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JT (287 KP) rated The Raven (2012) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
The Raven (2012)
The Raven (2012)
2012 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
6.2 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I've never really been a massive fan of John Cusack, I find him a bit tenuous and someone who slightly over acts. The Raven gives him the chance to over act to his heart’s content, as he plays poet Edgar Allan Poe who is drawn into the world and mind of a serial killer.

The film is set in 18th century Maryland where the flamboyant Edgar Allan Poe is busy churning out poems and gruesome stories that he desperately tries to get published in the local paper, although frustratingly as he experiences no one really knows or cares who he is?

This leads to large quantities of booze and lots of shouting and aggression at anyone who stands in his way. When a series of killings alert the local police, Detective Fields (Luke Evans) is called in to investigate, and when it’s discovered that the killings are in some way a copy of Poe’s illustrious work the man himself is tasked with assisting.

Visually the film is very good and is in keeping with the traditions of the 18th century, dark and slightly gothic it certainly gives the sense of a disturbed horror film. The killer is masked for the majority until the reveal, but clues are dropped as to the identity giving the viewer the chance to play detective. Although you probably don’t need to be Inspector Morse to figure it out.

When Poe’s beloved fiancé Emily Hamilton (Alice Eve) is kidnapped and buried alive it adds a whole new twist to the plot. The killer is making this a personal vendetta against Poe who seems at a loss to who could be targeting him in such a horrific way, it then becomes a race against time as the killer leaves clues on his victims for Poe to follow that will lead him to a theatrical conclusion.

The film echos Se7en, in that both Fields and Poe are being taunted by a sadistic killer who is clearly making a bold statement with his work, that involve a huge swinging blade, being buried into a wall and having your tongue cut out. Also a young beautiful woman is at the killers mercy, can Poe race against time to save her?

Cusack does an admirable job in fairness to him and his portrayal of Poe is an accurate reincarnation. Brendan Gleeson who despite limited screen time still manages to command a presence that has to be respected, and here as Emily’s father he gives off a burning sense of desperation.

The rest of the cast amble a long and certainly don’t set any fires alight It’s an OK film and it does have the thrills but nothing that is going to set pulses racing. When you turn it off you just let out one big long “Meh!”

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2072 KP) rated The Tell-Tale Tarte in Books

Apr 9, 2021 (Updated Apr 9, 2021)  
The Tell-Tale Tarte
The Tell-Tale Tarte
Maya Corrigan | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Impersonating Danger
A new year has started, and Val Deniston’s grandfather appears to be making some changes in his life. He’s updated his look, including a new haircut and new outfit. He claims it is for a new job he’s landed for his investigations business. Then Val is on the scene when a man dies at a nearby shopping center – a man who looks just like Grandfather does now thanks to his new look. The case soon points to Rick Usher, a local author who has made a career writing tales inspired by Edgar Allan Poe. Is Grandfather the next target of the killer? How does Rick play into the mystery?

I must confess, I know little about Poe (I feel like I should know more considering how much I love mysteries), but that wasn’t a hamper to enjoying this book. Poe lore is certainly a big part of the inspiration of the story, and bits and pieces of his life weave their way into the book. Even without that, we get a strong mystery with plenty of intrigue. I did feel the ending was a little weak, but it did wrap everything up. The characters are fun and continue to grow here. I’m especially interested to see where some of those relationships go in the future. We get six more five-ingredient recipes at the end. Whether you are a fan of Poe or not, this book will keep you guessing until the end.
His Hideous Heart
His Hideous Heart
Dahlia Adler | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
His Hideous Heart is an anthology collection of 13 re-imagined tales inspired by works of Edgar Allan Poe. The book is split into two sections: The Tales Retold and The Original Tales. What I liked about the layout of this collection is that it’s easy for those of us who’ve read the originals to revisit them before or after reading the retold stories — and it’s also convenient for readers who’ve never been introduced to Poe before. When it comes to retellings in any form, catching on to the fact that a story was inspired by another can be a challenge, especially if the inspiration is rather loose. But that’s another reason why I love the layout of this collection: It’s clear as to which original story inspired a retelling, and I loved reading along, connecting the dots and yet, being surprised by all the new twists and turns.

