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Amélie (2001)
Amélie (2001)
2001 | Comedy, Drama, International
Beautiful Movie With a Beautiful Ending
You watch a film like Amelie and you leave thinking, “Some directors just have it figured out more than others.” This movie is pure genius from start to finish, one of my all-time faves for a number of reasons. In this story, Amelie seeks to change the world and make it a better place by helping the people around her.

Acting: 10
While I don’t know many of these actors since this a French film, I was impressed by the multitude of brilliant performances. Audrey Tautou shines as main character Amelie, carrying with her a sincere innocence that is hard not to gravitate towards. From the smaller roles, like Amelie’s parents, to the more pivotal roles, every actor/actress impressed me to no end.

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10
The movie revolves around Amelie’s sensational character. You are captivated by her from her very first moments on screen as a young child. She leads an interesting life that revolves around a number of interesting people. I know I’m being vague, but this is one of those films that’s best experienced when you know very little about it.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10

Entertainment Value: 10

Memorability: 10
A classic film is one that breaks the mold giving you something that you won’t find anywhere else. That is very much the case in Amelie as it carries a style all its own. The film is interwoven with grainy flashbacks that are uniquely done in unforgettable fashion. It is hard not to be captivated by these scenes as they unfold. I also appreciate how it dives into the challenges that shy introverts face on a daily basis.

Pace: 10

Plot: 10
Great story with enough diversions to keep you entertained throughout. It is such a simple idea, but is pulled off with complex characters and stories-within-stories. It’s almost disappointing when it ends.

Resolution: 10
Concludes just as it should. It gives you the ending that you hope for without overstaying its welcome. A nice bow on a beautiful present.

Overall: 100
We watch movies for an escape, to be captivated by something better than our own mundane lives. Amelie is magical from beginning to end and the greatest movie I never knew existed until recently. To put it simply, it is damn-near perfect.
Losing Francesca
J.A. Huss | 2013
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>.

How interesting does this book sound!?! The blurb definitely caught my attention, and I'm glad it did because I loved this book!!

I think the title suits this book. It's about the main character losing who she thought she was, so I think it suits the book just fine.

I'm usually not a big fan of just sticking a girl on the cover of a book, but with Losing Francesca, it works. I think if it had much more than Francesca on the cover, it'd be too cluttered.

I found the world building to written quite well for the most part! It was easy to slip into Francesca's shoes and feel exactly what she was feeling. The only part I didn't like was the insta-love between Francesca and Brody. It just didn't feel that believable. Also, I felt as if Francesca accepted her new life too quickly. She didn't act nervous or scared enough, I felt. However, saying that, I've never been in that situation, so I can't pass judgement too much.

The pacing is absolutely fantastic in this book! I usually only read ebooks at night while I'm laying down, but with Losing Francesca, I was reading this book at all times. I couldn't wait to read about what would happen next. This book definitely held my attention.

I really enjoyed the whole plot. I found it to be original and interesting. I like the idea of a girl that was kidnapped being recognized as the child who went missing years ago. I wanted to see what it'd be like. There aren't really any plot twists in this book, but that doesn't take away from how good it is.

I didn't really like the character of Francesca until towards the end. She came across as being a snobby rich girl. Even when she was with Brody and had stopped with the whole rich girl act, she still seemed like she was bragging about how rich her family is. To me, she was too spoiled and too much of a show-off. However, I did start liking her towards the end. I did like Brody. I loved his determination and his never give up attitude. Although he used to be a bit of a bad boy, he came across as a gentleman.

The thing that annoyed me with the dialogue is that the swearing seemed too over the top. Brody swears a lot, and most of the time, the swearing seems forced and fake. It doesn't come across as natural because Brody does it too much. And it wasn't just Brody. Some of the other teenagers swore as well, and it didn't come across as natural. Other than the unnatural swearing, the dialogue was quite enjoyable. We get point of views from Francesca and Brody which was quite enjoyable to read. I enjoyed reading Francesca's point of view the best.

Overall, Losing Francesca by J.A. Huss was a super good read! There were a few problems, but those were easy to overlook with how great the book was!

I'd recommend this book to those aged 17+ who are after an interesting and sweet read. I'm only recommending it from age 17+ due to the language (which there is a lot of swearing). Otherwise, this would've been a 14+.

I'd give Losing Francesca by J.A. Huss a 4.5 out of 5.

(I received a free ecopy of this title from the tour host in exchange for a fair and honest review).
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure
Willem Dafoe (2 more)
The on-screen bickering between characters.
The Doc Ock, Doctor Strange, and villainous team-up action sequences.
The humor doesn't always land. (2 more)
Peter's idiotic logic.
Lizard is supremely underutilized.
Riding the Nostalgia Train
Spider-Man: No Way Home picks up immediately after the events of Spider-Man: Far From Home. Quentin Beck (Jake Gyllenhaal) has revealed to the world that Peter Parker (Tom Holland) is Spider-Man. The world is torn in thinking that Peter is either still a hero or behind the drone attacks on London like Beck stated before his death.

