Saved (Breaking Free #1)
An Omegaverse Story He didn’t want an alpha to save him, but fate had other ideas… Braun...
Contemporary M_M Mpreg Omegaverse

Sensitivemuse (246 KP) rated Silence of the Grave in Books
Sep 1, 2018
I loved Jar City because of the dark bleak mood setting that’s described in Erlandur’s world. This one proves to be just the same. Coupled with a well written mystery that goes back into the past, this one lived up to the previous.
The book goes back and forth in time. It features on the past of a woman and her family and the horrendous abuse she endures. It leads up to the mystery surrounding the body found in the present. It’s good background storytelling and put in the missing pieces gradually as you progress in the book. Then as it goes forward to present day, you have Erlandur and his crew attempting to figure out the mystery but it also focuses on Erlandur’s past, and his attempt at patching things up with Eva Lind as she’s in a coma at the hospital.
Don’t expect twists and turns or any special revelations in this novel. It’s a subtle mystery but so well written that it’s a quick read and you’re so immersed into the book that the pages do fly by. It’s the writing style that makes it so good. The mood and setting is again, dark as usual. It’s more bleak than the previous one due to the subject matter and with what Erlandur experiences.
Admittedly, this isn’t for everyone. The physical, mental, emotional abuse featured in this book is hard to read. You sympathize with the mother and her children and Grimur is just one awful piece of garbage. Erlandur’s ghosts from the past is also revealed in this book and he’s got quite a lot of baggage on his shoulders (not including his ex wife and Eva Lind) but it gives his character more substance and he’s not just a presence in the novel. You also learn more about his colleagues (although I’d like to learn more about Elinborg) as they have their lives as well. I like this aspect of the novel as it shows what they do out of duty and gives them a more realistic human feel to the book.
Not much of a mystery but makes for really good reading, not only do the characters flesh out more but the writing is so well done. Recommended and I’ll be moving onto the next book after this one.
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BookInspector (124 KP) rated Invisible In A Bright Light in Books
Sep 24, 2020
I have to admit, this book was quite hard to read sometimes. Even though the plot is great and absorbing, the writing style felt quite jumpy and chaotic, and that made this book a little difficult to understand sometimes. I have to admit, if I would read it as a child, it would not make sense to me, but reading it as an adult, I truly learned how to enjoy it to the fullest. The author discussed very important topics in this book, such as emotional and physical abuse against children, lack of confidence in children, loss, friendship, self-obsession, and many more. The plot was quite layered, sometimes it is a ghost story, sometimes an adventure and it is filled with plenty of magic as well, all these changes in the atmosphere kept me entertained throughout the pages.

