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Chronicle of the Mound Builders
Elle Marie | 2012
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
[Chronicle of the Mound Builders] by [Elle Marie] is a fast paced, thought provoking ride. The tie between the past and the present using a female archaeologist as one of the main protagonists is a different take on a mystery.

As someone who if familiar with the Cahokia Mounds and the mystery that surrounds them I personally found the plot of this story intriguing. The characters were believable even in some of the more fantastic elements. It all fit together.

I could have done without the sex scene because it seemed gratuitous but I get that is common in fiction today. The story could stand very well on its own without that though.

I have recommended this book to my sister who is an anthropologist and a big [Elizabeth Peters] fan.
Book number 6 in Elizabeth Peter's Amelia Peabody (think female Victorian Indiana Jones) series, which sees Amelia, her husband Radcliffe and son Ramses back in the dusty climes of Egypt following their adventures in the previous ([b: The Deeds of the Disturber|32139|The Deeds of the Disturber (Amelia Peabody, #5)|Elizabeth Peters||2176252]).

I have to say, though, that the plot of this one is more-than-slightly reminiscent of [a: H Rider Haggard|4633123|H. Rider Haggard|]'s [b: King Solomon's Mines|108914|In Search of King Solomon's Mines|Tahir Shah||4188], pretty much just swapping the African setting and characters of that novel for the dusty climes of Egypt - a similarity that Emerson, in a bit of meta-fiction, himself complains about.

Throw in a dash of [b: She|5203|She's Come Undone|Wally Lamb||1003370] (also by H Rider Haggard) with a soupcon of intrigue and more entertaining byplay between the Emerson's (with Ramses his usual precocious self), and the result is another entertaining read in the series.