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This wonderful adventure book. Are you looking a book that helps with educational help with you children. Well that draws your boys and girls. It has talks about the history of America during the Revolutionary War.

This is the second book of the series. It got the twin doing a mission for their father. It goes on from there. There seem to be a spy that following them and giving enemy the information. Who could it possibly be.

Ambrose and John seem to be thrown into a mission to make sure gunpowder get where it need to be. In the process they also need to drive the first submarine. They got to make a prison break to save their older brother.

The authors do great job with the story and also having you and all his readers guessing though out the book. Will they save their older brother? You giving the American information to enemy?

The pictures are done well and you can see what the author is talking about. The image are caping to see and look at. The author does a wonderful job with it.
My Big Book of Bible Heroes Devotional
My Big Book of Bible Heroes Devotional
Glenn Hascall | 2018 | Religion
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
My Big Book of Bible Heroes Devotional by Glenn Hascall is a wonderful devotional. I am a teacher at a private Seventh-day Adventist school. I read this devotional to my students and they really enjoyed it. This devotional is colorful and easy-to-read, focusing on 50 Bible characters; such as, David, Mary, Ruth, Daniel, and Samson and something heroic about their lives. There are also some less familiar people included which will teach children their stories, too. The format is nicely laid out with a Scripture reference, devotion, and a short prayer followed by five questions to encourage individual introspection.

This is an educational and encouraging devotional for girls and boys aged 7 to 12. The reading level is 2nd/3rd and the message is not only interesting but thought provoking. This devotional shows kids that heroes are everyday people. God uses and loves us all. It would make a great devotional for grade school children and even lower middle schoolers. The book could be very useful in shaping the character of young lives as they look at real heroes from the Bible.
Trail Blazers: An Illustrated Guide to the Women Who Explored the World by Lisa Graves is a picture book full of famous women explorers. I found it interesting and educational. There’s not a great amount of information, but what’s here is enough to give a sense of these women’s accomplishments, as well as their determination, in just enough detail to whet the reader’s curiosity.

Graves introduces readers to thirteen women who were influential explorers. Each woman gets one spread with a column about their life and most famous accomplishments. Further textboxes on the spread highlight major accomplishments, places travelled, etc. Some of these women are well known names, like Nellie Bly, Amelia Earhart, and Sacagewa, others are not so well known like Ida Laura Pfeiffer, Harriet Chalmers Adams, and Gertrude Bell. They explored any time between the mid 1700s to mid 1900s, used different methods of transportation, explored different areas of the world, but all were intrepid adventurers and left their marks in society, literature, science, archeology, geography, and more.

I received an ARC from Xist Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Sharks: A 400 Million Year Journey
Sharks: A 400 Million Year Journey
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sharks: A 400 Million Year Journey, is a fascinating book. Ted does wonderfully with the illustrations. I enjoy the pictures. This teaches about us about sharks and the history of them and the planet. This is an educational book and good to have on your children bookshelves.

This is wonderful graphic novel for children. It got a little bit gore in it but it mild. It shows the behavior of sharks. I like the fact that the book teaches about past sharks and present sharks. It also shows how sharks survived over the past 400 million years.

There are facts about sharks throughout the book. We also learn some new names for some sharks. Some are hard to pronounce the name of them. We get to see the adaptations and different kinds and shapes of sharks throughout the years.

The graphics are done well. It good for those that like graphic novels. Young children and little boys are will enjoy this book. If you are in to the history or sharks or like sharks alone. Boys and girls will enjoy learning about sharks along with their parents with this book. It will keep them entertained for sure.

Jennifer Fox recommended My Brilliant Friend in TV (curated)

My Brilliant Friend
My Brilliant Friend
2018 | Drama, Mystery

"This extraordinary series, based on the collection of books, portrays the story of two young girls and their friendship over time. What is astounding to me is the agency and the “voice” of the two young prepubescent girls that is shown in ways rarely seen on screen. Psychologist Carol Gilligan, wrote extensively of the ways in which girl’s voices are squashed and eradicated by puberty. Likewise, filmmakers rarely portray this vital stage in young girl’s development. As the series progress and the two girls age, their female characters are impacted, twisted, and crushed by the pressure of society. It’s rare that one actually witnesses the crushing of girls into adults in such an exquisitely truthful manner. How these two girls struggle to survive and thrive under the pressures of marriage and sexuality and lack of educational access clamping down on them with their identity intact is brilliant. At the end of season one, I had the rarest experience: I felt like I had just finished one episode, not eight, as if I was at the very beginning of the story, not the end, and I longed for more narrative to come."


