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The Crown (The Selection, #5)
The Crown (The Selection, #5)
Kiera Cass | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars

<i>This ebook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

So here it is, the latest (final?) book of <i>The Selection</i> series by popular young adult author Kiera Cass. <i>The Crown</i> continues from the exact place that the previous book, <i>The Heir</i>, left off, with Queen America having suffered a heart attack, and Eadlyn’s twin brother running off to France after secretly marrying. Regardless of the personal troubles, the royal family must keep on running the country of Illéa, however this means that great responsibilities are now resting on teenage Eadlyn’s shoulders.

Readers will already know that the wife, or in this instance husband, of the heir of the throne is chosen through a selection process. Thirty-five suitors were randomly selected from thousands of applicants to try and win the princess’ heart. The boys have been narrowed down to six, but Eadlyn has more pressing issues to worry about. Naturally she is concerned about her mother’s health and sad about being separated from her twin, but the biggest thing on her mind is being named regent whilst her father stays by his wife’s bedside. Eadlyn must temporarily rule like a queen, which is easier said than done.

There is less focus on the selection process in <i>The Crown</i> than there was in the first three novels – where America was eventually selected to become Prince Maxon’s bride. Primarily this is because Eadlyn’s heart is not in it. She does not love any of the elite – the top contestants – and it is only for public appearances that she continues with the game. What Kiera Cass emphasizes in this novel is that being a princess is not all parties and money and power. Instead it is hard work, physically and emotionally exhausting, and almost impossible to be your own person. Initially Eadlyn was viewed as a cold-hearted, spoilt child, but her new responsibilities open her eyes to the ways of the world, revealing her better nature to the people of Illéa.

Unfortunately it needs to be said that <i>The Crown</i> does not quite live up to the rest of the books in the series. The idea of a selection process feels old and over done, and Eadlyn’s personality does not quite work for a romance novel. The conclusion of the book appeared to happen a bit too suddenly, and also rather conveniently. What should have resulted in protest or at least disappointment for a few of the characters became something that was easily accepted instead. Not entirely realistic.

On the other hand, the ending is what most readers will have wished for, myself included, so must not complain too much. It is great to be reunited with the lovely characters, particularly the thoughtful and kind selected suitors, and Eadlyn’s sweet younger brothers. They are the types of people you would feel blessed to know in real life. All in all, <i>The Crown</i> is likely to put a smile on your face.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Ilsa in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review </i>

After being out of print for sixty years, <i>Ilsa</i>, one of Madeleine L’Engle’s first novels has been republished, giving readers the chance to discover the rare, little known story. L’Engle is recognized as the author of <i>A Wrinkle in Time</i> and a selection of young adult novels, however <i>Ilsa</i> is an example of L’Engle’s ability to pen a much darker story.

Fundamentally a love story, <i>Ilsa</i> is set in America during the first half of the 1900s. Whilst this gives it an historical context to current readers, it would have been the present day when the story was originally published. The narrator, Henry Porcher, first meets the titular character at the age of ten, shortly before his family whisks him away to temporary accommodation many miles away. In this brief introduction, Henry falls in love with Isla, despite her being three years older than him. From this point on, Henry’s mind and heart are filled with thoughts about Ilsa, and is saddened that his family possess antagonistic opinions about her and her father.

Henry and Ilsa come from entirely different backgrounds. The Porcher’s are a large family with an air of superiority, a stark contrast to the humble lodgings of Ilsa and her naturalist father, Dr. Brandes. Whilst Henry’s parents look down on Dr. Brandes, Ilsa views the Porcher’s as rich and biggity. Yet, Henry and Ilsa are happy to be friends – a <i>Romeo and Juliet</i>-esque relationship, unfortunately with romantic attraction only falling on one side.

Despite his hopes, Henry realizes that Ilsa will never be his. By the age of twenty-four, he already feels like a failure, yet he continues to shadow and worship Ilsa without a care to how his life turns out. Henry painstakingly witnesses Ilsa’s transformation from girl to woman, marrying a man who does not deserve her, becoming a mother, a widow, and finally suffering health wise. Forfeiting his chance of career and marriage, Henry experiences the darker side of love, and pays the price of unrequited love.