Peter is now in a relationship with MJ (Zendaya) while Ned (Jacob Batalon) tags along as the third wheel more than the guy in the chair. As the three attempt to get into MIT and other colleges, MJ and Ned are punished for being associated with Peter. Feeling guilty, Peter takes it upon himself to contact Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), who eventually agrees to perform a spell that would make everyone forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. However, Peter’s motor mouth and constant need to change Strange’s spell botches it and ends up opening the multiverse.

Early on, the humor in Spider-Man: No Way Home is lacking and a little lame. Much of the film rides on Peter’s relationship with MJ. Peter, MJ, and Ned have become inseparable in the film thanks to the events of Homecoming, Far From Home, Infinity War, and Endgame. Nearly everything boils down to them making decisions as a trio even when Peter is out there as Spider-Man. The humor in the film doesn’t really find its footing until the villains come along and even then it starts off pretty rough (making fun of the Otto Octavius name in the trailer is a prime example).

Peter’s solution to all of these villains invading his universe from their own is pure stupidity. The desire to do what’s best for someone’s well being is there and you understand why Peter is so adamant about going in the direction that he does. However, he has the opportunity to end all of this early on with little to no repercussions other than some structural damage that he is able to repair in one night.

Peter chooses to change the fate of these villains with the best intentions and suffers for it. In a way, it’s inevitable as it factors in to and is motivation for who Peter Parker and Spider-Man are as essentially one heroic character. “It’s what they do,” as they say several times in the film. That doesn’t mean you have to swallow it as something a supposed genius and one of Marvel’s smartest minds would conjure up though.

Next to the surprises the film has in store for first time viewers, the villains are arguably the highlight of the film. Peter’s fight with Doctor Octopus (Alfred Molina) on the bridge is nearly on par with the Spider-Man/Doc Ock fight on the train from Spider-Man 2. Willem Dafoe is also still Spider-Man’s greatest and most sinister adversary as Norman Osborn/The Green Goblin two decades later.

Dafoe’s one stipulation for returning to the franchise was that he would be allowed to do all of his own stunts even at 66 years old; he believes it all factors in to his performance and it shows. You feel sympathy for Norman and admire his brilliance, but he’s plagued with this gushingly nefarious and uncontrollable alternate personality. With that reverberating laugh and amazing facial expressions, Dafoe literally steals the film every time he’s on screen.

The bickering in the film results in some of the most entertaining sequences in the film. There’s at least two instances, one between all of the villains when they’re all in the same room and another sequence later that occurs right before the big fight scene between Spider-Man and the five villains that have crossed over, that are just incredible and it’s basically just dialogue.

Screenwriters Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers deserve a lot of the credit. If it wasn’t for their writing then those back-and-forth dialogue exchanges between characters wouldn’t exist. But the performances from the cast also factor in to how great those sequences are. Much of the older returning cast have joked about only returning for the money, but it’s clear that there was some enjoyment of not only the script but also being able to work with such a talented group of people.

Speaking of trains, the Spider-Man/Doctor Strange battle in the mirror dimension is one of No Way Home’s visual treats. Doctor Strange and his magical origins opened up the cosmic aspect for the MCU, which has always resulted in trippy and otherworldly sequences that are tonally different and unlike anything else from the other Marvel films. Seeing Spider-Man swing around as the world is upside down while dodging kaleidoscopic skyscrapers and barely escaping gravity defying portals results in a sequence especially memorable for MCU fans.