Awix (3310 KP) rated Apaches (1977) in Movies

Jan 21, 2021  
Apaches (1977)
Apaches (1977)
1977 | Drama, Horror
Nerve-manglingly bleak and grim public information film. Six young children play cowboys and indians, cops and robbers, etc, on a (seemingly quite badly managed) farm and are one-by-one crushed under trailers, drowned in slurry pits, poisoned by weedkiller, etc, etc. All the time the adults are preparing for a mysterious party...

Pretty much guaranteed to traumatise most young viewers, I would have thought, and quite a tough watch for anyone else: you *know* that something horrifically fatal is going to befall one of the young cast every few minutes. In this respect it's written and paced exactly like a horror movie, the kind of thing children would never be allowed to watch - but this is supposed to be educational, see, so they can do things you'd never be allowed to show in an actual commercial movie. Director Mackenzie would go on to make The Long Good Friday and The Fourth Protocol (amongst other things) and brings a mixture of gritty naturalism and an eerie, dream-like quality to the film. Nastily effective: enough to put anyone off a trip to the countryside.
Teenage Tears - Single by Mia Mi
Teenage Tears - Single by Mia Mi
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Mia Mi is an up-and-coming 18-year-old singer-songwriter based in North London. Not too long ago, she released an encouraging pop tune, entitled, “Teenage Tears”.

“Teenage tears you cry all these years. Well, they got you here, so just trust that you’ll be okay. Now she got a little confidence. Things that didn’t, starting to make sense. She can make a change just go see what’s next.” – lyrics

‘Teenage Tears’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and lush instrumentation scented with danceable pop aroma.

“And now you know it’s so good to be different. Break out the bucks you ain’t got no limits. Just give it time, you will learn it in a minute.” – lyrics

Mia Mi’s music is a mixture between Ariana Grande and Mabel. At the age of 10, she won a local singing competition.

Shortly afterward, she enrolled at London’s Centre for Young Musicians and then graduated from the critically acclaimed Brit School.

After fulfilling her educational duties, she released cover videos of popular songs via her YouTube channel.

Since then, her debut single, “Talk To Me”, has been added to 30 playlists on Spotify and has amassed over 120K streams.
The Secret Life of Bees
The Secret Life of Bees
Sue Monk Kidd | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (68 Ratings)
Book Rating
Audiobook edition
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this audiobook. The narrator, Jenna Lamia, was an excellent choice in my opinion. She sounded just like I thought she should sound, and added a lot of emotion to the story. I admired the main characters strengths (all of them!) - they were all very strong female figures. They probably had to be in the situations that they all found themselves to be in. I'm not big on regurgitating what a story is about - you only have to look at the book description above, but for me, this was very much an educational story. Having been brought up in the UK, I have never seen any of the situations described in the book - not to the extent that they are here anyway. That's the privilege I have of being middle classed, white and living in the UK I suppose (although I can remember a black teenager being shadowed around a toy shop by a member of staff for no reason at all. When I pointed out to them that their time might be better spent stocking the shelves, they didn't seem to have an answer for me as to why they felt the need to follow one customer around).
Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls
Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls
Elena Favilli, Francesca Cavallo | 2017 | Biography
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Detailed, accessible, fun for all, wonderful illustrations (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
Fabulously feminist, and a wonderfully fun read to boot
If I could give this more stars, I would.

Yes, I know the title indicates this book is for rebel girls. I am a mother of two fairly rebellious boys - but felt it was every bit as relevant for them as it was for females! After all, why shouldn't boys read about fabulous, inspirational women too?

This book is an absolute thing of beauty - 100 accessible, creatively written tales of women who helped to shape the world we live in. The illustrations are superb, and it hits just the right note with my two kids (5 and 7). They were initially suspicious that it was going to be one of those 'educational' books, but a few stories in and they were hooked.

People with boys, don't be deterred from buying this book, simply because the title indicates a female bias. It's so important that we start recognising the achievement of women (past and present) because they've so often been ignored - and both girls and boys can benefit from this. Also - a word of warning, grown-ups are likely to get a bit hooked on it too. :-)
I received a free copy of this short story from and the publisher, Randomhouse UK, Cornerstone and I wish to thank them for this.

I am only a little familiar with Temperance Brennan having read only one of the previous books - funnily enough, it's the one that's mentioned in this story - "the case of a body found in a barrel of asphalt at the Charlotte Motor Speedway" but it was a few years ago and I can't remember what it's called but I must have enjoyed it otherwise I wouldn't have remembered it!

Anyway, this short story will only take a couple of hours to read but it packs a lot in and not only is it entertaining but it's educational too - I learnt a lot about pythons! The descriptions of the setting made me feel that I was there - my hair even went frizzy! The characters, not only Temperance herself, but the "extras" were developed just enough to add to the overall interest and made me want to read more.

I enjoyed it. It was well written, had good pace and tension and a twist ... what more do you want from a story even one that is as short as this.