For a story about love,<i> Ilsa </i>contains no romance or passionate scenes, and once Henry loses his childhood naivety, it begins to become rather dull. The reader will initially anticipate a happy ending, but the lack of a climax reveals that this will not be forthcoming. <i>Ilsa</i> is far more interesting at the beginning of the novel, a time when anything could happen, but becomes increasingly disheartening as it goes along.

Having not read the celebrate author before, I have no idea how <i>Ilsa</i> compares to the more popular of L’Engle’s novels. Personally, I am not impelled to seek out any of her other books, however that does not mean I deem<i> Ilsa</i> terrible. For fans of L’Engle, this book is certainly worth seeking out, particularly this edition, which contains a brief biography and selection of photographs of the author throughout her life.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Heartless in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
Marissa Meyer | 2017 | Children
8.3 (33 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Before she was the Queen of Hearts she was just a girl who wanted to fall in love. </i>When Marissa Meyer finished writing <i>The Lunar Chronicles</i>, a series of books loosely based on fairytales, everyone wondered what she would do next. Continuing along the lines of using famous stories, Meyer has devoted an entire novel to Lewis Carroll’s <i>Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland</i>. With thousands of references to the original tale, and a couple of other works too, Heartless is perfect for fans of Carroll’s salient characters.

Unlike most retellings, Meyer has focused on events prior to Alice’s accidental discovery of Wonderland. The resulting novel is essentially a theory as to how the characters turned out the way they did in the original story published in 1865. Drawing attention to the predestined Queen of Hearts, a young woman named Catherine, readers discover a reason for her development into an infamous villain.

Lady Catherine Pinkerton is completely unlike the character she is fated to be. She is a kind, thoughtful girl whose greatest wish is to open her own bakery. Unfortunately, this dream is just that, a dream. With the asinine King of Hearts resolved to marry her, there is little Cath can do to avoid her royal future. At first it may appear odd that Cath is so against marrying the ruler of Hearts, but she soon makes it clear she would much rather marry for love. So, when the court joker, Jest – a similar character to the legendary Hatter – catches her eye, Catherine becomes determined to control her own future.

<i>Heartless</i> is a humorous, yet romantic, young adult novel, full of both well-known and new characters. Set in a world with morals similar to the Victorian era, it works extremely well as a prequel to <i>Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland</i>. Catherine is an admirable, feministic character who readers will struggle to believe will become such a notorious Queen. What could possibly happen to vastly alter her personality? Similarly, what is it that makes the Hatter go mad, and who is Jest? Being a character unique to this novel, there is a foreboding sense that this joker, and his poetry reciting raven – cue Edgar Allan Poe references – suffer a horrible demise.

Unlike Marissa Meyer’s previous books where the fairytales were not so obvious, the storyline in <i>Heartless</i> perfectly joins up with Lewis Carroll’s imagination. With references to mock turtles, the Jabberwock and other minor characters, there is so much to discover in Meyer’s interpretation of Wonderland – it even clears up a couple of scenarios from the original tale that may have bamboozled readers initially.

Admittedly, <i>Heartless</i> takes a little while to get going, but once it has, it is difficult to put down. Fans of Marissa Meyer may be disappointed that she did not stick to her futuristic storytelling, however all Alice enthusiasts will fall in love with this book – and probably with Jest as well. Overall, <i>Heartless</i> is a delightful book that reignites our inner childish imagination.
The Face in the Mountain
The Face in the Mountain
Tolulope Okudolo | 2015 | Children
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

The Face in the Mountain </i>is a children’s picture book written by Tolulope Okudolo as part of the publishing company <i>Magnifying Children’s Horizons</i> vision of developing a world in which children learn about and appreciate nature.

The story is set in the fictional world of Vomper Creek where there is always an abundance of natural activity – that is if tree elves, giants and fairies count as “natural”. Papa and Boma are the only giants living in this area and are responsible for making sure nature does everything it is supposed to do. In fact it was Papa who built the mountains in this region to begin with. However Papa is old, frail and tired after working for over two hundred years. He needs to sleep for a century to regain his energy, thus leaving Boma, at a mere seven years of age, to take on all the important tasks.

