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Fallen (1998)
Fallen (1998)
1998 | Drama, Film-Noir, Thriller
Time Is On My Side
Fallen- is one of those movies from the late 90's that has to do something with the bible, evil spirits and god. You had films like "Ends of Days", "Stigmata", "Spawn", "The Devil's advocate" and more. Fallen is one of them.

The plot: After witnessing the execution of serial killer Edgar Reese (Elias Koteas), whom he arrested, police detective John Hobbes (Denzel Washington), and his partner, Jonesy (John Goodman), are soon investigating another murderer whose mode of operation is eerily similar to Reese's. In the course of the investigation, Hobbes meets theology professor Gretta Milano (Embeth Davidtz), who introduces him to the world of the occult and the possibility that an evil spirit is behind the killings.

I like the concept, is different and unique. Its a cat and mouse chase between a human being and a evil spirit that passing on from person to person. So you don't even know who is possessed.

The supernatural portion is very good. The suspense and thrills are good. Not enough action though. Other than that its a good supernatural film.
My Trip to Adele
My Trip to Adele
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My Trip To Adele is a book unlike any other. We are introduced to three different life stories, all of them connected to Adele in a wonderful way, and every one of them will teach us many lessons, bring tears or laughs on our faces and remind us who we are and why we exist in this world. This is a book of how a singer or a song can connect so many people and touch so many hearts in a way no one else could. A book about keeping traditions and breaking them, a book about love, bravery and most of all - HOPE.

Let’s meet Elias. A Moroccan man that has lived in Rome long enough to believe he is Italian, with a Moroccan dust left in his soul. Through Elias, we will find out about how many years ago, he paid a prostitute for her services and fell in love. His love for Malika is undescribable. While other men would pay hundreds to only have her body, he would pay thousands more to have her soul, even for just one night. He would never touch her body, but they would spend hours and hours talking about meaningful and meaningless things, about what it is like outside this city, outside this country, what can the world offer…

Malika has so many wishes and hopes, she sells her body so one day she would be able to leave this town, leave her family, and explore the world. Get married and have children, and be successful, and learn the English language. When life parts them from each other for eight years, Elias goes back to the same old city to look for her, and Malika has already left town. Sharing one special singer, there is only one place where he can find her - an Adele concert in Rome.

In Las Vegas, we have Yaser and Mariam, a married couple that lost its sparkle many years ago. Both are surgeons and spend a lot of time at work. And when they come home to the kids - everything is a routine. Yaser pretends to enjoy his TV Show evenings and the Prayers that Mariam wants to attend. He pretends to believe in God just to please his wife. They are not a happy family inside the house, but Mariam makes it sound perfect on the outside - they have the perfect social media photos, and they go to the most expensive places on a holiday, what could be so bad? He feels trapped inside a routine and wants to escape, but he also believes in saving his marriage, and following his marriage counselor, they are trying to revive their happiest memories, and that is when they decide to go to an Adele concert in Rome.

On the other side of the world we will meet Nadia and her son Waleed. Nadia is a strong woman that has been coping with her now ex-husband’s betrayals. She raised her son oh her own, and the love she feels for him is indescribable. Only a mother knows how much she adores her son. When her son gets hurt on her ex husband’s third wedding - Nadia decides that she would fight for her and her son, she will no longer be trapped, and she will finally enjoy a lovely holiday with her son - going to Adele’s concert in Rome.

This book is written in an amazing, fast pace, and you will never notice how you have scrolled through the pages and hours have passed. There were times where the character's description was basic, and sometimes Adele’s presence would be too exposed, but all the characters are different in their own way, and every story has its purpose and its lesson.

Dana (24 KP) rated The Ordinary Seaman in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
The Ordinary Seaman
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I did not enjoy this novel. I felt like it dwelt too long on the little aspects that didn't really mean much in the whole of the story.

The temporality of the story was confusing at times. It would jump back and forth between some past and the present and even the future at points. Yes, it added to the confusion of time that the crew would have been feeling on the boat, but it just didn't do anything for me.

It was pretty predictable, for me, as to what was going to happen during the novel. I felt very underwhelmed, especially when my teacher told me this was going to be such an amazing novel.

The pacing was either too slow or rushed through things that were important to the plot. There was no real in between for it.