Debbiereadsbook (1324 KP) rated Saved (Breaking Free #1) in Books
Mar 7, 2019
I will be honest here, cos that's what reviewing is all about. I only picked this book to read as a "palette cleanser" an easy read, just for fun, between two heavier books. It sounded just what I needed so I jumped in, expecting a light fluffy read, that wasn't very long.
How wrong I was, because I started this book at 10.15pm and did not stop til I ran out of at 130 am and I had to be up for work at 6am!
I freaking LOVED this book! It totally came out of left field and blew me away! I mean, so much so, I made sure I had book two, which was also shared with me, and I purchased books three and four, so I was ready to go! I haven't come across this author before, but by God they are on my hit list now!
This book is set in the Omegaverse, there are no females and only certain pairings can produce children: alphas and omegas. But omegas are treated badly, as second class citizens, and Braun and his brother Kell suffer. First at the hands of their father, and later, Kell at the hands of his husband.
So it's understandable that Braun be scared of Tarek and what he represents: a lot of suffering for Braun. But Tarek is of a growing breed of Alpha, those who believe omegas should be treasured, not trod down. After all, their race would die out in two generations without any omegas. And Tarek LISTENS to Braun, wants to know if he can help when his heat hits. And Braun tells him: come ONLY when called for, NO knotting and condoms every time. And when Tarek abides by Braun's wishes, Braun knows he can be a trusted ally. The omegas rescued from the group home need one. Braun's brother needs one, and the newborn, but missing nephew of Braun needs one too.
Like I said WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY outta left field and totally blew me away!
It's dark: carries a strong abuse line, both from a parent and a spouse. The abuse Kell suffers goes far beyond the beatings Braun knows about (the full story doesn't come clear til Kell's book, I've already read that one on writing this review, and it is horrific) But so well told, sensitively. Tarek knows this happens, what happens to omegas at the hands of their spouses but he hates that it does. He knows he needs to help, starting with Braun.
It's emotional: the abuse line not withstanding, what Braun starts to feel very early for Tarek, as the bonds develop between them, hits him hard and he fights! He fights it so bloody hard! To be fair, they both do, and it's quite hard reading, what they go through before they get there.
It's sexy: I mean two guys? Always gonna float my boat! But refer to above: just because it's hot and heavy, doesn't mean it doesn't have the emotions along with it. Once Braun and Tarek give in to the bonds, they are IN, totally, emotionally and physically.
Both Braun and Tarek have a say, and their voices are strong and clear and so very well written.
I'm starting to gush and I don't want to, but just know this:
I FREAKING LOVED THIS BOOK! I am not ashamed to admit I was wrong, what I expected from this book was so very NOT what I got out of it, and I mean that in a very positive way!
But it's not an easy read, at all, and you need to be prepared for what is here. Some readers might have triggers, I don't, but some points made for difficult reading. Not the writing, just the level of abuse that is systematic for the omegas in this world. But with Tarek and his friends, maybe, just maybe, they can start to change things.
I gotta stop, I'll be writing all day!
5 very unexpected, but bloody amazing stars!
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

BookInspector (124 KP) rated The Flatshare in Books
Sep 24, 2020
The plot of this novel is very unique and original. The whole flat-sharing thing is very intriguing, and I was dying to know when and how are the characters going to meet. There are a lot of things going on in this novel, it has rich but at the same time an easy-going story to tell. I was simply glued to this book because I needed to know how the story will end. The topics discussed in this book were property crisis, failed justice system, emotional abuse in the relationships, friendships, personal development, Love and many more.
The writing style of this book is very masterful, the author took serious topics, and covered it in funny, enjoyable, and easy to digest coating. The language used was easy to read and understandable. The chapters are short and sweet, and I didn’t even notice how the pages flew by. The ending rounded up this book perfectly and left me very satisfied with the outcome.
So, to conclude, this book deserves all the praise it gets, it is witty, enjoyable but at the same time has a punch to it. I loved the diverse and well-developed characters and the unique narrative, and I strongly recommend it to everyone. Please do give this book a go, and I hope you will like it as much as I did. Can’t wait for more books from this author.

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ClareR (5789 KP) rated Nasty Little Cuts in Books
Feb 24, 2022
This book is phenomenal. It’s read-it-thorough-your-fingers-with-your-eyes-shut kind of phenomenal.
Reading it on The Pigeonhole, one stave a day for 10 days was a feat of endurance - the wait between staves was tortuous. This is NOT an easy read, and should probably come with some sort of trigger warning. It’s dark, emotional, visceral. It’s violent and frankly traumatic.
Debs and Marc should probably have never got together, never mind got married and had children. They’re both emotionally scarred from terrible childhoods and have never confronted, or been treated for, these psychological and physical injuries. And now they just seem to vent their feelings on one another with physical violence.
There’s loads of backstory that explains why they are in their current predicament, and honestly, I did feel some sympathy for them. But then, and Tina Baker does this so well, she gives with one hand, and snatches away with the other. Every past revelation of abuse or trauma, is bookended by domestic violence.
Honestly, it sounds horrendous, doesn’t it? But I couldn’t stop reading. As I said on The Pigeonhole: What a reading experience this has been. I’ll leave a review, but what can I say that will do this book justice?
Well, I can say this: Read It.