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Storm Runners (Storm Runners, #1)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Storm Runners
By: Roland Smith

Main Characters: Chase and John Masters
Side Characters: Tomas (employee of John Masters), Nicole (daughter of Marco and school friend), Momma Rossi (mother of Marco), Marco, Rashawn (school friend), Dr. Krupp (school principal),
Richard Krupp (TV anchor and principal's husband), Cindy Stewart (meteorologist), and Mark (cameraman)
Setting: Florida

The book starts out with John getting stroke by lightening as he gathers his tools from the backyard. As it is raining and Chase left them out after working a tree house.
One year later they are both traveling around the states with Tomas. they are helping people rebuild after hurricanes. Chase is never in one school long enough to make friends. His dad does make him carry a to go bag which has emergency supplies.
His dad changed after being stroke by lightening. He has an eternal clock that is extremely actarit. He no longer sleeps more than 4 hours a night. He is also very good at telling where a hurricane will hit.
John is dropping Chase off at a farm where Tomas' Brother works to go to school while they head to Saint Petersburg (Saint Pete). This is where John thinks that Hurricane Emily will hit.
On this farm he meets Marco, Nicole and Momma Rossi. Marco and Momma Rossi are little people and Nicole is normal size. This is no ordinary farm. This is a circus farm. There is a giraffe, loins, a pregnant elephant, monkey and leopard.
Chase goes to school with Nicole. He checks himself in because Dad is on his way to Saint Pete. This is unusual but he does it all the time. Dr. Krupp questions him but goes ahead and gives him a schedule. As the day goes on the weather in his area is getting worse. He realizes his Dad is wrong this time about where the Hurricane will hit. As school ends he try's to tell Dr. Krupp that they would safer at the school instead of on the bus heading home. She doesn't listen and sends them on their way. She wants to get home to her own children.
This is where the adventures begins and where they meet Rashawn another girl from school who lives by the farm.
Meanwhile in Saint Pete. John is waiting with Tomas for Hurricane Emily to hit. He talks with the Cindy and actually films a segment on the news. Richard is actually arguing a little with Cindy about the Hurricane. Cindy doesn't think the Hurricane will hit Saint Pete. As they realize that Hurricane Emily is in fact not going to hit Saint Pete but where Chase is John wants to go back.
He offers to take Cindy and Mark with him to get updated information on the storm. They both agree to go.
What happens to John and his crew? Do Chase, Rashawn and Nicole make it home?
This book leaves off on a cliff hanger, which makes you wonder.
I greatly enjoyed the book and have purchased the next book to read and see what happens.
I recommend that you read this book to your children or for yourself.
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Cool with being terrified for ninety nonstop minutes? I have just the film for you. In A Quiet Place, a family of four tries to silently survive a terror that stalks by sound.

Acting: 10
The number of words said in this film probably equal the number of words it took me to write this review. The cast relies heavily on body language and facial expressions to convey their emotions and it's extremely effective. You feel their fear, their love for one another, their hatred. No way this emanates without an amazing cast.

Emily Blunt. Emily Blunt. Emily Blunt. Absolutely...freaking...phenomenal. It's hard for me to put into words how outstanding of a role she played in making this film work. She's powerful yet vulnerable in her role as mother Evelyn. Again, so challenging to do when your words are limited. Seeing her kill it made me excited to rewatch Edge of Tomorrow.

Beginning: 10
One does not simply get eased into watching A Quiet Place. It's a film that comes out of the gates swinging with one of the best intros I've seen since Baby Driver. Tensions run high as you're just waiting for something awful to happen. It's the perfect setup for a film that holds on to you and never lets go.

Characters: 10
While Blunt's Evelyn blew me away, I felt I related most to John Krasinski's character Lee, the father of the family. He is trying to keep everyone safe by having them abide by the rules that have kept them alive for so long. At the same time you can tell it frustrates him to have to shelter his kids from being kids and living their lives normally. He loves his family and is solely focused on the duty of keeping them safe and together.

Each character is layered with their own personal demons that have affected them in some form or fashion. The kids are intelligent as you would expect from children that have had to grow up in such an insane world. At the same time their sporadic and unpredictable feelings remind you that they are still just children.