Even the characters started getting on my nerves throughout the novel. The way that everyone treated Bernardo and the way they looked up to Elias and Mark felt too forced for me to really be able to enjoy the novel.

I don't give out low stars like this often, but I felt like this one was necessary. For me, personally, I did not enjoy this novel at all. I didn't feel any take-away from it which was really disappointing.
An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1)
An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1)
Sabaa Tahir | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
Everything! (0 more)
Amazing, diverse read
To start, this novel is excellent. Sabaa Tahir’s characters are diverse. You will love some and you will hate some. Let’s start with Elias. He is the perfect soldier for the Martials. But he also has a heart unlike many at the Blackcliff Academy where he is training to be a Mask. Then, you have Laia. At first, she seems to be this weak girl, but as the novel progresses, she becomes stronger and finds herself. Next is the Commandent. She is one of those bad guys that you HATE. There is no love for this woman. She is pure evil, and you just hate her more and more every time she talks.

The plot is fresh. I have yet to read a novel close to this one. The world building is at the perfect pace through out the novel. Tahir knows how to give the reader just enough information to keep you on the edge of your seat. Tahir’s timing of when to reveal information is just perfect. I don’t want to give any examples because I don’t want to have any spoilers.

All in all, the diversity, plot, characters, and everything are just perfect in this novel. I have nothing negative to say. I couldn’t put An Ember in the Ashes down, and I cannot wait to read the next!
An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1)
An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1)
Sabaa Tahir | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have been lucky enough to read a lot of amazing books recently, this one included!

I honestly don't know why I waited so long to read it, but I'm glad I finally picked it up. It definitely lived up to its hype (something not every book can say)!!

I loved the charcter development. Even when the characters themselves couldn't see it, it was amazing to watch them grow. Getting to see Laia grow stronger with each chapter, both emotionally and physically, made me very excited and I found myself rooting for her in every action she did! Laia and Elias are amazing. Yes, there were two (2!!) love triangles going on at the same time, but we weren't focused primarily on that. Plus, we know the endgame (am I right? Laias forever!). And to make it even better, POC CHARACTERS!!!!!! I have been loving the trend of more POC characters recently!! Authors, definitely keep up the amazing work with that!!!

The world was fascinating, the characters were beautifully described, and I was completely drawn in from the first page. The mystery and intrigue was just coy enough to keep us guessing, but not annoyingly over-the-top to where it was keeping important information from us. I thought that was very tastefully done. I loved how it was able to get gritty and dark without being disgusting or too graphic.

Overall, I absolutely adored this novel. I can see why it got picked up for a movie deal so quickly! It deserved it!!

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2099 KP) rated Deadly Director’s Cut in Books

Oct 3, 2022 (Updated Oct 3, 2022)  
Deadly Director’s Cut
Deadly Director’s Cut
Vicki Delany | 2022 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Director Is Cut Out of the Picture
Hollywood has come to Haggerman’s Catskills Resort as famed director Elias Theropodous has decided to use it for some of the outdoor scenes for his new movie. Elizabeth Grady, the resort’s manager, is thrilled with the money, but not the disruptions to life at the resort, especially with Elias’s demands. However, when he dies after a night of eating and drinking at the resort, Elizabeth quickly realizes she has to find the killer in order to save the resort’s reputation. Can she do it?

Hollywood coming to town is a familiar trope, especially in cozies, but authors continue to use it because it works. That’s certainly the case here. The plot kept me engaged, sometimes reading a little later than I had planned, and I loved how the climax played out, although there is a minor continuity error with the climax. It doesn’t impact who the killer is. I also appreciated how the sub-plots some of the regulars had tie in with this main story yet also felt like natural continuations of their arcs from the first book. Naturally, the new characters are strong as well. I enjoyed the setting; I was ready to book a vacation at the resort myself. I also appreciated the way the 1950’s setting came to life, with little bits of everyday life infusing every page. If you are looking for a fun historical cozy, look no further than this book.
Song of the Fireflies
Song of the Fireflies
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Though I've loved previous books by the author, The Edge of Never and Killing Sarai (with The Edge of Always waiting on my kindle and Reviving Izabel on my wish list), I have to admit I wasn't as into this as I was the other two.