So begins the main part of the story: Boma is scared and convinced he is unable to remember Papa’s instructions and tries to hide from all his duties. Without his help nature will not be able to function properly. Inspired by an artist he spies in the woods, Boma carves his father’s face into the side of one of the mountains so that he can always see it. This makes him feel less alone and he is able to complete all his jobs to perfection.

The purpose of this book is to help children discover the inner workings of nature and recognize that many things are connected together. For example the wind is needed to blow the seeds into places where they can sprout, then the rain, sun and soil provide the nutrients the plant needs to grow.

At the end of the story is <i>A Children’s Guide to Natural Beings</i>. This is essentially a glossary of the mythical beings featured in the book. The only issue with this is that calling them “natural beings” implies that they are real whereas there is no concrete evidence of their existence. This could give children the wrong impression about the way nature works.

The final pages of the book include a list of learning activities and discussion questions. These could be attempted in schools, in book clubs or at home with parents as a way for children to experience nature for themselves and examine the meaning of the story and the ways in which they can relate it to their own lives.

Eric Scott Fisher beautifully illustrates the book with realistic drawings that are appropriate for children of all ages. Yet there is a slight publishing issue in that the illustrations and body text do not work together. In some instances the text is overlaid on a picture, which makes it difficult to read.

The reading age of this book is approximately seven to ten year olds however younger children will be able to understand it if it is read to them by an adult. The storyline is not that strong but hopefully its purpose – to educate children about nature – will shine through the narrative.
Cara Martin | 2019 | Horror, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Supernatural horror is one of my favorite genres. Through the blogging universe, I came across Shantallow by Cara Martin. After reading the synopsis, I was hooked. When the opportunity arose to review Shantallow, I couldn't turn it down. Luckily, I enjoyed it!

I felt like the plot of Shantallow was a little confused to begin with. It started out as a teen love story between to high school kids gone wrong thanks to jealousy. However, after about thirty percent through the book, it quickly became a supernatural horror story about an evil haunted house. I thought this would focus on the nightmare that the main character, Misha, has about Tanvi. The nightmare, to me, only seems brushed upon. This didn't take away my enjoyment from the story though. I will admit that the whole love story in the beginning was a bit slow, and I did find myself wondering if I should continue. I'm really glad I persevered because after the love story, this book really takes off. It was as if Shantallow sank it's teeth into my attention span and didn't let go. I couldn't wait to see what would happen next in the evil house known as Shantallow. The creepy factor was definitely there throughout!

The ending of Shantallow felt a little as if the author didn't know how to end the book. It seemed rushed and too quick to end without being explained. Although Shantallow didn't end in any cliffhangers, I was still left with unanswered questions. Perhaps Shantallow will end up being a series, and my questions about the house will be answered.

The diversity of characters in Shantallow was done fantastically. I also enjoyed each of the characters once this book got going. Tanvi was an interesting character throughout the book. Although I could picture all the characters in my mind, Tanvi was the easiest one to bring alive in my head. She felt so realistic and like she could be someone I know. Misha comes across as really selfish, jealous, and controlling to being with. However, he redeems himself during his time in the Shantallow house with how protective he is over everyone. Lauren was my favorite character. I loved scenes that she was in. She seemed like such a sweet innocent kid.

Trigger warnings for Shantallow include violence, jealousy, murder, death, attempted murder, profanity, sex between teens (although not graphic), evil spirits, and underage drinking.

Despite the hurried ending, Shantallow really is a good read. It's got a very spooky plot and great characters once you get past the love story. I would recommend Shantallow by Cara Martin to older teens and adults aged 17+. If you love scary stories that will keep you up late at night reading with the lights on, Shantallow is the book for you! It definitely made my nights scarier (but I enjoy being scared)!
(A special thank you to Xpresso Book Tours for providing me with an eBook of Shantallow by Cara Martin in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)