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Imogen SB (4507 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Transference in Video Games

Apr 1, 2019  
'Elijah Wood and Ubisoft team up for this psychological horror which doesn't offer many new ideas, but is stylish fun regardless'

Ian Stokes, Trusted Reviews

Dean (6921 KP) rated Maniac (2013) in Movies

Feb 7, 2018 (Updated Feb 7, 2018)  
Maniac (2013)
Maniac (2013)
2013 | Horror
Elijah Wood (1 more)
Artistic Slasher
A very stylish Slasher film that is very different to the norm. I'm not sure if this was a remake of the old Slasher film or not? What makes this stand out is a great performance from Elijah Wood. It's also quite shocking rather than a tongue in cheek horror as most Slasher films fall into. Also the fact the view point of the majority of the film is through the eyes of the killer. Something better and varied to most horror films.
Witch & Wizard (Witch & Wizard, #1)
Witch & Wizard (Witch & Wizard, #1)
James Patterson | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
5.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Witch and Wizard is a fun story that felt like a cross between Harry Potter and Hunger Games. The modern wizard magic discovery meets apocalyptic government takeover. The story was short but fun and filled with lots of magic. The main characters were interesting and strong. I also really liked that Elijah Wood was one of the narrators.
The Oxford Murders (2010)
The Oxford Murders (2010)
2010 | International, Drama, Horror
4.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Disappointing, John Hurt is the only good thing
What a ridiculous film. Apart from John Hurt, the film lacked any kind of substance but tried too hard to be clever. It consisted of several murders, with mathematical clues, leading to a big explosion that actually ended up being an anti-climax. I tend to avoid films with Elijah Wood for a reason.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
2003 | Action, Fantasy
The characters thrive after being developed over the first 2 movies (4 more)
Elijah Wood as Frodo puts in a top performance
That feeeling when you watch it that this movie is something special - a real epic
An unrivalled adventure of heroism
Beautiful visuals, thoughtful locations and sets. You are in Middle Earth.
The best of the Lord Of The Rings Series
Maniac (2013)
Maniac (2013)
2013 | Horror
Psychologically damaged lead (2 more)
Lots of blood and gore
Disturbing to the viewer
A helluva good slasher flick
This review is for the original movie. Not the tamed down, all be it good remake starring Elijah Wood.
I watched this after the remake. And it blew me away with its originality and disturbing actors portrayal of the lead.
If you like being freaked out by performance. Than this movie is for you.
In 1980, we were just being introduced to a massive amount of slice and dice horror films. And this one ranks as one of the best
Show all 3 comments.

Scott Tostik (389 KP) Feb 8, 2018

i know, this is one of my first reviews when I was still figuring out how to use the system... I should fix it


Dean (6921 KP) Feb 8, 2018

You can add new movie titles just by name and release year if it's not on already.

Sin City (2005)
Sin City (2005)
2005 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Amazing all star cast - Elijah Wood is surprisingly creepy (0 more)
Suspends belief (0 more)
Slick cinematography, dark tales
This film's graphic novel style cinematography is original, effective and beautiful to behold. The black and white effect with certain colours highlighted reminded me of looking at old style comics. The multiple stories that mesh together are all extremely dark, from serial murders to molestation and exploitation, it's Rated R for a very good reason. And while the Tarantino style gore can be surprisingly easy on the eye especially in black and white, it seemed extreme at times, filmed for the sake of being violent.

ClareR (5589 KP) rated The Memory Wood in Books

Feb 27, 2020 (Updated Feb 29, 2020)  
The Memory Wood
The Memory Wood
Sam Lloyd | 2020 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Memory Wood is a phenomenal book. I was on tenterhooks from the first chapter - mainly because I didn't really know what to expect. I usually avoid stories where child abductions are involved for reasons obvious to me (I know people who enjoy these themes, and are better able to detach fact from fiction than me!), but as The Pigeonhole chose it, I thought I'd give it a go - and I'm glad I did.

Elissa is abducted from outside the chess tournament that she's playing at, and wakes up manacled to the floor by a chain. Her only contact with another person is Elijah, a 12 year old boy who lives in the Memory Wood. He calls her Gretel, she calls him Hansel, and the house above the cellar she is imprisoned in is referred to as the Gingerbread House.