I didn't feel much of a connection to the characters or their predicament and I wasn't sure I understood their actions. Well, I did understand but at the same time I knew it would only make things worse for them and I spent the rest of the book waiting for everything to catch up with them.

I liked Elias, he was so in love with Bray from such an early age and he'd do anything to keep her safe. It was sweet to read at times and heart-breaking for him at others. Then there's Bray, who's had a tough life. I didn't really get her, she seemed pretty messed up mentally and did/allowed strange to happen at times.

Secondary characters like Tate were cool, he was pretty laid back and looked out for his friends and family, though I didn't like his brother Caleb too much, he seemed a little...creepy at times, but maybe that was the drugs he used.

An appearance by one of the author's other couples was nice too, though the scene didn't necessarily end well, and I'm looking forward to continuing their story soon, when I get time.

Song of the Fireflies came across as very dark with lots of drugs, sex and several scenes of violence (mainly fighting) and I just couldn't connect with it, I'm afraid. Admitting that almost feels like blasphemy since I love the author's writing but on this, I just didn't feel it. I was okay, I wasn't blown away by it by any stretch of the imagination.

I read books for the romance aspect and I feel like I missed out on it in this, or maybe it just got lost under everything else that happened.
Roald Dahl's Book of Ghost Stories
Roald Dahl | 1985
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I picked this up around Halloween time wanting some scary reads to get me in the mood. When I saw they were by Roald Dahl himself, I thought I was in for a treat. I was sadly disappointed, reading the introduction I found that this was not the case, however I continued on as I thought it would be interesting to read some different authors.

The book consisted of 14 short stories, some longer than others and some quiet spooky whilst the others were just a bit dark.

Here is a list of the stories in the book:

    W.S by L.P.Hartley
    Harry by Rosemary Timperley
    The Corner shop by Cynthia Asquith
    In the Tube by E.F.Benson
    Christmas meeting by Rosemary Timperley
    Elias and the Draug by Jonas Lie
    Playmates by A.M. Burrage
    Ringing the changes by Robert Aickman
    The Telephone by Mary Treadgold
    The Ghost of a Hand by J.Sheridan Le Fanu
    The Sweeper by A.M Burrage
    On the Brighton Road by Richard Middleton
    Afterward by Edith Warton
    The Upper Berth by Marion Crawford

The scariest one for me was the Ghost of a hand, that could be because I was reading it at 1am in the morning with everyone asleep, the sounds of the house creaking and the wind outside added to the spookiness.

My top three are The Ghost of a Hand, Harry and Ringing the Changes,however they weren't great. I felt really let down by this selection of short stories, they didn't seem to have very satisfying ends and they were somewhat predictable.

Also there is an introduction from Roald Dahl himself stating that he read over 700 short stories trying to find the best, I seriously can't believe these were the best ones he found and then he was rambling on about women being better at writing ghost stories and men being better at general fiction which I felt was irrelevant but I suppose he had a certain amount of words to fulfil.

Maybe I am being a little harsh, seeing as the book is 30 years old and the stories are even older than that.

Let me know if you have read this book, and what you thought.

Overall I gave this 3 out of 5 stars
Clerks II (2006)
Clerks II (2006)
2006 | Comedy, Drama
In 1994, Writer/Director/Producer Kevin Smith emerged as a talented filmmaker to watch with his independent film Clerks The film was a no holds barred look at the lives of two desk clerks, who toil away behind the counters of a video and convince store.

The film was made on a tight budget with a cast of unknowns who discussed all manner of issues from life, love, and beyond in very graphic and outlandish terms as they go through a very long day and evening on the job.

The film went on to be a darling at Sundance and paved the way from Kevin Smith to do a series of films which featured lovable yet realistic characters trying to understand life, and get by in a world where they do not always seem to fit. Of course the films always had Smith’s trademark ability to discuss topics in new and unique ways that blended raunchy moments with inspired dialogue and genuine emotions.

A few years back I interviewed Kevin Smith in support of his film Jersey Girl and it seemed that he was on the fast track to do films such as The Green Hornet and Fletch Lives. Despite the series of frustrations due to reported studio conflicts over his Superman Lives script, it seemed that Kevin was moving towards larger budget studio films.

