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Head Over Heels by Cocteau Twins
Head Over Heels by Cocteau Twins
1983 | Rock
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"When I heard Elizabeth Fraser for the first time, first of all I was so excited that they were based in Scotland and hearing her sing felt like I was in touch with alien life [laughs]. I heard it and I didn't even understand what she was saying but I could feel what she's saying. It was so emotive and so extraordinary. I felt like every time I listened – and I still have the same reaction – when I listen to these records I feel like I'm literally being transported in angel wings. I find it euphoric to listen to and nobody's ever sounded like her before. She's totally unique and just this extraordinary talent. 
 Funnily enough, I once met her at a Nick Cave concert in Edinburgh. She was there and I was just so in awe of this incredible woman – I also loved that she was so shy and so unassuming. She wasn't really a front person, more of an instrument using her voice. 
 I'm not a religious person, but I always think it's like music from the Gods. It's not of this world. I want them played at my funeral. I always say that to my husband: 'Play the Cocteau Twins all the way through my funeral, that's all I want' [laughs]."


Ross (3282 KP) rated Perfect Crime in Books

Feb 19, 2019 (Updated Feb 19, 2019)  
Perfect Crime
Perfect Crime
Helen Fields | 2019 | Crime
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
More tense, gripping crime set in Edinburgh
*** Disclosure - I received a free advance copy of this book from the publishers and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ***

The 5th book in the increasingly badly titled "DI Luc Callanach" series (he is hardly in this one!) follows much the same template as the other 4 books. A body is found in mysterious circumstances, here it is the body of a young man who appears to have thrown himself from the top of a tower in East Lothian. Soon thereafter, other bodies start to turn up, all looking like suicides or are people who had previously tried to commit suicide. At the same time, another body turns up, this time with a personal connection to one DI Callanach. So again we have the two investigations running in parallel. Though because of the apparent connection, the eponymous DI Callanach is taken off active duty and is largely absent for the second half of the book.
The main investigation is interesting: someone taking against those who do not value their life and have tried to end it in the past, and he decides to end it for them. However, there is a twist along the way that just did not feel right. For this murderer to suddenly become a Red Dragon-style character was somewhat at odds with the story at that point.
The lesser investigation was more interesting as there was so much evidence suggesting Callanach committed the murder, though we believed he hadn't.
As with previous books, a story written in Edinburgh (or other cities with an identity) by someone who doesn't live there has a good chance of missing the mark with the dialogue. People we are led to believe are proper sumbags do not come across as that, their phrasing is just so wrong. I had found this in the previous books, where incidental characters had no discernible voice or characteristics and were just vanilla plot devices.
Similarly, the murderer at one point uses a phrase no Scotsman has ever uttered and that took me right out of the book.
The plot is more or less faultless, with all events and motives seeming plausible, except one issue right at the end where an item of evidence was so mis-handled as to be laughable, but served the plot perfectly.
On the whole, this was a good enjoyable read, but I had guessed the identities of the murderers quite early on. Far from original and moments that just felt like clangers.
I am guessing this is almost the last we'll see of Luc Callanach, who has (rightly) been relegated to support cast from book 2, in favour of the strong, better-defined, female character.
Nothing to Hide (DC Constance Fairchild #2)
Nothing to Hide (DC Constance Fairchild #2)
James Oswald | 2019 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
9.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nothing to Hide is the second book in a series about DC Constance (Con) Fairchild. I haven’t read the first book - but I will be reading it. Not having read the first book didn’t cause me any problems with understanding and enjoying this one.

It’s a police procedural of sorts: Con is suspended because of something that happened in the previous book, and trouble seems to follow her. First the tabloids won’t leave her alone and are camped outside her flat, and then she finds the barely alive body of a young black man in her bins. He has had his tongue and testicles removed.

Even though she is suspended, Con finds herself involved in the investigation of this case. She travels up to Edinburgh where the boys mother lives, via a visit to her estranged mother. There she meets the enigmatic Reverend Dr Edward Masters, the leader of the Church of the Coming Light.

I couldn’t (or didn’t want to) stop reading this - it was fast paced, exciting and completely engrossing. The supporting characters were great to read too (a bit of other-worldly guidance from two very well written characters).