Spider-Man: No Way Home isn’t without its flaws, but it is mostly exactly what it’s advertised to be. The film doesn’t necessarily redefine the, “With great power comes great responsibility,” aspect for Tom Holland’s Spider-Man but it without a doubt gives the MCU version of Spider-Man his version of that principle. No Way Home is a nostalgic extravaganza that exceeds expectations and is a perfect and satisfying bookend for the first three Tom Holland Spider-Man movies.
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
2016 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Contains spoilers, click to show
10 Cloverfield Lane is the second film in the Cloverfield series but isn't a sequel. 10 Cloverfield lane doesn't follow on from the first film but is set at the same time however, there is almost nothing that links the two films (at least to begin with) and even some of the links aren't obvious. for example, right at the beginning of the film, Michelle is grabbing her belongings when the house is shaken. There is nothing made of this however, according to official sources this is caused by Clover's first attack in the first film.
In my review of Cloverfield I stated that it wasn't necessarily the film for Kaiju fans, especially if you want monster vs monster action and this is even more true for 10 Cloverfield Lane. This is not a monster film it's more a phycological thriller.
After leaving her home Michelle is in a car crash and wakes up in a bunker belonging to survivalist Howard. The only other person in the bunker is Howards neighbour, Emmett.
10 Cloverfield Lane is a slow burn, Howard tells Michelle that there has been an attack and that she can't leave because the air is probably contaminated, Michelle is not sure if this is true. And this is where the film is clever, if you know about the connection to the first Cloverfield film then you know that there could be something out there but that it may not be contamination, if you don't know about the connection then the attack could be possible. It's John Goodman's acting as Howard that really pulls the film along, sometimes he seems believable whilst other times he seems crazy never quite revealing just how much he actually knows, right down to his last line where he tells Michelle that she can't out run what is out there, hinting that he knows what is really going on.
It's the end of the film that (kind of) links 10 Cloverfield Lane to Cloverfield but still possibly not the part you'd think. When Michelle finally gets out of the bunker she is attacked by monsters but nothing we've seen before, there is a four legged dog type thing that is not one of the parasites from the first film and what at first looks like a space ship (an idea that is further enhanced by something Howard had said earlier) but we later see that it is a creature with a mechanical looking shell, this creature also has two tentacles similar to those on Clover. The biggest link to the first film is actually after these creatures, there are radio announcements that 'we have taken back the coast' referring to the fact that we the army have defeated Clover, showing us how much time has past.
As I said, 10 Cloverfield Lane is a good thriller, if you take it for what it is (not a monster film) then it is tense and enjoyable but, if you don't know about the link then the monsters at the end would be just odd as, if it was a stand alone film, it would work better as an invasion, even if it was an alien invasion where as these monsters do just seem to be there.
As an attempt to create a larger world and to show how the events in the first film affect other places it's a good start but there needs to more. Of course there is a third film but more about that next time.

Louise (64 KP) rated The Raven Boys in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
The Raven Boys
The Raven Boys
Maggie Stiefvater | 2012 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is quite a big deal in the book community at the moment, it appears everyone is reading it and loving it!.... apart from ME! So I don't hate this book and I don't love it..... it was just MEH! Here's why:

Blue was annoying, she has been told by her mother, aunts and other psychics that her first true love will die when she kisses him, to me the idea of this was like ummmm the mum is just saying this so she doesn't kiss any boys at all.

Throughout the whole book she is sort of starting a relationship with Adam the less privileged of the Raven boys although she has seen Gansey's future which is bleak you can tell she doesn't know who decide to fall in love with and it's just annoying, because she know's they will die if she does, it just gets a bit tedious.

Adam is the less privileged of the Raven boys, he is a local boy studying hard and paying his own way through private school and has a pretty rough time with an abusive father (I am starting to see a trend *rolls eyes*). He appears very genuine, not wanting hand outs and to make something of himself.

Ronan is a boy who has some issues, his father was killed on the doorstep of their house. Since then he is a very angry young man, who wants to vent his anger on his brother and not complete his studies, Ronan definitely grew on me by the end of it and has a softer side to him.

Gansey is the leader of the gang, with money, sophistication and an insatiable desire to find they Ley lines and wake the Raven king. He appears to act much older than his years, but a very mysterious character I don't know why but I can't explain him, his moods seem to change all the time.

The book was very slow to start with it was only the last third that it started getting interesting for me, the twist in the book did have my jaw on the floor......WTF!! that was the best bit.

There are fantasy elements to the book but not heavy. The world building in the book was well done and the character development was very strong. Stiefvater did a good job and her writing is very easy to read.

Do I continue with the series? Does it get better? Please tell me I am not the only one that had these thoughts.

Overall I rated this 3.5 stars out of 5
Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)
Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)
2019 | Drama, Romance
10.0 (4 Ratings)
How is one to critique a film as intimate as this? It is so gorgeous, brilliant in its spectacle, yet it is just a moment in the grand scheme of life shared between two people just like you and I. A lover remembered in the shadows of everyone else you will ever meet, a bond as deep as the ocean can push itself. Tears welling over a singular piano note that makes you think of a brief moment where shoulders grazed, which eventually turned into fingers, which eventually turned into lips, and so on and so forth. And although the welling is constant, the tears never come, for you must never let anyone else know that you have felt love of such magnitude, as they will try to strip it away from you with all of their might. They think that those emotional are vulnerable, yet you prove them wrong time and time again with every second reminiscing that you are greater than feelings. Plus, you will have an eternity to spend with them wherever your souls may roam, for your life is only a speck of the world, and your love transcends that speck. Time is only quantifiable if you let it be, otherwise you can let it acquiesce to your every whim. If the month you spend together feels like a lifetime, then don't let anything stop you from making it your lifetime. They say all good things come to an end, but that is not necessarily true. All good things come to a pause, and you can pick them up whenever you please.