Fate can be a funny thing, especially in Hollywood, and while preparing the 10th anniversary DVD edition of Clerks as well as the work on the short-lived Clerks animated series, Smith reportedly became inspired as to what the characters from his breakout film had become ten years further on.

Despite some delays caused by the departure of the Weinstein brothers from Miramax and the reluctance of one of the principal cast members, who was concerned that they would not be able to recapture the magic of the first film, “Clerks II” has arrived and is easily one of the funniest films I have ever seen.

The stars of the first film Dante (Brian O’Halloran), and Randal (Jeff Anderson), now find themselves working at a fast food store called Moobys, and as usual, Randal never finds a shortage of bizarre and outrageous topics to impart his wisdom and theories to a usual shocked Dante. It is learned that Dante is about to work his last shift, as in the morning he is moving to Florida from his New Jersey home, in order to get married and start a new career as a manager at a business owned by his future father in law.

Dante also must contend with his friendship with his manager Becky (Rosario Dawson), who wants to make sure that he is moving and getting married for the right reasons and not because it is expected of him.

Of course there are no shortage of characters in the film who add to the merriment, from the customers, to an employee named Elias (Trevor Fehrman), whose mild mannered ways and bizarre obsession with Lord of the Rings makes him a constant foil for the ever irascible Randal, who never loses interest in finding new ways to give Elias a hard time.

Then there are series favorites Jay and Silent Bob, (Jason: Mewes), and (Kevin Smith). The two slackers and drug dealers have now cleaned up their act. They still sell drugs; they just no longer use them. Jay is also prone to spouting his theories on religion to his customers, as he attempts to pass the faith while passing pot.

The duo feature throughout the film and offer some of the funniest moments in the film including a hilarious parody of The Silence of the Lambs.

As the day and evening plays out, one manner of hilarious and outrageous event after another occurs, which forces Dante and Randal to evaluate their lives, as well as what truly being happy and successful means.

While some may say this film is just a collection of crude humor that would be underscoring the true triumph of the film. Smith once again shows that he can portray flawed but realistic characters with surprising realism and charm. The characters know who they are, and make no apologies for being what society would call rough around the edges or failures they are being true to themselves and it is their frank and blunt ways of communicating that make them real and endear them to the audience.

They face the same issues that most of us have to face in life when we examine the paths we take, as well as the decisions we make and the resulting consequences which underscores the ultimate fact that one must be true to themselves.

A true classic and easily the best film Kevin Smith has ever done do not miss this film.
Half a Soul (Regency Faerie Tales #1) by Olivia Atwater
Half a Soul (Regency Faerie Tales #1) by Olivia Atwater
Olivia Atwater | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
HALF A SOUL is the first book in the Regency Faerie Tales and I honestly can't wait to read more. This was a gentle story with some harsh life lessons for our main character when she learns what war and workhouses are really like in a world where magic exists.

She -- Dora -- sees life through a slightly skewed lens as it is, being a Faerie Lord stole half her soul when she was only a child. Since then, she struggles to feel emotions, apart from "long-tailed ones". Her cousin, Vanessa, is the only warmth in her life and she will do all she can to please her. This includes going to London, although Dora isn't sure if she is going to help Vanessa's chances of finding a husband, or if she is going because of Vanessa's scheme to cure Dora. Either way, they end up in London, with the ton, and Dora has her own adventures whilst Vanessa is at the mercy of the matchmaking mothers.

I found Dora to be a heart-warming character who is aware of her own 'strangeness' but tries her best to fit in to please her cousin. I loved how she was truthful and direct, at a time when it was not fashionable to be so. Elias was the perfect foil for her. She didn't accept his rudeness or be put off by his temper, simply because she wasn't affected by it. Albert, and his mother, Lady Caraway, were jewels in this book and I loved every scene they were in. I was so happy for him!

Rightly or wrongly, I enjoy historical fiction as it is written. I have no idea if the dip of the neckline or the length of the hem is one hundred per cent accurate, and I don't really care. And if it is historically incorrect, so what? So long as the story fits together, and the inconsistencies remain the same throughout (now there's an oxymoron for you), that's all that concerns me.

I loved this story as it guided me along, all coming together nicely at the end. The epilogue was perfect. I sincerely hope to see more of this couple in future books. A fantastic start to a new series by a new-to-me author and absolutely recommended!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 26, 2022