In a perfect world, I’d love to review each and every retelling in this collection, because many of them were downright gorgeous and grotesque. However, my absolute favorites were:

1. It’s Carnival! by Tiffany D. Jackson
2. Lygia by Dahlia Adler (inspired by “Ligeia”)
3. Happy Days, Sweetheart by Stephanie Kuehn
4. The Glittering Death by Caleb Roehrig

Check out my full review to find out WHY I adored these stories:
Poetry Speaks Who I Am is a collection of classic and contemporary poetry aimed at addressing middle schoolers in their transition from child to young adult. There is a wide range in the collection: classic poetry like Edgar Allan Poe, Langston Hughes, and Emily Dickinson and newer and present poets, some of whom read their work on the accompanying CD.

Poetry Speaks Who I Am has many poems that will apply to every feeling and thought, put words to what we can’t find words for, and prove that yes, there are other people out there who feel like you do now, you’re not the only one. You’re not alone. These poets talk about everything from the awkwardness of changing and showering in the fifth grade locker room to embarrassing bra shopping with mom, to a first kiss. There’s poems about segregation and ethnicity, homework and math class, sports, clothes, and even the emotions brought forth from reading poetry itself.

Not only does it have the poetry, there are pages in the back of artistic inspiring blank pieces of paper for the reader’s own poetry. The CD contains many of the poems read by the poets the way they were intended to be read.

Poetry Speaks Who I Am is a fantastic collection that every young lit-lover should have on their shelves.

Recommendation: Boys and Girls ages 8+
The Following  - Season 1
The Following - Season 1
2013 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
Character Development (4 more)
Kevin Bacon
Joe Purefoy
Connections and references to Poe
An insight into the mind of shepherd and sheep
Some of the characters are lacking (0 more)
Excitement, Twists and Tension.
So if you read my review on 'The Raven' then you know my love for Edgar Allan Poe and how these stories use his work to create brilliant murder mysteries that keep you on your toes thinking about what might happen next.

However, this show is different, because you know who the murderers and the head of the cult are, but what makes this show so thrilling is trying to figure out what is going through Joe Carroll's (portrayed by Joe Purefoy, who is absolutely brilliant and charming) twisted mind when toying with ex-detective Ryan Hardy (portrayed by Kevin Bacon who also excels as a brilliantly charming character). One of my favourite aspects of this show is the on screen relationship between Kevin Bacon and Joe Purefoy because solo, they are entertaining but together they are very very tense and humorous which can make the audience feel uneasy at times.

The show is very graphic which might put off some viewers, but if a lot of blood and a lot of stabbing, quite often with the eyes in the first season, doesn't bother you that much then you may enjoy this show.

My favourite aspect of this show however, is that the writers delve into the minds of the shepherd and his sheep as it were. Joe Carroll is well written as a manipulative psychotic serial killer who is able to convince many young followers to do his dirty work and toy with Ryan Hardy, and yet they are given very strict instructions about what to do, how to do it, and when.

This is brilliantly written, beautifully shot for both the action sequences and the slow thought provoking sequences that help move the plot along, and to top it all off, each episode is a thrilling and exciting experience that lead you to a grand finale.
Tuesday Mooney Wore Black
Tuesday Mooney Wore Black
Kate Racculia | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this book, which is packed with genuinely likeable characters and a mystery to solve. Tuesday Mooney is a bit of an enigma - at least to her gay best friend, Dex. She gives little away about herself, and tries to live apart from other people when she isn’t at work researching rich people who can make charitable donations to the hospital she works at. She loves all things gothic and horror. At a fundraising event, she meets Archie, a rich, possible-contributor to the hospital, and witnesses the death of the eccentric billionaire Vincent Pryce (not to be confused with Vincent Price!). Mr Pryce then sets in motion a treasure hunt across Boston, for anyone to take part in and potentially win a fortune. The clues are inspired by Edgar Allan Poe - something that Tuesday very much appreciates. She starts up a team with Archie (who is not at all who he seems to be), Dex and her teenaged Tuesday-wannabe next door neighbour, Dorry.

Tuesday’s backstory is fascinating and sad in equal measure, and it’s fortunate that she meets Dorry, a girl who misses her dead mother terribly. Tuesday misses her best friend Abby, who went missing without a trace as a 16/17 year old.

