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Billy Elliot (2000)
Billy Elliot (2000)
2000 | Comedy, Drama, Musical
7.9 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
“What boys do ballet?” One of my favourite memories of being in a cinema. It was The Filmhouse, Edinburgh, and we had heard this was getting good reviews, but were less than keen. From the first needle drop on T-Rex, through London Calling and The Jam, as Billy explores his passion for dance and expression in the face of Northern English prejudice and fear, I was in rapture! Julie Walters is the cornerstone performance-wise, but the immediate screen presence of Jamie Bell as Billy is undeniable. It reminds me so much of my own story that it will never fail to remain special. The feel good takes a while, and comes with lots of painful moments. But… when dad and brother witness that final moment… goosebumps on goosebumps!
Perfect Remains (D.I. Callanach #1)
Perfect Remains (D.I. Callanach #1)
Helen Sarah Fields | 2020 | Contemporary, Crime, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist of this story was Luc, a french ex-Interpol detective, that was transferred to Edinburgh. I really, really liked this guy, he is intelligent and kind to the people who are nice to him. I really liked his managerial skills, he knew how to deal with other colleagues, and I respect him for that. This story is told from multiple perspectives, but my most favourite ones were of the killer. I like reading their perspectives, and what kind of insanity drives them to do what they do. The book was narrated by Robin Laing, and he has done an incredible job! I would never read a book in accents, and his use of French and Scottish accents sounded amazing! Just like listening to a play, just close your eyes and you can actually “see” what is going on.
The Haunting of Henderson Close
The Haunting of Henderson Close
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Haunting of Henderson Close
Hannah has relocated to Edinburgh and now works as a performing tour guide regaling tourists with the goings on in the spooky derelict Henderson Close. Together with colleagues they bring the past to life as they play the parts of real people who lived there and spin tales of the spooky and historical past, some really gruesome. But then she starts to see shadows, she has flashes where she feels weird and, well, has some really rather scary experiences. But she's not alone, one of the other guides has experienced similar and then some of the tourists also start to see things. What is happening? Are the legends and stories of what went before coming back? Who are the people that Hannah keeps seeing, and what do they really want?
I was intrigued by the classification of The Haunting of Henderson Close as a horror, mystery and thriller novel as these are my favourites.
I loved all the hints at ghosts and supernatural activity but sadly it all got a bit confusing for me as it progressed. The flashbacks and present just seemed to clash and not move seamlessly together. At times I felt possibly the author meant for the book to be more of a Victorian mystery rather than supernatural.
The use of location was one of the main strengths of the book, as the descriptions of 19th century Edinburgh were detailed and made it easy to imagine just what Victorian Scotland used to look like; really amazing and descriptive.
The ending I found a bit lacking as I had an idea built u in my of something climatic and it wasn’t.
The story itself intrigued me, the setting especially; all in all, a story that kept my attention nicely throughout and left me mostly satisfied at its conclusion.
My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

Laura Doe (1350 KP) rated Mirrorland in Books

Jul 1, 2021  
Carole Johnstone | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was not at all what I expected, but in the best way.

We start off with Cat flying back from America to Edinburgh after her twin sister El has gone missing. Cat goes back to Edinburgh to find that her twin and her husband, Ross, have moved back into El and Cat’s childhood home. Whilst there, memories of their shared past start to come back to Cat but she spends most of the time trying to work out if they’re real memories or memories of the fantasies that the girls made up and played out. The main part of the girls’ childhood was a place that they called Mirrorland, a hidden tunnel that led to a locked wash house that they used to play in most of their childhood. As more and more memories come back, Cat has to deal with the trauma that occurred during their childhood. At the same time, she also has to deal with her sister missing and presumed dead. Cat is adamant the whole time that El isn’t dead and that she would know if she was as she would “feel” it, being identical twins she could always feel her sister’s pain. Cat also has to deal with her feelings for Ross resurfacing as he was also a large part of their childhood and she has never got over her feelings for him.

There were so many twists and turns in this book, that I had a hard time telling what was real from what was fantasy and it really put me in the mindset of Cat and her struggle to separate the two. I thought for the last part of the book that I had it all figured out, but in the last couple of chapters Carole Johnstone really threw a spanner in the works and changed everything again. Whilst a little confusing at times, it was good because it did make you empathise with Cat and how she was remembering things that had happened in her past.

Thank you to Carole Johnstone and Pigeonhole for allowing me to read this book in return for an honest review, I loved it!
The Crown  - Season 2
The Crown - Season 2
2017 | Drama
Another stirring season of The Crown
The Crown returns with another great season, very different from the initial series, with less focus on an ongoing story. It delves further into the relationship between the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, and the clear tension that arises from his alleged infidelities. But the more interesting part is the fact that it feels educational, going through real-life situations such as diplomatic conflicts - the Suez crisis, former King Edward VIII's collusion with Nazis, and even the Profumo affair, all while showing actual images of the incident after the episode.