Cinematography/Visuals: 9

Conflict: 10

Genre: 10

Memorability: 10

Pace: 10
A nonstop thrill ride. Sure you will get a couple breathers, but there is ALWAYS tension. Whether it's silence or looming threats around the corner, A Quiet Place never gives you a chance to get comfortable. I heard all of this going into the film and I still wasn't prepared for such intensity. Get ready...

Plot: 6
My one gripe. There is definitely a slight plot hole here that caused me to dock points. I won't ruin things, but if you look closely enough it's pretty obvious. I will also say that this one plot hole does little to nothing to ruin the overall experience of the film.

Resolution: 8
Strong ending that nicely ties everything together. It's a resolution that doesn't linger or wear out its welcome. It reminds me of Edge of Tomorrow in that it's just enough.

Overall: 93
If you're looking for a a memorable film to watch, A Quiet Place is a wonderful solution. Very original spin on a genre that can be repetitive at times. This one will stand out in my head for years to come.

Stormi (105 KP) Apr 20, 2018

I can't wait to see this!!! Thanks for a great review!!!

The Other Woman
The Other Woman
Sandie Jones | 2018 | Thriller
8.3 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ahhh this book is SOOOOOO good! I looooved The Other Woman - but I hated how it made me feel. I was having anxiety so bad reading this. I really felt like I was in certain situations and I totally felt ALL the emotions as I was reading it. I felt like my whole brain was inside this book - and omg did Pammie make me SO angry!!

The Other Woman is a figure so many of us have in our lives... the dreaded mother-in-law. While mine is pretty amazing in real life, I know of so many friends who are not so lucky. The strain of having a bad relationship with a MIL has got to be so hard on a realtionship. But when it's borderline evil... I cannot even imagine. I literally was having chest pains reading this and felt like I was also going through all of the horribly awful things that Emily had to endure from her love Adam's psychotic mother, Pammie.

I sped through this. I needed to know what happened. If I put it down, I couldn't get it out of my head. But I had to put it down for fear of a panic attack! Its been a long time since I actually felt such strong emotions from a thriller. I got totally addicted and loved every minute of it. And when I got to the last page, about Sandie Jones, and read it was her debut?!? What the what!? New favorite author here. Must find out when her next book comes out.

Bravo. 5 Stars all around. One of my favorites this year so far.
The Waiting Room
The Waiting Room
Emily Bleeker | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great story, clever and keeps you on your toes! (0 more)
Super Twister Turny!
Somebody get my Chiropractor on the line! I think I have whiplash from all the twists and turns! What a ride!

Emily Bleeker can consistently weave a story like nobody's business and The Waiting Room is no exception!
Just when you think you have it all figured out - WHAM! Whiplash. I cannot even explain my love for her writing, and the way she crafts these incredibly suspenseful stories. Knocked this one out of the park. Totally out of the park and past the parking lot, and across the highway... It's so hard to give any synopsis of the story without spoiling too much. It's just that good. There were about 4-5 scenarios I had going on i my head as to the direction this was going, and I was wrong about them all!

Just after children's book illustrator Veronica Shelton's daughter is born, tragedy strikes. Her loving, smart, funny, doting-father husband is killed and her entire life falls apart So, so badly. It's so bad that grieving Veronica can't even TOUCH her own baby daughter. She thinks she's a terrible mother, is now having her own mother taking over most of her child's duties, and is clinging onto hope she can somehow get over this through a new therapist, and very carefully, slow, tiny baby steps. But then strange things start to happen - a break-in, weird figures in her book illustrations, and then - the unthinkable. Her daughter goes missing.

Incompetent police seem to turn the tables on her and she begins to feel like a suspect. Targeted because of her fragile mental state since losing her beloved husband. Veronica decides she's going to finally be the mother that Sophie deserves, and go out and find her daughter on her own. With some strange new friends and the shreds of motherly instinct that remain inside her - she sets off to do just that.

....and cue the whiplash. Just when you think you've got it figured out. Nope, try again. That person's a good guy? Sorry - not the case! Everything going to be OK? Um... hahaaaaa! Nice try. And that ending.. PHEW! Shocker after insanely clever shocker!