On the front cover, this looks as though it will be a YA paranormal/ horror novel. It’s not. There’s a smattering of the paranormal perhaps, but it’s certainly not a main theme. This is a mystery, where we also learn that to be yourself is the most important thing in life - as is friendship. I loved this book, and practically inhaled it on a long train journey. It’s a bit quirky, but it has a lot of heart (and hey, I like quirky!). Highly recommended.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins for my copy of this book to read and review!
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
1968 | Classics, Sci-Fi

"My parents took me to see it in a re-release — it came out in the ’60s and they re-released it in the early ’70s — and I was only seven years old, so it totally blew my mind. My parents, I think, were just completely bored and baffled by it, but I was obsessed with it. It stuck in my head, and every time it came on television I would watch it, and I saw it again in the theater as a teenager; I would go to see it whenever they revived it. It was just a movie I’ve watched a lot. I think part of the reason is…when I was a kid, I didn’t know what to make of it. It was so unlike what I’d been exposed to on TV, or by watching Disney films in the theater. It was so fascinating to me. It has a really unique status, which is in my mind like a big Hollywood epic movie about esoteric ideas — which had never really happened before that, and I don’t think it’s going to happen again. No one would ever spend that kind of money on a movie that big, and with that scope, and be that strange and slow and oblique and unexplained. Some people, of course, think it’s incredibly pretentious; I think the ideas in it are really fascinating. That Kubrick meticulousness is incredible. But part of what makes it a great movie, I think, is that as it proceeds it turns into this really intimate kind of horror-thriller — with HAL — and when I think, “Who’s a great writer who wrote in that style?,” I think Edgar Allan Poe in outer space. It becomes this real, psychological, bizarre, unexplainable thing about a murdering supercomputer! Those are some of the most handsome, greatest, cinematic scenes I’ve ever seen, so the fact that it was attached to this esoteric thing… To me, it works on so many levels. And the design, and the use of music…there’s nothing else quite like it."

The Siege of Abythos
The Siege of Abythos
Phil Tucker | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Poetry battle (2 more)
Poetry battle
Poetry battle
The third instalment in the Chronicles of the Black Gate series is the biggest yet, in terms of page count. The story follows the same PoV characters as previous books but their adventures are now covering so much more of the world and the storyline is becoming quite entangled.
Tharok's attempts to unite the orc-like kragh tribes and invade the human world continue, meanwhile Lady Iskra seeks to rescue her son and take revenge on the Ascendant's empire.
This book covers a lot more political debate and intrigue than the previous two, with prolonged discussion of who should be invaded, and what should be done thereafter. While this is very much a necessity in such an epic tale I felt it was somewhat laboured at times.
I very nearly gave up on this book at one point - where the portly magister Audsley (who has three demons lurking in his soul) was seeking to inveigle his way into the upper echelons of the empire, most of this storytelling centred around the colour of robes to wear, the type and colour of paper to use in sending letters and reciting poetry. Again this was very much laboured but bearable, until it looked like we were heading for what can only be described as a poetry battle, where Audsley (coached by one of his demons) was set to take on a senior government official's poetry representative in a battle of wits to see how would curry favour in the empire.

That's right: a poetry battle.
Think Philip Larkin in 8 Mile.
Will the real Slim Shakespeare please stand up.
Kanye Wordsworth.
NWA (Novelists with Assonance)

At this point I very nearly gave up. Thankfully, so did Audsley and the contest ended abruptly as he refused to let his demon take control of him. Phew. Disaster avoided. If this had been allowed to continue it would have made Tom Bombadil look like a critical plot point.

Other than Audsley's chapters (which in the previous book had been a highlight) the book does roll along at a reasonable pace and there is just about enough action to keep the interest, particularly in the last 100 or so pages.

All in all, a good read and a turning point for the series as a whole, but a lot of nonsense could have been removed, (Edgar Allan) Poe Shizzle.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Heartless in Books

May 24, 2017  
Marissa Meyer | 2017 | Children
8.3 (33 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Queen of Hearts' Tale
This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Before she was the Queen of Hearts she was just a girl who wanted to fall in love. When Marissa Meyer finished writing The Lunar Chronicles, a series of books loosely based on fairytales, everyone wondered what she would do next. Continuing along the lines of using famous stories, Meyer has devoted an entire novel to Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. With thousands of references to the original tale, and a couple of other works too, Heartless is perfect for fans of Carroll’s salient characters.

Unlike most retellings, Meyer has focused on events prior to Alice’s accidental discovery of Wonderland. The resulting novel is essentially a theory as to how the characters turned out the way they did in the original story published in 1865. Drawing attention to the predestined Queen of Hearts, a young woman named Catherine, readers discover a reason for her development into an infamous villain.