Meanwhile, the police have started the investigation, and are trying to locate Elissa. Detective Superintendent Mairead MacCullagh is in charge, and to be honest, Elissa couldn't have a more committed person to lead the hunt. Despite very upsetting personal circumstances, Mairead works hard and persistently to try and find Elissa.

I loved this book - it was non-stop action and so tense! I'm so glad I gave it a chance, because I'm sure it will be one of may favourite books of 2020!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and to Sam Lloyd for reading along with us.
The Last Witch Hunter (2015)
The Last Witch Hunter (2015)
2015 | Action, Fantasy
Enjoyable if forgettable
Can you imagine Vin Diesel as a peacekeeper in a time of witch suppression? I admit when I first heard the premise of The Last Witch Hunter I was a little sceptical of just how the Fast & Furious star would cope with such a change of role.

However, my concerns were quickly brushed aside during the first ten minutes of this unusual action adventure. But is the rest of the movie as good as its leading man?

Unfortunately, the short answer is no. Not only does Vin Diesel have to stand-off against supernatural beings, he has to take on a bland script, clichéd side characters, including a terrifically poor performance from Elijah Wood, and a plot that constantly shifts uncomfortably in tone – unable to grasp just what genre it is trying to be.

The Last Witch Hunter follows Diesel’s Kaulder as he tries to keep the peace during a time when witches live among humans in plain sight, bound by laws sworn in after a great war that ravished both sides.

He, alongside the ever-reliable Michael Caine, a wooden Elijah Wood and a lacklustre Rose Leslie fight to save the planet from the torment of a Witch Queen.

That pretty much sums up the entire plot and the dialogue doesn’t fare any better with a forced comedic edge stopping the film dead in its tracks.

Elsewhere, the characters are drawn so thinly that only Diesel makes any kind of lasting impression, though the audience is force fed a backstory so emotional, it feels like it’s been brought straight from The X Factor.

Nevertheless, The Last Witch Hunter’s succinct running time does a lot to turn the film around. Thankfully, the thin story just about stretches over the 106 minutes and the set pieces are an enjoyable romp with Diesel doing what he does best.

The special effects too are very good indeed. Considering its lesser-known nature, the production team have crafted some creepy and intriguing sets with the finale looking like it took the majority of the film’s $90million budget.

It’s just a shame that the rest of the movie falls terribly flat. What could have been an unusual and exciting trip to the cinema, ends up being another forgettable and tiresome experience.

Overall, The Last Witch Hunter is an enjoyable if entirely forgettable romp that suffers from the same problems that blight so many Hollywood blockbusters. From bland characters to poor scriptwriting and bad dialogue, only Vin Diesel and some good special effects save it from being a write-off.
The Hobbit Trilogy (2015)
The Hobbit Trilogy (2015)
2015 |
7.9 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It fit well as a prequel to LOTR, which I find is rare when the prequel is made AFTER! (0 more)
No Aragorn. Just because I love Aragorn. (0 more)
Going On an Adventure
I was a late comer to J.R. Tolkien and LOTR so when The Hobbit came out I was super excited that I had more to delve into and fall in love with as I had with LOTR.
So yes - the films are super long but personally I didn't feel the length of the film (as some bad films feel twice as long and you just scream HURRY UP AND END) where as with The Hobbit at the end of Unexpected Journey I couldn't wait for the next one.
Obviously with this being made years after, the Actors from LOTR would have unfortunately aged but Sir. Ian Mckellen looks not a day older and although Orlando Bloom is obviously not in his early twenties anymore, it was easy to overlook. Bilbo Baggins had to be a different actor but I definitely think Martin Freeman was the man for the job. I also loved that in the beginning Elijah Wood made an appearance, making it genuinely feel like part of the LOTR we've all come to love.
The Battle of the Five Armies was the main film I have qualms with, after countless googles I still don't understand the Five Armies part, but that could just be me! Also, when Smaugs rain of terror is finally ended it sort of felt bittersweet and kind of Anti Climactic as it happens rather quickly into the film.