I can’t wait for the next in the series, and I shall be definitely looking for a copy of the first book!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for another excellent read, and to the author, James Oswald, for reading along with us!

Ross (3282 KP) rated Priest of Lies in Books

Jun 26, 2019  
Priest of Lies
Priest of Lies
Peter McLean | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastically grim, gritty sequel
*I received a free advance copy of this book from NetGalley and the publishers in exchange for an honest review*

Priest of Bones was one of my favourite books of last year. I loved the narrative style, the dark tone and the simple yet thrilling storyline. The returning conscripts using their newly learned military tactics to take back their streets and run their gangland empires was a clever, honest and hard-hitting story. It really was "peaky blinders with swords".
The follow-up continues in that vein, the Pious Men gang have consolidated their hold in Ellinburg and are now at full-on gang war. However, as they returned from war, so does a large number of other former gangsters, and a number of new/revived gangs compete for territory.
The fantasy tone is still used here, despite being the mystical, noble pursuit we are used to. I seriously love Mclean's narrative voice, his action scenes and his overall pace of writing.
I was thrilled to see in the Q&A at the end of the book that I was right in thinking Ellinburg was based loosely on Edinburgh.
The feel of this book is very much a grim and nasty version of Terry Pratchett's Guards series, with characterisation and scene setting to rival Pratchett at his best.
A truly immersive compelling read that I loved from start to finish.
The Christmas Caper
The Christmas Caper
Gigi Pandian | 2022 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Museum Robbery at Christmas
Tempest Raj and her family are reviving a Christmas tradition this year – Christmas in Scotland. Her grandparents have even booked a flat with a stunning view of Edinburgh Castle. However, a reunion with a family friend present Tempest with a puzzle to solve. The local museum was robbed recently, and no one can figure out how the thieves pulled it off. The friend has a connection to the museum and asks Tempest to see if she can figure out how the thieves pulled it off. Will Tempest’s background as a magician help solve the puzzle?

When I learned about this story, I immediate snagged it to read during December. It was exactly what I expected, a fun, short read. I finished it in under an hour. As a result, the story is a bit straight forward, but that’s not really a complaint. More an observation. While we don’t see all the characters we met in the first book, it was fun catching up with some of them again. The new characters work for the story here. While this does fit between the first and second novels in the series, you don’t have to have read them to enjoy this book. Speaking of enjoying, there are two recipes at the end that sound delicious. If you are looking for a short story to read in December, you’ll be glad you snagged this one.