Now, I like to think I'm not totally dim, and can be fairly clever at figuring things out. But Emily Bleeker is SO good at making you feel so silly for even thinking you had ANY idea what was going on. She's definitely one of my favorite authors and I was totally thinking about sending her my chiropractor bill, but it just didn't seem fair seeing as how fun the ride was :)
All We Ever Wanted
All We Ever Wanted
Emily Giffin | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow. Just wow. This book is SO relevant right now with the #metoo movement and #timesup. It breaks my heart to realize how often stories like this happen, to anyone, of any age or social/financial status - there is no discrimination, and sadly there just isn't enough conversation about these topics. I applaud Emily Giffin for writing this book.

I had no idea in detail what this story was about when I requested it from NetGalley. I like to be surprised with Emily's books, and I've never read one I didn't like. And I sure was surprised by this one! It's almost like, "If you could walk in someone's shoes" - I felt like i was dropped into this book, as if I was in on a secret, and I just sat back and watched the secrets unravel and unfold.

Something happened to Lyla. Something not good at all. It started with a bunch of elite private high school kids (and some not-so-privileged) at a party, with a lot of alcohol... and you can just imagine it from there. Something happens. Accusations fly, lies are told, people unravel, secrets come out, and trusts are broken.
This books tells the story from several angles and I found myself so attached to them all. They are so well written I honestly felt as if I was in a mother's head, a father's mind and in the thoughts of a 16 year old girl.

I sailed through this, as I do most of Emily's books because I love her writing style and how easily I can just jump into her stories. I wanted to find out more, I wanted justice, and I craved a neat and tidy resolution, but we all know these types things are never neat and tidy.

This book is important. I wish everyone would read this. Although every #metoo story is different, this casts a glimpse into how each and every incident causes so, so much pain, to so many people - and ultimately how getting these types of stories out in the world, can hopefully ease some of that pain by helping and educating others.

Thank you to NetGalley and Ballantine Books for the opportunity to review this amazing book.
How I Lost You
How I Lost You
Jenny Blackhurst | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
As seen on <a href=""; target="_new">The Ghastly Grimoire.</a>

How I Lost You by Jenny Blackhurst is difficult for me to score with ease, to be completely and totally honest. There are several things I loved about this book and others that felt more like a cliche. Aside from those few moments, I enjoyed reading this novel.

Susan Webster, a.k.a. Emma Cartwright, finds her head still spinning after serving her time in a psychiatric prison for the murder of her son. As a character, she is for the most part fairly well-written. Having suffered a psychotic break, she becomes an unreliable narrator and Blackhurst does an excellent job at describing the sort of incredulity that individuals suffering mental illness find themselves often faced with. Reading Susan’s point of view felt very much like my own after a break I had about two years ago, and for that reason I found her to be relatable – all the way down to the seemingly instant attraction to an otherwise unknown man.

In some reviews, Susan’s interest in Nick has been viewed critically. I, on the other hand, have been that desperate for someone, anyone, to possibly listen to me or give me time of day so I feel Blackhurst’s portrayal of Susan in such a circumstance is certainly realistic. Diminished capacity for judgment is a side effect of mental illness, one that often gets dismissed as a cry for attention.

The story unfolds fairly quickly and in ways that are, at some moments, unsettling. Many of these moments take place in the past, where flashbacks take us to the glorious lives of the Durham Elite. It is in these flashbacks that I encountered the one cliche that absolutely annoyed the piss out of me: a cult like gathering that seemed to come out of nowhere. Seriously, cults are beyond overdone.

I really found myself dancing between three and four for this piece, largely because of the typical use of the “cult” as a scapegoat. For the most part, this is the only bit that appeared to stand completely out of place, so I’ve decided to lean toward four. Thus far, I find Emily Bestler’s selections to be wonderfully appropriate to my tastes and I look forward to seeing more of her publications as an imprint of Atria and Simon & Schuster.

I would like to thank the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book for the purpose of review. This review is written without bias and reflects my honest opinion.