In this season, the Queen appears less timid, far more self-assured and stoic as a ruler, all the while attempting to hold the fort in her own growing household. Great Britain is flailing, with various political scandals arising, and as a result, she is heavily scrutinised. We see more of the Duke of Edinburgh's background as a child, while disturbing, it is also utterly heartbreaking. It's a much more realistic portrayal of the royal family than in the first series.
Highland Hearts
J.P. Bowie | 2016
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book takes place in Scotland which I am sure is a massive surprise considering the title! Callum has a flat in Edinburgh, but goes to the Highlands to see the house that he has inherited from the grandfather he has never met, and now never will. Upon his arrival, he meets his next door neighbour and the spark between them is instantaneous.

With a hint of the supernatural about it, just enough to give Callum a nudge, this story is well-paced and thought out. It moves smoothly, giving the characters enough time to get to know each other even if they do go to bed together the first night - because no one ever does that in real life, right?!

This book simply ticked all my boxes. With excellent characters, whether you like them or not, a back story that completes the picture, romance, steam, supernatural, sadness, hope - it's all here. I loved every word and didn't want it to finish. Absolutely recommended by me.

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Scrap Metal
Scrap Metal
Harper Fox | 2012
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoyed this. It was both heart-warming and heart breaking at times.

I have to say I liked every character in this, apart from the bad guys of course.

Nichol was a hard working guy who gave up Edinburgh to help his Granda when his mum and brother died and you had to feel sorry for him because he never got thanked for his efforts or got the chance to mourn their loss. Cameron started off as a scared guy on the run but blossomed into a very helpful, very hard working guy who came to love both Nichol and Harry, though for different reasons. Harry was your typical brusque old man who never showed his feelings and in the end, I'm sure he regretted that. Archie, was your well to do cop who only ended up causing more problems and Shona was your tough farm girl who was taking the reigns after losing her abusive husband.

Together they were a very lively bunch and they brought a smile to my face one way or another.
The Draughtsman's Contract by Michael Nyman
The Draughtsman's Contract by Michael Nyman
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It was the first classical music where it really sounded aggressive and almost punky. I just love the formalism of it, and even when I think about it, I get shivers. It really sort of does something to me that other music doesn't. I just love the way there's no drums and bass, it's just a lot of people going at it really rhythmically and beautifully arranged. Also, the harpsichord is right. The first time I heard the music was on the Peter Greenaway film of the same name, and that would have been maybe 1989. I remember thinking the film was mental, but I really liked the music! Obviously he did a few others of Greenaway's, and they're all fabulous of course, especially Prospero's Books. It was fun to meet him [The Divine Comedy played with the Michael Nyman Band at the 1997 Edinburgh Festival]. He was a wild man, as they say over here. He certainly knows his own mind. He'd spend the rehearsals with his headphones on listening for Crystal Palace's results and trying to flirt with the cello player, and I love his spectacles, he's always got a good range of eyewear!"


ClareR (5589 KP) rated The Whistling in Books

Aug 3, 2023  
The Whistling
The Whistling
Rebecca Netley | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Mystery, Paranormal
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Elspeth Swansome is escaping her past in Edinburgh and taking up a post as a nanny on the remote Scottish island of Skelthsea (it’s fictional, but I would really want to visit it if it was real!).

Elspeth is going to nanny Mary, a child who is clearly suffering from trauma. Her twin, William, is dead and her former nanny has disappeared. Elspeth is told that if she can’t get Mary to talk, she will be institutionalised.

I loved this - it’s the right kind of spooky, and you can’t beat a haunted house: lullabies are sung by someone who isn’t there, poppets keep appearing in random rooms, and whistling can be heard at night. It all added up to a book that sent shivers down my spine!

The characters were sometimes likeable, menacing, disconcerting and some most definitely had something to hide!

I listened to this on Audible, and the narrator, Lois Chimimba, kept me glued to my headphones. Her different accents were all spot on, and helped me to tell the different characters apart. I was never confused as to ‘who’ was speaking.

The tension built and built to the climactic ending - a truly delicious ghost story!
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020)
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Music, Romance
Decent comedy, though some real liberties taken with Edinburgh's geography
This is a decent comedy following the events leading up to mediocre Icelandic pop duo Fire Saga heading to represent their country at the Eurovision semi-finals. The portrayal of Icelandic people as being quite stupid and backwards and still believing in fairies was maybe a little offensive but added some of the best comedy, and with a silly film like this anyone taking that seriously would have real problems.
The setting of the contest in Edinburgh was a nice touch, as with Infinity War it is always good to see the end product from the annoying road closures. However it didn't make sense, given the hosts were not British and Britain didn't win the contest, but again lets not take this too seriously. The car chase was a mess though, with the car one minute heading one way along a street and shortly appearing at a roundabout at the end behind them. Also, the Glasgow SSE Hydro arena being at the end of George IV Bridge was just all sorts of wrong.
The geographical inconsistencies aside, this is a nice silly little comedy that drags on a little too long with a fairly cliche'd plot.