen-year-old Callie who, despite phone calls from school, believes Callie can do no wrong. When Callie is accused of bullying another student, Rebecca easily turns the story around to make Callie the victim.

The story begins with a prologue in which a billboard is being erected featuring Callie’s face and the words “Do you know your children?” This implies that something tragic happens to Callie, but as we read, we question exactly what this is. Was Callie involved with the bullying at school, or was she the one being bullied? Callie has not exactly had an easy life with both her parents dying when she was five, and therefore Rebecca often glosses over the true meanings of Callie’s behaviour, insisting that Callie is acting out of grief.

As well as the question of what happens to Callie, the readers are plagued with many other questions as the story goes on. For example: How did Callie’s mother, Joyce, die? How did her father die? Who is her father? Who is sending Rebecca letters from prison? These queries get answered toward the end of the book thus encouraging readers to continue in order to sate their curiosity.

It is interesting to see how an adult interprets children’s behaviour based upon their own lives and experiences as well as jumping to conclusion about the way the child is feeling. <i>Hyacinth Girls</i> provides both the adult and the child the opportunity to express their point of view. Rebecca begins by trying to understand what Callie is going through, and getting it wrong, as well as introducing the reader to the past and present situation. Callie, on the other hand, reveals the truth.

Although not essentially a young adult novel, Callie’s narrative makes it suitable for teenagers as well as adults. The theme of bullying is something many young people may be familiar with from either being a victim, the cause or a bystander. Parents, on the other hand, will easily relate to Rebecca as she tries to understand her best friends daughter.

Overall <i>Hyacinth Girls</i> is a great book with a very intense theme. It is so realistic that it creates a sense of shock as we realize that there are school children around the world experiencing all the things mentioned within the story. Hopefully this novel will open readers’ eyes and make them more aware of the things they do and how they affect other people.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated What Light in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
What Light
What Light
Jay Asher | 2016 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Almost a decade after Jay Asher wowed readers with his debut novel, he returns to the literary scene with a brand new young adult romance. <i>What Light</i> focuses on the life of a good-natured girl living a complicated life. It is almost as if the teenaged Sierra is living two lives: eleven months on a Christmas tree farm in Oregon, followed by a month selling them in California. Due to the struggling business, this year may be the last time Sierra spends Christmas in California; however it is also the first year she meets the boy of her dreams.

Knowing that a romantic relationship is unlikely to survive the long distance between the two states, Sierra cannot help her developing feelings towards the handsome Caleb. Using his own money to purchase Christmas trees for families who cannot afford them, Caleb seems like the perfect guy; however rumours suggest he has a rather dubious history. Struggling to convince everyone that Caleb is a good person, Sierra suffers the consequences of strained relationships with her friends back home. The big issue is: should she continue to support Caleb even though in a couple of weeks she may never see him again?

As young adult romance novels go, <i>What Light</i> is fairly typical. Girl and boy meet; there are various issues to resolve; but things turn out all right in the end. If you are into those types of stories then this is the book for you, sadly, Asher does not bring anything new to the genre.

After reading several of these types of predictable novels, it becomes noticeable how unrealistic they are. The amount of youngsters in committed relationships is rather suspicious, especially the ones that seems to happen as if by accident or fate – although, from the readers perspective, are so obvious from the very beginning.

There is nothing deep or meaningful within this narrative – not a criticism of <i>What Light</i>, rather an observation of the genre – but it is sufficient for a quick read to pass the time, particularly over the upcoming Christmas period. There is nothing to disappoint the reader in terms of conclusion – it could be described as what some would call a “fluffy read”.

Overall, <i>What Light</i> is a novel that maintains the status quo of young adult romance, providing brief entertainment for those seeking a happy love story. With beautiful (in terms of personality) characters and settings, Jay Asher is likely to win back all the fans that had given up waiting for his next book to be written.