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Tom Chaplin recommended Bring It On by Gomez in Music (curated)

Bring It On by Gomez
Bring It On by Gomez
1998 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"That would have come out in 1998 when I was around 17. My record collection at that point was mainly made up of U2, Radiohead, The Beatles, The Smiths. I hadn’t really been an indie kid in that sense of going to see bands and being part of that kind of world, because where we all grew up as a band, there just wasn’t a music scene at all! So we just spent our time making music, we never went to see much. Gomez is one of those total, bonafide, university, indie bands. It’s such an inventive record for a brand new band to burst onto the scene with. I loved the fact there were two singers with such contrasting voices. They’re all great songs, 'Here Comes The Breeze', 'Tijuana Lady'… it chimed in with where I was at the time, just getting out of school, smoking dope for the first time and experimenting with drugs. The album has that sense of youthful abandon. You can tell they were just fearless; maybe that’s what stopped them in the end from going on. I always feel that Gomez should have been a much more important band. I remember being up at University in Edinburgh, I got the National Express down to London one night, it was so uncomfortable, I got off at every stop and was getting smashed on this very strong weed and then going back on, and I had a proper old school Discman, and I was just listening to this Gomez record, up all night. I got to London, full of beans and was like, “We’ve gotta be this inventive!”"


ClareR (5603 KP) rated Soul Sisters in Books

Feb 25, 2022  
Soul Sisters
Soul Sisters
Lesley Lokko | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Soul Sisters by Lesley Lokko is the story of Jen and Kemi. Jen is from a wealthy Sottish family, and Kemi comes to live with them as a child. She is from a political, black South African family, at a time when it was dangerous to be. Kemi has been sent to Edinburgh for her own safety.

Jen and Kemi become ‘soul sisters’, perhaps closer than real sisters would be. Even thought their lives are very different (Kemi becomes a surgeon, Jen works in the art world), they never lose that bond. Until, that is, a man comes between them.

Solam Rhoyi. He’s a black South African financier who wants to go into politics - and he wants to be really successful.

The feelings of Kemi and Solam were conveyed really well, and their need for identity as ‘exile kids’; the political aspect was interesting and it didn’t have too much romance (which is just how I like it: some, but not an overwhelming amount!). Other themes were family, secrets, race and power.

I really enjoyed the background to this story, and the hints as to why Kemi and Jen’s family had such a close bond. I loved the South African setting, and how, as the reader, I got to see a little of what goes on in hospitals and in politics. I wish we’d got to see a little more of the consequences of some of the huge events, both personal and political. There was a bit too much of jumping years ahead for me. Perhaps it would have been better as a duology (as some other reviewers have said). I absolutely would have read it!
Perfect Remains: A Gripping Thriller That Will Leave You Breathless
Perfect Remains: A Gripping Thriller That Will Leave You Breathless
Helen Fields | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Very good, gripping crime novel based in Edinburgh. Recently arrived French detective Luc Callanach finds himself at the wheel of the force's biggest crime, while still trying to find his feet in his new city.
As the reader is made aware of the "murderer"'s identity from very early on, this feels more like an early Mark Billingham book than an Ian Rankin or Ed James. Not a true whodunit, more of a case of watching the story unfold, which is thrilling and you get to see the criminal and the detective's view of the events, but may put others off.
While the story is very well crafted, the pacing is top notch and the action exciting, a few aspects irritated me at times. Luc Callanach seems to have coped very well with his change in circumstances, and at times it is almost like he (or the author) has forgotten he is French completely! And also the attitude and conclusions of what was supposed to be a very experienced psychological profiler just didn't feel plausible. And finally, as so often happens with "detective x crime series" books - if the main character didn't see it, it didn't happen. This means that Callanach has to abandon his massive case and oddly decide to go off with another detective in order to discuss something, purely as a plot device - i.e. he has to be involved in it for it to be an important part of the story. In places this worked, and got to the point, but at other times his actions just seemed so unusual as to be ludicrous, just to meet a plot point. Why the lesser characters can't have a PoV chapter is beyond me. It works perfectly well in fantasy fiction, why not in crime?!
 However these were minor quibbles, an otherwise great book.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Trainspotting in Books

Mar 28, 2020  
Irvine Welsh | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.9 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bleak yet ultimately rather good
When I first started this book, I didn't think I'd manage to get all the way through it. The entire book, aside from a few sections, are written completely in Scottish. I have nothing against the Scottish, however trying to read a book that is written and spelt in a Scottish accent is a rather trying experience. Fortunately after a couple of chapters I managed to settle into a decent rhythm and began to enjoy the story for what it really was.

My biggest criticism of this book is the Scottish. It's a great idea and actually works well with the story, but it is a little difficult to decipher at times although it does add to the realism. Once you learn to accept the Scottish, what you get is a rather bleak and depressing story of a group of drug addicts, alcoholics and general all round bad people from Edinburgh. This isn't a happy story and virtually every character featured isn't particularly likeable (and some are downright despicable), but for me this is why I enjoyed the book so much. There is a slight issue with the passage of time, it seems to jump around quite a lot and whilst i think it took place over the period of a few months, it was a little confusing at times. I do think as well that now having read the book, that the film actually stays fairly close to the source material.

This isn't a book to read if you're looking for something happy and upbeat. However if you're looking for a starkly realistic dark story yet is still enjoyable, you can't go wrong with this.