Ross (3282 KP) rated Perfect Death in Books

Sep 28, 2018  
Perfect Death
Perfect Death
Helen Fields | 2018 | Crime
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
I have debated with myself over a rating for this, the third in the "DI Luc Callanach" series of Edinburgh police procedurals. While the overall story is definitely a 4 star, verging on 5, certain aspects of the dialogue in this one were a little jarring at times, and the plot hinged on a couple of very out of character decisions on the part of the murderer.
As with the previous two books, we join the story at the start of two independent investigations, which inevitably expand and take up the whole team's efforts (it's almost as if there was no crime in the city before these came along as no other cases seem to be mentioned or worked on!). We have the apparent death by misadventure of a young girl on the hills around Arthur's Seat, and the apparent suicide of former DCI Begbie.
Both cases are interesting and very different, the former being a more typical murder investigation, the latter being more focused on police corruption and the Glasgow gangland (I do enjoy the fact that any nasty gangsters in these Edinburgh-based stories have to be based in Glasgow, almost like they are sponsored by the Edinburgh tourist board, or someone with an anti-East Coast agenda).
While the murder investigation is decent, a number of clangers really spoiled it for me. We have a young man who appears to be poisoning people after having ingratiated themselves into their lives and the lives of their loved ones under different false names. However, as is so often the case in these stories, the killer is made too clever to be caught (at least too clever to be caught in under 300 pages!), and so the slightest mistake or piece of luck is what the investigation hinges on. Here it transpires that, while the killer has used false names in every interaction, in one of them he seems to have for some reason used the name of someone who leads the police directly to his backstory and hence uncovering his real identity. This piece of Batman vs Superman ("Your Mom was called Martha?!") level plot pivot was just so jarring and so out of character for this supposedly clever murderer. And yet without it there was pretty much no way of the murderer being found. For a secret poisoner to then start waving a gun around was also a bit hard to accept.
And also, all characters seem to be very well spoken. We have a young man who grew up in care homes from the age of 5, a Glasgow gangster and his henchmen and numerous bad sorts along the way and all are very well spoken, to the point that none of them have a voice and are just ... there. And, of course everyone refers to the police in the same way as the police refer to themselves - I cannot imagine anyone referring to a policeman as "DI something" or ""your DCI said this". It just totally jars and again comes across as the author simply inserting their voice into the mouths of characters that they could not be bothered to properly consider.
This brings me on to the dialogue gripe. I have always struggled to accept the formality in the way fictional detectives speak to members of the public. I get that interviews etc have to be carried out in a certain way, but at one point DCI Turner is speaking to a 17 year old boy about the death of his mother and she says "I cannot leave someone who might be a danger to themselves without establishing first-hand contact". This just struck me as the author inserting a piece of research into dialogue rather than considering how that point would be addressed in a human conversation. Similarly, at one point a DC refers to one of the victims as "she" and Callanach snapped at her "We use victims' names not pronouns", which just struck me as an odd thing to say, and at several times throughout the book he himself refers to victims with pronouns.
And finally, while there was never a great deal of swearing in the first two books, it was believable swearing. Here we have the occasional use of "frigging" instead of the other "f" word, which I cannot think I have ever heard a Scottish person say, unless singing along to the Sex Pistols sea shanty.
Overall, I give this book 4 stars for the plot, 3 stars for the writing, then averaged out and rounded down for the annoying little things.
A definite step down from the second book, and a more slapdash feel to it.

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Mirrorland in Books

Apr 3, 2021  
Carole Johnstone | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mirrorland by Carole Johnstone is a fantastic psychological thriller that will have you wondering who is telling the truth, what exactly that truth IS and what on earth could possibly happen next! I loved it.
The narrator is completely unreliable, mainly because she appears to have blocked out a huge part of her life.
Cat returns, reluctantly, to Edinburgh from California, because her sister has gone missing on her sailing boat. Cat seems unsurprised that her sister should have a boat - she and her sister spent hours as children playing in Mirrorland, pretending to be pirates, sailing the Seven Seas. But her disappearance is unexpected.
Has El been murdered? If so, by whom? Who is sending Cat on a treasure hunt and leaving written messages for her? Who is sending emails? Is El’s husband, Ross, implicated in her disappearance? And what DID happen to Cat and El when they were children?
This is such a delicious, rub-your-hands-together-with-evil-glee kind of book.
There are some pretty shocking subjects covered in this novel, so if you don’t like reading about abuse of any kind, this may not be for you. However, I was glued to it. I’m trying to think of some synonyms of ‘loved’ (I realise that i completely overuse this word when I talk about books), so: adored, enjoyed greatly, was besotted with, couldn’t get enough of. Well. You get the gist. It’s just well worth the read!
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and to Carole Johnstone for joining in with the chat in the margins!
Cold As The Grave
Cold As The Grave
James Oswald | 2019 | Crime, Paranormal, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A treat for crime fiction lovers
This is a treat for crime fiction lovers with a bit of the supernatural thrown in for good measure. Mr Oswald knows how to write a great story and he has done it once again with "Cold as the Grave".

DCI Tony McLean finds himself, quite unexpectedly, in the midst of a strange and disturbing investigation following his discovery of the mummified remains of a young girl. Being a DCI, Tony is not supposed to get into the day to day investigation of crime however, Tony being Tony just can't help himself and he quickly becomes in the thick of it.

This is a dark and sinister case to investigate and includes themes on refugees, asylum seekers, illegal immigrants, trafficking, modern slavery, the murder of children and violence towards women as well as introducing a less than "normal" slant on the perpetrator of the crime and the method used for committing murder.

With fantastic characters throughout and written in a sympathetic rather than sensationalist way with the back drop of a winter in Edinburgh, this is a great read.

I admit to not having read all the previous books in this series and although I have probably missed out massively on back story, character development, etc., it did not detract from my enjoyment of this book.

