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Dollhouse  - Season 1
Dollhouse - Season 1
2009 | Action
Eliza dushku (0 more)
Like this show when I first it and I still kinda confused me at first with the plot of the show but I soon got into it eliza dushku is always good thumbs up
Wrong Turn (2003)
Wrong Turn (2003)
2003 | Horror
6.4 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Eliza dushku (2 more)
Three finger
Of all the six movies this by far the best of the movies plenty of gory death scenes make up from Stan winston excellent eliza dushku faith from buffy is good as the lead actress also I've met the actor who plays three finger in the movie not long ago thumbs up from me
Wrong Turn (2003)
Wrong Turn (2003)
2003 | Horror
6.4 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Survive in the Wild
Wrong Turn- was a good horror film, the kills were intresting in it. The plot was good.

The plot: Friends Jessie (Eliza Dushku) and Carly (Emmanuelle Chriqui) are traveling with pals Scott (Jeremy Sisto), Evan (Kevin Zegers) and Francine (Lindy Booth) when they have car trouble in West Virginia. Moments later, motorist Chris (Desmond Harrington) crashes into their disabled vehicle. Stranded, the friends discover that they're being stalked by a horde of backwoods cannibals. The woodsmen are hungry and fierce, and they'll be eating well unless Jessie and pals can outsmart them.

Its a good film.

David McK (3508 KP) rated True Lies (1994) in Movies

Mar 29, 2020 (Updated Apr 10, 2022)  
True Lies (1994)
True Lies (1994)
1994 | Action, Comedy, Mystery
The early to mid 90s were a great time for action movies.

Cliffhanger. Speed. And this.

Starring a pre-Governator Arnold Schwarzenneger, Jamie Lee Curtis, and a pre-TVs-Faith-from-Buffy Eliza Dushku, this basically posits the question "What if James Bond was a family man? And what if his wife doesn't know he's a spy?"

When he then discovers that said wife is - he thinks - having an affair (but is in reality falling victim to a scam artist), he then decides to 'give her a bit of excitement', which leads to her getting caught up in his 'real' job and finding out more about his life!

With a rarely-looking-hotter Tia Carrere, those tango scenes (and *that* striptease) alongside plenty of stunts and gunplay (and the Harrier jump jets) - and, of course, the one-liners! - this is a pretty enjoyable big budget action movie

(Edit: I've just discovered it's directed by a pre-Titanic James Cameron, which helps!)
Wrong Turn (2003)
Wrong Turn (2003)
2003 | Horror
6.4 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Wrong Turn is pretty standard early-2000s cannibal/slasher horror, but manages to be memorable thanks to a decent cast playing tolerable characters.

The cannon fodder teenagers in this are also pretty standard, with the exception of the two leads played by Eliza Dushku and Desmond Harrington. They don't come across as the usual empty headed victims that make stupid decisions, and as a result, it's easy to become invested in their fight for survival.

This first entry in the franchise is a far cry from the more digital looking, torture porn leaning sequels, and boasts some decent practical gore. The designs of the mountain men are suitably unsettling, thanks to Shane Mahan and Stan Winston, and it's easy to see why Thee Finger became something of a horror icon following this film's release.

Wrong Turn won't set your world aflame, but it's a competent and watchable horror that stands well on its own, and is a pretty fun, especially when compared to it's plethora of shitty sequels (the second one isn't too bad to be fair...)