Lady Catherine Pinkerton is completely unlike the character she is fated to be. She is a kind, thoughtful girl whose greatest wish is to open her own bakery. Unfortunately, this dream is just that, a dream. With the asinine King of Hearts resolved to marry her, there is little Cath can do to avoid her royal future. At first it may appear odd that Cath is so against marrying the ruler of Hearts, but she soon makes it clear she would much rather marry for love. So, when the court joker, Jest – a similar character to the legendary Hatter – catches her eye, Catherine becomes determined to control her own future.

Heartless is a humourous, yet romantic, young adult novel, full of both well-known and new characters. Set in a world with morals similar to the Victorian era, it works extremely well as a prequel to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Catherine is an admirable, feministic character who readers will struggle to believe will become such a notorious Queen. What could possibly happen to vastly alter her personality? Similarly, what is it that makes the Hatter go mad, and who is Jest? Being a character unique to this novel, there is a foreboding sense that this joker, and his poetry reciting raven – cue Edgar Allan Poe references – suffer a horrible demise.

Unlike Marissa Meyer’s previous books where the fairytales were not so obvious, the storyline in Heartless perfectly joins up with Lewis Carroll’s imagination. With references to mock turtles, the Jabberwock and other minor characters, there is so much to discover in Meyer’s interpretation of Wonderland – it even clears up a couple of scenarios from the original tale that may have bamboozled readers initially.

Admittedly, Heartless takes a little while to get going, but once it has, it is difficult to put down. Fans of Marissa Meyer may be disappointed that she did not stick to her futuristic storytelling, however all Alice enthusiasts will fall in love with this book – and probably with Jest as well. Overall, Heartless is a delightful book that reignites our inner childish imagination.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Heartless in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
Marissa Meyer | 2017 | Children
8.3 (33 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Before she was the Queen of Hearts she was just a girl who wanted to fall in love. </i>When Marissa Meyer finished writing <i>The Lunar Chronicles</i>, a series of books loosely based on fairytales, everyone wondered what she would do next. Continuing along the lines of using famous stories, Meyer has devoted an entire novel to Lewis Carroll’s <i>Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland</i>. With thousands of references to the original tale, and a couple of other works too, Heartless is perfect for fans of Carroll’s salient characters.

Unlike most retellings, Meyer has focused on events prior to Alice’s accidental discovery of Wonderland. The resulting novel is essentially a theory as to how the characters turned out the way they did in the original story published in 1865. Drawing attention to the predestined Queen of Hearts, a young woman named Catherine, readers discover a reason for her development into an infamous villain.

Lady Catherine Pinkerton is completely unlike the character she is fated to be. She is a kind, thoughtful girl whose greatest wish is to open her own bakery. Unfortunately, this dream is just that, a dream. With the asinine King of Hearts resolved to marry her, there is little Cath can do to avoid her royal future. At first it may appear odd that Cath is so against marrying the ruler of Hearts, but she soon makes it clear she would much rather marry for love. So, when the court joker, Jest – a similar character to the legendary Hatter – catches her eye, Catherine becomes determined to control her own future.

<i>Heartless</i> is a humorous, yet romantic, young adult novel, full of both well-known and new characters. Set in a world with morals similar to the Victorian era, it works extremely well as a prequel to <i>Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland</i>. Catherine is an admirable, feministic character who readers will struggle to believe will become such a notorious Queen. What could possibly happen to vastly alter her personality? Similarly, what is it that makes the Hatter go mad, and who is Jest? Being a character unique to this novel, there is a foreboding sense that this joker, and his poetry reciting raven – cue Edgar Allan Poe references – suffer a horrible demise.

Unlike Marissa Meyer’s previous books where the fairytales were not so obvious, the storyline in <i>Heartless</i> perfectly joins up with Lewis Carroll’s imagination. With references to mock turtles, the Jabberwock and other minor characters, there is so much to discover in Meyer’s interpretation of Wonderland – it even clears up a couple of scenarios from the original tale that may have bamboozled readers initially.

Admittedly, <i>Heartless</i> takes a little while to get going, but once it has, it is difficult to put down. Fans of Marissa Meyer may be disappointed that she did not stick to her futuristic storytelling, however all Alice enthusiasts will fall in love with this book – and probably with Jest as well. Overall, <i>Heartless</i> is a delightful book that reignites our inner childish imagination.