On to the next .... when it comes out!

My thanks must go to the Publisher and NetGalley for my copy in return for an unbiased review.

Kirk Bage (1775 KP) rated James Acaster: Repertoire in TV

Aug 6, 2020 (Updated Aug 6, 2020)  
James Acaster: Repertoire
James Acaster: Repertoire
2018 | Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
I have been a fan of stand up comedy, erm, all my life… well, at least since Billy Connely kinda invented it, in a way that wasn’t all about hating the mother in law and homophobia. When I moved to Edinburgh in 1999, I found myself at the epicentre of new comedy, every August at the unparalleled event that is the Fringe Festival.

Over the years I have seen most of the living greats at the art live, be it a full show or a smaller set at the legendary bullpit of Late and Live. Sad exceptions being Eddie Izzard and Dylan Moran, still on the bucket list. It has given me a pretty good eye for who is gonna make it big when they start out. I saw Jack Whitehall aged 16; Jimmy Carr before anyone knew who he was; and many others that have gone on to have decent TV and touring careers.

Having moved to Glasgow in recent years I started to see less comedy. Not that The Stand and other venues don’t have it going on, but because it just feels less of a thing outside of Edinburgh. So, when James Acaster came to my old place of work, the legendary Oran Mor, I booked tickets for myself, my daughter and her boyfriend in a heartbeat.

I had seen him do a lot of Mock The Week and a few other guest spots on TV, and thought from the start that this guy had something kinda special. The main good sign being that he made me laugh! A kind of blonder Jarvis Cocker, with the dress sense to match, he has a quirky, sleepy but cross delivery that is a total winner. He is very fast with an improvised moment, is very clever in his off kilter observations, and charmingly wanders into surreal tangents whenever possible. In other words, totally up my comedy avenue.

I was delighted to see that he had a new four part special on Netflix when I was recently surfing around old comedy shows I’ve seen half a dozen times. Repertoire is consecutive shows that work either alone, or payoff better as a whole, when early jokes get a back reference in a genius fashion. To explain why they are funny is not a thing I’m about to attempt. Comedy is so subjective; if it makes you laugh then it is good, if not… it might still be good, but not for you. You have to watch it to know.

So many highlights. At least three moments that made me have to pause it because I was laughing almost too much and in danger of passing out. Generally, you get a content knowing smile out of it, patting yourself on the back for getting his multi-layered intentions. Some things are just weird or hilarious, but often there is an intelligent point being made on the sly. When the two combine, I find him one of the best around for quality of writing and delivery.

As a side note, in part 3 of Repertoire he makes reference to a recent nightmare gig, when the entire front row of a Glasgow show kicked off and threw verbal abuse at him. That was the show we were at! He handled it remarkably well, turning the final portion of the show into an improv about that, chucked the planned material away. It isn’t every stand-up that can handle hecklers that well. Total kudos, Mr Acaster.

Recommended big time.
T2 Trainspotting (2017)
T2 Trainspotting (2017)
2017 | Drama
Cast (3 more)
The timing of certain plot elements are a bit too convenient (0 more)
Here comes Johnny Yen again...
Choose nostalgia, choose sequels, choose another dose of high energy antics and following four reprobates as they show that although time rolls by, people don’t change. Choose betraying your mates and abandoning them for two decades until you are forced to return home and face your demons. Choose to buy the fact that Renton returns to Edinburgh the same week that Begbie decides to break out of prison after a twenty year stretch and try not to think too much about it. Choose facing the fact that we aren’t getting any younger and not everything works out the way we hope it will. Choose a killer soundtrack, a lighter tone, a witty script and phenomenal direction. Danny Boyle and the cast in this movie have came a long way in the last twenty years and this movie exhibits that awesomely, but doesn’t forget where they came from. This movie was never going to exceed the first movie but it instead functions as a companion piece to the original and actually makes the events of the first movie more meaningful. The film isn’t afraid to play on its legacy and the fact that a good amount of time has passed since the last time we saw these characters, it in fact relies on the time that has past since the original movie. This is one of the best Scottish films ever made and is right up there alongside the original and the two movies together tell a fantastic, gripping and engaging story over a significant period of time.